コード例 #1
  * Menu loader event
  * This will render the contextual help and 'per_page' settings, based
  * on the selected menu. If the menu callback has a matching 'Load' method,
  * it will be called too, containing the current screen as an argument.
  * For example, if the menu callback is `onRenderMenu()`, and a method called
  * `onRenderMenuLoad()` exists, then it will be called prior to `onRenderMenu()`.
  * This could be used, for instance, to add screen settings:
  * <code>
  *   add_action('screen_settings', ($this, 'screen_settings_callback'));
  * </code>
  * where the `screen_settings_callback()` will return the details to be displayed.
 public function onMenuLoad()
     if (($active_menu = $this->getActiveMenu()) !== false) {
         // Test if there's a method to call before the actual callback
         $before_callback = Helpers::validCallback($active_menu->_properties['callback'], static::PRE_MENU_CALLBACK_SUFFIX);
         if ($before_callback) {
             call_user_func($before_callback, get_current_screen());
         $current_screen = get_current_screen();
         $context_help = $active_menu->context_help;
         // Set contextual help
         if (!empty($context_help)) {
             if (is_object($current_screen) && is_callable(array($current_screen, 'add_help_tab'))) {
                 // As of WP 3.3
                 if ($context_help instanceof \Pf4wp\Help\ContextHelp) {
                 } else {
                     $current_screen->add_help_tab(array('title' => __('Overview'), 'id' => 'overview', 'content' => $context_help));
             } else {
                 add_contextual_help($current_screen, $context_help);
         $per_page_id = $active_menu->_properties['slug'] . $current_screen->id . MenuEntry::PER_PAGE_SUFFIX;
         // Check if the user has specified custom screen options
         if (isset($_POST['screen-options-apply']) && isset($_POST['wp_screen_options']['value']) && isset($_POST['wp_screen_options']['option']) && $_POST['wp_screen_options']['option'] == $per_page_id && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['screenoptionnonce'], 'screen-options-nonce')) {
             global $current_user;
             $value = (int) $_POST['wp_screen_options']['value'];
             // Let's be reasonable
             if ($value < 1) {
                 $value = (int) $active_menu->per_page;
             update_user_option($current_user->ID, $per_page_id, $value);
             // Columns
             $columns = apply_filters('manage_' . $current_screen->id . '_columns', array());
             $existing_to_hide = get_user_option('manage' . $current_screen->id . 'columnshidden');
             if (!is_array($existing_to_hide)) {
                 $existing_to_hide = array();
             // Any existing columns to hide, but not part of the current $columns, are placed in $to_hide.
             $to_hide = array_diff($existing_to_hide, array_keys($columns));
             foreach ($columns as $column_id => $column_title) {
                 if (!in_array($column_id, array('_title', 'cb', 'comment', 'media', 'name', 'title', 'username', 'blogname')) && !isset($_POST[$column_id . '-hide'])) {
                     $to_hide[] = $column_id;
             update_user_option($current_user->ID, 'manage' . $current_screen->id . 'columnshidden', $to_hide);
         if ($active_menu->per_page) {
             // add_screen_option handles get_user_option, no need to pass value
             add_screen_option('per_page', array('label' => empty($active_menu->per_page_label) ? __('items per page', $this->textdomain) : $active_menu->per_page_label, 'option' => $per_page_id, 'default' => (int) $active_menu->per_page));
コード例 #2
  * Iterates blogs, performing an action after each switch (multisite)
  * @param mixed $action Action to perform
  * @param mixed $args Array containing parameters to pass to the action
  * @internal
 private function iterateBlogsAction($action, array $args = array())
     if (!Helpers::validCallback($action)) {
     // Perform action on the current blog first
     call_user_func_array($action, $args);
     // If in Network Admin mode, iterate all other blogs
     if (Helpers::isNetworkAdminMode()) {
         global $wpdb, $blog_id, $switched, $switched_stack;
         $orig_switched_stack = $switched_stack;
         // global $switched_stack
         $orig_switched = $switched;
         // global $switched
         $orig_blog_id = $blog_id;
         // global $blog_id
         $all_blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->blogs} WHERE blog_id <> %d", $orig_blog_id));
         // global $wpdb
         foreach ($all_blog_ids as $a_blog_id) {
             call_user_func_array($action, $args);
         // Switch back to the original blog
         /* Reset the global $switched and $switched_stack, as we're back at the original now.
          * This is faster than calling restore_current_blog() after each completed switch.
          * See wp-includes/ms-blogs.php.
         $switched = $orig_switched;
         // global $switched
         $switched_stack = $orig_switched_stack;
         // global $switched_stack
コード例 #3
ファイル: MenuEntry.php プロジェクト: zhengxiexie/wordpress
  * Event called before the user-defined menu callback is triggered.
  * It also renders portions of the page, which includes a large icon, page title
  * and depending on the before_callback a header (ie., sub menu) and on after_callback
  * a footer.
  * The actual callback depends on what is returned by the menu's "before_callback". If
  * that is NULL, it will use the callback defined for this MenuEntry's "callback",
  * otherwise the callback of the result is used.
  * The callback is also passed an array containing various details about the menu
  * properties, its hook and any custom defined arguments.
 public function onMenuCallback()
     $current_screen = get_current_screen();
     $callback = $this->_properties['callback'];
     $callback_args = $this->_properties['callback_args'];
     $per_page_id = $this->_properties['slug'] . $current_screen->id . static::PER_PAGE_SUFFIX;
     $per_page_def = $this->per_page;
     $capability = $this->capability;
     // Perform 'before_callback' event
     if (Helpers::validCallback($this->_properties['before_callback']) !== false) {
         $result = call_user_func($this->_properties['before_callback']);
         // If the result from 'before_callback' is not NULL, use the result as the actual callback and callback_args (override).
         if (!empty($result) && $result instanceof MenuEntry) {
             $callback = $result->_properties['callback'];
             $callback_args = $result->_properties['callback_args'];
             $per_page_id = $result->_properties['slug'] . $current_screen->id . static::PER_PAGE_SUFFIX;
             $per_page_def = $result->per_page;
             $capability = $result->capability;
     $before_callback_output = ob_get_clean();
     // Extra permission check (if bypassed in WordPress)
     if (!current_user_can($capability)) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', $this->textdomain));
     // Set final 'per page' variable
     $per_page = (int) get_user_option($per_page_id);
     if (empty($per_page)) {
         $per_page = $per_page_def;
     /* Render page */
     echo '<div class="wrap">';
     // Render large icon
     if (!empty($this->large_icon)) {
         if (strpos($this->large_icon, '/') === false && substr($this->large_icon, 0, strlen('data:')) != 'data:') {
             // Use an icon by CSS ID
             $icon = sprintf('id="%s"', $this->large_icon);
         } else {
             // Ensure SSL is used
             $icon = is_ssl() ? preg_replace('#^http:#', 'https:', $this->large_icon) : $this->large_icon;
             // Use a background with specified URL or Data URI
             $icon = sprintf('style="background: url(\'%s\') no-repeat scroll center center transparent"', $icon);
     printf('<div class="icon32" %s><br /></div>', isset($icon) ? $icon : 'id="icon-options-general"');
     // Render title
     if ($this->display_page_title) {
         printf('<h2>%s%s</h2>', $this->page_title, $this->page_title_extra);
     // Render output of before_callback
     echo $before_callback_output;
     // Perform user-defined callback
     echo '<div class="clear"></div><div>';
     if (Helpers::validCallback($callback)) {
         call_user_func($callback, $callback_args, $per_page);
     echo '</div>';
     // Perform 'afer_callback' event
     if (Helpers::validCallback($this->_properties['after_callback'])) {
     echo '</div>';
     // div wrap