/** * Loads a list of Classificationstore group configs for the specifies parameters, returns an array of config elements * * @return array */ public function load() { $condition = $this->getCondition(); if ($condition) { $condition = $condition . " AND "; } else { $condition = " where "; } $condition .= Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation\Dao::TABLE_NAME_RELATIONS . ".groupId = " . Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Dao::TABLE_NAME_GROUPS . ".id"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation\Dao::TABLE_NAME_RELATIONS . "," . Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Dao::TABLE_NAME_GROUPS . $condition . $this->getOrder() . $this->getOffsetLimit(); $data = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, $this->model->getConditionVariables()); $configData = array(); foreach ($data as $dataItem) { $entry = new Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation(); $resource = $entry->getDao(); $resource->assignVariablesToModel($dataItem); $configData[] = $entry; } $this->model->setList($configData); return $configData; }
public function collectionRelationsAction() { if ($this->getParam("data")) { $dataParam = $this->getParam("data"); $data = \Zend_Json::decode($dataParam); $colId = $data["colId"]; $groupId = $data["groupId"]; $sorter = $data["sorter"]; $config = new Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation(); $config->setGroupId($groupId); $config->setColId($colId); $config->setSorter($sorter); $config->save(); $data["id"] = $config->getColId() . "-" . $config->getGroupId(); $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true, "data" => $data)); } else { $mapping = array("groupName" => "name", "groupDescription" => "description"); $start = 0; $limit = 15; $orderKey = "sorter"; $order = "ASC"; if ($this->getParam("dir")) { $order = $this->getParam("dir"); } $sortingSettings = \Pimcore\Admin\Helper\QueryParams::extractSortingSettings($this->getAllParams()); if ($sortingSettings['orderKey'] && $sortingSettings['order']) { $orderKey = $sortingSettings['orderKey']; $order = $sortingSettings['order']; } if ($this->getParam("overrideSort") == "true") { $orderKey = "id"; $order = "DESC"; } if ($this->getParam("limit")) { $limit = $this->getParam("limit"); } if ($this->getParam("start")) { $start = $this->getParam("start"); } $list = new Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation\Listing(); if ($limit > 0) { $list->setLimit($limit); } $list->setOffset($start); $list->setOrder($order); $list->setOrderKey($orderKey); if ($this->getParam("filter")) { $db = Db::get(); $condition = ""; $filterString = $this->getParam("filter"); $filters = json_decode($filterString); $count = 0; foreach ($filters as $f) { if ($count > 0) { $condition .= " AND "; } $count++; $fieldname = $mapping[$f->field]; $condition .= $db->getQuoteIdentifierSymbol() . $fieldname . $db->getQuoteIdentifierSymbol() . " LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $f->value . "%"); } } $colId = $this->getParam("colId"); if ($condition) { $condition = "( " . $condition . " ) AND"; } $condition .= " colId = " . $list->quote($colId); $list->setCondition($condition); $listItems = $list->load(); $rootElement = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($listItems as $config) { $item = array("colId" => $config->getColId(), "groupId" => $config->getGroupId(), "groupName" => $config->getName(), "groupDescription" => $config->getDescription(), "id" => $config->getColId() . "-" . $config->getGroupId(), "sorter" => $config->getSorter()); $data[] = $item; } $rootElement["data"] = $data; $rootElement["success"] = true; $rootElement["total"] = $list->getTotalCount(); return $this->_helper->json($rootElement); } }