コード例 #1
 * returns collation of given db
 * @param string $db name of db
 * @return string  collation of $db
function PMA_getDbCollation($db)
    if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->isSystemSchema($db)) {
        // We don't have to check the collation of the virtual
        // information_schema database: We know it!
        return 'utf8_general_ci';
    if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
        // this is slow with thousands of databases
        $sql = 'SELECT DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA' . ' WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($db) . '\' LIMIT 1';
        return $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue($sql);
    } else {
        $return = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue('SELECT @@collation_database');
        if ($db !== $GLOBALS['db']) {
        return $return;
コード例 #2
  * Save recent/favorite tables into phpMyAdmin database.
  * @return true|Message
 public function saveToDb()
     $username = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'];
     $sql_query = " REPLACE INTO " . $this->_getPmaTable() . " (`username`, `tables`)" . " VALUES ('" . $username . "', '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes(json_encode($this->_tables)) . "')";
     $success = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query, $GLOBALS['controllink']);
     if (!$success) {
         $error_msg = '';
         switch ($this->_tableType) {
             case 'recent':
                 $error_msg = __('Could not save recent table!');
             case 'favorite':
                 $error_msg = __('Could not save favorite table!');
         $message = Message::error($error_msg);
         $message->addMessage('<br /><br />');
         return $message;
     return true;
コード例 #3
  * Get data cell for non numeric type fields
  * @param string        $column                the relevant column in data row
  * @param string        $class                 the html class for column
  * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about
  *                                             the field
  * @param array         $map                   the list of relations
  * @param array         $_url_params           the parameters for generate
  *                                             url
  * @param boolean       $condition_field       the column should highlighted
  *                                             or not
  * @param object|string $transformation_plugin the name of transformation
  *                                             function
  * @param string        $default_function      the default transformation
  *                                             function
  * @param string        $transform_options     the transformation parameters
  * @param boolean       $is_field_truncated    is data truncated due to
  *                                             LimitChars
  * @param array         $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
  * @param integer       &$dt_result            the link id associated to
  *                                             the query which results
  *                                             have to be displayed
  * @param integer       $col_index             the column index
  * @return  string  $cell the prepared data cell, html content
  * @access  private
  * @see     _getTableBody()
 private function _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns($column, $class, $meta, $map, $_url_params, $condition_field, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated, $analyzed_sql_results, &$dt_result, $col_index)
     $original_length = 0;
     $is_analyse = $this->__get('is_analyse');
     $field_flags = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldFlags($dt_result, $col_index);
     $bIsText = gettype($transformation_plugin) === 'object' && strpos($transformation_plugin->getMIMEtype(), 'Text') === false;
     // disable inline grid editing
     // if binary fields are protected
     // or transformation plugin is of non text type
     // such as image
     if (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD) && ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'all' || $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'noblob' && !stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD) || $GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'blob' && stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD)) || $bIsText) {
         $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);
     if (!isset($column) || is_null($column)) {
         $cell = $this->_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
         return $cell;
     if ($column == '') {
         $cell = $this->_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
         return $cell;
     // Cut all fields to $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
     // (unless it's a link-type transformation or binary)
     if (!(gettype($transformation_plugin) === "object" && strpos($transformation_plugin->getName(), 'Link') !== false) && !stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD)) {
         list($is_field_truncated, $column, $original_length) = $this->_getPartialText($column);
     $formatted = false;
     if (isset($meta->_type) && $meta->_type === MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT) {
         $column = Util::printableBitValue($column, $meta->length);
         // some results of PROCEDURE ANALYSE() are reported as
         // being BINARY but they are quite readable,
         // so don't treat them as BINARY
     } elseif (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD) && !(isset($is_analyse) && $is_analyse)) {
         // we show the BINARY or BLOB message and field's size
         // (or maybe use a transformation)
         $binary_or_blob = self::BLOB_FIELD;
         if ($meta->type === self::STRING_FIELD) {
             $binary_or_blob = self::BINARY_FIELD;
         $column = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents($binary_or_blob, $column, $transformation_plugin, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, $_url_params, $is_field_truncated);
         $class = $this->_addClass($class, $condition_field, $meta, '', $is_field_truncated, $transformation_plugin, $default_function);
         $result = strip_tags($column);
         // disable inline grid editing
         // if binary or blob data is not shown
         if (stristr($result, $binary_or_blob)) {
             $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);
         $formatted = true;
     if ($formatted) {
         $cell = $this->_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $column);
         return $cell;
     // transform functions may enable no-wrapping:
     $function_nowrap = 'applyTransformationNoWrap';
     $bool_nowrap = $default_function != $transformation_plugin && function_exists($transformation_plugin->{$function_nowrap}()) ? $transformation_plugin->{$function_nowrap}($transform_options) : false;
     // do not wrap if date field type
     $nowrap = preg_match('@DATE|TIME@i', $meta->type) || $bool_nowrap ? ' nowrap' : '';
     $where_comparison = ' = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($column) . '\'';
     $cell = $this->_getRowData($class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql_results, $meta, $map, $column, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated, $original_length);
     return $cell;
コード例 #4
  * Return the where clause for query generation based on the inputs provided.
  * @param mixed  $criteriaValues Search criteria input
  * @param string $names          Name of the column on which search is submitted
  * @param string $types          Type of the field
  * @param string $func_type      Search function/operator
  * @param bool   $unaryFlag      Whether operator unary or not
  * @param bool   $geom_func      Whether geometry functions should be applied
  * @return string generated where clause.
 private function _getWhereClause($criteriaValues, $names, $types, $func_type, $unaryFlag, $geom_func = null)
     // If geometry function is set
     if (!empty($geom_func)) {
         return $this->_getGeomWhereClause($criteriaValues, $names, $func_type, $types, $geom_func);
     $backquoted_name = Util::backquote($names);
     $where = '';
     if ($unaryFlag) {
         $where = $backquoted_name . ' ' . $func_type;
     } elseif (strncasecmp($types, 'enum', 4) == 0 && !empty($criteriaValues)) {
         $where = $backquoted_name;
         $where .= $this->_getEnumWhereClause($criteriaValues, $func_type);
     } elseif ($criteriaValues != '') {
         // For these types we quote the value. Even if it's another type
         // (like INT), for a LIKE we always quote the value. MySQL converts
         // strings to numbers and numbers to strings as necessary
         // during the comparison
         if (preg_match('@char|binary|blob|text|set|date|time|year@i', $types) || mb_strpos(' ' . $func_type, 'LIKE')) {
             $quot = '\'';
         } else {
             $quot = '';
         // LIKE %...%
         if ($func_type == 'LIKE %...%') {
             $func_type = 'LIKE';
             $criteriaValues = '%' . $criteriaValues . '%';
         if ($func_type == 'REGEXP ^...$') {
             $func_type = 'REGEXP';
             $criteriaValues = '^' . $criteriaValues . '$';
         if ('IN (...)' != $func_type && 'NOT IN (...)' != $func_type && 'BETWEEN' != $func_type && 'NOT BETWEEN' != $func_type) {
             if ($func_type == 'LIKE %...%' || $func_type == 'LIKE') {
                 $where = $backquoted_name . ' ' . $func_type . ' ' . $quot . Util::sqlAddSlashes($criteriaValues, true) . $quot;
             } else {
                 $where = $backquoted_name . ' ' . $func_type . ' ' . $quot . Util::sqlAddSlashes($criteriaValues) . $quot;
             return $where;
         $func_type = str_replace(' (...)', '', $func_type);
         //Don't explode if this is already an array
         //(Case for (NOT) IN/BETWEEN.)
         if (is_array($criteriaValues)) {
             $values = $criteriaValues;
         } else {
             $values = explode(',', $criteriaValues);
         // quote values one by one
         $emptyKey = false;
         foreach ($values as $key => &$value) {
             if ('' === $value) {
                 $emptyKey = $key;
                 $value = 'NULL';
             $value = $quot . Util::sqlAddSlashes(trim($value)) . $quot;
         if ('BETWEEN' == $func_type || 'NOT BETWEEN' == $func_type) {
             $where = $backquoted_name . ' ' . $func_type . ' ' . (isset($values[0]) ? $values[0] : '') . ' AND ' . (isset($values[1]) ? $values[1] : '');
         } else {
             //[NOT] IN
             if (false !== $emptyKey) {
             $wheres = array();
             if (!empty($values)) {
                 $wheres[] = $backquoted_name . ' ' . $func_type . ' (' . implode(',', $values) . ')';
             if (false !== $emptyKey) {
                 $wheres[] = $backquoted_name . ' IS NULL';
             $where = implode(' OR ', $wheres);
             if (1 < count($wheres)) {
                 $where = '(' . $where . ')';
     // end if
     return $where;
コード例 #5
  * Handle the AJAX request for setting value for a single variable
  * @return void
 public function setValueAction()
     $value = $_REQUEST['varValue'];
     $matches = array();
     if (isset($this->variable_doc_links[$_REQUEST['varName']][3]) && $this->variable_doc_links[$_REQUEST['varName']][3] == 'byte' && preg_match('/^\\s*(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)\\s*(mb|kb|mib|kib|gb|gib)\\s*$/i', $value, $matches)) {
         $exp = array('kb' => 1, 'kib' => 1, 'mb' => 2, 'mib' => 2, 'gb' => 3, 'gib' => 3);
         $value = floatval($matches[1]) * Util::pow(1024, $exp[mb_strtolower($matches[3])]);
     } else {
         $value = Util::sqlAddSlashes($value);
     if (!is_numeric($value)) {
         $value = "'" . $value . "'";
     if (!preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/", $_REQUEST['varName']) && $this->dbi->query('SET GLOBAL ' . $_REQUEST['varName'] . ' = ' . $value)) {
         // Some values are rounded down etc.
         $varValue = $this->dbi->fetchSingleRow('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name="' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['varName']) . '";', 'NUM');
         $this->response->addJSON('variable', htmlspecialchars($this->_formatVariable($_REQUEST['varName'], $varValue[1])));
     } else {
         $this->response->addJSON('error', __('Setting variable failed'));
コード例 #6
 * Get HTML for editing page central columns
 * @param array  $selected_fld Array containing the selected fields
 * @param string $selected_db  String containing the name of database
 * @return string HTML for complete editing page for central columns
function PMA_getHTMLforEditingPage($selected_fld, $selected_db)
    $html = '<form id="multi_edit_central_columns">';
    $header_cells = array(__('Name'), __('Type'), __('Length/Values'), __('Default'), __('Collation'), __('Attributes'), __('Null'), __('A_I'));
    $html .= PMA_getCentralColumnsEditTableHeader($header_cells);
    $selected_fld_safe = array();
    foreach ($selected_fld as $key) {
        $selected_fld_safe[] = Util::sqlAddSlashes($key);
    $columns_list = implode("','", $selected_fld_safe);
    $columns_list = "'" . $columns_list . "'";
    $list_detail_cols = PMA_findExistingColNames($selected_db, $columns_list, true);
    $odd_row = false;
    $row_num = 0;
    foreach ($list_detail_cols as $row) {
        $tableHtmlRow = PMA_getHTMLforCentralColumnsEditTableRow($row, $odd_row, $row_num);
        $html .= $tableHtmlRow;
        $odd_row = !$odd_row;
    $html .= '</table>';
    $html .= PMA_getCentralColumnsEditTableFooter();
    $html .= '</form>';
    return $html;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Node.php プロジェクト: pjiahao/phpmyadmin
  * Gets the count of hidden elements for each database
  * @return array array containing the count of hidden elements for each database
 public function getNavigationHidingData()
     $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
     if ($cfgRelation['navwork']) {
         $navTable = Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db']) . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['navigationhiding']);
         $sqlQuery = "SELECT `db_name`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM " . $navTable . " WHERE `username`='" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']) . "'" . " GROUP BY `db_name`";
         $counts = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult($sqlQuery, 'db_name', 'count', $GLOBALS['controllink']);
         return $counts;
     return null;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Util.php プロジェクト: sebabarr/phpmyadmin
  * Gets the list of tables in the current db, taking into account
  * that they might be "in use"
  * @param string $db             database name
  * @param object $db_info_result result set
  * @return array $tables list of tables
 public static function getTablesWhenOpen($db, $db_info_result)
     $sot_cache = $tables = array();
     while ($tmp = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($db_info_result)) {
         // if in use, memorize table name
         if ($tmp['In_use'] > 0) {
             $sot_cache[$tmp['Table']] = true;
     // is there at least one "in use" table?
     if (isset($sot_cache)) {
         $tblGroupSql = "";
         $whereAdded = false;
         if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['tbl_group'])) {
             $group = Util::escapeMysqlWildcards($_REQUEST['tbl_group']);
             $groupWithSeparator = Util::escapeMysqlWildcards($_REQUEST['tbl_group'] . $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeTableSeparator']);
             $tblGroupSql .= " WHERE (" . Util::backquote('Tables_in_' . $db) . " LIKE '" . $groupWithSeparator . "%'" . " OR " . Util::backquote('Tables_in_' . $db) . " LIKE '" . $group . "')";
             $whereAdded = true;
         if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['tbl_type'], array('table', 'view'))) {
             $tblGroupSql .= $whereAdded ? " AND" : " WHERE";
             if ($_REQUEST['tbl_type'] == 'view') {
                 $tblGroupSql .= " `Table_type` != 'BASE TABLE'";
             } else {
                 $tblGroupSql .= " `Table_type` = 'BASE TABLE'";
         $db_info_result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SHOW FULL TABLES FROM ' . Util::backquote($db) . $tblGroupSql, null, DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE);
         unset($tblGroupSql, $whereAdded);
         if ($db_info_result && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($db_info_result) > 0) {
             while ($tmp = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($db_info_result)) {
                 if (!isset($sot_cache[$tmp[0]])) {
                     $sts_result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM " . Util::backquote($db) . " LIKE '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($tmp[0], true) . "';");
                     $sts_tmp = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($sts_result);
                     $tableArray = $GLOBALS['dbi']->copyTableProperties(array($sts_tmp), $db);
                     $tables[$sts_tmp['Name']] = $tableArray[0];
                 } else {
                     // table in use
                     $tables[$tmp[0]] = array('TABLE_NAME' => $tmp[0], 'ENGINE' => '', 'TABLE_TYPE' => '', 'TABLE_ROWS' => 0);
             // end while
             if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) {
                 uksort($tables, 'strnatcasecmp');
         } elseif ($db_info_result) {
     return $tables;
コード例 #9
  * Returns the database position for the page selector
  * @return int
 private function _getNavigationDbPos()
     $retval = 0;
     if (empty($GLOBALS['db'])) {
         return $retval;
      * @todo describe a scenario where this code is executed
     if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
         $query = "SELECT (COUNT(DB_first_level) DIV %d) * %d ";
         $query .= "from ( ";
         $query .= " SELECT distinct SUBSTRING_INDEX(SCHEMA_NAME, ";
         $query .= " '{$GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDbSeparator']}', 1) ";
         $query .= " DB_first_level ";
         $query .= " WHERE `SCHEMA_NAME` < '%s' ";
         $query .= ") t ";
         $retval = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue(sprintf($query, (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['FirstLevelNavigationItems'], (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['FirstLevelNavigationItems'], Util::sqlAddSlashes($GLOBALS['db'])));
         return $retval;
     $prefixMap = array();
     if ($GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'] === false) {
         $handle = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("SHOW DATABASES");
         if ($handle !== false) {
             while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($handle)) {
                 if (strcasecmp($arr[0], $GLOBALS['db']) >= 0) {
                 $prefix = strstr($arr[0], $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDbSeparator'], true);
                 if ($prefix === false) {
                     $prefix = $arr[0];
                 $prefixMap[$prefix] = 1;
     } else {
         $databases = array();
         foreach ($GLOBALS['dbs_to_test'] as $db) {
             $query = "SHOW DATABASES LIKE '" . $db . "'";
             $handle = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);
             if ($handle === false) {
             while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($handle)) {
                 $databases[] = $arr[0];
         foreach ($databases as $database) {
             if (strcasecmp($database, $GLOBALS['db']) >= 0) {
             $prefix = strstr($database, $GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationTreeDbSeparator'], true);
             if ($prefix === false) {
                 $prefix = $database;
             $prefixMap[$prefix] = 1;
     $navItems = (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['FirstLevelNavigationItems'];
     $retval = floor(count($prefixMap) / $navItems) * $navItems;
     return $retval;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Navigation.php プロジェクト: poush/phpmyadmin
  * Returns HTML for the dialog to show hidden navigation items.
  * @param string $dbName    database name
  * @param string $itemType  type of the items to include
  * @param string $tableName table name
  * @return string HTML for the dialog to show hidden navigation items
 public function getItemUnhideDialog($dbName, $itemType = null, $tableName = null)
     $html = '<form method="post" action="navigation.php" class="ajax">';
     $html .= '<fieldset>';
     $html .= URL::getHiddenInputs($dbName, $tableName);
     $navTable = Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . "." . Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['navigationhiding']);
     $sqlQuery = "SELECT `item_name`, `item_type` FROM " . $navTable . " WHERE `username`='" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']) . "'" . " AND `db_name`='" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($dbName) . "'" . " AND `table_name`='" . (!empty($tableName) ? Util::sqlAddSlashes($tableName) : '') . "'";
     $result = PMA_queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery, false);
     $hidden = array();
     if ($result) {
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($result)) {
             $type = $row['item_type'];
             if (!isset($hidden[$type])) {
                 $hidden[$type] = array();
             $hidden[$type][] = $row['item_name'];
     $typeMap = array('group' => __('Groups:'), 'event' => __('Events:'), 'function' => __('Functions:'), 'procedure' => __('Procedures:'), 'table' => __('Tables:'), 'view' => __('Views:'));
     if (empty($tableName)) {
         $first = true;
         foreach ($typeMap as $t => $lable) {
             if ((empty($itemType) || $itemType == $t) && isset($hidden[$t])) {
                 $html .= (!$first ? '<br/>' : '') . '<strong>' . $lable . '</strong>';
                 $html .= '<table width="100%"><tbody>';
                 $odd = true;
                 foreach ($hidden[$t] as $hiddenItem) {
                     $html .= '<tr class="' . ($odd ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">';
                     $html .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($hiddenItem) . '</td>';
                     $html .= '<td style="width:80px"><a href="navigation.php' . URL::getCommon() . '&unhideNavItem=true' . '&itemType=' . urlencode($t) . '&itemName=' . urlencode($hiddenItem) . '&dbName=' . urlencode($dbName) . '"' . ' class="unhideNavItem ajax">' . Util::getIcon('show.png', __('Show')) . '</a></td>';
                     $odd = !$odd;
                 $html .= '</tbody></table>';
                 $first = false;
     $html .= '</fieldset>';
     $html .= '</form>';
     return $html;
コード例 #11
ファイル: import.lib.php プロジェクト: netroby/phpmyadmin
 * Builds and executes SQL statements to create the database and tables
 * as necessary, as well as insert all the data.
 * @param string $db_name         Name of the database
 * @param array  &$tables         Array of tables for the specified database
 * @param array  &$analyses       Analyses of the tables
 * @param array  &$additional_sql Additional SQL statements to be executed
 * @param array  $options         Associative array of options
 * @return void
 * @access  public
 * @link http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Import
function PMA_buildSQL($db_name, &$tables, &$analyses = null, &$additional_sql = null, $options = null)
    /* Take care of the options */
    if (isset($options['db_collation']) && !is_null($options['db_collation'])) {
        $collation = $options['db_collation'];
    } else {
        $collation = "utf8_general_ci";
    if (isset($options['db_charset']) && !is_null($options['db_charset'])) {
        $charset = $options['db_charset'];
    } else {
        $charset = "utf8";
    if (isset($options['create_db'])) {
        $create_db = $options['create_db'];
    } else {
        $create_db = true;
    /* Create SQL code to handle the database */
    $sql = array();
    if ($create_db) {
        $sql[] = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . Util::backquote($db_name) . " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . $charset . " COLLATE " . $collation . ";";
     * The calling plug-in should include this statement,
     * if necessary, in the $additional_sql parameter
     * $sql[] = "USE " . backquote($db_name);
    /* Execute the SQL statements create above */
    $sql_len = count($sql);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i) {
        PMA_importRunQuery($sql[$i], $sql[$i]);
    /* No longer needed */
    /* Run the $additional_sql statements supplied by the caller plug-in */
    if ($additional_sql != null) {
        /* Clean the SQL first */
        $additional_sql_len = count($additional_sql);
         * Only match tables for now, because CREATE IF NOT EXISTS
         * syntax is lacking or nonexisting for views, triggers,
         * functions, and procedures.
         * See: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15287
         * To the best of my knowledge this is still an issue.
        $pattern = '/CREATE [^`]*(TABLE)/';
        $replacement = 'CREATE \\1 IF NOT EXISTS';
        /* Change CREATE statements to CREATE IF NOT EXISTS to support
         * inserting into existing structures
        for ($i = 0; $i < $additional_sql_len; ++$i) {
            $additional_sql[$i] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $additional_sql[$i]);
            /* Execute the resulting statements */
            PMA_importRunQuery($additional_sql[$i], $additional_sql[$i]);
    if ($analyses != null) {
        $type_array = array(NONE => "NULL", VARCHAR => "varchar", INT => "int", DECIMAL => "decimal", BIGINT => "bigint", GEOMETRY => 'geometry');
        /* TODO: Do more checking here to make sure they really are matched */
        if (count($tables) != count($analyses)) {
        /* Create SQL code to create the tables */
        $num_tables = count($tables);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; ++$i) {
            $num_cols = count($tables[$i][COL_NAMES]);
            $tempSQLStr = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db_name) . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]) . " (";
            for ($j = 0; $j < $num_cols; ++$j) {
                $size = $analyses[$i][SIZES][$j];
                if ((int) $size == 0) {
                    $size = 10;
                $tempSQLStr .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][COL_NAMES][$j]) . " " . $type_array[$analyses[$i][TYPES][$j]];
                if ($analyses[$i][TYPES][$j] != GEOMETRY) {
                    $tempSQLStr .= "(" . $size . ")";
                if ($j != count($tables[$i][COL_NAMES]) - 1) {
                    $tempSQLStr .= ", ";
            $tempSQLStr .= ") DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . $charset . " COLLATE " . $collation . ";";
             * Each SQL statement is executed immediately
             * after it is formed so that we don't have
             * to store them in a (possibly large) buffer
            PMA_importRunQuery($tempSQLStr, $tempSQLStr);
     * Create the SQL statements to insert all the data
     * Only one insert query is formed for each table
    $tempSQLStr = "";
    $col_count = 0;
    $num_tables = count($tables);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; ++$i) {
        $num_cols = count($tables[$i][COL_NAMES]);
        $num_rows = count($tables[$i][ROWS]);
        $tempSQLStr = "INSERT INTO " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db_name) . '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]) . " (";
        for ($m = 0; $m < $num_cols; ++$m) {
            $tempSQLStr .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][COL_NAMES][$m]);
            if ($m != $num_cols - 1) {
                $tempSQLStr .= ", ";
        $tempSQLStr .= ") VALUES ";
        for ($j = 0; $j < $num_rows; ++$j) {
            $tempSQLStr .= "(";
            for ($k = 0; $k < $num_cols; ++$k) {
                // If fully formatted SQL, no need to enclose
                // with apostrophes, add slashes etc.
                if ($analyses != null && isset($analyses[$i][FORMATTEDSQL][$col_count]) && $analyses[$i][FORMATTEDSQL][$col_count] == true) {
                    $tempSQLStr .= (string) $tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k];
                } else {
                    if ($analyses != null) {
                        $is_varchar = $analyses[$i][TYPES][$col_count] === VARCHAR;
                    } else {
                        $is_varchar = !is_numeric($tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k]);
                    /* Don't put quotes around NULL fields */
                    if (!strcmp($tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k], 'NULL')) {
                        $is_varchar = false;
                    $tempSQLStr .= $is_varchar ? "'" : "";
                    $tempSQLStr .= PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes((string) $tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k]);
                    $tempSQLStr .= $is_varchar ? "'" : "";
                if ($k != $num_cols - 1) {
                    $tempSQLStr .= ", ";
                if ($col_count == $num_cols - 1) {
                    $col_count = 0;
                } else {
                /* Delete the cell after we are done with it */
            $tempSQLStr .= ")";
            if ($j != $num_rows - 1) {
                $tempSQLStr .= ",\n ";
            $col_count = 0;
            /* Delete the row after we are done with it */
        $tempSQLStr .= ";";
         * Each SQL statement is executed immediately
         * after it is formed so that we don't have
         * to store them in a (possibly large) buffer
        PMA_importRunQuery($tempSQLStr, $tempSQLStr);
    /* No longer needed */
     * A work in progress
    /* Add the viewable structures from $additional_sql
     * to $tables so they are also displayed
    $view_pattern = '@VIEW `[^`]+`\\.`([^`]+)@';
    $table_pattern = '@CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `([^`]+)`@';
    /* Check a third pattern to make sure its not a "USE `db_name`;" statement */
    $regs = array();
    $inTables = false;
    $additional_sql_len = count($additional_sql);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $additional_sql_len; ++$i) {
        preg_match($view_pattern, $additional_sql[$i], $regs);
        if (count($regs) == 0) {
            preg_match($table_pattern, $additional_sql[$i], $regs);
        if (count($regs)) {
            for ($n = 0; $n < $num_tables; ++$n) {
                if (!strcmp($regs[1], $tables[$n][TBL_NAME])) {
                    $inTables = true;
            if (!$inTables) {
                $tables[] = array(TBL_NAME => $regs[1]);
        /* Reset the array */
        $regs = array();
        $inTables = false;
    $params = array('db' => (string) $db_name);
    $db_url = 'db_structure.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
    $db_ops_url = 'db_operations.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
    $message = '<br /><br />';
    $message .= '<strong>' . __('The following structures have either been created or altered. Here you can:') . '</strong><br />';
    $message .= '<ul><li>' . __("View a structure's contents by clicking on its name.") . '</li>';
    $message .= '<li>' . __('Change any of its settings by clicking the corresponding "Options" link.') . '</li>';
    $message .= '<li>' . __('Edit structure by following the "Structure" link.') . '</li>';
    $message .= sprintf('<br /><li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> (<a href="%s" title="%s">' . __('Options') . '</a>)</li>', $db_url, sprintf(__('Go to database: %s'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db_name))), htmlspecialchars($db_name), $db_ops_url, sprintf(__('Edit settings for %s'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db_name))));
    $message .= '<ul>';
    $num_tables = count($tables);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; ++$i) {
        $params = array('db' => (string) $db_name, 'table' => (string) $tables[$i][TBL_NAME]);
        $tbl_url = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
        $tbl_struct_url = 'tbl_structure.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
        $tbl_ops_url = 'tbl_operations.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
        $_table = new Table($tables[$i][TBL_NAME], $db_name);
        if (!$_table->isView()) {
            $message .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> (<a href="%s" title="%s">' . __('Structure') . '</a>) (<a href="%s" title="%s">' . __('Options') . '</a>)</li>', $tbl_url, sprintf(__('Go to table: %s'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]))), htmlspecialchars($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]), $tbl_struct_url, sprintf(__('Structure of %s'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]))), $tbl_ops_url, sprintf(__('Edit settings for %s'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]))));
        } else {
            $message .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></li>', $tbl_url, sprintf(__('Go to view: %s'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]))), htmlspecialchars($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]));
    $message .= '</ul></ul>';
    global $import_notice;
    $import_notice = $message;
コード例 #12
  * Returns the names of children of type $type present inside this container
  * This method is overridden by the PMA\libraries\navigation\nodes\NodeDatabase
  * and PMA\libraries\navigation\nodes\NodeTable classes
  * @param string $type         The type of item we are looking for
  *                             ('tables', 'views', etc)
  * @param int    $pos          The offset of the list within the results
  * @param string $searchClause A string used to filter the results of the query
  * @return array
 public function getData($type, $pos, $searchClause = '')
     $maxItems = $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxNavigationItems'];
     $retval = array();
     $db = $this->realParent()->real_name;
     $table = $this->real_name;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'columns':
             if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
                 $db = Util::sqlAddSlashes($db);
                 $table = Util::sqlAddSlashes($table);
                 $query = "SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` AS `name` ";
                 $query .= "FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` ";
                 $query .= "WHERE `TABLE_NAME`='{$table}' ";
                 $query .= "AND `TABLE_SCHEMA`='{$db}' ";
                 $query .= "ORDER BY `COLUMN_NAME` ASC ";
                 $query .= "LIMIT " . intval($pos) . ", {$maxItems}";
                 $retval = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult($query);
             $db = Util::backquote($db);
             $table = Util::backquote($table);
             $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} FROM {$db}";
             $handle = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);
             if ($handle === false) {
             $count = 0;
             if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($handle, $pos)) {
                 while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($handle)) {
                     if ($count < $maxItems) {
                         $retval[] = $arr['Field'];
                     } else {
         case 'indexes':
             $db = Util::backquote($db);
             $table = Util::backquote($table);
             $query = "SHOW INDEXES FROM {$table} FROM {$db}";
             $handle = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);
             if ($handle === false) {
             $count = 0;
             while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($handle)) {
                 if (in_array($arr['Key_name'], $retval)) {
                 if ($pos <= 0 && $count < $maxItems) {
                     $retval[] = $arr['Key_name'];
         case 'triggers':
             if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
                 $db = Util::sqlAddSlashes($db);
                 $table = Util::sqlAddSlashes($table);
                 $query = "SELECT `TRIGGER_NAME` AS `name` ";
                 $query .= "FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TRIGGERS` ";
                 $query .= "WHERE `EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA` " . Util::getCollateForIS() . "='{$db}' ";
                 $query .= "AND `EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE` " . Util::getCollateForIS() . "='{$table}' ";
                 $query .= "ORDER BY `TRIGGER_NAME` ASC ";
                 $query .= "LIMIT " . intval($pos) . ", {$maxItems}";
                 $retval = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult($query);
             $db = Util::backquote($db);
             $table = Util::sqlAddSlashes($table);
             $query = "SHOW TRIGGERS FROM {$db} WHERE `Table` = '{$table}'";
             $handle = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);
             if ($handle === false) {
             $count = 0;
             if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($handle, $pos)) {
                 while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($handle)) {
                     if ($count < $maxItems) {
                         $retval[] = $arr['Trigger'];
                     } else {
     return $retval;
コード例 #13
  * Handles the whole import logic
  * @return void
 public function doImport()
     global $finished, $import_file, $compression, $charset_conversion, $table;
     global $ldi_local_option, $ldi_replace, $ldi_ignore, $ldi_terminated, $ldi_enclosed, $ldi_escaped, $ldi_new_line, $skip_queries, $ldi_columns;
     if ($import_file == 'none' || $compression != 'none' || $charset_conversion) {
         // We handle only some kind of data!
         $GLOBALS['message'] = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('This plugin does not support compressed imports!'));
         $GLOBALS['error'] = true;
     $sql = 'LOAD DATA';
     if (isset($ldi_local_option)) {
         $sql .= ' LOCAL';
     $sql .= ' INFILE \'' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($import_file) . '\'';
     if (isset($ldi_replace)) {
         $sql .= ' REPLACE';
     } elseif (isset($ldi_ignore)) {
         $sql .= ' IGNORE';
     $sql .= ' INTO TABLE ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table);
     if (strlen($ldi_terminated) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' FIELDS TERMINATED BY \'' . $ldi_terminated . '\'';
     if (strlen($ldi_enclosed) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' ENCLOSED BY \'' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($ldi_enclosed) . '\'';
     if (strlen($ldi_escaped) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' ESCAPED BY \'' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($ldi_escaped) . '\'';
     if (strlen($ldi_new_line) > 0) {
         if ($ldi_new_line == 'auto') {
             $ldi_new_line = PMA\libraries\Util::whichCrlf() == "\n" ? '\\n' : '\\r\\n';
         $sql .= ' LINES TERMINATED BY \'' . $ldi_new_line . '\'';
     if ($skip_queries > 0) {
         $sql .= ' IGNORE ' . $skip_queries . ' LINES';
         $skip_queries = 0;
     if (strlen($ldi_columns) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' (';
         $tmp = preg_split('/,( ?)/', $ldi_columns);
         $cnt_tmp = count($tmp);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt_tmp; $i++) {
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $sql .= ', ';
             /* Trim also `, if user already included backquoted fields */
             $sql .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(trim($tmp[$i], " \t\r\n\v`"));
         // end for
         $sql .= ')';
     PMA_importRunQuery($sql, $sql);
     $finished = true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Bookmark.php プロジェクト: poush/phpmyadmin
  * Retrieve a specific bookmark
  * @param string  $db                  the current database name
  * @param mixed   $id                  an identifier of the bookmark to get
  * @param string  $id_field            which field to look up the identifier
  * @param boolean $action_bookmark_all true: get all bookmarks regardless
  *                                     of the owning user
  * @param boolean $exact_user_match    whether to ignore bookmarks with no user
  * @return Bookmark the bookmark
  * @access  public
  * @global  resource $controllink the controluser db connection handle
 public static function get($db, $id, $id_field = 'id', $action_bookmark_all = false, $exact_user_match = false)
     global $controllink;
     $cfgBookmark = self::getParams();
     if (empty($cfgBookmark)) {
         return null;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM " . Util::backquote($cfgBookmark['db']) . "." . Util::backquote($cfgBookmark['table']) . " WHERE dbase = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($db) . "'";
     if (!$action_bookmark_all) {
         $query .= " AND (user = '******'user']) . "'";
         if (!$exact_user_match) {
             $query .= " OR user = ''";
         $query .= ")";
     $query .= " AND " . Util::backquote($id_field) . " = " . Util::sqlAddSlashes($id) . " LIMIT 1";
     $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow($query, 'ASSOC', $controllink);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $bookmark = new Bookmark();
         $bookmark->_id = $result['id'];
         $bookmark->_database = $result['dbase'];
         $bookmark->_user = $result['user'];
         $bookmark->_label = $result['label'];
         $bookmark->_query = $result['query'];
         return $bookmark;
     return null;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Table.php プロジェクト: ryanfmurphy/phpmyadmin
  * Returns the generation expression for virtual columns
  * @param string $column name of the column
  * @return array|boolean associative array of column name and their expressions
  *                       or false on failure
 public function getColumnGenerationExpression($column = null)
     $serverType = Util::getServerType();
     if ($serverType == 'MySQL' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION > 50705 && !$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
         $sql = "SELECT\n                `COLUMN_NAME` AS `Field`,\n                `GENERATION_EXPRESSION` AS `Expression`\n                FROM\n                `information_schema`.`COLUMNS`\n                WHERE\n                `TABLE_SCHEMA` = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($this->_db_name) . "'\n                AND `TABLE_NAME` = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($this->_name) . "'";
         if ($column != null) {
             $sql .= " AND  `COLUMN_NAME` = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($column) . "'";
         $columns = $this->_dbi->fetchResult($sql, 'Field', 'Expression');
         return $columns;
     $createTable = $this->showCreate();
     if (!$createTable) {
         return false;
     $parser = new Parser($createTable);
      * @var \SqlParser\Statements\CreateStatement $stmt
     $stmt = $parser->statements[0];
     $fields = Table::getFields($stmt);
     if ($column != null) {
         $expression = isset($fields[$column]['expr']) ? substr($fields[$column]['expr'], 1, -1) : '';
         return array($column => $expression);
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field => $options) {
         if (isset($options['expr'])) {
             $ret[$field] = substr($options['expr'], 1, -1);
     return $ret;
コード例 #16
  * This method is used to render the page header.
  * @return void
  * @see TCPDF::Header()
 public function Header()
     // We only show this if we find something in the new pdf_pages table
     // This function must be named "Header" to work with the TCPDF library
     if ($this->_withDoc) {
         if ($this->_offline || $this->_pageNumber == -1) {
             $pg_name = __("PDF export page");
         } else {
             $test_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['db']) . '.' . Util::backquote($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['pdf_pages']) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($this->_db) . '\' AND page_nr = \'' . $this->_pageNumber . '\'';
             $test_rs = PMA_queryAsControlUser($test_query);
             $pages = @$GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($test_rs);
             $pg_name = ucfirst($pages['page_descr']);
         $this->SetFont($this->_ff, 'B', 14);
         $this->Cell(0, 6, $pg_name, 'B', 1, 'C');
         $this->SetFont($this->_ff, '');
コード例 #17
 * Returns JSon for logging vars
 * @return array
function PMA_getJsonForLoggingVars()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['varName']) && isset($_REQUEST['varValue'])) {
        $value = PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['varValue']);
        if (!is_numeric($value)) {
            $value = "'" . $value . "'";
        if (!preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/", $_REQUEST['varName'])) {
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SET GLOBAL ' . $_REQUEST['varName'] . ' = ' . $value);
    $loggingVars = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name IN' . ' ("general_log","slow_query_log","long_query_time","log_output")', 0, 1);
    return $loggingVars;
コード例 #18
ファイル: DbSearch.php プロジェクト: rclakmal/phpmyadmin
  * Provides where clause for building SQL query
  * @param string $table The table name
  * @return string The generated where clause
 private function _getWhereClause($table)
     // Columns to select
     $allColumns = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($GLOBALS['db'], $table);
     $likeClauses = array();
     // Based on search type, decide like/regex & '%'/''
     $like_or_regex = $this->_criteriaSearchType == 4 ? 'REGEXP' : 'LIKE';
     $automatic_wildcard = $this->_criteriaSearchType < 3 ? '%' : '';
     // For "as regular expression" (search option 4), LIKE won't be used
     // Usage example: If user is searching for a literal $ in a regexp search,
     // he should enter \$ as the value.
     $criteriaSearchStringEscaped = Util::sqlAddSlashes($this->_criteriaSearchString, $this->_criteriaSearchType == 4 ? false : true);
     // Extract search words or pattern
     $search_words = $this->_criteriaSearchType > 2 ? array($criteriaSearchStringEscaped) : explode(' ', $criteriaSearchStringEscaped);
     foreach ($search_words as $search_word) {
         // Eliminates empty values
         if (mb_strlen($search_word) === 0) {
         $likeClausesPerColumn = array();
         // for each column in the table
         foreach ($allColumns as $column) {
             if (!isset($this->_criteriaColumnName) || mb_strlen($this->_criteriaColumnName) == 0 || $column['Field'] == $this->_criteriaColumnName) {
                 $column = 'CONVERT(' . Util::backquote($column['Field']) . ' USING utf8)';
                 $likeClausesPerColumn[] = $column . ' ' . $like_or_regex . ' ' . "'" . $automatic_wildcard . $search_word . $automatic_wildcard . "'";
         // end for
         if (count($likeClausesPerColumn) > 0) {
             $likeClauses[] = implode(' OR ', $likeClausesPerColumn);
     // end for
     // Use 'OR' if 'at least one word' is to be searched, else use 'AND'
     $implode_str = $this->_criteriaSearchType == 1 ? ' OR ' : ' AND ';
     if (empty($likeClauses)) {
         // this could happen when the "inside column" does not exist
         // in any selected tables
         $where_clause = ' WHERE FALSE';
     } else {
         $where_clause = ' WHERE (' . implode(') ' . $implode_str . ' (', $likeClauses) . ')';
     return $where_clause;
コード例 #19
  * Returns the list of events inside this database
  * @param int    $pos          The offset of the list within the results
  * @param string $searchClause A string used to filter the results of the query
  * @return array
 private function _getEvents($pos, $searchClause)
     $maxItems = $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxNavigationItems'];
     $retval = array();
     $db = $this->real_name;
     if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
         $escdDb = Util::sqlAddSlashes($db);
         $query = "SELECT `EVENT_NAME` AS `name` ";
         $query .= "FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`EVENTS` ";
         $query .= "WHERE `EVENT_SCHEMA` " . Util::getCollateForIS() . "='{$escdDb}' ";
         if (!empty($searchClause)) {
             $query .= "AND `EVENT_NAME` LIKE '%";
             $query .= Util::sqlAddSlashes($searchClause, true);
             $query .= "%'";
         $query .= "ORDER BY `EVENT_NAME` ASC ";
         $query .= "LIMIT " . intval($pos) . ", {$maxItems}";
         $retval = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult($query);
     } else {
         $escdDb = Util::backquote($db);
         $query = "SHOW EVENTS FROM {$escdDb} ";
         if (!empty($searchClause)) {
             $query .= "WHERE `Name` LIKE '%";
             $query .= Util::sqlAddSlashes($searchClause, true);
             $query .= "%'";
         $handle = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($query);
         if ($handle !== false) {
             $count = 0;
             if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($handle, $pos)) {
                 while ($arr = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchArray($handle)) {
                     if ($count < $maxItems) {
                         $retval[] = $arr['Name'];
                     } else {
     return $retval;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ExportXml.php プロジェクト: Dhrumil1808/phpmyadmin
  * Outputs export header. It is the first method to be called, so all
  * the required variables are initialized here.
  * @return bool Whether it succeeded
 public function exportHeader()
     global $crlf, $cfg, $db;
     $table = $this->_getTable();
     $tables = $this->_getTables();
     $export_struct = isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_tables']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']) || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_views']);
     $export_data = isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_contents']) ? true : false;
     if ($GLOBALS['output_charset_conversion']) {
         $charset = $GLOBALS['charset'];
     } else {
         $charset = 'utf-8';
     $head = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>' . $crlf . '<!--' . $crlf . '- phpMyAdmin XML Dump' . $crlf . '- version ' . PMA_VERSION . $crlf . '- https://www.phpmyadmin.net' . $crlf . '-' . $crlf . '- ' . __('Host:') . ' ' . $cfg['Server']['host'];
     if (!empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) {
         $head .= ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'];
     $head .= $crlf . '- ' . __('Generation Time:') . ' ' . Util::localisedDate() . $crlf . '- ' . __('Server version:') . ' ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . $crlf . '- ' . __('PHP Version:') . ' ' . phpversion() . $crlf . '-->' . $crlf . $crlf;
     $head .= '<pma_xml_export version="1.0"' . ($export_struct ? ' xmlns:pma="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/some_doc_url/"' : '') . '>' . $crlf;
     if ($export_struct) {
         $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SELECT `DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME`, `DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME`' . ' FROM `information_schema`.`SCHEMATA` WHERE `SCHEMA_NAME`' . ' = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($db) . '\' LIMIT 1');
         $db_collation = $result[0]['DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'];
         $db_charset = $result[0]['DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME'];
         $head .= '    <!--' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    - Structure schemas' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    -->' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    <pma:structure_schemas>' . $crlf;
         $head .= '        <pma:database name="' . htmlspecialchars($db) . '" collation="' . $db_collation . '" charset="' . $db_charset . '">' . $crlf;
         if (count($tables) == 0) {
             $tables[] = $table;
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             // Export tables and views
             $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . Util::backquote($db) . '.' . Util::backquote($table), 0);
             $tbl = $result[$table][1];
             $is_view = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isView();
             if ($is_view) {
                 $type = 'view';
             } else {
                 $type = 'table';
             if ($is_view && !isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_views'])) {
             if (!$is_view && !isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_tables'])) {
             $head .= '            <pma:' . $type . ' name="' . $table . '">' . $crlf;
             $tbl = "                " . htmlspecialchars($tbl);
             $tbl = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $tbl);
             $head .= $tbl . ';' . $crlf;
             $head .= '            </pma:' . $type . '>' . $crlf;
             if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']) {
                 // Export triggers
                 $triggers = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTriggers($db, $table);
                 if ($triggers) {
                     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                         $code = $trigger['create'];
                         $head .= '            <pma:trigger name="' . $trigger['name'] . '">' . $crlf;
                         // Do some formatting
                         $code = mb_substr(rtrim($code), 0, -3);
                         $code = "                " . htmlspecialchars($code);
                         $code = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $code);
                         $head .= $code . $crlf;
                         $head .= '            </pma:trigger>' . $crlf;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']) {
             // Export functions
             $functions = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getProceduresOrFunctions($db, 'FUNCTION');
             if ($functions) {
                 foreach ($functions as $function) {
                     $head .= '            <pma:function name="' . $function . '">' . $crlf;
                     // Do some formatting
                     $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'FUNCTION', $function);
                     $sql = rtrim($sql);
                     $sql = "                " . htmlspecialchars($sql);
                     $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);
                     $head .= $sql . $crlf;
                     $head .= '            </pma:function>' . $crlf;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']) {
             // Export procedures
             $procedures = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getProceduresOrFunctions($db, 'PROCEDURE');
             if ($procedures) {
                 foreach ($procedures as $procedure) {
                     $head .= '            <pma:procedure name="' . $procedure . '">' . $crlf;
                     // Do some formatting
                     $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'PROCEDURE', $procedure);
                     $sql = rtrim($sql);
                     $sql = "                " . htmlspecialchars($sql);
                     $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);
                     $head .= $sql . $crlf;
                     $head .= '            </pma:procedure>' . $crlf;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_events']) && $GLOBALS['xml_export_events']) {
             // Export events
             $events = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult("SELECT EVENT_NAME FROM information_schema.EVENTS " . "WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA='" . Util::sqlAddslashes($db) . "'");
             if ($events) {
                 foreach ($events as $event) {
                     $head .= '            <pma:event name="' . $event . '">' . $crlf;
                     $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'EVENT', $event);
                     $sql = rtrim($sql);
                     $sql = "                " . htmlspecialchars($sql);
                     $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);
                     $head .= $sql . $crlf;
                     $head .= '            </pma:event>' . $crlf;
         $head .= '        </pma:database>' . $crlf;
         $head .= '    </pma:structure_schemas>' . $crlf;
         if ($export_data) {
             $head .= $crlf;
     return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Tracker.php プロジェクト: flash1452/phpmyadmin
  * Analyzes a given SQL statement and saves tracking data.
  * @param string $query a SQL query
  * @static
  * @return void
 public static function handleQuery($query)
     // If query is marked as untouchable, leave
     if (mb_strstr($query, "/*NOTRACK*/")) {
     if (!(substr($query, -1) == ';')) {
         $query = $query . ";\n";
     // Get some information about query
     $result = self::parseQuery($query);
     // Get database name
     $dbname = trim(isset($GLOBALS['db']) ? $GLOBALS['db'] : '', '`');
     // $dbname can be empty, for example when coming from Synchronize
     // and this is a query for the remote server
     if (empty($dbname)) {
     // If we found a valid statement
     if (isset($result['identifier'])) {
         $version = self::getVersion($dbname, $result['tablename'], $result['identifier']);
         // If version not exists and auto-creation is enabled
         if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['tracking_version_auto_create'] == true && self::isTracked($dbname, $result['tablename']) == false && $version == -1) {
             // Create the version
             switch ($result['identifier']) {
                 case 'CREATE TABLE':
                     self::createVersion($dbname, $result['tablename'], '1');
                 case 'CREATE VIEW':
                     self::createVersion($dbname, $result['tablename'], '1', '', true);
                 case 'CREATE DATABASE':
                     self::createDatabaseVersion($dbname, '1', $query);
             // end switch
         // If version exists
         if (self::isTracked($dbname, $result['tablename']) && $version != -1) {
             if ($result['type'] == 'DDL') {
                 $save_to = 'schema_sql';
             } elseif ($result['type'] == 'DML') {
                 $save_to = 'data_sql';
             } else {
                 $save_to = '';
             $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             // Cut off `dbname`. from query
             $query = preg_replace('/`' . preg_quote($dbname) . '`\\s?\\./', '', $query);
             // Add log information
             $query = self::getLogComment() . $query;
             // Mark it as untouchable
             $sql_query = " /*NOTRACK*/\n" . " UPDATE " . self::_getTrackingTable() . " SET " . Util::backquote($save_to) . " = CONCAT( " . Util::backquote($save_to) . ",'\n" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($query) . "') ," . " `date_updated` = '" . $date . "' ";
             // If table was renamed we have to change
             // the tablename attribute in pma_tracking too
             if ($result['identifier'] == 'RENAME TABLE') {
                 $sql_query .= ', `table_name` = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($result['tablename_after_rename']) . '\' ';
             // Save the tracking information only for
             //     1. the database
             //     2. the table / view
             //     3. the statements
             // we want to track
             $sql_query .= " WHERE FIND_IN_SET('" . $result['identifier'] . "',tracking) > 0" . " AND `db_name` = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($dbname) . "' " . " AND `table_name` = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($result['tablename']) . "' " . " AND `version` = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($version) . "' ";
コード例 #22
ファイル: ExportSql.php プロジェクト: ryanfmurphy/phpmyadmin
  * Outputs the content of a table in SQL format
  * @param string $db        database name
  * @param string $table     table name
  * @param string $crlf      the end of line sequence
  * @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
  * @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
  * @param array  $aliases   Aliases of db/table/columns
  * @return bool Whether it succeeded
 public function exportData($db, $table, $crlf, $error_url, $sql_query, $aliases = array())
     global $current_row, $sql_backquotes;
     $db_alias = $db;
     $table_alias = $table;
     $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
         $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
     } else {
         $compat = 'NONE';
     $formatted_table_name = Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes);
     // Do not export data for a VIEW, unless asked to export the view as a table
     // (For a VIEW, this is called only when exporting a single VIEW)
     if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isView() && empty($GLOBALS['sql_views_as_tables'])) {
         $head = $this->_possibleCRLF() . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_exportComment('VIEW ' . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . $this->_exportComment(__('Data:') . ' ' . __('None')) . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_possibleCRLF();
         if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($head)) {
             return false;
         return true;
     $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql_query, null, DatabaseInterface::QUERY_UNBUFFERED);
     // a possible error: the table has crashed
     $tmp_error = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
     if ($tmp_error) {
         return PMA_exportOutputHandler($this->_exportComment(__('Error reading data:') . ' (' . $tmp_error . ')'));
     if ($result == false) {
         return true;
     $fields_cnt = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numFields($result);
     // Get field information
     $fields_meta = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result);
     $field_flags = array();
     for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
         $field_flags[$j] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldFlags($result, $j);
     $field_set = array();
     for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
         $col_as = $fields_meta[$j]->name;
         if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as])) {
             $col_as = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as];
         $field_set[$j] = Util::backquoteCompat($col_as, $compat, $sql_backquotes);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'UPDATE') {
         // update
         $schema_insert = 'UPDATE ';
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_ignore'])) {
             $schema_insert .= 'IGNORE ';
         // avoid EOL blank
         $schema_insert .= Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' SET';
     } else {
         // insert or replace
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'REPLACE') {
             $sql_command = 'REPLACE';
         } else {
             $sql_command = 'INSERT';
         // delayed inserts?
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_delayed'])) {
             $insert_delayed = ' DELAYED';
         } else {
             $insert_delayed = '';
         // insert ignore?
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'INSERT' && isset($GLOBALS['sql_ignore'])) {
             $insert_delayed .= ' IGNORE';
         //truncate table before insert
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_truncate']) && $GLOBALS['sql_truncate'] && $sql_command == 'INSERT') {
             $truncate = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ";";
             $truncatehead = $this->_possibleCRLF() . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_exportComment(__('Truncate table before insert') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;
         // scheme for inserting fields
         if ($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'complete' || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both') {
             $fields = implode(', ', $field_set);
             $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed . ' INTO ' . Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES';
         } else {
             $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed . ' INTO ' . Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' VALUES';
     //\x08\\x09, not required
     $search = array("", "\n", "\r", "");
     $replace = array('\\0', '\\n', '\\r', '\\Z');
     $current_row = 0;
     $query_size = 0;
     if (($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'extended' || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both') && (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) || $GLOBALS['sql_type'] != 'UPDATE')) {
         $separator = ',';
         $schema_insert .= $crlf;
     } else {
         $separator = ';';
     while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result)) {
         if ($current_row == 0) {
             $head = $this->_possibleCRLF() . $this->_exportComment() . $this->_exportComment(__('Dumping data for table') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;
             if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($head)) {
                 return false;
         // We need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for MSSQL
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility']) && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'MSSQL' && $current_row == 0) {
             if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler('SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' ON ;' . $crlf)) {
                 return false;
         $values = array();
         for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
             // NULL
             if (!isset($row[$j]) || is_null($row[$j])) {
                 $values[] = 'NULL';
             } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->numeric && $fields_meta[$j]->type != 'timestamp' && !$fields_meta[$j]->blob) {
                 // a number
                 // timestamp is numeric on some MySQL 4.1, BLOBs are
                 // sometimes numeric
                 $values[] = $row[$j];
             } elseif (stristr($field_flags[$j], 'BINARY') !== false && isset($GLOBALS['sql_hex_for_binary'])) {
                 // a true BLOB
                 // - mysqldump only generates hex data when the --hex-blob
                 //   option is used, for fields having the binary attribute
                 //   no hex is generated
                 // - a TEXT field returns type blob but a real blob
                 //   returns also the 'binary' flag
                 // empty blobs need to be different, but '0' is also empty
                 // :-(
                 if (empty($row[$j]) && $row[$j] != '0') {
                     $values[] = '\'\'';
                 } else {
                     $values[] = '0x' . bin2hex($row[$j]);
             } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->type == 'bit') {
                 // detection of 'bit' works only on mysqli extension
                 $values[] = "b'" . Util::sqlAddSlashes(Util::printableBitValue($row[$j], $fields_meta[$j]->length)) . "'";
             } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['exporting_metadata']) && $row[$j] == '@LAST_PAGE') {
                 $values[] = '@LAST_PAGE';
             } else {
                 // something else -> treat as a string
                 $values[] = '\'' . str_replace($search, $replace, Util::sqlAddSlashes($row[$j])) . '\'';
             // end if
         // end for
         // should we make update?
         if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type']) && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'UPDATE') {
             $insert_line = $schema_insert;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_cnt; $i++) {
                 if (0 == $i) {
                     $insert_line .= ' ';
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     // avoid EOL blank
                     $insert_line .= ',';
                 $insert_line .= $field_set[$i] . ' = ' . $values[$i];
             list($tmp_unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique) = Util::getUniqueCondition($result, $fields_cnt, $fields_meta, $row, false, false, null);
             $insert_line .= ' WHERE ' . $tmp_unique_condition;
             unset($tmp_unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique);
         } else {
             // Extended inserts case
             if ($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'extended' || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both') {
                 if ($current_row == 1) {
                     $insert_line = $schema_insert . '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                     $insertLineSize = mb_strlen($insert_line);
                     $sql_max_size = $GLOBALS['sql_max_query_size'];
                     if (isset($sql_max_size) && $sql_max_size > 0 && $query_size + $insertLineSize > $sql_max_size) {
                         if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(';' . $crlf)) {
                             return false;
                         $query_size = 0;
                         $current_row = 1;
                         $insert_line = $schema_insert . $insert_line;
                 $query_size += mb_strlen($insert_line);
                 // Other inserts case
             } else {
                 $insert_line = $schema_insert . '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
         if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(($current_row == 1 ? '' : $separator . $crlf) . $insert_line)) {
             return false;
     // end while
     if ($current_row > 0) {
         if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(';' . $crlf)) {
             return false;
     // We need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF for MSSQL
     if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility']) && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'MSSQL' && $current_row > 0) {
         $outputSucceeded = PMA_exportOutputHandler($crlf . 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' . Util::backquoteCompat($table_alias, $compat, $sql_backquotes) . ' OFF;' . $crlf);
         if (!$outputSucceeded) {
             return false;
     return true;
コード例 #23
 * Get SQL queries for Display and Add user
 * @param string $username username
 * @param string $hostname host name
 * @param string $password password
 * @return array ($create_user_real, $create_user_show,$real_sql_query, $sql_query
 *                $password_set_real, $password_set_show)
function PMA_getSqlQueriesForDisplayAndAddUser($username, $hostname, $password)
    $slashedUsername = Util::sqlAddSlashes($username);
    $slashedHostname = Util::sqlAddSlashes($hostname);
    $slashedPassword = Util::sqlAddSlashes($password);
    $serverType = Util::getServerType();
    $create_user_stmt = sprintf('CREATE USER \'%s\'@\'%s\'', $slashedUsername, $slashedHostname);
    // See https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/11560#issuecomment-147158219
    // for details regarding details of syntax usage for various versions
    // 'IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin'
    // is supported by MySQL 5.5.7+
    if (($serverType == 'MySQL' || $serverType == 'Percona Server') && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50507 && isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])) {
        $create_user_stmt .= ' IDENTIFIED WITH ' . $_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'];
    // 'IDENTIFIED VIA auth_plugin'
    // is supported by MariaDB 5.2+
    if ($serverType == 'MariaDB' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200 && isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])) {
        $create_user_stmt .= ' IDENTIFIED VIA ' . $_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'];
    $create_user_real = $create_user_show = $create_user_stmt;
    $password_set_stmt = 'SET PASSWORD FOR \'%s\'@\'%s\' = \'%s\'';
    $password_set_show = sprintf($password_set_stmt, $slashedUsername, $slashedHostname, '***');
    $sql_query_stmt = sprintf('GRANT %s ON *.* TO \'%s\'@\'%s\'', join(', ', PMA_extractPrivInfo()), $slashedUsername, $slashedHostname);
    $real_sql_query = $sql_query = $sql_query_stmt;
    // Set the proper hashing method
    if (isset($_REQUEST['authentication_plugin'])) {
    // Use 'CREATE USER ... WITH ... AS ..' syntax for
    // newer MySQL versions
    // and 'CREATE USER ... USING .. VIA ..' syntax for
    // newer MariaDB versions
    if (($serverType == 'MySQL' || $serverType == 'Percona Server') && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706 || $serverType == 'MariaDB' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200) {
        $password_set_real = null;
        // Required for binding '%' with '%s'
        $create_user_stmt = str_replace('%', '%%', $create_user_stmt);
        // MariaDB uses 'USING' whereas MySQL uses 'AS'
        if ($serverType == 'MariaDB') {
            $create_user_stmt .= ' USING \'%s\'';
        } else {
            $create_user_stmt .= ' AS \'%s\'';
        if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'keep') {
            $create_user_real = sprintf($create_user_stmt, $slashedPassword);
            $create_user_show = sprintf($create_user_stmt, '***');
        } else {
            if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'none') {
                $create_user_real = sprintf($create_user_stmt, null);
                $create_user_show = sprintf($create_user_stmt, '***');
            } else {
                $hashedPassword = PMA_getHashedPassword($_POST['pma_pw']);
                $create_user_real = sprintf($create_user_stmt, $hashedPassword);
                $create_user_show = sprintf($create_user_stmt, '***');
    } else {
        // Use 'SET PASSWORD' syntax for pre-5.7.6 MySQL versions
        // and pre-5.2.0 MariaDB versions
        if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'keep') {
            $password_set_real = sprintf($password_set_stmt, $slashedUsername, $slashedHostname, $slashedPassword);
        } else {
            if ($_POST['pred_password'] == 'none') {
                $password_set_real = sprintf($password_set_stmt, $slashedUsername, $slashedHostname, null);
            } else {
                $hashedPassword = PMA_getHashedPassword($_POST['pma_pw']);
                $password_set_real = sprintf($password_set_stmt, $slashedUsername, $slashedHostname, $hashedPassword);
    // add REQUIRE clause
    $require_clause = PMA_getRequireClause();
    $real_sql_query .= $require_clause;
    $sql_query .= $require_clause;
    if (isset($_POST['Grant_priv']) && $_POST['Grant_priv'] == 'Y' || (isset($_POST['max_questions']) || isset($_POST['max_connections']) || isset($_POST['max_updates']) || isset($_POST['max_user_connections']))) {
        $with_clause = PMA_getWithClauseForAddUserAndUpdatePrivs();
        $real_sql_query .= $with_clause;
        $sql_query .= $with_clause;
    if (isset($create_user_real)) {
        $create_user_real .= ';';
        $create_user_show .= ';';
    $real_sql_query .= ';';
    $sql_query .= ';';
    // No Global GRANT_OPTION privilege
    if (!$GLOBALS['is_grantuser']) {
        $real_sql_query = '';
        $sql_query = '';
    // Use 'SET PASSWORD' for pre-5.7.6 MySQL versions
    // and pre-5.2.0 MariaDB
    if ($serverType == 'MySQL' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50706 || $serverType == 'MariaDB' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50200) {
        $password_set_real = null;
        $password_set_show = null;
    } else {
        $password_set_real .= ";";
        $password_set_show .= ";";
    return array($create_user_real, $create_user_show, $real_sql_query, $sql_query, $password_set_real, $password_set_show);
コード例 #24
 * Handles requests for executing a routine
 * @return void
function PMA_RTN_handleExecute()
    global $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $GLOBALS, $db;
     * Handle all user requests other than the default of listing routines
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['execute_routine']) && !empty($_REQUEST['item_name'])) {
        // Build the queries
        $routine = PMA_RTN_getDataFromName($_REQUEST['item_name'], $_REQUEST['item_type'], false);
        if ($routine === false) {
            $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' ';
            $message .= sprintf(PMA_RTE_getWord('not_found'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name'])), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db)));
            $message = Message::error($message);
            if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']) {
                $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
                $response->addJSON('message', $message);
            } else {
                echo $message->getDisplay();
        $queries = array();
        $end_query = array();
        $args = array();
        $all_functions = $GLOBALS['PMA_Types']->getAllFunctions();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['params'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]])) {
                $value = $_REQUEST['params'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]];
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    // is SET type
                    $value = implode(',', $value);
                $value = PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($value);
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['funcs'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]]) && in_array($_REQUEST['funcs'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]], $all_functions)) {
                    $queries[] = "SET @p{$i}=" . $_REQUEST['funcs'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]] . "('{$value}');\n";
                } else {
                    $queries[] = "SET @p{$i}='{$value}';\n";
                $args[] = "@p{$i}";
            } else {
                $args[] = "@p{$i}";
            if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') {
                if ($routine['item_param_dir'][$i] == 'OUT' || $routine['item_param_dir'][$i] == 'INOUT') {
                    $end_query[] = "@p{$i} AS " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($routine['item_param_name'][$i]);
        if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') {
            $queries[] = "CALL " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($routine['item_name']) . "(" . implode(', ', $args) . ");\n";
            if (count($end_query)) {
                $queries[] = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $end_query) . ";\n";
        } else {
            $queries[] = "SELECT " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($routine['item_name']) . "(" . implode(', ', $args) . ") " . "AS " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($routine['item_name']) . ";\n";
        // Get all the queries as one SQL statement
        $multiple_query = implode("", $queries);
        $outcome = true;
        $affected = 0;
        // Execute query
        if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->tryMultiQuery($multiple_query)) {
            $outcome = false;
        // Generate output
        if ($outcome) {
            // Pass the SQL queries through the "pretty printer"
            $output = PMA\libraries\Util::formatSql(implode($queries, "\n"));
            // Display results
            $output .= "<fieldset><legend>";
            $output .= sprintf(__('Execution results of routine %s'), PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($routine['item_name'])));
            $output .= "</legend>";
            $nbResultsetToDisplay = 0;
            do {
                $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->storeResult();
                $num_rows = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result);
                if ($result !== false && $num_rows > 0) {
                    $output .= "<table><tr>";
                    foreach ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result) as $field) {
                        $output .= "<th>";
                        $output .= htmlspecialchars($field->name);
                        $output .= "</th>";
                    $output .= "</tr>";
                    $color_class = 'odd';
                    while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
                        $output .= "<tr>" . browseRow($row, $color_class) . "</tr>";
                        $color_class = $color_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
                    $output .= "</table>";
                    $affected = $num_rows;
                if (!$GLOBALS['dbi']->moreResults()) {
                $output .= "<br/>";
            } while ($GLOBALS['dbi']->nextResult());
            $output .= "</fieldset>";
            $message = __('Your SQL query has been executed successfully.');
            if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') {
                $message .= '<br />';
                // TODO : message need to be modified according to the
                // output from the routine
                $message .= sprintf(_ngettext('%d row affected by the last statement inside the ' . 'procedure.', '%d rows affected by the last statement inside the ' . 'procedure.', $affected), $affected);
            $message = Message::success($message);
            if ($nbResultsetToDisplay == 0) {
                $notice = __('MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).');
                $output .= Message::notice($notice)->getDisplay();
        } else {
            $output = '';
            $message = Message::error(sprintf(__('The following query has failed: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($multiple_query)) . '<br /><br />' . __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError(null));
        // Print/send output
        if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']) {
            $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
            $response->addJSON('message', $message->getDisplay() . $output);
            $response->addJSON('dialog', false);
        } else {
            echo $message->getDisplay() . $output;
            if ($message->isError()) {
                // At least one query has failed, so shouldn't
                // execute any more queries, so we quit.
            // Now deliberately fall through to displaying the routines list
    } else {
        if (!empty($_GET['execute_dialog']) && !empty($_GET['item_name'])) {
             * Display the execute form for a routine.
            $routine = PMA_RTN_getDataFromName($_GET['item_name'], $_GET['item_type'], true);
            if ($routine !== false) {
                $form = PMA_RTN_getExecuteForm($routine);
                if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
                    $title = __("Execute routine") . " " . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote(htmlentities($_GET['item_name'], ENT_QUOTES));
                    $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
                    $response->addJSON('message', $form);
                    $response->addJSON('title', $title);
                    $response->addJSON('dialog', true);
                } else {
                    echo "\n\n<h2>" . __("Execute routine") . "</h2>\n\n";
                    echo $form;
            } else {
                if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) {
                    $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' ';
                    $message .= sprintf(PMA_RTE_getWord('not_found'), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name'])), htmlspecialchars(PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db)));
                    $message = Message::error($message);
                    $response = PMA\libraries\Response::getInstance();
                    $response->addJSON('message', $message);
コード例 #25
ファイル: ImportCsv.php プロジェクト: pboutin44/maintest
  * Handles the whole import logic
  * @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
  * @return void
 public function doImport(&$sql_data = array())
     global $db, $table, $csv_terminated, $csv_enclosed, $csv_escaped, $csv_new_line, $csv_columns, $err_url;
     // $csv_replace and $csv_ignore should have been here,
     // but we use directly from $_POST
     global $error, $timeout_passed, $finished, $message;
     $replacements = array('\\n' => "\n", '\\t' => "\t", '\\r' => "\r");
     $csv_terminated = strtr($csv_terminated, $replacements);
     $csv_enclosed = strtr($csv_enclosed, $replacements);
     $csv_escaped = strtr($csv_escaped, $replacements);
     $csv_new_line = strtr($csv_new_line, $replacements);
     $param_error = false;
     if (mb_strlen($csv_terminated) < 1) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Columns terminated with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
         // The default dialog of MS Excel when generating a CSV produces a
         // semi-colon-separated file with no chance of specifying the
         // enclosing character. Thus, users who want to import this file
         // tend to remove the enclosing character on the Import dialog.
         // I could not find a test case where having no enclosing characters
         // confuses this script.
         // But the parser won't work correctly with strings so we allow just
         // one character.
     } elseif (mb_strlen($csv_enclosed) > 1) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Columns enclosed with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
         // I could not find a test case where having no escaping characters
         // confuses this script.
         // But the parser won't work correctly with strings so we allow just
         // one character.
     } elseif (mb_strlen($csv_escaped) > 1) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Columns escaped with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
     } elseif (mb_strlen($csv_new_line) != 1 && $csv_new_line != 'auto') {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s'));
         $message->addParam(__('Lines terminated with'), false);
         $error = true;
         $param_error = true;
     // If there is an error in the parameters entered,
     // indicate that immediately.
     if ($param_error) {
         PMA\libraries\Util::mysqlDie($message->getMessage(), '', false, $err_url);
     $buffer = '';
     $required_fields = 0;
     if (!$this->_getAnalyze()) {
         $sql_template = 'INSERT';
         if (isset($_POST['csv_ignore'])) {
             $sql_template .= ' IGNORE';
         $sql_template .= ' INTO ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table);
         $tmp_fields = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $table);
         if (empty($csv_columns)) {
             $fields = $tmp_fields;
         } else {
             $sql_template .= ' (';
             $fields = array();
             $tmp = preg_split('/,( ?)/', $csv_columns);
             foreach ($tmp as $key => $val) {
                 if (count($fields) > 0) {
                     $sql_template .= ', ';
                 /* Trim also `, if user already included backquoted fields */
                 $val = trim($val, " \t\r\n\v`");
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($tmp_fields as $field) {
                     if ($field['Field'] == $val) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid column (%s) specified! Ensure that columns' . ' names are spelled correctly, separated by commas' . ', and not enclosed in quotes.'));
                     $error = true;
                 $fields[] = $field;
                 $sql_template .= PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($val);
             $sql_template .= ') ';
         $required_fields = count($fields);
         $sql_template .= ' VALUES (';
     // Defaults for parser
     $i = 0;
     $len = 0;
     $lastlen = null;
     $line = 1;
     $lasti = -1;
     $values = array();
     $csv_finish = false;
     $tempRow = array();
     $rows = array();
     $col_names = array();
     $tables = array();
     $col_count = 0;
     $max_cols = 0;
     $csv_terminated_len = mb_strlen($csv_terminated);
     while (!($finished && $i >= $len) && !$error && !$timeout_passed) {
         $data = PMA_importGetNextChunk();
         if ($data === false) {
             // subtract data we didn't handle yet and stop processing
             $GLOBALS['offset'] -= strlen($buffer);
         } elseif ($data === true) {
             // Handle rest of buffer
         } else {
             // Append new data to buffer
             $buffer .= $data;
             // Force a trailing new line at EOF to prevent parsing problems
             if ($finished && $buffer) {
                 $finalch = mb_substr($buffer, -1);
                 if ($csv_new_line == 'auto' && $finalch != "\r" && $finalch != "\n") {
                     $buffer .= "\n";
                 } elseif ($csv_new_line != 'auto' && $finalch != $csv_new_line) {
                     $buffer .= $csv_new_line;
             // Do not parse string when we're not at the end
             // and don't have new line inside
             if ($csv_new_line == 'auto' && mb_strpos($buffer, "\r") === false && mb_strpos($buffer, "\n") === false || $csv_new_line != 'auto' && mb_strpos($buffer, $csv_new_line) === false) {
         // Current length of our buffer
         $len = mb_strlen($buffer);
         // Currently parsed char
         $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
         if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
             $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
             $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
         while ($i < $len) {
             // Deadlock protection
             if ($lasti == $i && $lastlen == $len) {
                 $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid format of CSV input on line %d.'));
                 $error = true;
             $lasti = $i;
             $lastlen = $len;
             // This can happen with auto EOL and \r at the end of buffer
             if (!$csv_finish) {
                 // Grab empty field
                 if ($ch == $csv_terminated) {
                     if ($i == $len - 1) {
                     $values[] = '';
                     $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                     if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                         $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
                         $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                 // Grab one field
                 $fallbacki = $i;
                 if ($ch == $csv_enclosed) {
                     if ($i == $len - 1) {
                     $need_end = true;
                     $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                     if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                         $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
                         $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                 } else {
                     $need_end = false;
                 $fail = false;
                 $value = '';
                 while ($need_end && ($ch != $csv_enclosed || $csv_enclosed == $csv_escaped) || !$need_end && !($ch == $csv_terminated || $ch == $csv_new_line || $csv_new_line == 'auto' && ($ch == "\r" || $ch == "\n"))) {
                     if ($ch == $csv_escaped) {
                         if ($i == $len - 1) {
                             $fail = true;
                         $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                         if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                             $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
                             $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                         if ($csv_enclosed == $csv_escaped && ($ch == $csv_terminated || $ch == $csv_new_line || $csv_new_line == 'auto' && ($ch == "\r" || $ch == "\n"))) {
                     $value .= $ch;
                     if ($i == $len - 1) {
                         if (!$finished) {
                             $fail = true;
                     $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                     if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                         $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
                         $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                 // unquoted NULL string
                 if (false === $need_end && $value === 'NULL') {
                     $value = null;
                 if ($fail) {
                     $i = $fallbacki;
                     $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                     if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                         $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                 // Need to strip trailing enclosing char?
                 if ($need_end && $ch == $csv_enclosed) {
                     if ($finished && $i == $len - 1) {
                         $ch = null;
                     } elseif ($i == $len - 1) {
                         $i = $fallbacki;
                         $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                         if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                             $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                     } else {
                         $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                         if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                             $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
                             $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                 // Are we at the end?
                 if ($ch == $csv_new_line || $csv_new_line == 'auto' && ($ch == "\r" || $ch == "\n") || $finished && $i == $len - 1) {
                     $csv_finish = true;
                 // Go to next char
                 if ($ch == $csv_terminated) {
                     if ($i == $len - 1) {
                         $i = $fallbacki;
                         $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                         if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                             $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                     $ch = mb_substr($buffer, $i, 1);
                     if ($csv_terminated_len > 1 && $ch == $csv_terminated[0]) {
                         $ch = $this->readCsvTerminatedString($buffer, $ch, $i, $csv_terminated_len);
                         $i += $csv_terminated_len - 1;
                 // If everything went okay, store value
                 $values[] = $value;
             // End of line
             if ($csv_finish || $ch == $csv_new_line || $csv_new_line == 'auto' && ($ch == "\r" || $ch == "\n")) {
                 if ($csv_new_line == 'auto' && $ch == "\r") {
                     // Handle "\r\n"
                     if ($i >= $len - 2 && !$finished) {
                         // We need more data to decide new line
                     if (mb_substr($buffer, $i + 1, 1) == "\n") {
                 // We didn't parse value till the end of line, so there was
                 // empty one
                 if (!$csv_finish) {
                     $values[] = '';
                 if ($this->_getAnalyze()) {
                     foreach ($values as $val) {
                         $tempRow[] = $val;
                     if ($col_count > $max_cols) {
                         $max_cols = $col_count;
                     $col_count = 0;
                     $rows[] = $tempRow;
                     $tempRow = array();
                 } else {
                     // Do we have correct count of values?
                     if (count($values) != $required_fields) {
                         // Hack for excel
                         if ($values[count($values) - 1] == ';') {
                             unset($values[count($values) - 1]);
                         } else {
                             $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid column count in CSV input' . ' on line %d.'));
                             $error = true;
                     $first = true;
                     $sql = $sql_template;
                     foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
                         if (!$first) {
                             $sql .= ', ';
                         if ($val === null) {
                             $sql .= 'NULL';
                         } else {
                             $sql .= '\'' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($val) . '\'';
                         $first = false;
                     $sql .= ')';
                     if (isset($_POST['csv_replace'])) {
                         $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ";
                         foreach ($fields as $field) {
                             $fieldName = PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($field['Field']);
                             $sql .= $fieldName . " = VALUES(" . $fieldName . "), ";
                         $sql = rtrim($sql, ', ');
                      * @todo maybe we could add original line to verbose
                      * SQL in comment
                     PMA_importRunQuery($sql, $sql, $sql_data);
                 $csv_finish = false;
                 $values = array();
                 $buffer = mb_substr($buffer, $i + 1);
                 $len = mb_strlen($buffer);
                 $i = 0;
                 $lasti = -1;
                 $ch = mb_substr($buffer, 0, 1);
         // End of parser loop
     // End of import loop
     if ($this->_getAnalyze()) {
         /* Fill out all rows */
         $num_rows = count($rows);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; ++$i) {
             for ($j = count($rows[$i]); $j < $max_cols; ++$j) {
                 $rows[$i][] = 'NULL';
         if (isset($_REQUEST['csv_col_names'])) {
             $col_names = array_splice($rows, 0, 1);
             $col_names = $col_names[0];
             // MySQL column names can't end with a space character.
             foreach ($col_names as $key => $col_name) {
                 $col_names[$key] = rtrim($col_name);
         if (isset($col_names) && count($col_names) != $max_cols || !isset($col_names)) {
             // Fill out column names
             for ($i = 0; $i < $max_cols; ++$i) {
                 $col_names[] = 'COL ' . ($i + 1);
         if (mb_strlen($db)) {
             $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW TABLES');
             $tbl_name = 'TABLE ' . (count($result) + 1);
         } else {
             $tbl_name = 'TBL_NAME';
         $tables[] = array($tbl_name, $col_names, $rows);
         /* Obtain the best-fit MySQL types for each column */
         $analyses = array();
         $analyses[] = PMA_analyzeTable($tables[0]);
          * string $db_name (no backquotes)
          * array $table = array(table_name, array() column_names, array()() rows)
          * array $tables = array of "$table"s
          * array $analysis = array(array() column_types, array() column_sizes)
          * array $analyses = array of "$analysis"s
          * array $create = array of SQL strings
          * array $options = an associative array of options
         /* Set database name to the currently selected one, if applicable */
         list($db_name, $options) = $this->getDbnameAndOptions($db, 'CSV_DB');
         /* Non-applicable parameters */
         $create = null;
         /* Created and execute necessary SQL statements from data */
         PMA_buildSQL($db_name, $tables, $analyses, $create, $options, $sql_data);
     // Commit any possible data in buffers
     PMA_importRunQuery('', '', $sql_data);
     if (count($values) != 0 && !$error) {
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('Invalid format of CSV input on line %d.'));
         $error = true;
コード例 #26
ファイル: common.inc.php プロジェクト: deerob/phpmyadmin
             // In such case we can use the value of port.
             $server_details['port'] = $cfg['Server']['port'];
         // otherwise we leave the $server_details['port'] unset,
         // allowing it to take default mysql port
         $controllink = $GLOBALS['dbi']->connect($cfg['Server']['controluser'], $cfg['Server']['controlpass'], true, $server_details);
     } else {
         $controllink = $GLOBALS['dbi']->connect($cfg['Server']['controluser'], $cfg['Server']['controlpass'], true);
 // Connects to the server (validates user's login)
 /** @var DatabaseInterface $userlink */
 $userlink = $GLOBALS['dbi']->connect($cfg['Server']['user'], $cfg['Server']['password'], false);
 // Set timestamp for the session, if required.
 if ($cfg['Server']['SessionTimeZone'] != '') {
     $sql_query_tz = 'SET ' . Util::backquote('time_zone') . ' = ' . '\'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($cfg['Server']['SessionTimeZone']) . '\'';
     if (!$userlink->query($sql_query_tz)) {
         $error_message_tz = sprintf(__('Unable to use timezone %1$s for server %2$d. ' . 'Please check your configuration setting for ' . '[em]$cfg[\'Servers\'][%3$d][\'SessionTimeZone\'][/em]. ' . 'phpMyAdmin is currently using the default time zone ' . 'of the database server.'), $cfg['Servers'][$GLOBALS['server']]['SessionTimeZone'], $GLOBALS['server'], $GLOBALS['server']);
         $GLOBALS['error_handler']->addError($error_message_tz, E_USER_WARNING, '', '', false);
 if (!$controllink) {
     $controllink = $userlink;
 /* Log success */
 if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < $cfg['MysqlMinVersion']['internal']) {
     PMA_fatalError(__('You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'), array('MySQL', $cfg['MysqlMinVersion']['human']));
コード例 #27
  * returns details about the TRIGGERs for a specific table or database
  * @param string $db        db name
  * @param string $table     table name
  * @param string $delimiter the delimiter to use (may be empty)
  * @return array information about triggers (may be empty)
 public function getTriggers($db, $table = '', $delimiter = '//')
     $result = array();
     if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
         if (!empty($table)) {
             $query .= " AND EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE " . Util::getCollateForIS() . " = '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . "';";
     } else {
         $query = "SHOW TRIGGERS FROM " . Util::backquote($db);
         if (!empty($table)) {
             $query .= " LIKE '" . Util::sqlAddSlashes($table, true) . "';";
     if ($triggers = $this->fetchResult($query)) {
         foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
             if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) {
                 $trigger['TRIGGER_NAME'] = $trigger['Trigger'];
                 $trigger['ACTION_TIMING'] = $trigger['Timing'];
                 $trigger['EVENT_MANIPULATION'] = $trigger['Event'];
                 $trigger['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE'] = $trigger['Table'];
                 $trigger['ACTION_STATEMENT'] = $trigger['Statement'];
                 $trigger['DEFINER'] = $trigger['Definer'];
             $one_result = array();
             $one_result['name'] = $trigger['TRIGGER_NAME'];
             $one_result['table'] = $trigger['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE'];
             $one_result['action_timing'] = $trigger['ACTION_TIMING'];
             $one_result['event_manipulation'] = $trigger['EVENT_MANIPULATION'];
             $one_result['definition'] = $trigger['ACTION_STATEMENT'];
             $one_result['definer'] = $trigger['DEFINER'];
             // do not prepend the schema name; this way, importing the
             // definition into another schema will work
             $one_result['full_trigger_name'] = Util::backquote($trigger['TRIGGER_NAME']);
             $one_result['drop'] = 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ' . $one_result['full_trigger_name'];
             $one_result['create'] = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' . $one_result['full_trigger_name'] . ' ' . $trigger['ACTION_TIMING'] . ' ' . $trigger['EVENT_MANIPULATION'] . ' ON ' . Util::backquote($trigger['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE']) . "\n" . ' FOR EACH ROW ' . $trigger['ACTION_STATEMENT'] . "\n" . $delimiter . "\n";
             $result[] = $one_result;
     // Sort results by name
     $name = array();
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         $name[] = $value['name'];
     array_multisort($name, SORT_ASC, $result);
     return $result;
コード例 #28
  * Displays the table structure ('show table' works correct since 3.23.03)
  * @param array       $cfgRelation               current relation parameters
  * @param array       $columns_with_unique_index Columns with unique index
  * @param mixed       $url_params                Contains an associative
  *                                               array with url params
  * @param Index|false $primary_index             primary index or false if
  *                                               no one exists
  * @param array       $fields                    Fields
  * @param array       $columns_with_index        Columns with index
  * @param array       $create_table_fields       Fields of the table.
  * @return string
 protected function displayStructure($cfgRelation, $columns_with_unique_index, $url_params, $primary_index, $fields, $columns_with_index, $create_table_fields)
     $HideStructureActions = '';
     if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['HideStructureActions'] === true) {
         $HideStructureActions .= ' HideStructureActions';
     // prepare comments
     $comments_map = array();
     $mime_map = array();
     if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowPropertyComments']) {
         include_once 'libraries/transformations.lib.php';
         $comments_map = PMA_getComments($this->db, $this->table);
         if ($cfgRelation['mimework'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']) {
             $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($this->db, $this->table, true);
     include_once 'libraries/central_columns.lib.php';
     $central_list = PMA_getCentralColumnsFromTable($this->db, $this->table);
     $columns_list = array();
     $titles = array('Change' => Util::getIcon('b_edit.png', __('Change')), 'Drop' => Util::getIcon('b_drop.png', __('Drop')), 'NoDrop' => Util::getIcon('b_drop.png', __('Drop')), 'Primary' => Util::getIcon('b_primary.png', __('Primary')), 'Index' => Util::getIcon('b_index.png', __('Index')), 'Unique' => Util::getIcon('b_unique.png', __('Unique')), 'Spatial' => Util::getIcon('b_spatial.png', __('Spatial')), 'IdxFulltext' => Util::getIcon('b_ftext.png', __('Fulltext')), 'NoPrimary' => Util::getIcon('bd_primary.png', __('Primary')), 'NoIndex' => Util::getIcon('bd_index.png', __('Index')), 'NoUnique' => Util::getIcon('bd_unique.png', __('Unique')), 'NoSpatial' => Util::getIcon('bd_spatial.png', __('Spatial')), 'NoIdxFulltext' => Util::getIcon('bd_ftext.png', __('Fulltext')), 'DistinctValues' => Util::getIcon('b_browse.png', __('Distinct values')));
      * Work on the table
     if ($this->_tbl_is_view && !$this->_db_is_system_schema) {
         $item = $this->dbi->fetchSingleRow(sprintf("SELECT `VIEW_DEFINITION`, `CHECK_OPTION`, `DEFINER`,\n                      `SECURITY_TYPE`\n                    FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`VIEWS`\n                    WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='%s'\n                    AND TABLE_NAME='%s';", Util::sqlAddSlashes($this->db), Util::sqlAddSlashes($this->table)));
         $createView = $this->dbi->getTable($this->db, $this->table)->showCreate();
         // get algorithm from $createView of the form
         $parts = explode(" ", substr($createView, 17));
         $item['ALGORITHM'] = $parts[0];
         $view = array('operation' => 'alter', 'definer' => $item['DEFINER'], 'sql_security' => $item['SECURITY_TYPE'], 'name' => $this->table, 'as' => $item['VIEW_DEFINITION'], 'with' => $item['CHECK_OPTION'], 'algorithm' => $item['ALGORITHM']);
         $edit_view_url = 'view_create.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($url_params) . '&amp;' . implode('&amp;', array_map(function ($key, $val) {
             return 'view[' . urlencode($key) . ']=' . urlencode($val);
         }, array_keys($view), $view));
      * Displays Space usage and row statistics
     // BEGIN - Calc Table Space
     // Get valid statistics whatever is the table type
     if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowStats']) {
         //get table stats in HTML format
         $tablestats = $this->getTableStats();
         //returning the response in JSON format to be used by Ajax
         $this->response->addJSON('tableStat', $tablestats);
     // END - Calc Table Space
     return Template::get('table/structure/display_structure')->render(array('HideStructureActions' => $HideStructureActions, 'db' => $this->db, 'table' => $this->table, 'db_is_system_schema' => $this->_db_is_system_schema, 'tbl_is_view' => $this->_tbl_is_view, 'mime_map' => $mime_map, 'url_query' => $this->_url_query, 'titles' => $titles, 'tbl_storage_engine' => $this->_tbl_storage_engine, 'primary' => $primary_index, 'columns_with_unique_index' => $columns_with_unique_index, 'edit_view_url' => isset($edit_view_url) ? $edit_view_url : null, 'columns_list' => $columns_list, 'tablestats' => isset($tablestats) ? $tablestats : null, 'fields' => $fields, 'columns_with_index' => $columns_with_index, 'central_list' => $central_list, 'create_table_fields' => $create_table_fields, 'comments_map' => $comments_map));
コード例 #29
 * Get table alters array
 * @param boolean $is_myisam_or_aria   whether MYISAM | ARIA or not
 * @param boolean $is_isam             whether ISAM or not
 * @param string  $pack_keys           pack keys
 * @param string  $checksum            value of checksum
 * @param boolean $is_aria             whether ARIA or not
 * @param string  $page_checksum       value of page checksum
 * @param string  $delay_key_write     delay key write
 * @param boolean $is_innodb           whether INNODB or not
 * @param boolean $is_pbxt             whether PBXT or not
 * @param string  $row_format          row format
 * @param string  $newTblStorageEngine table storage engine
 * @param string  $transactional       value of transactional
 * @param string  $tbl_collation       collation of the table
 * @return array  $table_alters
function PMA_getTableAltersArray($is_myisam_or_aria, $is_isam, $pack_keys, $checksum, $is_aria, $page_checksum, $delay_key_write, $is_innodb, $is_pbxt, $row_format, $newTblStorageEngine, $transactional, $tbl_collation)
    global $auto_increment;
    $table_alters = array();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['comment']) && urldecode($_REQUEST['prev_comment']) !== $_REQUEST['comment']) {
        $table_alters[] = 'COMMENT = \'' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['comment']) . '\'';
    if (!empty($newTblStorageEngine) && mb_strtolower($newTblStorageEngine) !== mb_strtolower($GLOBALS['tbl_storage_engine'])) {
        $table_alters[] = 'ENGINE = ' . $newTblStorageEngine;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['tbl_collation']) && $_REQUEST['tbl_collation'] !== $tbl_collation) {
        $table_alters[] = 'DEFAULT ' . PMA_generateCharsetQueryPart($_REQUEST['tbl_collation']);
    if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_isam) && isset($_REQUEST['new_pack_keys']) && $_REQUEST['new_pack_keys'] != (string) $pack_keys) {
        $table_alters[] = 'pack_keys = ' . $_REQUEST['new_pack_keys'];
    $_REQUEST['new_checksum'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_checksum']) ? '0' : '1';
    if ($is_myisam_or_aria && $_REQUEST['new_checksum'] !== $checksum) {
        $table_alters[] = 'checksum = ' . $_REQUEST['new_checksum'];
    $_REQUEST['new_transactional'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_transactional']) ? '0' : '1';
    if ($is_aria && $_REQUEST['new_transactional'] !== $transactional) {
        $table_alters[] = 'TRANSACTIONAL = ' . $_REQUEST['new_transactional'];
    $_REQUEST['new_page_checksum'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_page_checksum']) ? '0' : '1';
    if ($is_aria && $_REQUEST['new_page_checksum'] !== $page_checksum) {
        $table_alters[] = 'PAGE_CHECKSUM = ' . $_REQUEST['new_page_checksum'];
    $_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write']) ? '0' : '1';
    if ($is_myisam_or_aria && $_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write'] !== $delay_key_write) {
        $table_alters[] = 'delay_key_write = ' . $_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write'];
    if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_pbxt) && !empty($_REQUEST['new_auto_increment']) && (!isset($auto_increment) || $_REQUEST['new_auto_increment'] !== $auto_increment)) {
        $table_alters[] = 'auto_increment = ' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['new_auto_increment']);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['new_row_format'])) {
        $newRowFormat = $_REQUEST['new_row_format'];
        $newRowFormatLower = mb_strtolower($newRowFormat);
        if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_pbxt) && (!mb_strlen($row_format) || $newRowFormatLower !== mb_strtolower($row_format))) {
            $table_alters[] = 'ROW_FORMAT = ' . PMA\libraries\Util::sqlAddSlashes($newRowFormat);
    return $table_alters;
コード例 #30
 * Adjust the privileges after renaming/moving a table
 * @param string $oldDb    Database name before table renaming/moving table
 * @param string $oldTable Table name before table renaming/moving table
 * @param string $newDb    Database name after table renaming/ moving table
 * @param string $newTable Table name after table renaming/moving table
 * @return void
function PMA_AdjustPrivileges_renameOrMoveTable($oldDb, $oldTable, $newDb, $newTable)
    if ($GLOBALS['table_priv'] && $GLOBALS['col_priv'] && $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']) {
        // For table specific privileges
        $query_table_specific = 'UPDATE ' . Util::backquote('tables_priv') . 'SET Db = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($newDb) . '\', Table_name = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($newTable) . '\' where Db = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($oldDb) . '\' AND Table_name = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($oldTable) . '\';';
        // For column specific privileges
        $query_col_specific = 'UPDATE ' . Util::backquote('columns_priv') . 'SET Db = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($newDb) . '\', Table_name = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($newTable) . '\' where Db = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($oldDb) . '\' AND Table_name = \'' . Util::sqlAddSlashes($oldTable) . '\';';
        // Finally FLUSH the new privileges
        $flush_query = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;";