public function create(array $params) { $form = new \Kingboard\Lib\Forms\BattleCreateForm(); if (!$form->validate($_POST)) { // @todo handle invalid return $this->error("form is not valid"); } $user = \Kingboard\Lib\Auth\Auth::getUser(); $key = $form->apiKey; $scope = "char"; // for now we default to char. Account keys are never corp keys. if ($key['type'] == "Character") { $scope = "char"; } if ($key['type'] == "Corporation") { $scope = "corp"; } $pheal = new Pheal($key['apiuserid'], $key['apikey'], $scope); $contacts = $pheal->ContactList(array('characterID' => $form->character)); // reset to neutral pheal $pheal = new Pheal(); $characterInfo = $pheal->eveScope->CharacterInfo(array('characterID' => $form->character)); $positives = array(); foreach ($contacts->corporateContactList as $contact) { // accumulate postive standings if ($contact->standing > 0) { $positives[$contact->contactID] = $contact->contactName; } } // alliance standings override corp standings foreach ($contacts->allianceContactList as $contact) { if ($contact->standing > 0) { $positives[$contact->contactID] = $contact->contactName; } else { // negative standings, we only need those if corp has positive, but alliance negative if (isset($positives[$contact->contactID])) { unset($positives[$contact->contactID]); } } } $battleSetting = new \Kingboard\Model\BattleSettings(); $battleSetting->startdate = new \MongoDate(strtotime($_POST['startdate'])); $battleSetting->user = $user->_id; $battleSetting->enddate = new \MongoDate(strtotime($_POST['enddate'])); $battleSetting->system = $_POST['system']; $battleSetting->key = $key; // lets fix some info about the creator of this report $battleSetting->ownerCharacter = $form->character; $battleSetting->ownerCharacterName = $characterInfo->characterName; $battleSetting->ownerCorporation = (int) $characterInfo->corporationID; $battleSetting->ownerCorporationName = $characterInfo->corporation; $battleSetting->ownerAlliance = (int) $characterInfo->allianceID; $battleSetting->ownerAllianceName = $characterInfo->alliance; $battleSetting->positives = $positives; $battleSetting->runs = 0; $battleSetting->nextRun = new \MongoDate(time()); $battleSetting->save(); // we are done here, lets redirect to the battle! $this->redirect("/battle/" . $battleSetting->_id); }
public function getCharacterID($characterName) { /** Leading in PhealNG with blank keys */ $pheal = new Pheal('', '', 'eve'); try { /** Verifying the CCP API server is functioning */ if ($this->_ccpAPIStatus) { /** Pulling the CharacterAffiliation */ $response = $pheal->CharacterID(array('names' => $characterName)); /** Working through the pheal response*/ if (is_object($response->characters)) { /** Returning the character information */ return $response->characters[0]; } else { /** Returning null to indicate that the characterID doesn't exist */ return null; } } else { /** Returning false to indicate that the API server has issues */ return false; } } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) { get_class($e); $_SESSION['alert'] = new Alert('warning', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * fetch all kills for $key * @static * @param array $key * @return array */ public static function fetch($key) { $newkills = 0; $oldkills = 0; $errors = 0; $pheal = new Pheal($key['apiuserid'], $key['apikey']); $pheal->detectAccess(); $characters = $pheal->accountScope->Characters()->characters; foreach ($characters as $character) { switch ($key['type']) { case "Corporation": $pheal->scope = "corp"; break; case "Account": // account keys are like character keys, just for the complete account // account keys are like character keys, just for the complete account case "Character": $pheal->scope = "char"; break; default: // not a key type we can use.. continue; } $kills = $pheal->Killlog(array('characterID' => $character->characterID))->kills; $kakp = new \Kingboard\Lib\Parser\EveAPI(); $info = $kakp->parseKills($kills); $oldkills += $info['oldkills']; $newkills += $info['newkills']; $errors += $info['errors']; } return array("old" => $oldkills, "new" => $newkills, "total" => $oldkills + $newkills, "errors" => $errors); }
/** * Class constructor. Called on every page load. * @param $keyID integer * @param $vCode string * @param $user object/integer * @param $db PDO object */ public function __construct($keyID, $vCode, $user, $db) { /** Saving the database into the db param */ $this->_db = $db; /** Determining if we're live or a cronjob -- */ if (is_object($user)) { /** We're dealing with a live user */ $this->_userID = $user->getUserID(); } else { $this->_userID = $user; } /** Saving the API key keyID and vCode */ $this->_keyID = $keyID; $this->_vCode = $vCode; /** Creating a new Phealng object */ $pheal = new Pheal($keyID, $vCode, 'account'); /** Starting a Phealng lookup */ try { $response = $pheal->APIKeyInfo(); /** Checking to see if we received a valid response */ if (!isset($response->code) && $response->key->accessMask & MINIMUM_API_MASK) { $this->_keyStatus = 1; $this->_accessMask = $response->key->accessMask; $this->_keyExpiration = $response->key->expires; $this->_keyType = $response->key->type; if ($response->key->expires == null) { $this->_keyExpiration = 'No Expiration'; } else { $this->_keyExpiration = $response->key->expires; } $response2 = $pheal->AccountStatus(); if ($response2->paidUntil == null) { $this->_accountStatus = "Account Unsubscribed"; } else { $this->_accountStatus = $response2->paidUntil; } $i = 1; foreach ($response->key->characters as $character) { if ($character->allianceID == "0") { $allianceID = 0; $allianceName = "No Alliance"; } else { $allianceID = $character->allianceID; $allianceName = $character->allianceName; } $this->_characters[$i] = array('characterName' => $character->characterName, 'characterID' => $character->characterID, 'corporationName' => $character->corporationName, 'corporationID' => $character->corporationID, 'allianceName' => $allianceName, 'allianceID' => $allianceID); $i++; } } else { $this->_keyStatus = 0; $this->keyError = $this->parseKeyError($response->code, 'code'); } } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) { $this->keyError = $this->parseKeyError($e, 'exception'); $this->_keyStatus = 0; $_SESSION['alert'] = new Alert('danger', 'API Key Error', $e->getMessage()); } }
public function myKingboard(array $parameters) { $user = \Kingboard\Lib\Auth\Auth::getUser(); $context = array(); if (isset($_POST['XSRF']) && \Kingboard\Lib\Form::getXSRFToken() == $_POST['XSRF']) { try { $pheal = new Pheal($_POST['apiuserid'], $_POST['apikey']); $pheal->detectAccess(); $keyinfo = $pheal->accountScope->ApiKeyInfo(); $keytype = $keyinfo->key->type; $accessmask = $keyinfo->key->accessMask; if (!($accessmask & 272)) { throw new \Exception("Key invalid, or wrong permissions!"); } if (!isset($user['keys'])) { $keys = array(); } else { $keys = $user['keys']; } $keys[$_POST['apiuserid']] = array('apiuserid' => $_POST['apiuserid'], 'apikey' => $_POST['apikey'], 'type' => $keytype, 'active' => true); $user['keys'] = $keys; $user->save(); // ensure user is refreshed in session \Kingboard\Lib\Auth\Auth::getUser(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $context = $_POST; $context['error'] = $e->getMessage(); //$context['error'] = "the key could not be validated as a valid apikey"; } } elseif (isset($_POST['XSRF'])) { return $this->error('XSRF detected'); } if (isset($user['keys'])) { $activeKeys = $user['keys']; } else { $activeKeys = array(); } foreach ($activeKeys as $id => $key) { try { $pheal = new Pheal($key['apiuserid'], $key['apikey']); $chars = $pheal->accountScope->Characters()->characters->toArray(); $charlist = array(); foreach ($chars as $char) { $charlist[] = $char['name']; } $activeKeys[$id]["chars"] = join(', ', $charlist); } catch (\Exception $e) { //print_r($e); } } $context = array_merge($context, array('active_keys' => $activeKeys)); $this->render('user/index.html', $context); }
public function __construct($keyID, $vcode, $user, $db) { $this->db = $db; if (is_object($user)) { $this->uid = $user->getUID(); } else { $this->uid = $user; } $this->keyID = $keyID; $this->vcode = $vcode; $pheal = new Pheal($keyID, $vcode, 'account'); try { $response = $pheal->APIKeyInfo(); if (!isset($response->code) and $response->key->accessMask & MINIMUM_API) { $this->keyStatus = 1; $this->accessMask = $response->key->accessMask; $this->expires = $response->key->expires; $this->keyType = $response->key->type; if ($response->key->expires == NULL) { $this->expires = 'No Expiration'; } else { $this->expires = $response->key->expires; } $response2 = $pheal->AccountStatus(); if ($response2->paidUntil == NULL) { $this->accountStatus = "Account Unsubscribed"; } else { $this->accountStatus = $response2->paidUntil; } $i = 1; foreach ($response->key->characters as $character) { if ($character->allianceID == "0") { $allianceID = 0; $allianceName = "No Alliance"; } else { $allianceID = $character->allianceID; $allianceName = $character->allianceName; } $this->characters[$i] = array('characterName' => $character->characterName, 'characterID' => $character->characterID, 'corporationName' => $character->corporationName, 'corporationID' => $character->corporationID, 'allianceName' => $allianceName, 'allianceID' => $allianceID); $i++; } } else { $this->keyStatus = 0; $this->keyError = $this->parseKeyError($response->code, 'code'); } } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) { $this->keyError = $this->parseKeyError($e, 'exception'); $this->keyStatus = 0; setAlert('danger', 'API Key Error', $e->getMessage()); } }
include "vendor/autoload.php"; use Pheal\Pheal; use Pheal\Core\Config; Config::getInstance()->cache = new \Pheal\Cache\FileStorage('E:\\xampp\\tmp'); Config::getInstance()->access = new \Pheal\Access\StaticCheck(); if (isset($_POST['keyid'], $_POST['vcode'], $_POST['phase'])) { $keyid = $_POST['keyid']; $vcode = $_POST['vcode']; if (isset($_POST['corporationID'])) { $corporationID = $_POST['corporationID']; } $phase = $_POST['phase']; //echo $phase; switch ($phase) { case 1: $pheal = new Pheal($keyid, $vcode, "account"); try { $result = $pheal->Characters(); } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $e) { echo sprintf("an exception was caught! Type: %s Message: %s", get_class($e), $e->getMessage()); } echo "<div>"; echo "<form method=post action=" . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . ">"; foreach ($result->characters as $character) { echo "<img src=" . $character->characterID . "_32.jpg>"; echo $character->name; echo $character->corporationName; echo "<img src=" . $character->corporationID . "_32.png>"; echo "<input type=radio value=" . $character->characterID . "> <br>"; } echo "<input type=hidden value=" . $keyid . " name=keyid>";
public function updateCharacterSkills() { $db = $this->_db; $pheal = new Pheal($this->_keyID, $this->_vCode, 'char'); try { $response = $pheal->CharacterSheet(array('characterID' => $this->_characterID)); $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO user_characters_skills (userid,character_id,key_keyid,skill_id,' . 'skill_level) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE userid=VALUES(userid)' . ',key_keyid=VALUES(key_keyid),skill_level=VALUES(skill_level)'); foreach ($response->skills as $skill) { $stmt->execute(array($this->_userID, $this->_characterID, $this->_keyID, $skill->typeID, $skill->level)); } return true; } catch (\Pheal\Exceptions\PhealException $phealException) { // Putting the pheal exception through our test function to determine if it's a key failure, or an API server failure. $this->handleAPIKeyException($phealException); return false; } }
<?php require '../includes/config.php'; use Pheal\Pheal; use Pheal\Core\Config; Config::getInstance()->cache = new \Pheal\Cache\MemcacheStorage(); Config::getInstance()->access = new \Pheal\Access\StaticCheck(); $stmt = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM alliance_contracts WHERE 1=1'); $stmt->execute(array()); $stmt = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM alliance_contract_items WHERE 1=1'); $stmt->execute(array()); $corpKeyID = 4813754; $corpVCode = 'TQb0AdlLKCwZcUoGkHbb6TTmZTAleIuxZtNdlHOqograHNNyLNerJewlonedsnqv'; $pheal = new Pheal($corpKeyID, $corpVCode, 'corp'); $contracts = $pheal->Contracts(array('corporationID' => '98098579')); $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO alliance_contracts (contractID,issuerID,issuerName,corporationID,volume,title,price,status,doctrine,ship,end_date) VALUEs (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' . 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status=VALUES(status),doctrine=VALUES(doctrine),ship=VALUES(ship),end_date=VALUES(end_date)'); $stmt_items = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO alliance_contract_items (contractID,itemID,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE quantity = quantity + ?'); foreach ($contracts->contractList as $contract) { if ($contract['assigneeID'] == '150097440' and $contract['status'] == 'Outstanding' and $contract['startStationID'] == '61000829' and $contract['type'] == 'ItemExchange') { $parsed_string = get_string_between($contract['title'], '[', ']'); if ($parsed_string != '' and $parsed_string != NULL) { $parsed_array = explode("-", $parsed_string); $doctrine = trim($parsed_array[0]); $ship = trim($parsed_array[1]); } else { $doctrine = 'Unknown'; $ship = 'Unknown'; } $stmt->execute(array($contract['contractID'], $contract['issuerID'], Character::lookupCharacterName($contract['issuerID'], $user), $contract['issuerCorpID'], $contract['volume'], $contract['title'], $contract['price'], $contract['status'], $doctrine, $ship, strtotime($contract['dateExpired']))); $contractItems = $pheal->ContractItems(array('contractID' => $contract['contractID'])); foreach ($contractItems->itemList as $item) {
function fetchTransactions($apikey, $vcode, $refID, $idcharacter, $con) { $pheal4 = new Pheal($apikey, $vcode, "char", $refID); $wallet_response = $pheal4->WalletTransactions(array("characterID" => $idcharacter)); if ($refID != 0) { $wallet_response = $pheal4->WalletTransactions(array("fromID" => $refID)); } $i = -1; //get the Eve transaction ID for the latest transaction (this might need some tweaking when they decide to recycle ids) $getLatestTransaction = utils::mysqli_result(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT MAX(transkey) AS val FROM transaction WHERE character_eve_idcharacter = '{$idcharacter}'"), 0, 0); //var_dump($getLatestTransaction); if (!isset($getLatestTransaction)) { $latestTransaction = 0; } else { $latestTransaction = $getLatestTransaction; } // var_dump($latestTransaction); $arrayfinal = array(); $array_refs = array(); $null = (string) "NULL"; foreach ($wallet_response->transactions as $row2) { $transkey = $row2->transactionID; $typeid = $row2->typeID; $dateTime = $row2->transactionDateTime; $quantity = $row2->quantity; $price_unit = $row2->price; $transactionType = $row2->transactionType; $station = $row2->stationName; $price_total = $price_unit * $quantity; $station_id = $row2->stationID; $clientName = $row2->clientName; array_push($array_refs, $transkey); if ($transkey > $latestTransaction) { $i++; $item[$i] = array("{$null}", "'" . $dateTime . "'", "'" . $quantity . "'", "'" . $price_unit . "'", "'" . $price_total . "'", "'" . $transactionType . "'", "'" . $idcharacter . "'", "'" . $station_id . "'", "'" . $typeid . "'", "'" . $transkey . "'", "'" . str_replace("'", ".", $clientName) . "'"); } } for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) { $arrayfinal[$j] = $item[$j]; } $values_transactions = array(); foreach ($arrayfinal as $rowValues) { foreach ($rowValues as $key => $rowValue) { $rowValues[$key] = $rowValues[$key]; } //this array contains all transactions in this format: (x,y,z),(a,b,c),... $values_transactions[] = "(" . implode(', ', $rowValues) . ")"; } if (!empty($values_transactions)) { //var_dump($values); $query_insert = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `trader`.`transaction` (`idbuy`, `time`, `quantity`, `price_unit`, `price_total`, `transaction_type`, `character_eve_idcharacter`, `station_eve_idstation`, `item_eve_iditem`, `transkey`, `client`) " . "VALUES " . implode(', ', $values_transactions); $insert_transactions = mysqli_query($con, $query_insert) or die(mysqli_error($con)); return $newTransactions = mysqli_affected_rows($con); if (count($array_refs) == 2560) { $refID = end($array_refs); fetchTransactions($apikey, $vcode, $refID, $idcharacter, $con); } } else { return $newTransactions = 0; $insert_transactions = False; } }
public static function lookupCharacterName($characterID, $user) { global $db; $pheal = new Pheal($user->getDefaultKeyID(), $user->getDefaultVCode(), 'eve'); $characterName = $pheal->CharacterName(array('ids' => $characterID)); return $characterName->characters[0]->name; }
} $values = array(); foreach ($arrayfinal as $rowValues) { foreach ($rowValues as $key => $rowValue) { $rowValues[$key] = $rowValues[$key]; } $values[] = "(" . implode(', ', $rowValues) . ")"; } if (!empty($values)) { //var_dump($values); $query_insert = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `trader`.`transaction` (`idbuy`, `time`, `quantity`, `price_unit`, `price_total`, `transaction_type`, `character_eve_idcharacter`, `station_eve_idstation`, `item_eve_iditem`, `transkey`, `client`) " . "VALUES " . implode(', ', $values); $insert_transactions = mysqli_query($con, $query_insert) or die(mysqli_error($con)); } $newTransactions = mysqli_affected_rows($con); ///Update contracts $pheal_contracts = new Pheal($apikey, $vcode, "char"); //set scope $response = $pheal_contracts->Contracts(array("characterID" => $idcharacter)); //add parameters $i = -1; foreach ($response->contractList as $row) { $contractID = $row->contractID; $issuerID = $row->issuerID; $acceptorID = $row->acceptorID; if ($acceptorID == "") { $acceptorID = "NULL"; } $startStationID = $row->startStationID; if ($startStationID == "") { $startStationID = "NULL"; }
function standingsCheck($interactionName, $type) { global $db; $interactionName = trim($interactionName); $standingsArray = ["Legion of xXDEATHXx" => "-10", "Shadow of xXDEATHXx" => "-5", "SHOVEL.OF.DEATH" => "-5", "Pandemic Legion" => "-10", "Northern Coalition." => "-5", "Black Legion" => "-5", "Mordus Angels" => "-10", "Goonswarm Federation" => "10", "RAZOR Alliance" => "5", "SpaceMonkey's Alliance" => "5", "Tactical Narcotics Team" => "5", "The Bastion" => "5", "Fidelas Constans" => "5", "Executive Outcomes" => "5", "A Band Apart." => "5", "The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort" => "10", "Get Off My Lawn" => "10", "Garys Most Noble Army of Third Place Mediocrity" => "5", "Ashkrall" => "10", "Mapache Doom" => "10", "Matt18001" => "10"]; // Checking to see if the character name is in our standings if (isset($standingsArray[$interactionName])) { $value = $standingsArray[$interactionName]; } else { // Creating the Pheal object for the Owner lookup $phealLookup = new Pheal(1, 1, 'eve'); // Lookup OwnerID page $ownerInfo = $phealLookup->OwnerID(array('names' => $interactionName)); // Geting the typeId and the object class $interactionClass = $ownerInfo->owners[0]->ownerGroupID; $interactionID = $ownerInfo->owners[0]->ownerID; //Guide to Interaction Classes: // 1 - character, 2 - corporation, 19 - faction, 32 - alliance if ($interactionClass != '32' and $interactionClass != '19' and $interactionID != '0') { if ($interactionClass == '1') { $lookupResponse = $phealLookup->CharacterAffiliation(array('ids' => $interactionID)); $corporationID = $lookupResponse->characters[0]->corporationID; } else { $corporationID = $interactionID; } // Now we are on a corporation, so we're looking up their corporation ID $phealLookupCorp = new Pheal(1, 1, 'corp'); $corporationInfo = $phealLookupCorp->CorporationSheet(array('corporationID' => $corporationID)); $corporationName = $corporationInfo->corporationName; $allianceName = $corporationInfo->allianceName; } else { $value = 0; } // Checking to see if either the corporation or alliance name is in our standings if (isset($corporationName) and isset($standingsArray[$corporationName])) { $value = $standingsArray[$corporationName]; } elseif (isset($allianceName) and isset($standingsArray[$allianceName])) { $value = $standingsArray[$allianceName]; } else { $value = 0; } } switch ($value) { case "10": $color = 'primary'; $secondary = 'white-space: normal'; break; case "5": $color = 'info'; $secondary = 'white-space: normal'; break; case "-5": $color = 'warning'; $secondary = 'white-space: normal'; break; case "-10": $color = 'danger'; $secondary = 'white-space: normal'; break; default: $color = 'default'; $secondary = 'background-color: transparent; background-image: none; color: #f5f5f5'; break; } if ($type == 'button') { $return = 'btn-' . $color . '" style="' . $secondary; } else { $return = '<span class="label label-' . $color . '">'; } return $return; }
$char = new Character($character['characterID'], $key->getKeyID(), $key->getVCode(), $key->getAccessMask(), $db, $user); if ($char->getExistance() or $char->getExistance() == FALSE) { $char->updateCharacterInfo(); } } $refresh = $key->refreshAPIKey(); setAlert('success', 'API Key Refreshed', 'The API key has been successfully refreshed.'); } } elseif (!($key->getAccessMask() & MINIMUM_API) and $key->getKeyStatus() == 1) { setAlert('danger', 'The API Key Does Not Meet Minimum Requirements', 'The required minimum Access Mask for API keys is ' . MINIMUM_API . '. Please create a new key using the Create Key link.'); } } // We're doing API compliance $compliance_type = "API"; // Getting a full API-pulled member list $pheal = new Pheal($settings->getCorpUserID(), $settings->getCorpVCode(), 'corp'); $response = $pheal->MemberTracking(array("extended" => 1)); $memberList = array(); foreach ($response->members as $member) { $memberList[$member->name]['name'] = $member->name; $memberList[$member->name]['id'] = $member->characterID; } ksort($memberList, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); // Working through the member list $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM characters WHERE charid = ?'); $stmt_api = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM user_apikeys WHERE userid = ?'); } elseif ($request['action'] == 'doctrine') { $compliance_type = 'Doctrine'; // Getting all of the doctrines for the group $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM doctrines WHERE gid = ? ORDER BY doctrine_name ASC'); $stmt->execute(array($user->getGroup()));
function register_val($con) { //require_once('includes/bootstrapper.php'); //require_once('includes/connect.php'); //second send validation if (!empty($_POST['Send_2'])) { $username_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['username']); $password_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['password']); $apikey_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['api']); $vcode_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['vcode']); $email_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['email']); $reports_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reports']); $dt = new DateTime(); $tz = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Lisbon'); $dt->setTimezone($tz); $datetime = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $chars = array(); if (isset($_POST['char1'])) { $char1 = $_POST['char1']; array_push($chars, $char1); } else { $char1 = ""; } if (isset($_POST['char2'])) { $char2 = $_POST['char2']; array_push($chars, $char2); } else { $char2 = ""; } if (isset($_POST['char3'])) { $char3 = $_POST['char3']; array_push($chars, $char3); } else { $char3 = ""; } //$chars = array($char1,$char2,$char3); //FINAL SERVER VALIDATION #2 (just in case someone sneaks in HTML5) if (strlen($username_final) < 5 || $username_final == "") { echo "Username is too short (5 characters minimum)"; failed_validation_2(); } else { if ($password_final == "") { echo "Input a proper password"; failed_validation_2(); } else { if (!filter_var($email_final, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo "Wrong email format."; failed_validation_2(); } else { if (!in_array($reports_final, array('none', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'))) { echo "Invalid report type selection"; failed_validation_2(); } else { //check if characters belong to API KEY by intersecting both arrays $pheal2 = new Pheal($apikey_final, $vcode_final); $chars_api = array(); $chars_name = array(); $empty = array(); $result2 = $pheal2->accountScope->APIKeyInfo(); foreach ($result2->key->characters as $character) { array_push($chars_api, $character->characterID); array_push($chars_name, $character->characterName); } if (array_intersect(array_diff($chars, $chars_api), $chars_api) != $empty) { echo "Character does not belong to account"; failed_validation_2(); } else { $cost = 10; //Before creating the account, let's securely hash the password: $salt = strtr(base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)), '+', '.'); // Prefix information about the hash so PHP knows how to verify it later. // "$2a$" Means we're using the Blowfish algorithm. The following two digits are the cost parameter. $salt = sprintf("\$2a\$%02d\$", $cost) . $salt; // Hash the password with the salt $password_final = crypt($password_final, $salt); //Everything is validated, prepare SQL transaction mysqli_query($con, "START TRANSACTION"); $query_insert_user = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO `trader`.`user` (" . "`iduser`, " . "`username`, " . "`registration_date`, " . "`password`, " . "`reports`, " . "`email`, `salt`, `login_count`) " . "VALUES (" . "NULL, " . "?, " . "?, " . "?, " . "?, " . "?, ?, ?);"); $zero = 0; $query_insert_user->bind_param("ssssssi", $username_final, $datetime, $password_final, $reports_final, $email_final, $salt, $zero); //ss stands for 2 strings $query_insert_user->execute(); $last_id_user = mysqli_insert_id($con); //Insert ignore because api key may already exist $query_insert_apikey = mysqli_query($con, "insert ignore into `trader`.`api` (`apikey`, `vcode`) " . "VALUES " . "('{$apikey_final}', " . "'{$vcode_final}');") or die(mysqli_error($con)); // print_r($chars); $pheal3 = new Pheal($apikey_final, $vcode_final, "char"); foreach ($chars as $row) { //echo $row; $response_final = $pheal3->CharacterSheet(array("characterID" => $row)); $name_char = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $response_final->name); $checkExistingCharacter = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT name FROM v_user_characters WHERE character_eve_idcharacter IN" . "(" . implode(",", $chars) . ")") or die(mysqli_error($con)); if (mysqli_num_rows($checkExistingCharacter) > 0) { $duplicates = array(); while ($existing_characters = mysqli_fetch_array($checkExistingCharacter)) { array_push($duplicates, $existing_characters['name']); } echo implode(" and ", $duplicates) . " already belong to another account."; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;URL=register.php'>"; return; } else { $query_insert_character = mysqli_query($con, "replace INTO `trader`.`characters` " . "(`eve_idcharacter`, " . "`name`, " . "`balance`, " . "`api_apikey`," . "`networth`," . "`escrow`," . "`total_sell`," . "`broker_relations`," . "`accounting`) " . "VALUES " . "({$row}, " . "'{$name_char}', " . "'0', " . "'{$apikey_final}'," . "'0'," . "'0'," . "'0'," . "'0'," . "'0');") or die(mysqli_error($con)); } } //create aggregation between characters and account foreach ($chars as $row2) { $query_insert_aggr = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO `trader`.`aggr` " . "(`idaggr`, " . "`user_iduser`, " . "`character_eve_idcharacter`) " . "VALUES " . "(NULL, " . "'{$last_id_user}', " . "'{$row2}');") or die(mysqli_error($con)); } //check if everything is right before commit if ($query_insert_user && $query_insert_apikey && $query_insert_character && $query_insert_aggr) { mysqli_query($con, "COMMIT"); echo "Account created sucessfully" . "<br>" . "You may now login."; echo "<br><br>"; $dt = new DateTime(); $tz = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Lisbon'); $dt->setTimezone($tz); $datetime = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO `trader`.`log` (`idlog`, `user_iduser`, `type`, `datetime`) VALUES (NULL, '{$last_id_user}', 'register', '{$datetime}')") or die(mysqli_error($con)); redirect_login(); } else { mysqli_query($con, "ROLLBACK"); echo "There was a problem creating your account. Try again."; echo "<br>"; redirect_error(); } } } } } } } else { //first send validation if (!empty($_POST['Send'])) { $username = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['username']); //password encryption $password1 = $_POST['password']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; $cost = 10; // Create a random salt //$password1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,md5($_POST['password'])); //$password2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,md5( $_POST['password2'])); if ($password1 == $password2) { $pw_encr = $password1; } unset($_POST['password']); $apikey = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['api']); $vcode = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['vcode']); $reports = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['reports']); $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['email']); /*$pheal = new Pheal('4458709', 'vR9VUNKD3hSHD9KJRbTOUnPDiRC1Rb87ETUEbKsaxa4c9gXCtiNDNCPwKvdrt0tu'); $result = $pheal->accountScope->APIKeyInfo(); foreach($result->key as $res) {echo $res->accessMask, $res->type;} */ //Using CURL to fetch API Access Mask $curl_url = "" . $apikey . "&vCode=" . $vcode; // create curl resource $ch = curl_init($curl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // $response contains the XML response string from the API call $response = curl_exec($ch); // If curl_exec() fails/throws an error, the function will return false if ($response === false) { // Could add some 404 headers here echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch); } else { $apiInfo = new SimpleXMLElement($response); try { checkXML($apiInfo->result->key); $accessMask = (int) $apiInfo->result->key->attributes()->accessMask; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;URL=register.php'>"; return; } } // close curl resource to free up system resources curl_close($ch); //***********SERVER VALIDATION #1*************** //check if email is already taken $check_email = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT email FROM user WHERE email = '{$email}'") or die(mysqli_error($con)); if (mysqli_num_rows($check_email) != 0) { echo "Email is already taken"; redirect_error(); } else { //check if access mask is correct if ($accessMask != '82317323' && $accessMask != '1073741823') { echo "Your access mask is " . $accessMask . " which has different permissions than requested. Please <a href = '' target='_blank'>create one here</a> with the correct permissions and <a href= 'register.php'>try again </a>."; } else { //check if passwords match if ($password1 != $password2) { echo "Your passwords must match."; redirect_error(); } else { //check if username is already taken $check_username = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT username FROM user WHERE username = '******'") or die(mysqli_error($con)); if (mysqli_num_rows($check_username) != 0) { echo "Username is already taken"; redirect_error(); } else { //check if API KEY is valid echo "<b>Choose which characters to import:</b><br>"; //get character List from API KEY using Pheal $pheal = new Pheal($apikey, $vcode); $result = $pheal->accountScope->APIKeyInfo(); $count = 0; echo "<table border ='1'>"; echo "<form action = {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} method = 'POST' >"; foreach ($result->key->characters as $character) { $count = $count + 1; echo "<tr><td>" . $character->characterName . "</td><td>" . "<img src='" . $character->characterID . "_64.jpg'" . "</td><td>" . "<input type = 'checkbox' name = 'char{$count}' value = '{$character->characterID}'>" . "</td></tr>"; //there is a KEY HEADER BEFORE THE CHARACTERS ROWSET } echo "</table><br>"; //rest of the parameters echo "<input type ='hidden' name='username' value='{$username}'>"; echo "<input type ='hidden' name='password' value='{$pw_encr}'>"; echo "<input type ='hidden' name='api' value='{$apikey}'>"; echo "<input type ='hidden' name='vcode' value='{$vcode}'>"; echo "<input type ='hidden' name='reports' value='{$reports}'>"; echo "<input type ='hidden' name='email' value='{$email}'>"; echo "<input type ='Submit' name='Send_2' value ='Send' class='btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block' />"; echo "</form>"; } } } } } else { register_form(); } } }
function api_val_form($character_get, $con) { $activeUser = $_SESSION['user']; if (!empty($_POST['Send_2'])) { $apikey_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['api']); $vcode_final = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['vcode']); $chars = array(); if (isset($_POST['char1'])) { $char1 = $_POST['char1']; array_push($chars, $char1); } else { $char1 = ""; } if (isset($_POST['char2'])) { $char2 = $_POST['char2']; array_push($chars, $char2); } else { $char2 = ""; } if (isset($_POST['char3'])) { $char3 = $_POST['char3']; array_push($chars, $char3); } else { $char3 = ""; } //$chars = array($char1,$char2,$char3); //FINAL SERVER VALIDATION #2 (just in case someone sneaks in HTML5) //check if characters belong to API KEY by intersecting both arrays $pheal2 = new Pheal($apikey_final, $vcode_final); $chars_api = array(); $chars_name = array(); $empty = array(); $result2 = $pheal2->accountScope->APIKeyInfo(); foreach ($result2->key->characters as $character) { array_push($chars_api, $character->characterID); array_push($chars_name, $character->characterName); } if (array_intersect(array_diff($chars, $chars_api), $chars_api) != $empty) { echo "Character does not belong to Eve account"; failed_validation_2(); } else { $query_insert_apikey = mysqli_query($con, "insert ignore INTO `trader`.`api` (`apikey`, `vcode`) " . "VALUES " . "('{$apikey_final}', " . "'{$vcode_final}');") or die(mysqli_error($con)); // print_r($chars); $pheal3 = new Pheal($apikey_final, $vcode_final, "char"); foreach ($chars as $row) { $row; $response_final = $pheal3->CharacterSheet(array("characterID" => $row)); $name_char = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $response_final->name); $activeUserID = utils::mysqli_result(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT iduser FROM user WHERE username = '******'"), 0, 0); $check_existing_character_user = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM aggr WHERE character_eve_idcharacter = '{$row}'") or die(mysqli_error($con)); if (mysqli_num_rows($check_existing_character_user) != 1) { $query_insert_character = mysqli_query($con, "replace INTO `trader`.`characters` " . "(`eve_idcharacter`, " . "`name`, " . "`balance`, " . "`api_apikey`," . "`networth`," . "`escrow`," . "`total_sell`," . "`broker_relations`," . "`accounting`) " . "VALUES " . "({$row}, " . "'{$name_char}', " . "'0', " . "'{$apikey_final}'," . "'0'," . "'0'," . "'0'," . "'0'," . "'0');") or die(mysqli_error($con)); } else { //check if one of the provided characters already exists in the DB. We don't allow for this. $checkExistingCharacter = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT name FROM v_user_characters WHERE character_eve_idcharacter IN (" . implode(",", $chars) . ") AND username != '{$activeUser}'") or die(mysqli_error($con)); if (mysqli_num_rows($checkExistingCharacter) > 0) { $duplicates = array(); while ($existing_characters = mysqli_fetch_array($checkExistingCharacter)) { array_push($duplicates, $existing_characters['name']); } echo implode(" and ", $duplicates) . " already belong to another account."; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;URL=api_add.php?character={$character_get}'>"; return; } else { echo "Character(s) already belongs to this account"; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;URL=api_add.php?character={$row}'>"; return; } } } // echo $activeUser; //create aggregation between characters and account foreach ($chars as $row2) { //check if the character number has been exceeded echo $character_count = utils::mysqli_result(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT COUNT(character_eve_idcharacter) " . "FROM aggr " . "WHERE user_iduser = "******"(SELECT iduser FROM user WHERE username = '******') "), 0, 0); if ($character_count >= 10) { echo "You have exceeded your character limit (currently 10)"; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;URL=api_add.php?character={$character_get}'>"; return; } $query_insert_aggr = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT IGNORE INTO `trader`.`aggr` " . "(`idaggr`, " . "`user_iduser`, " . "`character_eve_idcharacter`) " . "VALUES " . "(NULL, " . "'{$activeUserID}', " . "'{$row2}');") or die(mysqli_error($con)); } //check if everything is right before commit if ($query_insert_apikey && $query_insert_character && $query_insert_aggr) { mysqli_query($con, "COMMIT"); echo "API added successfully." . "<br>" . "You will now logoff so we can update your new character data. <br>"; session_destroy(); echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='5;URL=login.php'>"; } else { mysqli_query($con, "ROLLBACK"); echo "error"; } } } if (!empty($_POST['Send'])) { $apikey = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['api']); $vcode = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['vcode']); //Using CURL to fetch API Access Mask $curl_url = "" . $apikey . "&vCode=" . $vcode; // create curl resource $ch = curl_init($curl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // $response contains the XML response string from the API call $response = curl_exec($ch); // If curl_exec() fails/throws an error, the function will return false if ($response === false) { // Could add some 404 headers here echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch); } else { $apiInfo = new SimpleXMLElement($response); try { checkXML($apiInfo->result->key); $accessMask = (int) $apiInfo->result->key->attributes()->accessMask; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='3;URL=api_add.php?character={$character_get}'>"; return; } } //var_dump($apiInfo->result->key); // close curl resource to free up system resources curl_close($ch); if ($accessMask != '82317323' && $accessMask != '1073741823') { echo "Your access mask is " . $accessMask . " which has different permissions than requested. Please <a href = '' target='_blank'>create one here</a> with the correct permissions and <a href= 'api_add?character?={$character_get}.php'>try again </a>."; } else { echo "<b>Choose which characters to import:</b><br>"; //get character List from API KEY using Pheal $pheal = new Pheal($apikey, $vcode); $result = $pheal->accountScope->APIKeyInfo(); $count = 0; echo "<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover' id='dataTables-api'>"; echo "<form action = 'api_add.php?character={$character_get}' method = 'POST' >"; foreach ($result->key->characters as $character) { $count = $count + 1; echo "<tr><td>" . "<img src='" . $character->characterID . "_64.jpg'" . "</td><td>" . $character->characterName . "</td><td>" . "<input type = 'checkbox' name = 'char{$count}' value = '{$character->characterID}'>" . "</td></tr>"; //there is a KEY HEADER BEFORE THE CHARACTERS ROWSET } echo "</table><br>"; //rest of the parameters echo "<input type ='hidden' name='api' value='{$apikey}'>"; echo "<input type ='hidden' name='vcode' value='{$vcode}'>"; echo "<input type ='Submit' name='Send_2' value ='Send' class='btn btn-lg btn-success btn-block' />"; echo "</form>"; } } else { api_add_form($character_get); } }
<?php require 'includes/config.php'; use Pheal\Pheal; use Pheal\Core\Config; Config::getInstance()->cache = new \Pheal\Cache\MemcacheStorage(); Config::getInstance()->access = new \Pheal\Access\StaticCheck(); $pheal = new Pheal('', '', 'eve'); $allianceLookup = $pheal->AllianceList(array()); $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO eve_alliance_list (alliance_name,alliance_id,alliance_short_name) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE alliance_name=VALUES(alliance_name)'); foreach ($allianceLookup->alliances as $alliance) { $stmt->execute(array($alliance->name, $alliance->allianceID, $alliance->shortName)); } echo "Alliance List Updated.";