コード例 #1
  * @param ProductValueInterface $value
  * @param mixed                 $data
  * @param string                $currency
 protected function addPriceForCurrency(ProductValueInterface $value, $data, $currency)
     $priceValue = $this->productBuilder->addPriceForCurrency($value, $currency);
コード例 #2
  * Find a product by its id or return a 404 response
  * @param int $id the product id
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
  * @return ProductInterface
 protected function findProductOr404($id)
     $product = $this->productRepository->findOneById($id);
     if (!$product) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Product with id %s could not be found.', $id));
     return $product;
コード例 #3
  * @param string      $identifier
  * @param string|null $familyCode
  * @return ProductInterface
 protected function findOrCreateProduct($identifier, $familyCode)
     $product = $this->repository->findOneByIdentifier($identifier);
     if (!$product) {
         $product = $this->builder->createProduct($identifier, $familyCode);
     return $product;
コード例 #4
  * Transform an array of values to ProductValues
  * @param array $arrayValues
  * @return ArrayCollection
 protected function transformArrayToValues(array $arrayValues)
     $product = $this->productBuilder->createProduct();
     $this->productUpdater->update($product, $arrayValues);
     $values = $product->getValues();
     return $values;
コード例 #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process($product)
     $parameters = $this->stepExecution->getJobParameters();
     $normalizerContext = $this->getNormalizerContext($parameters);
     $productStandard = $this->normalizer->normalize($product, 'json', $normalizerContext);
     if ($this->areAttributesToFilter($parameters)) {
         $productStandard = $this->filterProperties($productStandard, $parameters->get('selected_properties'));
     if ($parameters->has('with_media') && $parameters->get('with_media')) {
         $directory = $this->stepExecution->getJobExecution()->getExecutionContext()->get(JobInterface::WORKING_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER);
         $this->fetchMedia($product, $directory);
     return $productStandard;
コード例 #6
  * Find a product by its id or return a 404 response
  * @param int $id the product id
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
  * @return ProductInterface
 protected function findProductOr404($id)
     $product = $this->productRepository->findOneByWithValues($id);
     if (!$product) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Product with id %s could not be found.', (string) $id));
     // With this version of the form we need to add missing values from family
     return $product;
コード例 #7
  * Returns a ProductValue
  * @param ProductInterface    $product
  * @param ColumnInfoInterface $columnInfo
  * @return ProductValueInterface
 protected function getProductValue(ProductInterface $product, ColumnInfoInterface $columnInfo)
     $productValue = $product->getValue($columnInfo->getName(), $columnInfo->getLocale(), $columnInfo->getScope());
     if (null === $productValue) {
         $attribute = $columnInfo->getAttribute();
         $locale = $columnInfo->getLocale();
         $scope = $columnInfo->getScope();
         $productValue = $this->productBuilder->createProductValue($attribute, $locale, $scope);
     return $productValue;
コード例 #8
  * Apply current values to a fake product and test its integrity with the product validator.
  * If violations are raised, values are not valid.
  * Errors are stored in json format to be useable by the Product Edit Form.
  * @return bool
 public function hasValidValues()
     $data = json_decode($this->values, true);
     $locale = $this->userContext->getUiLocale()->getCode();
     $data = $this->localizedConverter->convertToDefaultFormats($data, ['locale' => $locale]);
     $product = $this->productBuilder->createProduct('FAKE_SKU_FOR_MASS_EDIT_VALIDATION_' . microtime());
     $this->productUpdater->update($product, $data);
     $violations = $this->productValidator->validate($product);
     $errors = ['values' => $this->internalNormalizer->normalize($violations, 'internal_api', ['product' => $product])];
     $this->errors = json_encode($errors);
     return 0 === $violations->count();
コード例 #9
  * Build product values from template values raw data
  * @param ProductTemplateInterface $template
  * @param AttributeInterface[]     $attributes
  * @param string                   $locale
  * @return ProductValueInterface[]
 protected function buildProductValuesFromTemplateValuesData(ProductTemplateInterface $template, array $attributes, $locale)
     $options = ['locale' => $locale, 'disable_grouping_separator' => true];
     $values = $this->denormalizer->denormalize($template->getValuesData(), 'ProductValue[]', 'json', $options);
     $product = new $this->productClass();
     foreach ($values as $value) {
     foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
         $this->productBuilder->addAttributeToProduct($product, $attribute);
     return $product->getValues();
コード例 #10
  * Remove an optional attribute from a product
  * @param int $id          The product id
  * @param int $attributeId The attribute id
  * @AclAncestor("pim_enrich_product_remove_attribute")
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException     If product is not found or the user cannot see it
  * @throws AccessDeniedHttpException If the user does not have right to edit the product
  * @throws BadRequestHttpException   If the attribute is not removable
  * @return JsonResponse
 public function removeAttributeAction($id, $attributeId)
     $product = $this->findProductOr404($id);
     if ($this->objectFilter->filterObject($product, 'pim.internal_api.product.edit')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     $attribute = $this->findAttributeOr404($attributeId);
     if (!$product->isAttributeRemovable($attribute)) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException();
     $this->productBuilder->removeAttributeFromProduct($product, $attribute);
     return new JsonResponse();
コード例 #11
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process($product)
     $parameters = $this->stepExecution->getJobParameters();
     $structure = $parameters->get('filters')['structure'];
     $channel = $this->channelRepository->findOneByIdentifier($structure['scope']);
     $this->productBuilder->addMissingProductValues($product, [$channel], $channel->getLocales()->toArray());
     $productStandard = $this->normalizer->normalize($product, 'json', ['channels' => [$channel->getCode()], 'locales' => array_intersect($channel->getLocaleCodes(), $parameters->get('filters')['structure']['locales'])]);
     if ($this->areAttributesToFilter($parameters)) {
         $attributesToFilter = $this->getAttributesToFilter($parameters);
         $productStandard['values'] = $this->filterValues($productStandard['values'], $attributesToFilter);
     if ($parameters->has('with_media') && $parameters->get('with_media')) {
         $directory = $this->stepExecution->getJobExecution()->getExecutionContext()->get(JobInterface::WORKING_DIRECTORY_PARAMETER);
         $this->fetchMedia($product, $directory);
     } else {
         $mediaAttributes = $this->attributeRepository->findMediaAttributeCodes();
         $productStandard['values'] = array_filter($productStandard['values'], function ($attributeCode) use($mediaAttributes) {
             return !in_array($attributeCode, $mediaAttributes);
         }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
     return $productStandard;
コード例 #12
  * Add all the values required by the given attribute
  * @param AttributeInterface $attribute
  * @param LocaleInterface    $locale
 protected function addValues(AttributeInterface $attribute, $locale)
     if ($attribute->isScopable()) {
         foreach ($locale->getChannels() as $channel) {
             $key = $attribute->getCode() . '_' . $channel->getCode();
             $value = $this->productBuilder->createProductValue($attribute, $locale->getCode(), $channel->getCode());
             $this->values[$key] = $value;
     } else {
         $value = $this->productBuilder->createProductValue($attribute, $locale->getCode());
         $this->values[$attribute->getCode()] = $value;
コード例 #13
  * Denormalize product values
  * @param string           $data
  * @param string           $format
  * @param array            $context
  * @param ProductInterface $product
 protected function denormalizeValues($data, $format, array $context, ProductInterface $product)
     foreach ($product->getValues() as $value) {
     foreach ($data as $attFieldName => $dataValue) {
         $attributeInfos = $this->attFieldExtractor->extractColumnInfo($attFieldName);
         $attribute = $attributeInfos['attribute'];
         if (!$product->hasAttribute($attribute)) {
             $this->productBuilder->addAttributeToProduct($product, $attribute);
         // Denormalize data value.
         // The value is already added to the product so automatically updated
         $productValue = $product->getValue($attribute->getCode(), $attributeInfos['locale_code'], $attributeInfos['scope_code']);
         $this->serializer->denormalize($dataValue, $this->productValueClass, $format, ['product' => $product, 'entity' => $productValue] + $attributeInfos + $context);
コード例 #14
  * Add missing associations (if association type has been added after the last processing)
  * @param ProductInterface $product
 protected function addMissingAssociations(ProductInterface $product)
コード例 #15
 function it_merges_original_and_new_values(GroupInterface $variantGroup, ProductTemplateInterface $template, ProductBuilderInterface $productBuilder, ProductInterface $product, ProductValueInterface $identifier, ArrayCollection $values, \Iterator $valuesIterator)
     $originalValues = ['description' => [['locale' => 'en_US', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'original description en_US'], ['locale' => 'de_DE', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'original description de_DE']]];
     $newValues = ['description' => [['locale' => 'en_US', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'new description en_US'], ['locale' => 'fr_FR', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'new description fr_FR']]];
     $expectedValues = ['description' => [['locale' => 'en_US', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'new description en_US'], ['locale' => 'de_DE', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'original description de_DE'], ['locale' => 'fr_FR', 'scope' => 'ecommerce', 'data' => 'new description fr_FR']]];
     $this->setValues($variantGroup, $newValues);