getCurrentBranch() public method

Get the current branch name.
public getCurrentBranch ( string $dir = null, boolean $mustRun = false ) : string | false
$dir string The path to a Git repository.
$mustRun boolean Enable exceptions if the Git command fails.
return string | false
コード例 #1
  * Test GitHelper::getCurrentBranch().
 public function testGetCurrentBranch()
     $this->assertEquals('test', $this->gitHelper->getCurrentBranch());
コード例 #2
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $project = $this->getCurrentProject();
     if (!$project) {
         throw new RootNotFoundException();
     $projectRoot = $this->getProjectRoot();
     $repositoryDir = $projectRoot . '/' . LocalProject::REPOSITORY_DIR;
     $gitHelper = new GitHelper(new ShellHelper($output));
     $specifiedEnvironmentId = $input->getArgument('environment');
     if ($specifiedEnvironmentId != '0' && !($specifiedEnvironment = $this->getEnvironment($specifiedEnvironmentId, $project))) {
         $this->stdErr->writeln("Environment not found: <error>{$specifiedEnvironmentId}</error>");
         return 1;
     $specifiedBranch = $input->getArgument('branch');
     if ($specifiedBranch) {
         if (!$gitHelper->branchExists($specifiedBranch)) {
             $this->stdErr->writeln("Branch not found: <error>{$specifiedBranch}</error>");
             return 1;
     } else {
         $specifiedBranch = $gitHelper->getCurrentBranch();
     // Check whether the branch is mapped by default (its name or its Git
     // upstream is the same as the remote environment ID).
     $mappedByDefault = isset($specifiedEnvironment) && $specifiedEnvironment->status != 'inactive' && $specifiedEnvironmentId === $specifiedBranch;
     if ($specifiedEnvironmentId != '0' && !$mappedByDefault) {
         $upstream = $gitHelper->getUpstream($specifiedBranch);
         if (strpos($upstream, '/')) {
             list(, $upstream) = explode('/', $upstream, 2);
         if ($upstream === $specifiedEnvironmentId) {
             $mappedByDefault = true;
         if (!$mappedByDefault && $gitHelper->branchExists($specifiedEnvironmentId)) {
             $this->stdErr->writeln("A local branch already exists named <comment>{$specifiedEnvironmentId}</comment>");
     // Perform the mapping or unmapping.
     $config = $this->getProjectConfig($projectRoot);
     $config += ['mapping' => []];
     if ($mappedByDefault || $specifiedEnvironmentId == '0') {
         $this->setProjectConfig('mapping', $config['mapping'], $projectRoot);
     } else {
         if (isset($config['mapping']) && ($current = array_search($specifiedEnvironmentId, $config['mapping'])) !== false) {
         $config['mapping'][$specifiedBranch] = $specifiedEnvironmentId;
         $this->setProjectConfig('mapping', $config['mapping'], $projectRoot);
     // Check the success of the operation.
     if (isset($config['mapping'][$specifiedBranch])) {
         $actualRemoteEnvironment = $config['mapping'][$specifiedBranch];
         $this->stdErr->writeln("The local branch <info>{$specifiedBranch}</info> is mapped to the remote environment <info>{$actualRemoteEnvironment}</info>");
     } elseif ($mappedByDefault) {
         $actualRemoteEnvironment = $specifiedBranch;
         $this->stdErr->writeln("The local branch <info>{$specifiedBranch}</info> is mapped to the default remote environment, <info>{$specifiedBranch}</info>");
     } else {
         $this->stdErr->writeln("The local branch <info>{$specifiedBranch}</info> is not mapped to a remote environment");
     $success = !empty($actualRemoteEnvironment) ? $actualRemoteEnvironment == $specifiedEnvironmentId : $specifiedEnvironmentId == '0';
     return $success ? 0 : 1;