<?php use PAMI\Autoloader\Autoloader; use PAMI\Client\Impl\ClientImpl; use PAMI\Message\Action\CommandAction; use PAMI\Message\OutgoingMessage; Autoloader::register(); class Dfi_Asterisk_Ami { /** * AMI Client object * @var Dfi_Asterisk_Client */ private static $amiClient; public static function reload() { try { $client = self::getAmiClient(); if (!Dfi_App_Config::getString('asterisk.fake', true)) { $res = $client->send(new CommandAction('core reload')); } else { $res = 'fake'; } } catch (Exception $e) { Dfi_Controller_Action_Helper_Messages::getInstance()->addMessage('debug', $e->getMessage()); $res = $e; } return $res; } public static function reloadDialplan() {
* limitations under the License. * */ if ($argc < 7) { echo "Use: {$argv['0']} <host> <port> <user> <pass> <msg> <phone> [test_multipart <1|0> ] "; echo "example: example_sms.php 5038 smsuser smspass 'PAMI is great!' +17865394747 1\n"; exit(254); } // Setup include path. ini_set('include_path', implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(ini_get('include_path'), implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array('..', '..', '..', 'src', 'mg'))))); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mandatory stuff to bootstrap. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require_once 'PAMI/Autoloader/Autoloader.php'; // Include PAMI autoloader. \PAMI\Autoloader\Autoloader::register(); // Call autoloader register for PAMI autoloader. use PAMI\Client\Impl\ClientImpl; use PAMI\Listener\IEventListener; use PAMI\Message\Event\EventMessage; use PAMI\Message\Action\ListCommandsAction; use PAMI\Message\Action\ListCategoriesAction; use PAMI\Message\Event\vgsm_sms_rxEvent; use PAMI\Message\Action\VGSMSMSTxAction; class A implements IEventListener { public function handle(EventMessage $event) { //This Handler will print the incoming message. echo "Message Received from :" . $event->getFrom() . " \n"; if ($event->getContentEncoding() == 'base64') {
/** * @test */ public function can_register_autoloader() { \PAMI\Autoloader\Autoloader::register(); spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'dummyAutoloader')); $this->assertFalse(class_exists('A\\B\\C', true)); }