コード例 #1
  * Gets the URI clients should use when making retrieve (ie. GET) requests 
  * to the stream.
  * @param object             $entity             The entity instance 
  *                                               associated with the
  *                                               stream for which a 
  *                                               read stream URI is to
  *                                               be obtained.
  * @param ResourceStreamInfo $resourceStreamInfo This will be null 
  *                                               if media resource
  *                                               is MLE, if media 
  *                                               resource is named
  *                                               stream then will be 
  *                                               the ResourceStreamInfo
  *                                               instance holding the 
  *                                               details of named stream.
  * @param string             $mediaLinkEntryUri  MLE uri.
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidOperationException
 public function getReadStreamUri($entity, $resourceStreamInfo, $mediaLinkEntryUri)
     $readStreamUri = null;
     if (is_null($resourceStreamInfo)) {
         $readStreamUri = $this->_streamProvider->getReadStreamUri($entity, $this->_service->getOperationContext());
     } else {
         $readStreamUri = $this->_streamProvider->getReadStreamUri2($entity, $resourceStreamInfo, $this->_service->getOperationContext());
     if (!is_null($readStreamUri)) {
         try {
             new \POData\Common\Url($readStreamUri);
         } catch (\POData\Common\UrlFormatException $ex) {
             throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages::streamProviderWrapperGetReadStreamUriMustReturnAbsoluteUriOrNull());
     } else {
         if (is_null($resourceStreamInfo)) {
             // For MLEs the content src attribute is
             //required so we cannot return null.
             $readStreamUri = $this->getDefaultStreamEditMediaUri($mediaLinkEntryUri, null);
     // Note if readStreamUri is null, the self link for the
     // named stream will be omitted.
     return $readStreamUri;