/** * Demonstrates the basic usage the the ProjectDescriptorBuilder. * * This test scenario demonstrates how a ProjectDescriptorBuilder can be used to create a new ProjectDescriptor * and populate it with a single FileDescriptor using a FileReflector as source. * * @covers phpDocumentor\Descriptor\ProjectDescriptorBuilder::createProjectDescriptor * @covers phpDocumentor\Descriptor\ProjectDescriptorBuilder::buildFileUsingSourceData * @covers phpDocumentor\Descriptor\ProjectDescriptorBuilder::getProjectDescriptor * * @see self::setUp on how to create an instance of the builder. * * @return void */ public function testCreateNewProjectDescriptorAndBuildFile() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Finish later, in a hurry now.'); // we use a FileReflector as example input $data = $this->createFileReflectorMock(); $this->createFileDescriptorCreationMock(); // usage example, see the setup how to instantiate the builder. $this->fixture->createProjectDescriptor(); $this->fixture->buildFileUsingSourceData($data); $projectDescriptor = $this->fixture->getProjectDescriptor(); // assert functioning $this->assertInstanceOf('phpDocumentor\\Descriptor\\ProjectDescriptor', $projectDescriptor); $this->assertCount(1, $projectDescriptor->getFiles()); }
/** * Iterates through the given files feeds them to the builder. * * @param ProjectDescriptorBuilder $builder * @param Collection $files A files container to parse. * * @api * * @throws Exception if no files were found. * * @return bool|string */ public function parse(ProjectDescriptorBuilder $builder, Collection $files) { $timer = microtime(true); $paths = $this->getFilenames($files); $this->log(' Project root is: ' . $files->getProjectRoot()); $this->log(' Ignore paths are: ' . implode(', ', $files->getIgnorePatterns()->getArrayCopy())); if ($builder->getProjectDescriptor()->getSettings()->isModified()) { $this->setForced(true); $this->log('One of the project\'s settings have changed, forcing a complete rebuild'); } foreach ($paths as $filename) { if (class_exists('phpDocumentor\\Event\\Dispatcher')) { Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('parser.file.pre', PreFileEvent::createInstance($this)->setFile($filename)); } $this->log('Starting to parse file: ' . $filename); $memory = memory_get_usage(); try { $file = new FileReflector($filename, $this->doValidation(), $this->getEncoding()); $file->setDefaultPackageName($this->getDefaultPackageName()); $file->setMarkers($this->getMarkers()); $file->setFilename($this->getRelativeFilename($filename)); // if the hash is unchanged; continue to the next file $cachedFiles = $builder->getProjectDescriptor()->getFiles(); $hash = $cachedFiles->get($file->getFilename()) ? $cachedFiles->get($file->getFilename())->getHash() : null; if ($hash === $file->getHash() && !$this->isForced()) { $this->log('>> Skipped file ' . $file->getFilename() . ' as no modifications were detected'); continue; } $file->process(); $builder->buildFileUsingSourceData($file); $fileDescriptor = $builder->getProjectDescriptor()->getFiles()->get($file->getFilename()); $errors = $fileDescriptor->getAllErrors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $this->log($error->getCode(), $error->getSeverity(), $error->getContext()); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log(' Unable to parse file "' . $filename . '", an error was detected: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::ALERT); } $memoryDelta = memory_get_usage() - $memory; $this->log('>> Memory after processing of file: ' . number_format(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' megabytes (' . ($memoryDelta > -0 ? '+' : '') . number_format($memoryDelta / 1024) . ' kilobytes)', LogLevel::DEBUG); } $this->log('Elapsed time to parse all files: ' . round(microtime(true) - $timer, 2) . 's'); $this->log('Peak memory usage: ' . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . 'M'); return $builder->getProjectDescriptor(); }