isCandidate() public method

Fixer is a candidate when the collection contains tokens that may be fixed during fixer work. This could be considered as some kind of bloom filter. When this method returns true then to the Tokens collection may or may not need a fixing, but when this method returns false then the Tokens collection need no fixing for sure.
public isCandidate ( Tokens $tokens ) : boolean
$tokens PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens
return boolean
コード例 #1
  * Tests if a fixer fixes a given string to match the expected result.
  * It is used both if you want to test if something is fixed or if it is not touched by the fixer.
  * It also makes sure that the expected output does not change when run through the fixer. That means that you
  * do not need two test cases like [$expected] and [$expected, $input] (where $expected is the same in both cases)
  * as the latter covers both of them.
  * This method throws an exception if $expected and $input are equal to prevent test cases that accidentally do
  * not test anything.
  * @param string            $expected The expected fixer output
  * @param string|null       $input    The fixer input, or null if it should intentionally be equal to the output
  * @param \SplFileInfo|null $file     The file to fix, or null if unneeded
 protected function doTest($expected, $input = null, \SplFileInfo $file = null)
     if ($expected === $input) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Input parameter must not be equal to expected parameter.');
     $file = $file ?: $this->getTestFile();
     $fileIsSupported = $this->fixer->supports($file);
     if (null !== $input) {
         $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($input);
         if ($fileIsSupported) {
             $this->assertTrue($this->fixer->isCandidate($tokens), 'Fixer must be a candidate for input code.');
             $fixResult = $this->fixer->fix($file, $tokens);
             $this->assertNull($fixResult, '->fix method must return null.');
         $this->assertThat($tokens->generateCode(), new SameStringsConstraint($expected), 'Code build on input code must match expected code.');
         $this->assertTrue($tokens->isChanged(), 'Tokens collection built on input code must be marked as changed after fixing.');
         $this->assertSame(count($tokens), count(array_unique(array_map(function (Token $token) {
             return spl_object_hash($token);
         }, $tokens->toArray()))), 'Token items inside Tokens collection must be unique.');
         $expectedTokens = Tokens::fromCode($expected);
         $this->assertTokens($expectedTokens, $tokens);
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($expected);
     $isCandidate = $this->fixer->isCandidate($tokens);
     $this->assertFalse($tokens->isChanged(), 'Fixer should not touch Tokens on candidate check.');
     if (!$isCandidate) {
     if ($fileIsSupported) {
         $fixResult = $this->fixer->fix($file, $tokens);
         $this->assertNull($fixResult, '->fix method must return null.');
     $this->assertThat($tokens->generateCode(), new SameStringsConstraint($expected), 'Code build on expected code must not change.');
     $this->assertFalse($tokens->isChanged(), 'Tokens collection built on expected code must not be marked as changed after fixing.');
コード例 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function isCandidate(Tokens $tokens)
     return $this->proxyFixer->isCandidate($tokens);