private function parseFeed($author, $feed) { $contenttype = $this->config['contenttype']; $reader = new Reader(); $resource = $reader->download($feed['feed']); // Return the right parser instance according to the feed format $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); // Return a Feed object $feeditems = $parser->execute(); // Print the feed properties with the magic method __toString() // slice $items = array_slice($feeditems->items, 0, $this->config['itemAmount']); foreach ($items as $item) { //echo "<hr>\n"; //echo " - " .$item->getTitle() . "<br>\n - " . \Bolt\Helpers\String::slug( $item->getTitle() ) . "\n"; // try to get an existing record for this item $record = $this->app['storage']->getContent($contenttype, array('slug' => \Bolt\Helpers\String::slug($item->getTitle()), 'returnsingle' => true)); if (!$record) { // New one. $record = $this->app['storage']->getContentObject($contenttype); echo "\n<b>[NEW]</b> "; $new = true; } else { echo "\n<b>[UPD]</b> : " . $record->values['id']; $new = false; } $date = new \DateTime("@" . $item->getDate()); if ($item->getContent() != false) { $raw = $item->getContent(); } else { $raw = $item->getIntro(); } // Sanitize/clean the HTML. $maid = new \Maid\Maid(array('output-format' => 'html', 'allowed-tags' => array('p', 'br', 'hr', 's', 'u', 'strong', 'em', 'i', 'b', 'li', 'ul', 'ol', 'menu', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'code', 'tt', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'dd', 'dl', 'dh', 'table', 'tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'th', 'td', 'tr', 'a', 'img'), 'allowed-attribs' => array('id', 'class', 'name', 'value', 'href', 'src'))); $content = $maid->clean($raw); // if ($item->getImage() != "") { // $image = $item->getImage(); // } else { $image = $this->findImage($content, $feed['url']); // } $values = array('itemid' => $item->getId(), 'title' => "" . $item->getTitle(), 'raw' => "" . $raw, 'body' => "" . $content, 'author' => $author, 'image' => $image, 'status' => 'published', 'sitetitle' => $feed['title'], 'sitesource' => $feed['url']); // echo "<img src='".$image['file']."' width='200'>"; if ($new || $date instanceof \DateTime) { echo "[1]"; $values['datecreated'] = $date instanceof \DateTime ? $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : ""; $values['datepublish'] = $date instanceof \DateTime ? $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : ""; } else { dump($date); echo "[2]"; } // $record->setTaxonomy('tags', $item->getTags()); // $record->setTaxonomy('authors', $author); $record->setValues($values); $id = $this->app['storage']->saveContent($record); echo " - " . $values['datecreated'] . " / " . $values['title']; flush(); } }
/** * @group online */ public function testRssGrabContent() { $reader = new Reader(); $client = $reader->download(''); $parser = $reader->getParser($client->getUrl(), $client->getContent(), $client->getEncoding()); $parser->enableContentGrabber(); $feed = $parser->execute(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($feed->items)); $this->assertTrue(strpos($feed->items[0]->content, '<img') >= 0); }
/** * Adds a new feed to the database. * * @param Request $request * * @return Redirect */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, $this->rules); $url = $request->input('url'); try { $reader = new Reader(); $resource = $reader->discover($url); $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); $feedRaw = $parser->execute(); } catch (PicoFeedException $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); flash()->error(trans('feed.create.unknown-error', ['error' => $e->getMessage()])); return redirect()->route('feed.create'); } $feed = new Feed(); $feed->user_id = Sentinel::getUser()->id; $feed->title = $feedRaw->title; $feed->url = $feedRaw->feed_url; $feed->save(); flash()->success(trans('feed.create.success')); return redirect()->route('feed.index'); }
/** * Update feed items. * * @return boolean */ public function updateFeed() { try { $reader = new Reader(); $lastModified = $this->last_modified_at === null ? null : $this->last_modified_at->toRfc2822String(); $resource = $reader->download($this->url, $lastModified, $this->etag); if (!$resource->isModified()) { return true; } $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); $feed = $parser->execute(); foreach ($feed->getItems() as $item) { $guid = $item->getTag('guid') !== false ? $item->getTag('guid') : $item->getId(); if (is_array($guid)) { $guid = $guid[0]; } $feedItem = FeedItem::where('feed_id', '=', $this->id)->where('guid', '=', $guid)->first(); if ($feedItem === null) { $feedItem = new FeedItem(); $feedItem->feed_id = $this->id; $feedItem->guid = $guid; $feedItem->title = $item->getTitle(); $feedItem->url = $item->getUrl(); $feedItem->save(); } } $this->last_modified_at = new Carbon($resource->getLastModified()); $this->etag = $resource->getEtag(); $this->save(); } catch (PicoFeedException $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); echo $e->getMessage(); // TODO: Remove debug var_dump($e); return false; } return true; }
/** * Get Links from the RSS Feed URL * @param String $url RSS Feed URL * @param String $date Date in 'Y-m-d' format * @return Array Array of URL's */ public static function getFeed($url, $date = null) { $reader = new Reader(); // Return a resource $resource = $reader->download($url); // Return the right parser instance according to the feed format $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); // Return a Feed object $feed = $parser->execute(); // Print the feed properties with the magic method __toString() $urls = []; $lastCrawled = null; foreach ($feed->items as $item) { $published = date_format($item->publishedDate, 'Y-m-d'); if (!$lastCrawled) { $lastCrawled = $published; } if ($date && $published == $date) { break; } $urls[] = urldecode($item->url); } return ['urls' => $urls, 'lastCrawled' => $lastCrawled]; }
/** * Get the feed from cache or retrieve it * @param string $feed The feed URL * @return object Reader object */ private function getFeed($feed) { $reader = new Reader(); $d = \FreePBX::Dashboard(); $etag = $d->getConfig($feed, "etag"); $last_modified = $d->getConfig($feed, "last_modified"); try { $resource = $reader->download($feed, $last_modified, $etag); if ($resource->isModified()) { $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); $content = $parser->execute(); $etag = $resource->getEtag(); $last_modified = $resource->getLastModified(); $d->setConfig($feed, $content, "content"); $d->setConfig($feed, $etag, "etag"); $d->setConfig($feed, $last_modified, "last_modified"); } else { $content = $d->getConfig($feed, "content"); } } catch (\PicoFeed\PicoFeedException $e) { $content = $d->getConfig($feed, "content"); } return $content; }
public function testFeedsReportedAsNotWorking() { $reader = new Reader(); $this->assertInstanceOf('PicoFeed\\Parser\\Rss20', $reader->getParser('http://blah', file_get_contents('tests/fixtures/cercle.psy.xml'), 'utf-8')); $reader = new Reader(); $this->assertInstanceOf('PicoFeed\\Parser\\Rss20', $reader->getParser('http://blah', file_get_contents('tests/fixtures/'), 'utf-8')); $reader = new Reader(); $this->assertInstanceOf('PicoFeed\\Parser\\Rss20', $reader->getParser('http://blah', file_get_contents('tests/fixtures/grotte_barbu.xml'), 'utf-8')); }
function refresh($feed_id) { try { $feed = get($feed_id); if (empty($feed)) { return false; } $reader = new Reader(Config\get_reader_config()); $resource = $reader->download($feed['feed_url'], $feed['last_modified'], $feed['etag']); // Update the `last_checked` column each time, HTTP cache or not update_last_checked($feed_id); // Feed modified if ($resource->isModified()) { $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); if ($feed['download_content']) { $parser->enableContentGrabber(); // Don't fetch previous items, only new one $parser->setGrabberIgnoreUrls(Database::getInstance('db')->table('items')->eq('feed_id', $feed_id)->findAllByColumn('url')); } $feed = $parser->execute(); update_cache($feed_id, $resource->getLastModified(), $resource->getEtag()); Item\update_all($feed_id, $feed->getItems()); fetch_favicon($feed_id, $feed->getSiteUrl(), $feed->getIcon()); } update_parsing_error($feed_id, 0); Config\write_debug(); return true; } catch (PicoFeedException $e) { } update_parsing_error($feed_id, 1); Config\write_debug(); return false; }
/** * Get news feed * * @return mixed */ public function getFeed() { $feed_url = ''; $body = Response::get($feed_url); $reader = new Reader(); $parser = $reader->getParser($feed_url, $body, 'utf-8'); $feed = $parser->execute(); return $feed; }
// MySql Connection // // DB connect // $dbcfg = unserialize(DB_CONFIG); $db = new Connection($dbcfg['host'], $dbcfg['user'], $dbcfg['password'], $dbcfg['database'], $dbcfg['fetchMode'], $dbcfg['charset'], array('port' => $dbcfg['port'])); // // Loop through every source // foreach (unserialize(ARTICLE_FEEDS) as $source_id => $source_url) { echo sprintf("Source #%d (%s). ---- Go:<br>", $source_id, $source_url); // // RSS fetch // try { $reader = new Reader(); $resource = $reader->download($source_url); $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); $feed = $parser->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "RSS Fetch Error: " . $e->getMessage(); exit; } // // New RSS feeds goes to our database // $n_articles = (int) $db->fetchColumn("\n SELECT \n count(id)\n FROM\n jobarticles \n WHERE \n source_id = :source_id\n ", array('source_id' => $source_id)); if (!$n_articles) { // No articles from this resoure // add every article to our database echo sprintf("No articles from there resource in our DB. Adding %d articles<br>", count($feed->items));
<?php // Podiobooks Channel Server // ============================================================================= // // * Author: [Craig Davis]( // * Since: 9/21/2015 // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use PicoFeed\Reader\Reader; use PicoFeed\Config\Config; $reader = new Reader(); // Fetch all titles $resource = $reader->download(''); $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); $feed = $parser->execute(); $titleUrls = []; foreach ($feed->getItems() as $item) { $titleUrls[] = $item->getUrl(); } //$titleUrls = array_slice($titleUrls, 0, 100); $folders = []; $media = []; $folderIdCount = 1; $folders['root'] = ['id' => $folderIdCount++, 'title' => 'root', 'imgURL' => '', 'description' => '', 'contents' => []]; // Fetch all the details for each foreach ($titleUrls as $url) { print " Parsing {$url}\n"; flush();
public function testFeedsReportedAsNotWorking() { $reader = new Reader(); $parser = $reader->getParser('http://blah', file_get_contents('tests/fixtures/'), ''); $feed = $parser->execute(); $this->assertNotEmpty($feed->items); }
public function getHomeWidgets($feed = null) { //return array(); $fpbxfeeds = $this->UCP->FreePBX->Config->get('UCPRSSFEEDS'); $fpbxfeeds = !empty($fpbxfeeds) ? $fpbxfeeds : $this->UCP->FreePBX->Config->get('RSSFEEDS'); $fpbxfeeds = trim($fpbxfeeds); if (empty($fpbxfeeds)) { return array(); } $feeds = array(); $fpbxfeeds = str_replace("\r", "", $fpbxfeeds); foreach (explode("\n", $fpbxfeeds) as $k => $f) { $feeds['feed-' . $k] = $f; } if (!empty($feed) && !empty($feeds[$feed])) { $feeds = array($feeds[$feed]); } $out = array(); $reader = new Reader(); //Check if dashboard is installed and enabled, //if so then we will use the same cache engine dashboard uses if ($this->UCP->FreePBX->Modules->moduleHasMethod("dashboard", "getConfig")) { $storage = $this->UCP->FreePBX->Dashboard; } else { $storage = $this->UCP->FreePBX->Ucp; } foreach ($feeds as $k => $feed) { $etag = $storage->getConfig($feed, "etag"); $last_modified = $storage->getConfig($feed, "last_modified"); $content = ''; try { $resource = $reader->download($feed, $last_modified, $etag); if ($resource->isModified()) { $parser = $reader->getParser($resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding()); $content = $parser->execute(); $etag = $resource->getEtag(); $last_modified = $resource->getLastModified(); $storage->setConfig($feed, $content, "content"); $storage->setConfig($feed, $etag, "etag"); $storage->setConfig($feed, $last_modified, "last_modified"); } else { $content = $storage->getConfig($feed, "content"); } } catch (\PicoFeed\PicoFeedException $e) { $content = $storage->getConfig($feed, "content"); } if (empty($content)) { continue; } $htmlcontent = '<ul>'; $i = 1; foreach ($content->items as $item) { if ($i > 5) { break; } $htmlcontent .= '<li><a href="' . $item->url . '" target="_blank">' . $item->title . '</a></li>'; $i++; } $htmlcontent .= '</ul>'; $out[] = array("id" => $k, "title" => '<a href="' . $content->site_url . '" target="_blank">' . $content->title . '</a>', "content" => $htmlcontent, "size" => '33.33%'); } return $out; }