</form> <br><br><br> <div class="title"> <h2>Popshop sync</h2> <span>Sync with Popshop</span> </div> <div class="form-table"> <div class="row"><span>Last Update: <span class="info"><span>Last Update Time</span></span></span><div>' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", \query\main::get_option('popshop_lastupdate')) . ' <button class="btn" onclick="dosync()">Sync</button> <button class="btn" onclick="dosync(2)">AutoImport</button> <button class="btn" onclick="dosync(1)">Sync+AutoImport</button></div><div id="popshop_sync_info"></div></div> </div> <br><br><br> <div class="title"> <h2>Category Mapping</h2> <span>Category Mapping for Data Automation</span> </div>'; $mappingdata = \plugin\Popshop\inc\actions::listMerchantTypeMapping(); $categories_while = \query\main::while_categories(array('max' => 0, 'show' => 'subcats')); echo '<select name="template_category" style="display:none;">'; foreach ($categories_while as $cat) { echo '<option value="' . $cat->ID . '">' . $cat->name . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo ' <input type="button" value="OK" name="template_category_OK" style="display:none;"><input type="button" value="Cancel" name="template_category_Cancel" style="display:none;"> <form action="#" method="POST"> <div class="form-table">'; foreach ($mappingdata as $km => $vm) { $catname = 'N/A'; $catid = 0; if ($vm['catid'] && $vm['catid'] > 0) { foreach ($categories_while as $cat) {
<form action="#" method="POST" autocomplete="off"> <div class="row"><span>Category:</span> <div><select name="coupon[Category]">'; foreach (\query\main::group_categories(array('max' => 0)) as $cat) { echo '<optgroup label="' . $cat['infos']->name . '">'; echo '<option value="' . $cat['infos']->ID . '"' . ($store['category'] == $cat['infos']->ID ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $cat['infos']->name . '</option>'; if (isset($cat['subcats'])) { foreach ($cat['subcats'] as $subcat) { echo '<option value="' . $subcat->ID . '"' . ($store['category'] == $subcat->ID ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $subcat->name . '</option>'; } } echo '</optgroup>'; } $tags = ''; if ($coupon_p['deal_type'] != '') { $deal_types = \plugin\Popshop\inc\actions::listDealTypes($coupon_p['deal_type']); foreach ($deal_types as $deal_type) { if ($tags == '') { $tags = $deal_type; } else { $tags .= ', ' . $deal_type; } } } echo '</select></div></div> <div class="row"><span>Name:</span><div><input type="text" name="coupon[Title]" value="' . (isset($coupon_p['name']) ? $coupon_p['name'] : '') . '" required /></div></div> <div class="row"><span>Code:</span><div><input type="text" name="coupon[Code]" value="' . (isset($coupon_p['code']) ? $coupon_p['code'] : '') . '" /></div></div> <div class="row"><span>Coupon URL:</span><div><input type="checkbox" name="coupon[Ownlink]" value="1" id="ownlink" onclick="$(this).show_next({element:\'#link\', type:\'next\'});"' . (isset($coupon_p['url']) && $coupon_p['url'] || empty($store['link']) ? ' checked' : '') . ' /> <label for="ownlink">Use store address</label> <br /> <input type="text" name="coupon[Link]" value="' . (isset($store['link']) ? $store['link'] : 'http://') . '" id="link"' . (isset($coupon_p['url']) && $coupon_p['url'] || empty($store['link']) ? ' style="display: none;"' : '') . ' /> </div></div>
$merchants_import = $ret['num_imports']; $merchants_more = $merchantinfo['results']['merchants']['count'] - $page_m * 100; $page_m++; } else { $merchants_more = 0; } } while ($merchants_more > 0); } //3.import deals $ret = \plugin\Popshop\inc\actions::importDeal($dealinfo['results']['deals']['deal']); $dup_deals_count = $ret['num_dups']; $deals_import_total += $ret['num_imports']; $deals_more = $dealinfo['results']['deals']['count'] - $page * 100; echo "imported " . $merchants_import . ' new stores ' . $ret['num_imports'] . '(' . $dup_deals_count . ') new coupons<br>'; $page++; } else { $deals_more = 0; } } while ($deals_more > 0 && $dup_deals_count < $dup_deals_count_max); actions::set_option(array('popshop_lastupdate' => time())); echo 'sync success!<br>' . $merchants_import_total . ' new stores<br>' . $deals_import_total . ' new coupons<br>'; } //4.import to couponcms data if (isset($_GET['auto'])) { $visible = isset($_GET['visible']) ? intval($_GET['visible']) : 0; $ret_store = \plugin\Popshop\inc\actions::add_store_auto($visible); $ret_item = \plugin\Popshop\inc\actions::add_item_auto(); echo 'auto-import done!<br>store:' . $ret_store['done'] . 'done, ' . $ret_store['pass'] . 'pass, ' . $ret_store['fail'] . 'fail<br>item:' . $ret_item['done'] . 'done, ' . $ret_item['pass'] . 'pass, ' . $ret_item['fail'] . 'fail<br>'; } } echo '<div><button class="btn" onclick="parent.location.reload();">Close</button></div>';