コード例 #1
  * Returns array of virtual methods (available selenium commands). Array will be sorted by keys (methodName).
  * @return array Array of methods in format: ['methodName' => 'returnType']
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getAvailableSeleniumCommands()
     $methods = $this->_getBaseMethods() + $this->_getAutoGeneratedMethods() + $this->manualAddedMethods;
     $methods = Helper::filterByKeys($methods, null, $this->manualExcludedMethods);
     return $methods;
コード例 #2
  * Creates method and load data from specified XML nodes.
  * Typical html code that described method:
  * <pre><code>
  *    <dt>
  *        <strong>
  *            <a name="addLocationStrategy"></a>
  *            addLocationStrategy(strategyName,functionDefinition)
  *        </strong>
  *    </dt>
  *    <dd>Defines a new function for Selenium to locate elements on the page.
  *        For example, if you define the strategy "foo", and someone runs click("foo=blah"), we'll run your
  *        function, passing you the string "blah", and click on the element that your function returns, or throw an
  *        "Element not found" error if your function returns null.
  *        We'll pass three arguments to your function:
  *        <ul>
  *            <li>locator: the string the user passed in</li>
  *            <li>inWindow: the currently selected window</li>
  *            <li>inDocument: the currently selected document</li>
  *        </ul>
  *        The function must return null if the element can't be found.
  *        <p>Arguments:</p>
  *        <ul>
  *            <li>strategyName - the name of the strategy to define; this should use only letters [a-zA-Z] with no
  *            spaces or other punctuation.
  *            </li>
  *            <li>functionDefinition - a string defining the body of a function in JavaScript. For example:
  *            < code >return inDocument.getElementById(locator);< / code >
  *            </li>
  *        </ul>
  *    </dd>
  * </code></pre>
  * @param \SimpleXMLElement $dt XML node, which contain determination
  * @param \SimpleXMLElement $dd XML node, which contain description
  * @return Method
 private function _createMethodFromXML(\SimpleXMLElement $dt, \SimpleXMLElement $dd)
     $method = Method::createNew();
     // Name
     $method->name = (string) $dt->xpath('descendant::a[@name]')[0]->attributes()['name'];
     // Description (without arguments, returnValue, and related commands)
     $text = $dd->asXML();
     if (Helper::contain('Arguments:', $text)) {
         $assertion = '<p>[\\s]*Arguments:';
     } elseif (Helper::contain('Returns:', $text)) {
         $assertion = '<p>\\s*<dl>';
     } elseif (Helper::contain('Related Assertions, automatically generated:', $text)) {
         $assertion = '<p>Related Assertions,';
     } else {
         $assertion = null;
     $regExp = $assertion ? '/<dd>\\s*(?P<description>[\\s\\S]+)(?=' . $assertion . ')/' : '/<dd>\\s*(?P<description>[\\s\\S]+)\\s*<\\/dd>/';
     preg_match($regExp, $text, $matches) && array_key_exists('description', $matches) or die('Error at parse method description: ' . $text);
     $method->description = $matches['description'];
     // Arguments
     // arguments from determination
     preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+)\\s*\\((?P<args>[a-zA-Z0-9\\,\\s]+)\\)/', $dt->asXML(), $m) && array_key_exists('args', $m) or die('Error at parse args from determination of method: ' . $dt->asXML());
     $dtArgs = [];
     if ($args = trim($m['args'])) {
         foreach (explode(',', $args) as $arg) {
             $dtArgs[] = trim($arg);
     // arguments from description
     $xmlArguments = $dd->xpath("p[normalize-space(text())='Arguments:']/following-sibling::ul[1]/li");
     foreach ($xmlArguments as $xmlArgument) {
         $argument = $this->_createArgumentFromXML($xmlArgument)->setMethod($method);
     $argsDiff = array_diff($dtArgs, array_keys($method->arguments));
     if (!empty($argsDiff)) {
         echo 'Warning [method = ' . $method->name . ']: not all arguments has been parsed. Problem arguments: ' . join(',', $argsDiff) . Helper::EOL;
         if (empty($method->arguments)) {
             // add as arguments with empty description
             foreach ($argsDiff as $diffArgName) {
                 $argument = Argument::createNew()->setMethod($method);
                 $argument->name = $diffArgName;
                 $argument->type = Argument::DEFAULT_TYPE;
             echo '    ...added as args with empty description' . Helper::EOL;
         } else {
             echo '    ...cannot be added!' . Helper::EOL;
     // Return value
     $xmlReturnValue = $dd->xpath("descendant::dt[normalize-space(text())='Returns:']/following-sibling::dd");
     $method->returnValue = ReturnValue::createNew();
     $method->returnValue->description = empty($xmlReturnValue) ? '' : str_replace(['<dd>', '</dd>'], '', $xmlReturnValue[0]->asXML());
     // Derivative methods
     $xmlRelatedAssertions = $dd->xpath("p[normalize-space(text())='Related Assertions, automatically generated:']/following-sibling::ul[1]/li");
     foreach ($xmlRelatedAssertions as $xmlRelatedAssertion) {
         $derivativeMethod = $this->_createDerivativeMethodFromXML($xmlRelatedAssertion);
     return $method;
コード例 #3
  * Returns name of new method, which can be created from current through
  * {@link CodeGenerator::createNewMethodWithName}.
  * @param string $newSubtype
  * @return string               Name of new method
 function makeNameForSubtype($newSubtype)
     // ---- Source method has Accessor type
     switch ($this->subtype) {
         case Method::SUBTYPE_ASSERT:
         case Method::SUBTYPE_ASSERT_NOT:
             if (in_array($newSubtype, [Method::SUBTYPE_VERIFY, Method::SUBTYPE_VERIFY_NOT])) {
                 return 'verify' . Helper::cutPrefix('assert', $this->name);
             } else {
                 self::throwException("Incorrect subtype: some cases (may be) not handled.");
         case Method::SUBTYPE_VERIFY:
         case Method::SUBTYPE_VERIFY_NOT:
             if (in_array($newSubtype, [Method::SUBTYPE_ASSERT, Method::SUBTYPE_ASSERT_NOT])) {
                 return 'assert' . Helper::cutPrefix('verify', $this->name);
             } else {
                 self::throwException("Incorrect subtype: some cases (may be) not handled.");
             self::throwException("Incorrect subtype: some cases (may be) not handled.");
     // todo implement and test other cases (other subtypes)
コード例 #4
  * Adds dot (if not exist) in to end of specified text (completion of sentence).
  * @param string $text
  * @return string   Trimmed text with dot in the end.
 private function _addEndDotIfNotExist($text)
     $endSymbols = '[' . join('', Helper::$endOfSentence) . ']';
     // symbol class like: [.!?]
     // find text like: "end</p>", "end </p>", "end  </p>"
     $regExpDotBeforeClosingTag = '/(?<!' . $endSymbols . '|' . $endSymbols . '\\s|' . $endSymbols . '\\s\\s)(?P<tag><\\/\\w+>)\\s*\\Z/';
     $testedText = trim(strip_tags($text));
     if ($testedText && !Helper::hasPostfix(Helper::$endOfSentence, $testedText)) {
         $postfix = preg_match($regExpDotBeforeClosingTag, $text, $m) ? $m['tag'] : '';
         $text = Helper::cutPostfix($postfix, rtrim($text)) . '.' . $postfix;
     return $text;
コード例 #5
        switch ($method->type) {
            case models\Method::TYPE_ACTION:
                $linkDescription = 'Related Action';
            case models\Method::TYPE_ACCESSOR:
                $linkDescription = 'Related Accessor';
            case models\Method::TYPE_ASSERTION:
                $linkDescription = 'Related Assertion';
        $seeLinks[$method->getNameFQSEN()] = $linkDescription;
    foreach ($methodsGroup as $method) {
        $method->seeLinks += $seeLinks;
        $method->seeLinks = Helper::filterByKeys($method->seeLinks, null, [$method->getNameFQSEN()]);
        // delete link to self
// Make plain array of methods
$methods = [];
foreach ($methodsByBaseName as $methodBaseName => $methodsGroup) {
    foreach ($methodsGroup as $method) {
        $methods[] = $method;
// Output
if (!file_put_contents('SeleniumTestCaseDoc.generated.php', $generator->generate($methods))) {
    throw new Exception('Error at file write');
if (!empty($notFounded)) {