コード例 #1
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "export";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Export Pattern Lab patterns & assets", "The export command generates your patterns without Pattern Lab's CSS & JS, copies static assets from <path>public/</path>, and puts all of it in <path>export/</path>.", "e");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "clean", "Don't add any header or footer mark-up to the exported patterns.", "To generate clean versions of your patterns:");
コード例 #2
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "fetch";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Fetch a package or StarterKit", "The fetch command downloads packages and StarterKits.", "f");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "package:", "Fetch a package from Packagist.", "To fetch a package from Packagist:", "p:", "<package-name>");
コード例 #3
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "generate";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Generate Pattern Lab", "The generate command generates an entire site a single time. By default it removes old content in <path>public/</path>, compiles the patterns and moves content from <path>source/</path> into <path>public/</path>", "g");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "patternsonly", "Generate only the patterns. Does NOT clean <path>public/</path>.", "To generate only the patterns:", "p");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "nocache", "Set the cacheBuster value to 0.", "To turn off the cacheBuster:", "n");
コード例 #4
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "starterkit";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Initialize or fetch a specific StarterKit", "The StarterKit command downloads StarterKits.", "k");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "init", "Initialize with a blank StarterKit based on the active PatternEngine.", "To initialize your project with a base StarterKit:", "i");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "install:", "Fetch a specific StarterKit from GitHub.", "To fetch a StarterKit from GitHub:", "j:", "<starterkit-name>");
コード例 #5
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "server";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Start the PHP-based server", "The server command will start PHP's web server for you.", "s");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "host:", "Provide a custom hostname. Default value is <path>localhost</path>.", "To use a custom hostname and the default port:", "", "<host>");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "port:", "Provide a custom port. Default value is <path>8080</path>.", "To use a custom port and the default hostname:", "", "<port>");
     Console::setCommandSample($this->command, "To provide both a custom hostname and port:", "--host <host> --port <port>");
コード例 #6
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "config";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Configure Pattern Lab", "The --config command allows for the review and update of existing Pattern Lab config options.", "c");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "get:", "Get the value for a specific config option.", "To get a configuration option:", "", "configOption");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "list", "List the current config options.", "To list the current configuration:");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "set:", "Set the value for a specific config option.", "To set a configuration option:", "", "configOption=\"configValue\"");
コード例 #7
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "watch";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Watch for changes and regenerate", "The watch command builds Pattern Lab, watches for changes in <path>source/</path> and regenerates Pattern Lab when there are any.", "w");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "patternsonly", "Watches only the patterns. Does NOT clean <path>public/</path>.", "To watch and generate only the patterns:", "p");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "nocache", "Set the cacheBuster value to 0.", "To turn off the cacheBuster:", "n");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "starterkit", "Watch for changes to the StarterKit and copy to <path>source/</path>. The <info>--starterkit</info> flag should only be used if one is actively developing a StarterKit.", "To watch for changes to the StarterKit:", "s");
     //Console::setCommandOption($this->command,"autoreload","Turn on the auto-reload service.","To turn on auto-reload:","r");
コード例 #8
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "server";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Start the PHP-based server", "The server command will start PHP's web server for you.", "s");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "host:", "Provide a custom hostname. Default value is <path>localhost</path>.", "To use a custom hostname and the default port:", "", "<host>");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "port:", "Provide a custom port. Default value is <path>8080</path>.", "To use a custom port and the default hostname:", "", "<port>");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "quiet", "Turn on quiet mode for the server.", "To turn on quiet mode:");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "with-watch", "Start watching ./source when starting the server. Takes the same arguments as --watch.", "To turn on with-watch mode:");
     Console::setCommandSample($this->command, "To provide both a custom hostname and port:", "--host <host> --port <port>");
コード例 #9
 public function __construct()
     $this->command = "watch";
     Console::setCommand($this->command, "Watch for changes and regenerate", "The watch command builds Pattern Lab, watches for changes in <path>source/</path> and regenerates Pattern Lab when there are any.", "w");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "patternsonly", "Watches only the patterns. Does NOT clean <path>public/</path>.", "To watch and generate only the patterns:", "p");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "nocache", "Set the cacheBuster value to 0.", "To watch and turn off the cache buster:", "n");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "sk", "Watch for changes to the StarterKit and copy to <path>source/</path>. The <info>--sk</info> flag should only be used if one is actively developing a StarterKit.", "To watch for changes to the StarterKit:");
     Console::setCommandOption($this->command, "no-procs", "Disable plug-in related processes. For use with <info>--server --with-watch</info>.", "To disable plug-in related processes:");
     Console::setCommandSample($this->command, "To watch only patterns and turn off the cache buster:", "--patternsonly --nocache");