コード例 #1
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * @category   PHPExcel
 * @package    PHPExcel
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt	LGPL
 * @version    ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
/** Error reporting */
/** \PHPExcel\IOFactory */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
echo date('H:i:s'), " Load from SYLK file", PHP_EOL;
$objPHPExcel = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load("SylkTest.slk");
echo date('H:i:s'), " Write to Excel2007 format", PHP_EOL;
$objWriter = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', __FILE__));
echo date('H:i:s'), " File written to ", str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', __FILE__), PHP_EOL;
// Echo memory peak usage
echo date('H:i:s'), " Peak memory usage: ", memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", PHP_EOL;
// Echo done
echo date('H:i:s'), " Done writing file", PHP_EOL;
コード例 #2
// Rename worksheet
echo date('H:i:s'), " Rename worksheet", EOL;
// Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet
// Save Excel 95 file
echo date('H:i:s'), " Write to Excel5 format", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objWriter = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xls', __FILE__));
echo date('H:i:s'), " File written to ", str_replace('.php', '.xls', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)), EOL;
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo date('H:i:s'), " File written to ", str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)), EOL;
echo 'Call time to write Workbook was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
echo date('H:i:s'), " Reload workbook from saved file", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objPHPExcel = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load(str_replace('.php', '.xls', __FILE__));
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo 'Call time to reload Workbook was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
// Echo memory peak usage
echo date('H:i:s'), " Peak memory usage: ", memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
// Echo done
echo date('H:i:s'), " Done testing file", EOL;
echo 'File has been created in ', getcwd(), EOL;
コード例 #3
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
define('EOL', PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? PHP_EOL : '<br />');
/** Include PHPExcel */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/Bootstrap.php';
echo date('H:i:s'), " Load MergeBook1 from Excel2007 file", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objPHPExcel1 = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load(dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/43mergeBook1.xlsx");
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo 'Call time to read Mergebook1 was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
echo date('H:i:s'), " Load MergeBook2 from Excel2007 file", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objPHPExcel2 = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load(dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/43mergeBook2.xlsx");
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo 'Call time to read Mergebook2 was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
foreach ($objPHPExcel2->getSheetNames() as $sheetName) {
    $sheet = $objPHPExcel2->getSheetByName($sheetName);
    $sheet->setTitle($sheet->getTitle() . ' copied');
echo date('H:i:s'), " Write to Excel2007 format", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objWriter = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel1, 'Excel2007');
$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', __FILE__));
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Quadratic.php プロジェクト: kameshwariv/testexample
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="calculate"><br />
If A=0, the equation is not quadratic.

/**	If the user has submitted the form, then we need to execute a calculation **/
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if ($_POST['A'] == 0) {
        echo 'The equation is not quadratic';
    } else {
        /**	So we include PHPExcel to perform the calculations	**/
        include 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
        /**	Load the quadratic equation solver worksheet into memory			**/
        $objPHPExcel = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load('./Quadratic.xlsx');
        /**	Set our A, B and C values			**/
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', $_POST['A']);
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B1', $_POST['B']);
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C1', $_POST['C']);
        /**	Calculate and Display the results			**/
        echo '<hr /><b>Roots:</b><br />';
        $callStartTime = microtime(true);
        echo $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B5')->getCalculatedValue() . '<br />';
        echo $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B6')->getCalculatedValue() . '<br />';
        $callEndTime = microtime(true);
        $callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
        echo '<hr />Call time for Quadratic Equation Solution was ' . sprintf('%.4f', $callTime) . ' seconds<br /><hr />';
        echo ' Peak memory usage: ' . memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024 . ' MB<br />';
コード例 #5
/** Error reporting */
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
define('EOL', PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? PHP_EOL : '<br />');
/** Include PHPExcel */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/Bootstrap.php';
if (!file_exists("14excel5.xls")) {
    exit("Please run 14excel5.php first.\n");
echo date('H:i:s'), " Load workbook from Excel5 file", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objPHPExcel = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load("14excel5.xls");
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo 'Call time to load Workbook was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
// Save Excel 2007 file
echo date('H:i:s'), " Write to Excel2007 format", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objWriter = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', __FILE__));
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo date('H:i:s'), " File written to ", str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)), EOL;
echo 'Call time to write Workbook was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
コード例 #6
ファイル: 07reader.php プロジェクト: kameshwariv/testexample
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt	LGPL
 * @version    ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
define('EOL', PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? PHP_EOL : '<br />');
/** Include PHPExcel */
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/Bootstrap.php';
if (!file_exists("05featuredemo.xlsx")) {
    exit("Please run 05featuredemo.php first." . EOL);
echo date('H:i:s'), " Load from Excel2007 file", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objPHPExcel = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::load("05featuredemo.xlsx");
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo 'Call time to read Workbook was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;
echo date('H:i:s'), " Write to Excel2007 format", EOL;
$callStartTime = microtime(true);
$objWriter = \PHPExcel\IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
$objWriter->save(str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', __FILE__));
$callEndTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $callEndTime - $callStartTime;
echo date('H:i:s'), " File written to ", str_replace('.php', '.xlsx', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)), EOL;
echo 'Call time to write Workbook was ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), " seconds", EOL;
// Echo memory usage
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Current memory usage: ', memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024, " MB", EOL;