public function onExplosion(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { $levelName = $event->getEntity()->getLevel()->getName(); if ($this->plugin->isLevelLoaded($levelName)) { $event->setCancelled(true); } /* Allow explosions but only break blocks inside the plot the tnt is in. * Disabled due to tnt cannons not being stopped $levelName = $event->getEntity()->getLevel()->getName(); if (!$this->plugin->isLevelLoaded($levelName)) { return; } $plot = $this->plugin->getPlotByPosition($event->getPosition()); if ($plot === null) { $event->setCancelled(true); return; } $beginPos = $this->plugin->getPlotPosition($plot); $endPos = clone $beginPos; $plotSize = $this->plugin->getLevelSettings($levelName)->plotSize; $endPos->x += $plotSize; $endPos->z += $plotSize; $blocks = array_filter($event->getBlockList(), function($block) use($beginPos, $endPos) { if ($block->x >= $beginPos->x and $block->z >= $beginPos->z and $block->x < $endPos->x and $block->z < $endPos->z) { return true; } return false; }); $event->setBlockList($blocks); */ }
public function onExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $ev) { if ($ev->isCancelled()) { return; } $et = $ev->getEntity(); $sp = $et->getLevel()->getSpawnLocation(); $dist = $sp->distance($et); if ($dist > $this->owner->getServer()->getSpawnRadius()) { return; } $ev->setCancelled(); }
public function onExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $ev) { //echo __METHOD__.",".__LINE__."\n"; if ($ev->isCancelled()) { return; } $et = $ev->getEntity(); $world = $et->getLevel()->getName(); if (!isset($this->wcfg[$world])) { return; } if ($this->wcfg[$world] == "spawn") { $sp = $et->getLevel()->getSpawnLocation(); $dist = $sp->distance($et); if ($dist > $this->owner->getServer()->getSpawnRadius()) { return; } } $ev->setCancelled(); $this->owner->getLogger()->notice(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Explosion was stopped in %1%", $world)); }
public function onExplosion(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { $levelName = $event->getEntity()->getLevel()->getName(); if (!$this->plugin->isLevelLoaded($levelName)) { return; } $plot = $this->plugin->getPlotByPosition($event->getPosition()); if ($plot === null) { $event->setCancelled(true); return; } $beginPos = $this->plugin->getPlotPosition($plot); $endPos = clone $beginPos; $plotSize = $this->plugin->getLevelSettings($levelName)->plotSize; $endPos->x += $plotSize; $endPos->z += $plotSize; $blocks = array_filter($event->getBlockList(), function ($block) use($beginPos, $endPos) { if ($block->x >= $beginPos->x and $block->z >= $beginPos->z and $block->x < $endPos->x and $block->z < $endPos->z) { return true; } return false; }); $event->setBlockList($blocks); }
public function explodeB() { $send = []; $updateBlocks = []; $source = (new Vector3($this->source->x, $this->source->y, $this->source->z))->floor(); $yield = 1 / $this->size * 100; if ($this->what instanceof Entity) { $this->level->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityExplodeEvent($this->what, $this->source, $this->affectedBlocks, $yield)); if ($ev->isCancelled()) { return \false; } else { $yield = $ev->getYield(); $this->affectedBlocks = $ev->getBlockList(); } } $explosionSize = $this->size * 2; $minX = Math::floorFloat($this->source->x - $explosionSize - 1); $maxX = Math::ceilFloat($this->source->x + $explosionSize + 1); $minY = Math::floorFloat($this->source->y - $explosionSize - 1); $maxY = Math::ceilFloat($this->source->y + $explosionSize + 1); $minZ = Math::floorFloat($this->source->z - $explosionSize - 1); $maxZ = Math::ceilFloat($this->source->z + $explosionSize + 1); $explosionBB = new AxisAlignedBB($minX, $minY, $minZ, $maxX, $maxY, $maxZ); $list = $this->level->getNearbyEntities($explosionBB, $this->what instanceof Entity ? $this->what : \null); foreach ($list as $entity) { $distance = $entity->distance($this->source) / $explosionSize; if ($distance <= 1) { $motion = $entity->subtract($this->source)->normalize(); $impact = (1 - $distance) * ($exposure = 1); $damage = (int) (($impact * $impact + $impact) / 2 * 8 * $explosionSize + 1); if ($this->what instanceof Entity) { $ev = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent($this->what, $entity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_ENTITY_EXPLOSION, $damage); } elseif ($this->what instanceof Block) { $ev = new EntityDamageByBlockEvent($this->what, $entity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION, $damage); } else { $ev = new EntityDamageEvent($entity, EntityDamageEvent::CAUSE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION, $damage); } $entity->attack($ev->getFinalDamage(), $ev); $entity->setMotion($motion->multiply($impact)); } } $air = Item::get(Item::AIR); foreach ($this->affectedBlocks as $block) { if ($block->getId() === Block::TNT) { $mot = (new Random())->nextSignedFloat() * M_PI * 2; $tnt = Entity::createEntity("PrimedTNT", $this->level->getChunk($block->x >> 4, $block->z >> 4), new Compound("", ["Pos" => new Enum("Pos", [new Double("", $block->x + 0.5), new Double("", $block->y), new Double("", $block->z + 0.5)]), "Motion" => new Enum("Motion", [new Double("", -\sin($mot) * 0.02), new Double("", 0.2), new Double("", -\cos($mot) * 0.02)]), "Rotation" => new Enum("Rotation", [new Float("", 0), new Float("", 0)]), "Fuse" => new Byte("Fuse", \mt_rand(10, 30))])); $tnt->spawnToAll(); } elseif (\mt_rand(0, 100) < $yield) { foreach ($block->getDrops($air) as $drop) { $this->level->dropItem($block->add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), Item::get(...$drop)); } } $this->level->setBlockIdAt($block->x, $block->y, $block->z, 0); $pos = new Vector3($block->x, $block->y, $block->z); for ($side = 0; $side < 5; $side++) { $sideBlock = $pos->getSide($side); if (!isset($this->affectedBlocks[$index = ($sideBlock->x & 0xfffffff) << 35 | ($sideBlock->y & 0x7f) << 28 | $sideBlock->z & 0xfffffff]) and !isset($updateBlocks[$index])) { $this->level->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new BlockUpdateEvent($this->level->getBlock($sideBlock))); if (!$ev->isCancelled()) { $ev->getBlock()->onUpdate(Level::BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL); } $updateBlocks[$index] = \true; } } $send[] = new Vector3($block->x - $source->x, $block->y - $source->y, $block->z - $source->z); } $pk = new ExplodePacket(); $pk->x = $this->source->x; $pk->y = $this->source->y; $pk->z = $this->source->z; $pk->radius = $this->size; $pk->records = $send; $this->level->addChunkPacket($source->x >> 4, $source->z >> 4, $pk); return \true; }
/** * @param EntityExplodeEvent $event */ public function onTNTExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { if ($event->getEntity()->namedtag->getName() === "EssNuke") { $event->setBlockList([]); } }
/** * @param EntityExplodeEvent $event * @priority HIGHEST * @ignoreCancelled true */ public function onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { if (!$this->plugin->getStorage()->getShield($event->getEntity()->getLevel())->isAllowed(Shield::EXPLODING)) { $event->setCancelled(true); } }
public function onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { $Entity = $event->getEntity(); $Level = $Entity->getLevel(); if (!$this->plugin->game || $this->plugin->game->level_name != $Level->getFolderName()) { return; } $Blocks = $event->getBlockList(); $Blocks2 = []; foreach ($Blocks as $Block) { foreach ($this->plugin->game->BlocksPlaced as $Block2) { if ($Block->getX() == $Block2->getX() && $Block->getY() == $Block2->getY() && $Block->getZ() == $Block2->getZ()) { $Blocks2[] = $Block; continue; } } } $event->setBlockList($Blocks2); }
/** * @param EntityExplodeEvent $event * * @priority HIGH * @ignoreCancelled true */ public function onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { if ($this->plugin->getConfig()->get("protect-from-explosion", true) != true) { return; } $radius = $this->plugin->getConfig()->get("explosion-radius", 8); foreach ($this->plugin->getAllZones() as $zone) { if ($zone->isOnRadius($event->getPosition(), $radius)) { $owner = $this->plugin->getServer()->getPlayer($zone->getOwner()); if ($owner instanceof Player) { $owner->sendMessage('[iZone] Something explode near zone: ' . $zone->getName()); } $event->setCancelled(true); break; } } return; }
public function explode() { if ($this->size < 0.1) { return false; } $mRays = $this->rays - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->rays; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->rays; ++$j) { for ($k = 0; $k < $this->rays; ++$k) { if ($i == 0 or $i == $mRays or $j == 0 or $j == $mRays or $k == 0 or $k == $mRays) { $vector = new Vector3($i / $mRays * 2 - 1, $j / $mRays * 2 - 1, $k / $mRays * 2 - 1); //($i / $mRays) * 2 - 1 $vector = $vector->normalize()->multiply($this->stepLen); $pointer = clone $this->source; for ($blastForce = $this->size * (mt_rand(700, 1300) / 1000); $blastForce > 0; $blastForce -= $this->stepLen * 0.75) { $vBlock = $pointer->floor(); $blockID = $this->level->getBlockIdAt($vBlock->x, $vBlock->y, $vBlock->z); if ($blockID > 0) { $block = Block::get($blockID, 0); $block->x = $vBlock->x; $block->y = $vBlock->y; $block->z = $vBlock->z; $blastForce -= ($block->getHardness() / 5 + 0.3) * $this->stepLen; if ($blastForce > 0) { $index = ($block->x << 15) + ($block->z << 7) + $block->y; if (!isset($this->affectedBlocks[$index])) { $this->affectedBlocks[$index] = $block; } } } $pointer = $pointer->add($vector); } } } } } $send = []; $source = $this->source->floor(); $radius = 2 * $this->size; $yield = 1 / $this->size * 100; if ($this->what instanceof Entity) { Server::getInstance()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityExplodeEvent($this->what, $this->source, $this->affectedBlocks, $yield)); if ($ev->isCancelled()) { return false; } else { $yield = $ev->getYield(); $this->affectedBlocks = $ev->getBlockList(); } } //TODO /*foreach($server->api->entity->getRadius($this->source, $radius) as $entity){ $impact = (1 - $this->source->distance($entity) / $radius) * 0.5; //placeholder, 0.7 should be exposure $damage = (int) (($impact * $impact + $impact) * 8 * $this->size + 1); $entity->harm($damage, "explosion"); }*/ foreach ($this->affectedBlocks as $block) { if ($block instanceof TNT) { $data = ["x" => $block->x + 0.5, "y" => $block->y + 0.5, "z" => $block->z + 0.5, "power" => 4, "fuse" => mt_rand(10, 30)]; //TODO //$e = $server->api->entity->add($this->level, ENTITY_OBJECT, OBJECT_PRIMEDTNT, $data); //$e->spawnToAll(); } elseif (mt_rand(0, 100) < $yield) { if (isset(self::$specialDrops[$block->getID()])) { //TODO //$server->api->entity->drop(new Position($block->x + 0.5, $block->y, $block->z + 0.5, $this->level), Item::get(self::$specialDrops[$block->getID()], 0)); } else { //TODO //$server->api->entity->drop(new Position($block->x + 0.5, $block->y, $block->z + 0.5, $this->level), Item::get($block->getID(), $this->level->level->getBlockDamage($block->x, $block->y, $block->z))); } } $this->level->setBlockIdAt($block->x, $block->y, $block->z, 0); $send[] = new Vector3($block->x - $source->x, $block->y - $source->y, $block->z - $source->z); } $pk = new ExplodePacket(); $pk->x = $this->source->x; $pk->y = $this->source->y; $pk->z = $this->source->z; $pk->radius = $this->size; $pk->records = $send; Server::broadcastPacket($this->level->getPlayers(), $pk); }
public function onExplode(EntityExplodeEvent $event) { $event->setCancelled(true); }