/** * @param $sourceConfig connection URI string (tcp:// * @param $destinationConfig connection URI string (tcp:// * @throws Predis\Connection\ConnectionException */ public function __construct($sourceConfig, $destinationConfig) { $this->source = new Client($sourceConfig); $this->destination = new Client($destinationConfig); $this->source->connect(); $this->destination->connect(); }
public function fork() { $id = pcntl_fork(); if (!$id) { $this->redis->disconnect(); $this->redis->connect(); } return $id; }
/** * Creates a connect to Redis or Sentinel using the Predis\Client object. It proxies the connecting and converts * specific client exceptions to more generic adapted ones in PSRedis * * @throws \PSRedis\Exception\ConnectionError */ public function connect() { try { $this->predisClient = $this->predisClientFactory->createClient($this->clientType, $this->getPredisClientParameters()); $this->predisClient->connect(); $this->isConnected = $this->predisClient->isConnected(); } catch (ConnectionException $e) { throw new ConnectionError($e->getMessage()); } }
public function init() { $settings = Config::get('ajumamoro:broker'); unset($settings['driver']); $this->redis = new \Predis\Client($settings); try { $this->redis->connect(); } catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $ex) { throw new BrokerConnectionException("Failed to connect to redis broker: {$ex->getMessage()}"); } }
/** * @return bool */ public function checkConnection() { if (!$this->predis->isConnected()) { try { $this->predis->connect(); return true; } catch (ConnectionException $e) { return false; } } return true; }
function __construct($url) { try { list($user, $passwd, $host, $port, $db) = self::parseRedisUrl($url); $this->_redis = new Client(array('host' => $host, 'port' => $port)); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new RedisBundleException($e); } try { $this->_redis->connect(); $this->_redis->select($db); } catch (\Predis\Connection\ConnectionException $e) { throw new RedisBundleException($e); } }
/** * @group connected */ public function testDispatcherLoopAgainstRedisServer() { $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'database' => REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM, 'read_write_timeout' => 2); $producer = new Client($parameters, REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); $producer->connect(); $consumer = new Client($parameters, REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); $consumer->connect(); $dispatcher = new DispatcherLoop($consumer); $function01 = $this->getMock('stdClass', array('__invoke')); $function01->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('__invoke')->with($this->logicalOr($this->equalTo('01:argument'), $this->equalTo('01:quit')))->will($this->returnCallback(function ($arg) use($dispatcher) { if ($arg === '01:quit') { $dispatcher->stop(); } })); $function02 = $this->getMock('stdClass', array('__invoke')); $function02->expects($this->once())->method('__invoke')->with('02:argument'); $function03 = $this->getMock('stdClass', array('__invoke')); $function03->expects($this->never())->method('__invoke'); $dispatcher->attachCallback('function:01', $function01); $dispatcher->attachCallback('function:02', $function02); $dispatcher->attachCallback('function:03', $function03); $producer->publish('function:01', '01:argument'); $producer->publish('function:02', '02:argument'); $producer->publish('function:01', '01:quit'); $dispatcher->run(); $this->assertTrue($consumer->ping()); }
public function testHandleLogWithGoodMessageNotImplementingJobInterface() { $worker = new WorkerPresence(); $worker->setMemory(12345); $frame = new Frame('MESSAGE', array('delivery_tag' => 'delivery-' . mt_rand()), $worker->toJson()); $loop = LoopFactory::create(); $options = array('eventloop' => $loop, 'on_error' => array($this, 'throwRedisError')); $redisSync = new PredisSync('tcp://'); $redisSync->connect(); $resolver = $this->getResolver(); $resolver->expects($this->once())->method('ack'); $done = false; $phpunit = $this; $redis = new PredisAsync('tcp://', $options); $redis->connect(function () use($resolver, $phpunit, $redis, $frame, $redisSync, &$done, $worker) { $component = new LogBuilderComponent(); $component->handleLog($redis, $phpunit->getLogger(), $frame, $resolver)->then(function ($hashId) use($phpunit, $redis, $redisSync, &$done, $worker) { $redis->disconnect(); $phpunit->assertEquals($worker->toJson(), $redisSync->get($hashId)); $phpunit->assertTrue($redisSync->sismember('garbages', $hashId)); $done = true; }); }); $loop->run(); $this->assertTrue($done); }
/** * Returns a new client instance. * * @return Client */ protected function getClient() { $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'iterable_multibulk' => true, 'read_write_timeout' => 2); $client = new Client($parameters, REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); $client->connect(); $client->select(REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM); $client->flushdb(); return $client; }
/** * ### Tries to connect to the configured redis database * * RedisCache constructor. */ public function __construct() { $client = new Client(['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => Config::get('cache', 'redis_server.host'), 'port' => Config::get('cache', 'redis_server.port'), 'database' => Config::get('cache', 'redis_server.database')]); try { $client->connect(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new RedisException('Connection to redis server failed. Please check your settings.'); } $this->conn = $client; }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { parent::setUpBeforeClass(); $client = new Client(); try { $client->connect(); $client->disconnect(); self::$supported = true; } catch (ConnectionException $e) { self::$supported = false; } }
public function setUp() { // connect to a redis daemon $predis = new Predis(array('host' => $_ENV['redis_host'], 'port' => $_ENV['redis_port'])); // set it $this->storage = new Redis($predis, 'test_user_token', 'test_user_state'); try { $predis->connect(); } catch (\Predis\Connection\ConnectionException $e) { $this->markTestSkipped('No redis instance available: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
public function setUp() { if (!class_exists('Predis\\Client')) { $this->markTestSkipped('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' requires Predis to be available'); } try { $client = new Client(); $client->connect(); $client->flushdb(); } catch (ConnectionException $e) { $this->markTestSkipped('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' requires the use of a Redis Server'); } $this->storage = new RedisStorage($client); }
/** * Returns a new client instance. * * @param Boolean $connect Flush selected database before returning the client. * @return Client */ protected function getClient($flushdb = true) { $profile = $this->getProfile(); if (!$profile->supportsCommand($id = $this->getExpectedId())) { $this->markTestSkipped("The profile {$profile->getVersion()} does not support command {$id}"); } $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT); $options = array('profile' => $profile); $client = new Client($parameters, $options); $client->connect(); $client->select(REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM); if ($flushdb) { $client->flushdb(); } return $client; }
public function test_published_messages_fire_event_listeners_when_rechech_called() { $redis = new Client(); $pubsub = new RedisPubSub($redis); try { $redis->connect(); } catch (ConnectionException $e) { $this->markTestSkipped("Test skipped because no Redis server is running on default ports"); } $value = null; $pubsub->on('foo', function ($data) use(&$value) { $value = $data; }); $pubsub->publish('foo', 'bar'); $pubsub->recheck('foo'); $this->assertEquals('bar', $value); }
/** * @group connected */ public function testDispatcherLoopAgainstRedisServerWithPrefix() { $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'database' => REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM, 'read_write_timeout' => 2); $options = array('profile' => REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); $producerNonPfx = new Client($parameters, $options); $producerNonPfx->connect(); $producerPfx = new Client($parameters, $options + array('prefix' => 'foobar')); $producerPfx->connect(); $consumer = new Client($parameters, $options + array('prefix' => 'foobar')); $dispatcher = new DispatcherLoop($consumer); $callback = $this->getMock('stdClass', array('__invoke')); $callback->expects($this->exactly(1))->method('__invoke')->with($this->equalTo('arg:prefixed'))->will($this->returnCallback(function ($arg) use($dispatcher) { $dispatcher->stop(); })); $dispatcher->attachCallback('callback', $callback); $producerNonPfx->publish('callback', 'arg:non-prefixed'); $producerPfx->publish('callback', 'arg:prefixed'); $dispatcher->run(); $this->assertTrue($consumer->ping()); }
/** * Returns a new client instance. * * @return Client */ protected function getClient() { $parameters = $this->getParameters(array('read_write_timeout' => 2)); $protocol = new TextProtocolProcessor(); $protocol->useIterableMultibulk(true); $connection = new CompositeStreamConnection($parameters, $protocol); $client = new Client($connection); $client->connect(); $client->flushdb(); return $client; }
public function connect() { $this->_client->connect(); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function connect($connectionTimeout = null, $responseTimeout = null) { parent::connect($connectionTimeout, $responseTimeout); $this->client = $this->buildClient($this->host, $this->port); $this->client->connect(); }
/** * @group connected * @requires extension pcntl */ public function testPubSubAgainstRedisServerBlocking() { $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'database' => REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM, 'read_write_timeout' => -1); $options = array('profile' => REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); // create consumer before forking so the child can disconnect it $consumer = new Client($parameters, $options); $consumer->connect(); /* * fork * parent: consumer * child: producer */ if ($childPID = pcntl_fork()) { $messages = array(); $pubsub = new PubSubConsumer($consumer); $pubsub->subscribe('channel:foo'); foreach ($pubsub as $message) { if ($message->kind !== 'message') { continue; } $messages[] = $payload = $message->payload; if ($payload === 'QUIT') { $pubsub->stop(); } } $this->assertSame(array('message1', 'message2', 'QUIT'), $messages); $this->assertFalse($pubsub->valid()); $this->assertEquals('ECHO', $consumer->echo('ECHO')); // kill the child posix_kill($childPID, SIGKILL); } else { // create producer, read_write_timeout = 2 because it doesn't do blocking reads anyway $producer = new Client(array_replace($parameters, array('read_write_timeout' => 2)), $options); $producer->connect(); $producer->publish('channel:foo', 'message1'); $producer->publish('channel:foo', 'message2'); $producer->publish('channel:foo', 'QUIT'); // sleep, giving the consumer a chance to respond to the QUIT message sleep(1); // disconnect the consumer because otherwise it could remain stuck in blocking read // if it failed to respond to the QUIT message $consumer->disconnect(); // exit child exit(0); } }
/** * Connect * * @param array $options Connection options */ public function connect(array $options = []) { parent::connect($options); $this->client = $this->buildClient($this->host, $this->port); $this->client->connect(); }
/** * @group connected */ public function testPubSubAgainstRedisServer() { $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'database' => REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM, 'read_write_timeout' => 2); $options = array('profile' => REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); $messages = array(); $producer = new Client($parameters, $options); $producer->connect(); $consumer = new Client($parameters, $options); $consumer->connect(); $pubsub = new PubSubContext($consumer); $pubsub->subscribe('channel:foo'); $producer->publish('channel:foo', 'message1'); $producer->publish('channel:foo', 'message2'); $producer->publish('channel:foo', 'QUIT'); foreach ($pubsub as $message) { if ($message->kind !== 'message') { continue; } $messages[] = $payload = $message->payload; if ($payload === 'QUIT') { $pubsub->closeContext(); } } $this->assertSame(array('message1', 'message2', 'QUIT'), $messages); $this->assertFalse($pubsub->valid()); $this->assertTrue($consumer->ping()); }
/** * Redis constructor. */ public function __construct() { $connParams = Core\Config()->CACHE['redis']; $this->redisClient = new Predis\Client($connParams); $this->redisClient->connect(); }
/** * Connects to client */ public function connect() { $this->client = $this->clientFactory->createClient($this->getClientParameters()); $this->client->connect(); }
private function testRedisConnection(\Predis\Client $redis) { try { $redis->connect(); } catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $exception) { // we were unable to connect to the redis server return false; } return true; }
/** * Connects to client */ public function connect() { $this->client = new \Redis(); $this->isConnected = $this->client->connect($this->getHost(), $this->getPort()); }
/** * @group disconnected */ public function testConnectAndDisconnect() { $connection = $this->getMock('Predis\\Connection\\ConnectionInterface'); $connection->expects($this->once())->method('connect'); $connection->expects($this->once())->method('disconnect'); $client = new Client($connection); $client->connect(); $client->disconnect(); }
/** * Returns a new client instance. * * @param array $parameters Additional connection parameters. * @param array $options Additional client options. * @param bool $flushdb Flush selected database before returning the client. * @return Client */ protected function createClient(array $parameters = null, array $options = null, $flushdb = true) { $parameters = array_merge($this->getDefaultParametersArray(), $parameters ?: array()); $options = array_merge(array('profile' => $this->getProfile()), $options ?: array()); $client = new Client($parameters, $options); $client->connect(); if ($flushdb) { $client->flushdb(); } return $client; }
/** * @group connected */ public function testMonitorAgainstRedisServer() { $parameters = array('host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'database' => REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM, 'read_write_timeout' => 2); $options = array('profile' => REDIS_SERVER_VERSION); $echoed = array(); $producer = new Client($parameters, $options); $producer->connect(); $consumer = new Client($parameters, $options); $consumer->connect(); $monitor = new MonitorContext($consumer); $producer->echo('message1'); $producer->echo('message2'); $producer->echo('QUIT'); foreach ($monitor as $message) { if ($message->command == 'ECHO') { $echoed[] = $arguments = trim($message->arguments, '"'); if ($arguments == 'QUIT') { $monitor->closeContext(); } } } $this->assertSame(array('message1', 'message2', 'QUIT'), $echoed); $this->assertFalse($monitor->valid()); $this->assertTrue($consumer->ping()); }
/** * Returns a client instance connected to the specified Redis * server instance to perform integration tests. * * @param array Additional connection parameters. * @param array Additional client options. * @return Client client instance. */ protected function getClient(array $parameters = array(), array $options = array()) { $parameters = array_merge(array('scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => REDIS_SERVER_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_SERVER_PORT, 'database' => REDIS_SERVER_DBNUM), $parameters); $options = array_merge(array('profile' => REDIS_SERVER_VERSION), $options); $client = new Client($parameters, $options); $client->connect(); $client->flushdb(); return $client; }