protected function initModuleRouting(Application $app) { // note, it is important that the default module is registered first.. // though if user uses Phalcon\Mvc\Router these default routes are not needed if ($this->isModuleDefined($app->getDefaultModule())) { $this->routeModule($app->getDefaultModule()); } foreach ($this->getModules() as $moduleName => $module) { if (!$this->isDefaultModule($moduleName)) { $this->routeModule($moduleName); } } }
* Handle the request */ $application = new Application($di); $application->setEventsManager($oAppEventsManager); $oAppEventsManager->attach('application', function ($event, $application) use($oLogger) { $oLogger->debug('application: ' . $event->getType()); }); // $application->registerModules(); // $arNamespaces = $di->getLoader()->getNamespaces(); /** * here's all the magic with modules */ $oModuleRouter = new ModuleRouter($application); if ($oModuleRouter->handle()) { $oLogger->debug('app modules registered: ' . print_r($application->getModules(), true)); $oLogger->debug('app default module: "' . $application->getDefaultModule() . '"'); // $oRouter = new AppRoute(); // $di->set('router', $oRouter); echo $application->handle()->getContent(); } else { // running old application require_once __DIR__ . '/../legacy/public/index.php'; } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo '<h3>' . $e->getMessage() . '</h3>'; echo '<h2>' . $e->getLine() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . '</h2>'; $arTrace = $e->getTrace(); foreach ($arTrace as $offset => $line) { echo '<p><b>' . $offset . ':</b> ' . print_r($line, true) . '</p>'; } $oLogger->error($e->getLine() . ':' . $e->getFile() . ':' . get_class($e) . ' "' . $e->getMessage() . '"');