getJson() public static method

Gets Json String of Object CreditCard
public static getJson ( ) : string
return string
コード例 #1
  * Gets Json String of Object FundingInstrument
  * @return string
 public static function getJson()
     return '{"credit_card":' . CreditCardTest::getJson() . ',"credit_card_token":' . CreditCardTokenTest::getJson() . ',"payment_card":' . PaymentCardTest::getJson() . ',"bank_account":' . ExtendedBankAccountTest::getJson() . ',"bank_account_token":' . BankTokenTest::getJson() . ',"credit":' . CreditTest::getJson() . ',"incentive":' . IncentiveTest::getJson() . ',"external_funding":' . ExternalFundingTest::getJson() . ',"carrier_account_token":' . CarrierAccountTokenTest::getJson() . ',"carrier_account":' . CarrierAccountTest::getJson() . ',"private_label_card":' . PrivateLabelCardTest::getJson() . ',"billing":' . BillingTest::getJson() . ',"alternate_payment":' . AlternatePaymentTest::getJson() . '}';
コード例 #2
  * @dataProvider mockProvider
  * @param CreditCard $obj
 public function testGet($obj, $mockApiContext)
     $mockPPRestCall = $this->getMockBuilder('\\PayPal\\Transport\\PayPalRestCall')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $result = $obj->get("creditCardId", $mockApiContext, $mockPPRestCall);
コード例 #3
  * Gets Json String of Object FundingInstrument
  * @return string
 public static function getJson()
     return '{"credit_card":' . CreditCardTest::getJson() . ',"credit_card_token":' . CreditCardTokenTest::getJson() . ',"payment_card":' . PaymentCardTest::getJson() . ',"payment_card_token":' . PaymentCardTokenTest::getJson() . ',"bank_account":' . ExtendedBankAccountTest::getJson() . ',"bank_account_token":' . BankTokenTest::getJson() . ',"credit":' . CreditTest::getJson() . '}';
コード例 #4
  * Gets Json String of Object CreditCardList
  * @return string
 public static function getJson()
     return '{"items":' . CreditCardTest::getJson() . ',"links":' . LinksTest::getJson() . ',"total_items":123,"total_pages":123}';
  * Gets Json String of Object CreditCardList
  * @return string
 public static function getJson()
     return '{"credit-cards":' . CreditCardTest::getJson() . ',"count":123,"next_id":"TestSample"}';