コード例 #1
  * Register the services here to make them general or register in the ModuleDefinition to make them module-specific
 public function registerServices()
     $di = new FactoryDefault();
     $loader = new Loader();
     $namespaces = [];
     $map = (require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload_namespaces.php');
     foreach ($map as $k => $values) {
         $k = trim($k, '\\');
         if (!isset($namespaces[$k])) {
             $dir = '/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $k) . '/';
             $namespaces[$k] = implode($dir . ';', $values) . $dir;
      * Register a router
     $di->set('router', function () {
         $router = new Router();
         //set frontend routes
         $router->mount(new FrontendRoutes());
         return $router;
コード例 #2
 public function setUp($di = null)
      * @type \DiCustom $di
     $di = $this->di;
     $oConfig = $di->getConfig();
     $oLoader = $di->getLoader();
     $oLoader->registerNamespaces(array('App\\Modules\\Api' => $oConfig->application->modulesDir . '/api'), true);
     $oRouter = new Router(false);
     $di->setShared('router', $oRouter);
     $this->router = $di->getRouter();
     $this->router->mount(new ApiRoutes());
コード例 #3
ファイル: ZFunctions.php プロジェクト: kimthangatm/zcms
 * Load frontend router
 * @param \Phalcon\Mvc\Router $router
 * @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Router
function zcms_load_frontend_router($router)
    //Get frontend module
    $frontendModule = get_child_folder(APP_DIR . '/frontend/');
    $frontendModule = array_reverse($frontendModule);
    foreach ($frontendModule as $module) {
        $routerClass = 'Router' . ucfirst($module);
        $fileRoute = APP_DIR . "/frontend/{$module}/{$routerClass}.php";
        if (file_exists($fileRoute)) {
            require_once $fileRoute;
            if (class_exists($routerClass)) {
                $router->mount(new $routerClass());
    return $router;
コード例 #4
ファイル: routes.php プロジェクト: phanbook/openshift
 * All defined routes are traversed in reverse order until Phalcon\Mvc\Router
 * finds the one that matches the given URI and processes it, while ignoring the rest.
$frontend = new Group(['module' => 'frontend']);
$frontend->add('/:controller/:action/:params', ['controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3]);
$frontend->add('/:controller/:int', ['controller' => 1, 'id' => 2]);
$frontend->add('/:controller/:int/{slug:[a-z\\-]+}', ['controller' => 1, 'id' => 2, 'slug' => 3, 'action' => 'view']);
$frontend->add('/posts/:int/{slug:[a-z\\-]+}', ['id' => 1, 'slug' => 2, 'action' => 'view']);
$frontend->add('/:controller[/]?', ['controller' => 1]);
$frontend->add('/blog/{id:[0-9]+}/{slug:[a-z\\-]+}', ['controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view']);
$frontend->add('/questions/{id:[0-9]+}/{slug:[a-z\\-]+}', ['controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view']);
$frontend->add('/questions/new', ['controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'new']);
 * Define routes for each module
$modules = ['oauth', 'backend'];
foreach ($modules as $module) {
    $group = new Group(['module' => $module]);
    $group->setPrefix('/' . $module);
    $group->add('/:controller/:action/:params', array('controller' => 1, 'action' => 2, 'params' => 3));
    $group->add('/:controller/:int', ['controller' => 1, 'id' => 2]);
    $group->add('/:controller[/]?', ['controller' => 1]);
    $frontend->add('/:controller/:int/{slug:[a-z\\-]+}', ['controller' => 1, 'id' => 2, 'slug' => 3, 'action' => 'view']);
    $group->add('[/]?', array());
$router->add('/backend', ['module' => 'backend', 'controller' => 'dashboard']);
コード例 #5
ファイル: routes.php プロジェクト: gamelife1314/city

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router, Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group as RouterGroup;
$router = new Router();
$router->add('/', ['controller' => 'country', 'action' => 'index']);
//About Countries Routes
$country = new RouterGroup(['controller' => 'country']);
$country->addGet('/', 'Country::index');
//About Provinces Routes
$province = new RouterGroup(['controller' => 'province']);
$province->addGet('/', 'Province::index');
$province->addGet('/show/{id:[0-9]+}', 'Province::show');
return $router;
コード例 #6

 * User: marnixjanssen
 * Date: 6/7/15
use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
use Devnation\App\Routes\UserRoutes;
use Devnation\App\Routes\AjaxRoutes;
$router = new Router(false);
$router->add("/", ["controller" => "Index", "action" => "index"])->setName("home");
$router->add("/info/{city:[a-z\\-]+}", ["controller" => "Index", "action" => "index"]);
$router->mount(new UserRoutes());
$router->mount(new AjaxRoutes());
//$router->add("/ajax/weather/city/{city}", ["namespace" => "Devnation\\App\\Controllers\\Ajax", "controller" => "Weather", "action" => "weatherForCity"]);
//$router->add("/ajax/location/getAddress", ["namespace" => "Devnation\\App\\Controllers\\Ajax", "controller" => "Location", "action" => "getAddress"]);
//$router->add("/ajax/user/getFavorites", ["namespace" => "Devnation\\App\\Controllers\\Ajax", "controller" => "User", "action" => "getFavoriteLocations"]);
//$router->add("/ajax/user/setFavorite", ["namespace" => "Devnation\\App\\Controllers\\Ajax", "controller" => "User", "action" => "setFavoriteLocation"]);
//$router->add("/ajax/user/hasFavorite/{city}", ["namespace" => "Devnation\\App\\Controllers\\Ajax", "controller" => "User", "action" => "hasFavorite"]);
//$router->add("/ajax/user/weatherForCurrentLocation", ["namespace" => "Devnation\\App\\Controllers\\Ajax", "controller" => "User", "action" => "weatherForCurrentLocation"]);
return $router;
コード例 #7
ファイル: routes.php プロジェクト: duythien/phalcon-api

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
$router = new Router(false);
$router->setDefaults(['controller' => 'tests', 'action' => 'index']);
$prefix = '/' . VERSION . '/';
$tests = new Group(['controller' => 'tests']);
$tests->setPrefix($prefix . 'tests');
$tests->addGet('', ['action' => 'index']);
$tests->addGet('/{id:[0-9]+}', ['action' => 'view']);
$tests->addPost('/new', ['action' => 'new']);
$tests->addPut('/{id:[0-9]+}', ['action' => 'update']);
$tasks = new Group(['controller' => 'task']);
$tasks->setPrefix($prefix . 'tasks');
$tasks->addGet('', ['action' => 'index']);
$tasks->addGet('/{id:[0-9]+}', ['action' => 'view']);
$tasks->addPost('/new', ['action' => 'new']);
$tasks->addPut('/{id:[0-9]+}', ['action' => 'update']);
$token = new Group(['controller' => 'token']);
$token->setPrefix($prefix . 'token');
$token->add('', ['action' => 'index']);
return $router;
コード例 #8
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: dubhunter/hunter-light
     * Setting up custom Request object
    $di->set('request', function () {
        return new RestRequest();
     * Setting up custom Dispatcher
    $di->set('dispatcher', function () {
        return new RestDispatcher();
     * Setting up router and mounting AppRouter
    $di->set('router', function () {
        $router = new Router(false);
        $router->notFound(array('controller' => 'error404'));
        $router->mount(new AppRouter());
        return $router;
     * Run the application
    $app = new Application($di);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Uncaught Exception: ' . get_class($e) . $e->getMessage();
コード例 #9
ファイル: routes.php プロジェクト: Archcry/PhalconApiBase

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
use Libraries\RouteLoader\RouteLoader;
// Create the router
$router = new Router(false);
// Get all available routes located in the routes dir recursively
$routeLoader = new RouteLoader($config->application->routesDir);
// Mount all available routes
foreach ($routeLoader->findRoutes() as $route) {
    $router->mount(new $route());
//Set 404 paths
$router->notFound(array('namespace' => 'Controllers\\BaseControllers', 'controller' => 'error', 'action' => 'send404'));
// Return the router
return $router;
コード例 #10
ファイル: services.php プロジェクト: sq3hll/github_Api
 * If the configuration specify the use of metadata adapter use it or use memory otherwise
$di->setShared('modelsMetadata', function () {
    return new MetaDataAdapter();
 * Register the session flash service with the Twitter Bootstrap classes
$di->set('flash', function () {
    $flash = new Flash(array('error' => 'alert alert-danger', 'success' => 'alert alert-success', 'notice' => 'alert alert-info', 'warning' => 'alert alert-warning'));
    return $flash;
$di->set('flashSession', function () {
    $flashSession = new FlashSession(array('error' => 'alert alert-danger', 'success' => 'alert alert-success', 'notice' => 'alert alert-info', 'warning' => 'alert alert-warning'));
    return $flashSession;
 * Start the session the first time some component request the session service
$di->setShared('session', function () {
    $session = new SessionAdapter();
    return $session;
$di->set('router', function () {
    $router = new Router();
    $router->mount(new GlobalRoutes());
    return $router;
コード例 #11
ファイル: router.php プロジェクト: GGAlanSmithee/pangea-api

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
$router = new Router();
// Add default route
$router->add("/", array("controller" => "index", "action" => "index"));
// Add 404 route
$router->notFound(array("controller" => "index", "action" => "index"));
// Add route groups
$router->mount(new \Pangea\Routes\AccountRoutes());
$router->mount(new \Pangea\Routes\TownRoutes());
$router->mount(new \Pangea\Routes\RaceRoutes());
return $router;
コード例 #12

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: rcmonitor
 * Date: 30.06.15
 * Time: 19:10
use App\Modules\Api\ApiRoutes;
use Phalcon\Di;
use Phalcon\Loader;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
$di = Di::getDefault();
$oLogger = $di->getFileLogger();
$oLogger->debug('initializing route');
 * @type Loader
$oLoader = $di->getLoader();
$arClasses = $oLoader->getClasses();
$oLogger->debug(print_r($arClasses, true));
$oRouter = new Router();
$oApiRoutes = new ApiRoutes();
$di->setShared('router', $oRouter);
コード例 #13

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
use NetAssist\Routes\GraphRoutes;
use NetAssist\Routes\NodesRoutes;
use NetAssist\Routes\AccountRoutes;
use NetAssist\Routes\LinksRoutes;
$router = new Router(false);
$router->add("/", ['controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']);
$router->mount(new GraphRoutes());
$router->mount(new NodesRoutes());
$router->mount(new AccountRoutes());
$router->mount(new LinksRoutes());
$router->notFound(array("controller" => "index", "action" => "route404"));
return $router;
コード例 #14
ファイル: LangRouter.php プロジェクト: kathynka/Foundation
 public function mount($group)
     if (method_exists($group, 'getTranslatedRoutes')) {
         $this->translatedRoutes = array_merge_recursive($this->translatedRoutes, $group->getTranslatedRoutes());
     return parent::mount($group);
コード例 #15

use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;
/* ==================================================
 * ลงทะเบียน "เส้นทางเว็บแอพพลิเคชั่น" (Router)
 * Registering a router
 * ================================================== */
$config = $this->config;
// Read the configuration
$manager->set('router', function () use($config) {
    $router = new Router();
    $addModule = explode(',', $config->module->moduleLists);
    foreach ($addModule as $module) {
        $pathModule = APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/' . $module . '/Router.php';
        $nameModule = ucfirst($module) . 'Router';
        if (file_exists($pathModule)) {
            include_once $pathModule;
            $router->mount(new $nameModule($config));
    return $router;
コード例 #16
ファイル: services.php プロジェクト: justforleo/phalcon-cmf
    $frontendRouterGroup = new RouterGroup();
    //    $apiRouterGroup = new RouterGroup();        //api,service类分组
    //    $apiRouterGroup->setPrefix($config->application->apiPrefix);
    $controllerPath = $config->application->controllersDir;
    // 一个路由分组的默认地址 这个路由分组里放的是显示网站数据的应用,称之为前台
    $frontendRouterGroup->add('/', ['namespace' => 'Modules\\Frontend\\Controllers', 'module' => 'Frontend', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']);
    // 一个路由分组的默认地址 这个路由分组里放的是管理网站数据的应用,称之为后台
    $adminRouterGroup->add('/', ['namespace' => 'Modules\\Backend\\Controllers', 'module' => 'Backend', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index']);
    foreach ($modules as $key => $val) {
        if (file_exists($controllerPath . $val . "/Router.php")) {
            require_once $controllerPath . $val . "/Router.php";
    //    $router->mount($apiRouterGroup);
    return $router;
// 合并所有modules config数组到config对象
$di->set('config', function () use($config, $di) {
    $modules = $di->get('modules');
    $controllerPath = $config->application->controllersDir;
    foreach ($modules as $key => $val) {
        if (file_exists($controllerPath . "{$val}/Config.php")) {
            $otherConf = (require $controllerPath . "{$val}/Config.php");
            $config->merge(new \Phalcon\Config($otherConf));
    return $config;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Router.php プロジェクト: mattvb91/cphalcon
 public function mount(GroupInterface $group)
     return parent::mount($group);