stringEndsWith() public static method

public static stringEndsWith ( $haystack, $needle )
コード例 #1
ファイル: Sql.php プロジェクト: piwik/piwik
 public function __toString()
     $sql = $this->sql;
     if (!Common::stringEndsWith($sql, ';')) {
         $sql .= ';';
     return $sql;
コード例 #2
 private function buildUserSettingName($name, $userLogin = null)
     if (empty($userLogin)) {
         $userLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
     // the asterisk tag is indeed important here and better than an underscore. Imagine a plugin has the settings
     // "api_password" and "api". A user having the login "_password" could otherwise under circumstances change the
     // setting for "api" although he is not allowed to. It is not so important at the moment because only alNum is
     // currently allowed as a name this might change in the future.
     $appendix = '#' . $userLogin . '#';
     if (Common::stringEndsWith($name, $appendix)) {
         return $name;
     return $name . $appendix;
コード例 #3
 public function addViewDataTable(&$viewDataTable)
     // Both are the same HtmlTable, just the Pivot one has some extra logic in case Pivot is used.
     // We don't want to use the same HtmlTable twice in the UI. Therefore we always need to remove one.
     if (Common::getRequestVar('pivotBy', '')) {
         $tableToRemove = 'Visualizations\\HtmlTable';
     } else {
         $tableToRemove = 'HtmlTable\\PivotBy';
     foreach ($viewDataTable as $index => $table) {
         if (Common::stringEndsWith($table, $tableToRemove)) {
コード例 #4
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $buildNumber = $input->getArgument('buildnumber');
     $targetDir = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/' . dirname($this->targetDir);
     $tmpDir = StaticContainer::get('path.tmp');
     $this->validate($buildNumber, $targetDir, $tmpDir);
     if (Common::stringEndsWith($buildNumber, '.1')) {
         // eg make '14820.1' to '14820' to be backwards compatible
         $buildNumber = substr($buildNumber, 0, -2);
     $filename = sprintf('system.%s.tar.bz2', $buildNumber);
     $urlBase = sprintf('', $filename);
     $tests = Http::sendHttpRequest($urlBase, $timeout = 120);
     $tarFile = $tmpDir . $filename;
     file_put_contents($tarFile, $tests);
     $tar = new Tar($tarFile, 'bz2');
     $this->writeSuccessMessage($output, array('All processed system test results were copied to <comment>' . $this->targetDir . '</comment>', 'Compare them with the expected test results and commit them if needed.'));
コード例 #5
ファイル: GenerateTest.php プロジェクト: carriercomm/piwik
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return string
  * @throws \RunTimeException
 private function getTestName(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $testname = $input->getOption('testname');
     $validate = function ($testname) {
         if (empty($testname)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You have to enter a valid test name ');
         return $testname;
     if (empty($testname)) {
         $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
         $testname = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, 'Enter the name of the test: ', $validate);
     } else {
     if (!Common::stringEndsWith(strtolower($testname), 'test')) {
         $testname = $testname . 'Test';
     $testname = ucfirst($testname);
     return $testname;
コード例 #6
 protected function concatenateAssets()
     $mergedContent = '';
     foreach ($this->getAssetCatalog()->getAssets() as $uiAsset) {
         try {
             $path = $uiAsset->getAbsoluteLocation();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $path = null;
         if (!empty($path) && Common::stringEndsWith($path, '.css')) {
             // to fix #10173
             $mergedContent .= "\n" . $this->getCssStatementForReplacement($path) . "\n";
             $this->cssAssetsToReplace[] = $uiAsset;
         } else {
             $content = $this->processFileContent($uiAsset);
             $mergedContent .= $this->getFileSeparator() . $content;
     $this->mergedContent = $mergedContent;
コード例 #7
 public function getTargets()
     $targets = array();
     if ($this->settings->trackToPiwik->getValue()) {
         $targets[] = array('url' => '', 'idSite' => 1, 'useAnonymization' => true);
     $ownSiteId = $this->settings->ownPiwikSiteId->getValue();
     if ($ownSiteId) {
         $piwikUrl = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl();
         if (!Common::stringEndsWith($piwikUrl, '/')) {
             $piwikUrl .= '/';
         $targets[] = array('url' => $piwikUrl . 'piwik.php', 'idSite' => (int) $ownSiteId, 'useAnonymization' => $this->settings->anonymizeSelfPiwik->getValue());
     $customUrl = $this->settings->customPiwikSiteUrl->getValue();
     $customSiteId = $this->settings->customPiwikSiteId->getValue();
     if ($customUrl && $customSiteId) {
         $targets[] = array('url' => $customUrl, 'idSite' => (int) $customSiteId, 'useAnonymization' => $this->settings->anonymizeCustomPiwik->getValue());
     return $targets;
コード例 #8
ファイル: BatchInsert.php プロジェクト: piwik/piwik
 private static function getBestPathForLoadData()
     try {
         $path = Db::fetchOne('SELECT @@secure_file_priv');
         // was introduced in 5.0.38
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we do not rethrow exception as an error is expected if MySQL is < 5.0.38
         // in this case tableInsertBatch might still work
     if (empty($path) || !@is_dir($path) || !@is_writable($path)) {
         $path = StaticContainer::get('path.tmp') . '/assets/';
     } elseif (!Common::stringEndsWith($path, '/')) {
         $path .= '/';
     return $path;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SiteUrls.php プロジェクト: mgou-net/piwik
 private function getCanonicalPathFromParsedUrl($urlParsed)
     $path = '/';
     if (isset($urlParsed['path'])) {
         $path = Common::mb_strtolower($urlParsed['path']);
         if (!Common::stringEndsWith($path, '/')) {
             $path .= '/';
     return $path;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Url.php プロジェクト: postalservice14/piwik
  * Checks whether any of the given URLs has the given host. If not, we will also check whether any URL uses a
  * subdomain of the given host. For instance if host is "" and a URL is "" we
  * consider this as valid and return true. The always trusted hosts such as "" are considered valid as well.
  * @param $host
  * @param $urls
  * @return bool
 public static function isHostInUrls($host, $urls)
     if (empty($host)) {
         return false;
     $host = Common::mb_strtolower($host);
     if (!empty($urls)) {
         foreach ($urls as $url) {
             if (Common::mb_strtolower($url) === $host) {
                 return true;
             $siteHost = self::getHostFromUrl($url);
             if ($siteHost === $host) {
                 return true;
             if (Common::stringEndsWith($siteHost, '.' . $host)) {
                 // allow subdomains
                 return true;
     return in_array($host, self::$alwaysTrustedHosts);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ApiRenderer.php プロジェクト: Abine/piwik
  * @param string $format
  * @param array  $request
  * @return ApiRenderer
  * @throws Exception
 public static function factory($format, $request)
     $formatToCheck = '\\' . ucfirst(strtolower($format));
     $rendererClassnames = Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->findMultipleComponents('Renderer', 'Piwik\\API\\ApiRenderer');
     foreach ($rendererClassnames as $klassName) {
         if (Common::stringEndsWith($klassName, $formatToCheck)) {
             return new $klassName($request);
     $availableRenderers = array();
     foreach ($rendererClassnames as $rendererClassname) {
         $availableRenderers[] = self::getFormatFromClass($rendererClassname);
     $availableRenderers = implode(', ', $availableRenderers);
     @header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
     throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('General_ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat', array($format, $availableRenderers)));
コード例 #12
ファイル: CronArchive.php プロジェクト: pombredanne/ArcherSys
 private function initPiwikHost($piwikUrl = false)
     // If core:archive command run as a web cron, we use the current hostname+path
     if (empty($piwikUrl)) {
         if (!empty(self::$url)) {
             $piwikUrl = self::$url;
         } else {
             $piwikUrl = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl();
     if (!$piwikUrl) {
     if (!\Piwik\UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($piwikUrl)) {
         // try adding http:// in case it's missing
         $piwikUrl = "http://" . $piwikUrl;
     if (!\Piwik\UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($piwikUrl)) {
     // ensure there is a trailing slash
     if ($piwikUrl[strlen($piwikUrl) - 1] != '/' && !Common::stringEndsWith($piwikUrl, 'index.php')) {
         $piwikUrl .= '/';
     if (Config::getInstance()->General['force_ssl'] == 1) {
         $piwikUrl = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $piwikUrl);
     if (!Common::stringEndsWith($piwikUrl, 'index.php')) {
         $piwikUrl .= 'index.php';
     $this->piwikUrl = $piwikUrl;
コード例 #13
ファイル: GeneratePluginBase.php プロジェクト: piwik/piwik
 protected function checkAndUpdateRequiredPiwikVersion($pluginName, OutputInterface $output)
     $pluginJsonPath = $this->getPluginPath($pluginName) . '/plugin.json';
     $relativePluginJson = $this->getRelativePluginPath($pluginName) . '/plugin.json';
     if (!file_exists($pluginJsonPath) || !is_writable($pluginJsonPath)) {
     $pluginJson = file_get_contents($pluginJsonPath);
     $pluginJson = json_decode($pluginJson, true);
     if (empty($pluginJson)) {
     if (empty($pluginJson['require'])) {
         $pluginJson['require'] = array();
     $piwikVersion = Version::VERSION;
     $nextMajorVersion = (int) substr($piwikVersion, 0, strpos($piwikVersion, '.')) + 1;
     $secondPartPiwikVersionRequire = ',<' . $nextMajorVersion . '.0.0-b1';
     if (false === strpos($piwikVersion, '-')) {
         // see we need to specify -stable otherwise it would match
         // $piwikVersion-dev meaning it would also match all pre-released. However, we only want to match a stable
         // release
         $piwikVersion .= '-stable';
     $newRequiredVersion = sprintf('>=%s,<%d.0.0', $piwikVersion, $nextMajorVersion);
     if (!empty($pluginJson['require']['piwik'])) {
         $requiredVersion = trim($pluginJson['require']['piwik']);
         if ($requiredVersion === $newRequiredVersion) {
             // there is nothing to updated
         // our generated versions look like ">=2.25.4,<3.0.0-b1".
         // We only updated the Piwik version in the first part if the piwik version looks like that or if it has only
         // one piwik version defined. In all other cases, eg user uses || etc we do not update it as user has customized
         // the piwik version.
         foreach (['<>', '!=', '<=', '==', '^'] as $comparison) {
             if (strpos($requiredVersion, $comparison) === 0) {
                 // user is using custom piwik version require, we do not overwrite anything.
         if (strpos($requiredVersion, '||') !== false || strpos($requiredVersion, ' ') !== false) {
             // user is using custom piwik version require, we do not overwrite anything.
         $requiredPiwikVersions = explode(',', (string) $requiredVersion);
         $numRequiredPiwikVersions = count($requiredPiwikVersions);
         if ($numRequiredPiwikVersions > 2) {
             // user is using custom piwik version require, we do not overwrite anything.
         if ($numRequiredPiwikVersions === 2 && !Common::stringEndsWith($requiredVersion, $secondPartPiwikVersionRequire)) {
             // user is using custom piwik version require, we do not overwrite anything
         // if only one piwik version is defined we update it to make sure it does now specify an upper version limit
         $dependency = new Dependency();
         $missingVersion = $dependency->getMissingVersions($piwikVersion, $requiredVersion);
         if (!empty($missingVersion)) {
             $msg = sprintf('We cannot generate this component as the plugin "%s" requires the Piwik version "%s" in the file "%s". Generating this component requires "%s". If you know your plugin is compatible with your Piwik version remove the required Piwik version in "%s" and try to execute this command again.', $pluginName, $requiredVersion, $relativePluginJson, $newRequiredVersion, $relativePluginJson);
             throw new \Exception($msg);
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<comment>We have updated the required Piwik version from "%s" to "%s" in "%s".</comment>', $requiredVersion, $newRequiredVersion, $relativePluginJson));
     } else {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<comment>We have updated your "%s" to require the Piwik version "%s".</comment>', $relativePluginJson, $newRequiredVersion));
     $pluginJson['require']['piwik'] = $newRequiredVersion;
     file_put_contents($pluginJsonPath, $this->toJson($pluginJson));
コード例 #14
 private function createTrackToCustomSiteUrlSetting()
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl = new SystemSetting('customSiteUrl', 'Piwik Url');
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->readableByCurrentUser = true;
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->uiControlType = static::CONTROL_TEXT;
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->uiControlAttributes = array('placeHolder' => 'eg.');
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->introduction = 'Send anonymize usage data to a custom Piwik';
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->description = '';
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->defaultValue = '';
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->validate = function ($value, $setting) {
         if (empty($value)) {
         if (!UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($value)) {
             throw new Exception("URL '{$value}' seems to be not a valid URL");
         // TODO should we check if URL exists and is valid?!? might not work if instance is not connected to internet
     $this->customPiwikSiteUrl->transform = function ($value) {
         if (empty($value)) {
             return '';
         if (!Common::stringEndsWith($value, '/piwik.php')) {
             if (!Common::stringEndsWith($value, '/')) {
                 $value .= '/';
             $value .= 'piwik.php';
         return $value;
コード例 #15
 private function createTrackToCustomSiteUrlSetting()
     return $this->makeSetting('customSiteUrl', $default = '', FieldConfig::TYPE_STRING, function (FieldConfig $field) {
         $field->title = 'Piwik Url';
         $field->uiControl = FieldConfig::UI_CONTROL_TEXT;
         $field->uiControlAttributes = array('placeHolder' => 'eg.');
         $field->introduction = 'Send anonymize usage data to a custom Piwik';
         $field->description = '';
         $field->validate = function ($value, $setting) {
             if (empty($value)) {
             if (!UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($value)) {
                 throw new Exception("URL '{$value}' seems to be not a valid URL");
             // TODO should we check if URL exists and is valid?!? might not work if instance is not connected to internet
         $field->transform = function ($value) {
             if (empty($value)) {
                 return '';
             if (!Common::stringEndsWith($value, '/piwik.php')) {
                 if (!Common::stringEndsWith($value, '/')) {
                     $value .= '/';
                 $value .= 'piwik.php';
             return $value;