/** * Loads template, replaces tokens with provided data and saves new file. * Token should have the following format in document: ${token}. In array you need to provide only (@see token) * @param string $templateName file name * @param string $newFileName file name * @param array $data list of tokens that should be replaced with the appropriate value, in format: (token => value) */ public function saveFromTemplate($templateName, $newFileName, $data = []) { $document = new TemplateProcessor($templateName); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $document->setValue($key, $value); } $document->saveAs($newFileName); }
/** * add body rows * * @param Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $records */ public function processIteration($_records) { $record = $_records->getFirstRecord(); $converter = Tinebase_Convert_Factory::factory($record); $resolved = $converter->fromTine20Model($record); foreach ($this->_config->properties->prop as $prop) { $property = (string) $prop; $this->_docTemplate->setValue($property, isset($resolved[$property]) ? htmlspecialchars($resolved[$property]) : ''); } }
public function crearReciboCajaMenorAction(Request $peticion) { $formulario = $this->createForm(new ReciboCajaMenorType()); $formulario->handleRequest($peticion); if ($formulario->isValid()) { $kernel = $this->get('kernel'); //Se carga la plantilla $path = $kernel->locateResource('@FacturaBundle/Template/caja_menor_template.docx'); $plantilla = new TemplateProcessor($path); $datos = $formulario->getData(); //Se carga el archivo el valor del consecutivo $path = $kernel->locateResource('@FacturaBundle/Resources/config/consecutivos.yml'); $consecutivo = null; $value = null; try { $value = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($path)); $consecutivo = $value['consecutivo_caja_menor']; } catch (ParseException $e) { printf("Problemas con el string: %s", $e->getMessage()); } //Se aumenta el valor del consecutivo almacenado $value['consecutivo_caja_menor'] += 1; $yaml = Yaml::dump($value); file_put_contents($path, $yaml); // Se setea el consecutivo $plantilla->setValue('consecutivo', $consecutivo); //Se setean los datos que estaban en el formulario foreach ($datos as $clave => $dato) { if ($clave != 'fecha') { $plantilla->setValue($clave, $dato); } else { $plantilla->setValue($clave, $dato->format('d/m/Y')); } } //Se almacena la suma en letras $conversor = $this->get('numeroLetras'); $numeroEnLetras = $conversor->numtoletras($datos['valor']); $plantilla->setValue('valor_letras', $numeroEnLetras); $plantilla->saveAs('descargas/temp.docx'); //Se manda a guardar al cliente $file = 'descargas/temp.docx'; $response = new BinaryFileResponse($file); $response->prepare($peticion); $response->send(); } return $this->render('FacturaBundle:Default:creacionReciboCajaMenor.html.twig', array('formulario' => $formulario->createView())); }
/** * generate doc * @var array $params */ public function generateDoc($params) { Yii::$app->user->identity = \app\models\User::findIdentityByAccessToken($params['template']['key']); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Expires: 0'); switch ($params['template']['format']) { case 'PDF': $file = Yii::$app->user->id . '_temp.pdf'; $writeFormat = 'PDF'; PhpWordSettings::setPdfRendererPath(dirname(__DIR__) . '/../../../vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf'); PhpWordSettings::setPdfRendererName('TCPDF'); header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); break; case 'Word2013': $file = Yii::$app->user->id . '_temp.docx'; $writeFormat = 'Word2013'; header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'); break; default: $file = Yii::$app->user->id . '_temp.doc'; $writeFormat = 'Word2007'; header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'); break; } header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"'); $document = new TemplateProcessor(dirname(__DIR__) . '/../../../files/' . $this->id . '/' . $this->template_file); /** * process the fields, that have been send through the rest interface */ foreach ($params['template']['fields'] as $field) { foreach ($field as $key => $value) { $document->setValue($key, UTF8encoding::fixUTF8($value)); } } /** * process the tables, that have been send through the rest interface */ foreach ($params['template']['tables'] as $tables) { foreach ($tables as $name => $rows) { //first we create a clone for the master row $document->cloneRow($name, count($rows)); //our walking variable for the table $ii = 1; foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($row as $cell) { $document->setValue(key($cell) . '#' . $ii, current($cell)); } $ii++; } } } // save as a random file in temp file $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $file); $document->saveAs($temp_file); switch ($params['template']['format']) { case 'PDF': $phpWord = IOFactory::load($temp_file); $xmlWriter = IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, $writeFormat); $xmlWriter->save("php://output"); break; case 'Word2007': $phpWord = IOFactory::load($temp_file); $xmlWriter = IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, $writeFormat); $xmlWriter->save("php://output"); break; default: readfile($temp_file); break; } unlink($temp_file); $LogEvent = new TemplateEvent(); $LogEvent->aTemplateCreated(Yii::$app->user->identity->username, $this->id); \Yii::$app->end(); }
/** * @covers ::cloneBlock * @covers ::deleteBlock * @covers ::saveAs * @test */ public function testCloneDeleteBlock() { $templateProcessor = new TemplateProcessor(__DIR__ . '/_files/templates/clone-delete-block.docx'); $this->assertEquals(array('DELETEME', '/DELETEME', 'CLONEME', '/CLONEME'), $templateProcessor->getVariables()); $docName = 'clone-delete-block-result.docx'; $templateProcessor->cloneBlock('CLONEME', 3); $templateProcessor->deleteBlock('DELETEME'); $templateProcessor->saveAs($docName); $docFound = file_exists($docName); unlink($docName); $this->assertTrue($docFound); }