コード例 #1
  * @param string $sConfigVar Specify the variable in the INI file where module options. Default module.setting
  * @param string $sConfigPath Specify the path of INI file configuration WITHOUT "config.ini". The default value is the current configuration file module. Default NULL
  * @return void
 public static function display($sConfigVar = 'module.setting', $sConfigPath = null)
     $sConfigFile = 'config.ini';
     $sIniFile = empty($sConfigPath) ? Registry::getInstance()->path_module_config . $sConfigFile : $sConfigPath . $sConfigFile;
     $aData = parse_ini_file($sIniFile, true);
     $rData = file_get_contents($sIniFile);
     if (isset($_POST['submit_config'])) {
         if (\PFBC\Form::isValid($_POST['submit_config'])) {
             new ConfigFileCoreFormProcess($sConfigVar, $sIniFile);
     $oForm = new \PFBC\Form('form_config', 600);
     $oForm->configure(array('action' => ''));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Hidden('submit_config', 'form_config'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Token('config'));
     foreach ($aData[$sConfigVar] as $sKey => $sVal) {
         $sLabel = str_replace(array('.', '_'), ' ', $sKey);
         $sLabel = (new Str())->upperFirstWords($sLabel);
         if (false !== strpos($sKey, 'enable')) {
             $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Select($sLabel, 'config[' . $sKey . ']', array(1 => t('Enable'), 0 => t('Disable')), array('value' => $sVal)));
         } elseif (false !== strpos($sKey, 'email')) {
             $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Email($sLabel, 'config[' . $sKey . ']', array('value' => $sVal)));
         } elseif (ctype_digit($sVal)) {
             $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Number($sLabel, 'config[' . $sKey . ']', array('step' => 'any', 'value' => $sVal)));
         } else {
             $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Textbox($sLabel, 'config[' . $sKey . ']', array('value' => $sVal)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Button());
コード例 #2
  * Gets Ads with ORDER BY RAND() SQL aggregate function.
  * With caching, advertising changes every hour.
  * @param integer $iWidth
  * @param integer $iHeight
  * @param boolean $bOnlyActive Default TRUE
  * @return object Query
 public function ad($iWidth, $iHeight, $bOnlyActive = true)
     if (!PH7_VALID_LICENSE) {
         return false;
     $this->_oCache->start(self::CACHE_STATIC_GROUP, 'ads' . $iWidth . $iHeight . $bOnlyActive, static::CACHE_TIME);
     if (!($oData = $this->_oCache->get())) {
         $sSqlActive = $bOnlyActive ? ' AND (active=\'1\') ' : ' ';
         $rStmt = Db::getInstance()->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . Db::prefix('Ads') . 'WHERE (width=:width) AND (height=:height)' . $sSqlActive . 'ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1');
         $rStmt->bindValue(':width', $iWidth, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $rStmt->bindValue(':height', $iHeight, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $oData = $rStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
      * Don't display ads on the admin panel.
     if (!(Registry::getInstance()->module === PH7_ADMIN_MOD) && $oData) {
         echo '<div class="inline" onclick="$(\'#ad_' . $oData->adsId . '\').attr(\'src\',\'' . PH7_URL_ROOT . '?' . \PH7\Framework\Ads\Ads::PARAM_URL . '=' . $oData->adsId . '\');return true;">';
         echo \PH7\Framework\Ads\Ads::output($oData);
         echo '<img src="' . PH7_URL_STATIC . PH7_IMG . 'useful/blank.gif" style="border:0;width:0px;height:0px;" alt="" id="ad_' . $oData->adsId . '" /></div>';
コード例 #3
  * Parser for the System variables.
  * @param string $sVar
  * @return The new parsed text
 public function parse($sVar)
     /*** Not to parse a text ***/
     if (preg_match('/#!.+!#/', $sVar)) {
         $sVar = str_replace(array('#!', '!#'), '', $sVar);
         return $sVar;
     /***** Site Variables *****/
     $oRegistry = Registry::getInstance();
     $sVar = str_replace('%site_name%', $oRegistry->site_name, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%url_relative%', PH7_RELATIVE, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace(array('%site_url%', '%url_root%'), $oRegistry->site_url, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%url_static%', PH7_URL_STATIC, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%page_ext%', PH7_PAGE_EXT, $sVar);
     /***** Affiliate Variables *****/
     $oSession = new Session();
     $sAffUsername = $oSession->exists('affiliate_username') ? $oSession->get('affiliate_username') : 'aid';
     $sVar = str_replace('%affiliate_url%', Uri::get('affiliate', 'router', 'refer', $sAffUsername), $sVar);
     /***** Global Variables *****/
     $sVar = str_replace('%ip%', Ip::get(), $sVar);
     /***** Kernel Variables *****/
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_name%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_company%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_COMPANY, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_author%', 'Pierre-Henry Soria', $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_version_name%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_VERSION_NAME, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_version%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_VERSION, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_build%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_BUILD, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_email%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_EMAIL, $sVar);
     $sVar = str_replace('%software_website%', Kernel::SOFTWARE_WEBSITE, $sVar);
     // Output
     return $sVar;
コード例 #4
 public static function display()
     $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
     $iProfileId = (int) (new Session())->get('member_id');
     if (isset($_POST['submit_privacy_account'])) {
         if (\PFBC\Form::isValid($_POST['submit_privacy_account'])) {
             new PrivacyFormProcess($iProfileId, $oUserModel);
     $oPrivacy = $oUserModel->getPrivacySetting($iProfileId);
     $oForm = new \PFBC\Form('form_privacy_account', 500);
     $oForm->configure(array('action' => ''));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Hidden('submit_privacy_account', 'form_privacy_account'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Token('privacy_account'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<h3><u>' . t('Profile:') . '</u></h3>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Radio(t('Who can view your profile?'), 'privacy_profile', array('all' => t('Everyone (including people who are not %0% members).', Registry::getInstance()->site_name), 'only_members' => t('Only %0% members who are logged in.', Registry::getInstance()->site_name), 'only_me' => t('Only me.')), array('value' => $oPrivacy->privacyProfile, 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<h3><u>' . t('Web search engine:') . '</u></h3>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Radio(t('Do you want to be included in search results?'), 'search_profile', array('yes' => t("Yes, include my profile in search results (%site_name%'s search, Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)."), 'no' => t('No, do not include my profile in search results.')), array('value' => $oPrivacy->searchProfile, 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<h3><u>' . t('Show profile visitors:') . '</u></h3>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Radio(t('Do you want display members who viewed your profile?'), 'user_save_views', array('yes' => t('Yes, display members who viewed my profile (Selecting this option will allow other members to see that you visited their profile).'), 'no' => t('No, don\'t display members who viewed my profile. (Selecting this option will prevent you from seeing who visited your profile).')), array('value' => $oPrivacy->userSaveViews, 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<h3><u>' . t('Presence:') . '</u></h3>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Select(t('Your status'), 'user_status', array('1' => t('Online'), '2' => t('Busy'), '3' => t('Away'), '0' => 'Offline'), array('id' => 'status', 'onchange' => 'init_status()', 'value' => $oUserModel->getUserStatus($iProfileId), 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<div class="user_status right" id="status_div"></div>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\HTMLExternal('<script>$(function(){ init_status() });</script>'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Button());
コード例 #5
ファイル: Mail.class.php プロジェクト: joswilson/NotJustOK
  * Sub Header HTML with the site logo.
  * @return string HTML Contents.
 public function subHeader()
      * @internal Because we sometimes work with this class in Ajax (e.g. FriendAjax.php of the User Module), the constant "PH7_TPL_NAME" is not yet defined.
      * So we use the constant "PH7_DEFAULT_THEME" is already defined.
     return '<table>
         <div id="sub_container">
         <h1 class="logo"><a href="' . Registry::getInstance()->site_url . '">' . Registry::getInstance()->site_name . '</a></h1>';
コード例 #6
ファイル: Kernel.class.php プロジェクト: joswilson/NotJustOK
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = Config::getInstance();
     $this->str = new Str();
     $this->file = new File();
     $this->httpRequest = new Http();
     $this->browser = new Browser();
     $this->registry = Registry::getInstance();
      * @internal The "_checkLicense" method cannot be declare more than one time. The "Kernel.class.php" file is included many times in the software, so we need to check that with a constant.
     if (!defined('PH7_CHECKED_LIC')) {
         define('PH7_CHECKED_LIC', 1);
         // OK, now we have checked the license key
     //** Temporary code. In the near future, pH7CMS will be usable without mod_rewrite
     if (!Server::isRewriteMod()) {
         $sModRewriteMsg = t('<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red"><a href="%0%">pH7CMS</a> requires Apache "mod_rewrite".</span><br /> Please install it so that pH7CMS can works.<br /> Click <a href="%1%" target="_blank">here</a> if you want to get more information on how to install the rewrite module.<br /><br /> After doing this, please <a href="%2%">retry</a>.', self::SOFTWARE_WEBSITE, 'http://software.hizup.com/doc/en/how-to-install-rewrite-module', PH7_URL_ROOT);
コード例 #7
  * Autoload Forms.
  * @param string $sClass
  * @return void
 private function _loadForm($sClass)
     $sClass = $this->_removeNamespace($sClass);
     // For the Core Forms
     if (is_file(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/' . PH7_FORMS . $sClass . '.php')) {
         require_once PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/' . PH7_FORMS . $sClass . '.php';
     if (is_file(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/' . PH7_FORMS . 'processing/' . $sClass . '.php')) {
         require_once PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/' . PH7_FORMS . 'processing/' . $sClass . '.php';
     // For the Forms of the modules
     if (is_file(Registry::getInstance()->path_module_forms . $sClass . '.php')) {
         require_once Registry::getInstance()->path_module_forms . $sClass . '.php';
     if (is_file(Registry::getInstance()->path_module_forms . 'processing/' . $sClass . '.php')) {
         require_once Registry::getInstance()->path_module_forms . 'processing/' . $sClass . '.php';
コード例 #8
    // Enable client browser cache
    (new Browser())->cache();
    // Starting zlib-compressed output
      This "zlib output compression" compressthe pages.
      This allows you to save your bandwidth and faster download of your pages.
      WARNING: this function consumes CPU resources on your server.
      So you can if you want to remove this function.
    //ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 2048);
    //ini_set('zlib.output_compression_level', 6);
    new Server();
    // Start Server
    Registry::getInstance()->start_time = microtime(true);
     * Initialize the FrontController, we are asking the front controller to process the HTTP request
} catch (Except\UserException $oE) {
    echo $oE->getMessage();
    // Simple User Error with Exception
} catch (Except\PH7Exception $oE) {
} catch (\Exception $oE) {
} finally {
    if ('' !== session_id()) {
コード例 #9
  * For download file.
  * @param string $sFile file in download.
  * @param string $sName if file in download.
  * @param string $sMimeType Optional, default value is NULL.
  * @return void
 public function download($sFile, $sName, $sMimeType = null)
      This function takes a path to a file to output ($sFile),
      the filename that the browser will see ($sName) and
      the MIME type of the file ($sMimeType, optional).
      If you want to do something on download abort/finish,
     //if (!is_readable($sFile)) exit('File not found or inaccessible!');
     $sName = \PH7\Framework\Url\Url::decode($sName);
     // Clean the name file
     /* Figure out the MIME type (if not specified) */
     if (empty($sMimeType)) {
         $sFileExtension = $this->getFileExt($sFile);
         $mGetMimeType = $this->getMimeType($sFileExtension);
         if (!empty($mGetMimeType)) {
             $sMimeType = $mGetMimeType;
         } else {
             $sMimeType = 'application/force-download';
     // Turn off output buffering to decrease CPU usage
     (new \PH7\Framework\Navigation\Browser())->nocache();
     // No cache
     $sPrefix = \PH7\Framework\Registry\Registry::getInstance()->site_name . '_';
     // the prefix
     header('Content-Type: ' . $sMimeType);
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . \PH7\Framework\Parse\Url::clean($sPrefix) . $sName);
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
     header('Content-Length: ' . $this->size($sFile));
コード例 #10
  * Load the language file.
  * @param string $sFileName The language path.
  * @param string $sPath If you want to change the default path (the path to the current module), you can specify the path. Default NULL
  * @return void
 public function load($sFileName, $sPath = null)
     bindtextdomain($sFileName, empty($sPath) ? \PH7\Framework\Registry\Registry::getInstance()->path_module_lang : $sPath);
     bind_textdomain_codeset($sFileName, PH7_ENCODING);
コード例 #11
  * @return string The name of the current controller.
 public function currentController()
     return str_replace('controller', '', strtolower(\PH7\Framework\Registry\Registry::getInstance()->controller));
コード例 #12
ファイル: Design.class.php プロジェクト: joswilson/NotJustOK
  * Generate a Report Link.
  * @param integer $iId
  * @param string $sUsername
  * @param string $sFirstName
  * @param string $sSex
  * @internal We do not use \PH7\Framework\Url\Url::httpBuildQuery() method for the first condition otherwise the URL is distorted and it does not work.
  * @return void
 public function report($iId, $sUsername, $sFirstName, $sSex)
     $sReportLink = \PH7\UserCore::auth() ? Uri::get('report', 'main', 'abuse', '?spammer=' . $iId . '&amp;url=' . $this->oHttpRequest->currentUrl() . '&amp;type=' . Registry::getInstance()->module, false) . '" data-popup="block-page' : Uri::get('user', 'signup', 'step1', '?' . Url::httpBuildQuery(array('msg' => t('You must register to report this person.'), 'ref' => 'profile', 'a' => 'report', 'u' => $sUsername, 'f_n' => $sFirstName, 's' => $sSex)), false);
     echo '<a rel="nofollow" href="', $sReportLink, '" title="', t('Report Abuse'), '">', t('Report'), '</a>';
コード例 #13
  * Useful HTML Header.
  * @param array $aMeta Default NULL
  * @param boolean $bLogo Default FALSE
  * @return void
 public final function usefulHtmlHeader(array $aMeta = null, $bLogo = false)
     $this->bIsDiv = true;
     echo '<html><head><meta charset="utf-8" />
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1" />
     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
     <title>', !empty($aMeta['title']) ? $aMeta['title'] : '', '</title>';
     if (!empty($aMeta['description'])) {
         echo '<meta name="description" content="', $aMeta['description'], '" />';
     if (!empty($aMeta['keywords'])) {
         echo '<meta name="keywords" content="', $aMeta['keywords'], '" />';
     echo '<meta name="author" content="', Kernel::SOFTWARE_COMPANY, '" />
     <meta name="copyright" content="', Kernel::SOFTWARE_COPYRIGHT, '" />
     <meta name="creator" content="', Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME, '" />
     <meta name="designer" content="', Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME, '" />
     <meta name="generator" content="', Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME, ' ', Kernel::SOFTWARE_VERSION_NAME, ' ', Kernel::SOFTWARE_VERSION, ', Build ', Kernel::SOFTWARE_BUILD, '" />';
     $this->externalCssFile(PH7_URL_STATIC . PH7_CSS . 'js/jquery/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
     $this->staticFiles('css', PH7_LAYOUT . PH7_TPL . PH7_DEFAULT_THEME . PH7_SH . PH7_CSS, 'common.css,style.css,form.css');
     $this->externalJsFile(PH7_URL_STATIC . PH7_JS . 'jquery/jquery.js');
     $this->externalJsFile(PH7_URL_STATIC . PH7_JS . 'jquery/jquery-ui.js');
     echo '<script>var pH7Url={base:\'', PH7_URL_ROOT, '\'}</script></head><body>';
     if ($bLogo) {
         // Website's name
         $sSiteName = Registry::getInstance()->site_name;
         // Check if the website's name exists, otherwise we displayed the software's name
         $sName = !empty($sSiteName) ? $sSiteName : Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME;
         echo '<header>
         <div id="logo"><h1><a href="', PH7_URL_ROOT, '" title="', $sName, ' — ', Kernel::SOFTWARE_NAME, ', ', Kernel::SOFTWARE_COMPANY, '">', $sName, '</a></h1></div>
     echo $this->flashMsg(), '<div class="msg"></div><div class="m_marg">';
コード例 #14
  * Routing controllers.
  * @access private
 private function __construct()
     /** Objects are created for the functioning of the class. * */
     $this->oConfig = Config::getInstance();
     $this->oRegistry = Registry::getInstance();
     $this->oHttpRequest = new Http();
     $this->oUri = Uri::getInstance();
     if ($this->oUri->fragment(0) === 'asset' && $this->oUri->fragment(1) === 'gzip') {
         // Loading and compress CSS and JavaScript files
      * @internal We initialize the database after compression of static files (\PH7\Framework\Mvc\Router\FrontController::gzipRouter() method),
      * so we can always display static files even if there are problems with the database.
      * @internal This method must be declared before the rest of the code, because it initializes essential language constants for the rest of the code.
     // For the resources of the assets folders
     if ($this->oUri->fragment(0) === 'asset') {
         switch ($this->oUri->fragment(1)) {
             case 'ajax':
                 // Loading Asynchronous Ajax files
             case 'file':
                 // Loading files
             case 'cron':
                 // Loading Cron Jobs files
             case 'css':
                 // Loading Style sheet files
             case 'js':
                 // Loading JavaScript files
                 $this->notFound('Not found Asset file!', 1);
     $oUrl = UriRoute::loadFile(new \DomDocument());
     foreach ($oUrl->getElementsByTagName('route') as $oRoute) {
         if (preg_match('`^' . $oRoute->getAttribute('url') . '/?(?:\\?[^/]+\\=[^/]+)?$`', $this->oHttpRequest->requestUri(), $aMatches)) {
             $this->bRouterRewriting = true;
             $sPathModule = $oRoute->getAttribute('path') . PH7_SH;
             // Get module
             $this->oRegistry->module = $oRoute->getAttribute('module');
             // Check if file exist
             if (!$this->oConfig->load(PH7_PATH_APP . $sPathModule . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE)) {
                 $this->notFound('The <b>' . $this->oRegistry->module . '</b> system module is not found.<br />File: <b>' . PH7_PATH_APP . $sPathModule . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_DS . '</b><br /> or the <b>' . PH7_CONFIG_FILE . '</b> file is not found.<br />File: <b>' . PH7_PATH_APP . $sPathModule . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE . '</b>');
                 // It reloads the config.ini file for the new module "error"
                 $this->oConfig->load(PH7_PATH_MOD . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE);
             /***** PATH THE MODULE *****/
             $this->oRegistry->path_module = PH7_PATH_APP . $sPathModule . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_DS;
             /***** URL THE MODULE *****/
             $this->oRegistry->url_module = PH7_URL_ROOT . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_SH;
             /***** PATH THE TEMPLATE *****/
             $this->oRegistry->path_themes_module = PH7_PATH_ROOT . PH7_LAYOUT . $sPathModule . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_DS . PH7_TPL;
             /***** URL THE TEMPLATE *****/
             $this->oRegistry->url_themes_module = PH7_RELATIVE . PH7_LAYOUT . $sPathModule . $this->oRegistry->module . PH7_SH . PH7_TPL;
             // Get the default controller
             $this->oRegistry->controller = ucfirst($oRoute->getAttribute('controller')) . 'Controller';
             // Get the default action
             $this->oRegistry->action = $oRoute->getAttribute('action');
             if ($oRoute->hasAttribute('vars')) {
                 $aVars = explode(',', $oRoute->getAttribute('vars'));
                 $iOffset = count($aVars);
                 foreach ($aMatches as $sKey => $sMatch) {
                     if ($sKey !== 0) {
                         $this->oHttpRequest->setGet($aVars[$sKey - 1], $sMatch);
                         /** Request Parameter for the Router Rewriting mode. * */
                         $this->aRequestParameter = $this->oUri->segments($this->oUri->totalFragment() - $iOffset);
     if (empty($this->bRouterRewriting)) {
         if ($this->oUri->fragment(0) === 'm') {
         } else {
コード例 #15
  * Get Profile Link with the link to the registration form if the user is not connected.
  * @param string $sUsername
  * @param string $sFirstName
  * @param string $sSex
  * @return string The link
 public function getProfileSignupLink($sUsername, $sFirstName, $sSex)
     if (!self::auth() && !AdminCore::auth()) {
         $aHttpParams = ['ref' => (new Framework\Mvc\Request\Http())->currentController(), 'a' => Framework\Registry\Registry::getInstance()->action, 'u' => $sUsername, 'f_n' => $sFirstName, 's' => $sSex];
         $sLink = Uri::get('user', 'signup', 'step1', '?' . Framework\Url\Url::httpBuildQuery($aHttpParams), false);
     } else {
         $sLink = $this->getProfileLink($sUsername);
     return $sLink;
コード例 #16
  * @return object $this
  * @throws \PH7\Framework\Layout\Exception If the template module file is not found.
 public function modTpl()
     $oRegistry = \PH7\Framework\Registry\Registry::getInstance();
     if ($this->_oConfig->load($oRegistry->path_module_views . $this->_sUserTpl . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE)) {
         $this->_sModTplName = $this->_sUserTpl;
     } else {
         if ($this->_oConfig->load($oRegistry->path_module_views . $this->_sDefaultTpl . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE)) {
             $this->_sModTplName = $this->_sDefaultTpl;
         } else {
             if ($this->_oConfig->load($oRegistry->path_module_views . PH7_DEFAULT_TPL_MOD . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE)) {
                 $this->_sModTplName = PH7_DEFAULT_TPL_MOD;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Template module file not found! File: \'' . $oRegistry->path_module_views . PH7_DEFAULT_TPL_MOD . PH7_DS . PH7_CONFIG . PH7_CONFIG_FILE . '\' doesn\'t exist.');
     return $this;