public static function send($playerId, $notification) { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'user_id', 'username']); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'email'], 'player_user'); $options['join'][] = 'core_user player_user ON = player.user_id'; $options['where'][] = 'send_notification_email = 1'; $options['where'][] = [' = ?', $playerId]; $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::load($options); if (!isset($player)) { return false; } // send email $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $tpl = new Util\Template(Util\Template::MODULE, ['bus', 'notification']); $tpl->set('url', 'http://' . \Rebond\Config::getPath('siteUrl')); $tpl->set('player', $player); $tpl->set('notification', $notification); $tplMail = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['mail']); $tplMail->set('title', Util\Lang::lang('notification')); $tplMail->set('site', $app->site()->getTitle()); $tplMail->set('url', 'http://' . \Rebond\Config::getPath('siteUrl')); $tplMail->set('layout', $tpl->render('notification')); $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setContentType('text/html')->setSubject($app->site()->getTitle() . ' - ' . Util\Lang::lang('notification'))->setFrom(\Rebond\Config::getMail('email'))->setTo($player->getUser()->getEmail())->setBody($tplMail->render('tpl-default')); return Util\Mail::send($message); }
public function buildPlayerMatch2() { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\PlayerMatch\Data::getList(['id', 'player_id']); $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'username'], 'player_match_player'); $options['join'][] = 'bus_player player_match_player ON = player_match.player_id'; $items = \Own\Bus\PlayerMatch\Data::loadAll($options); return Util\Form::buildDropdownList('player_match2_id' . $this->unique, $items, 'id', 'player', $this->getModel()->getPlayerMatch2Id()); }
public static function getPlayerList($tournamentId) { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'username', 'user_id', 'country', 'experience', 'tour_ranking']); $options['join'][] = 'bus_tournament_player tp ON tp.player_id ='; $options['where'][] = 'tp.tournament_id = ' . $tournamentId; $options['order'][] = 'player.tour_ranking'; return \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); }
public static function fillCPU($tournament) { $need = $tournament->getSize() - count($tournament->getTournamentPlayers()); $db = new Util\Data(); if ($need > 0) { $sqlBusyPlayer = 'SELECT DISTINCT tp.player_id FROM bus_tournament_player tp JOIN bus_tournament t ON = tp.tournament_id WHERE t.status < 3'; $rows = $db->select($sqlBusyPlayer); $busyPlayers = [0]; if (count($rows) > 0) { $list = $rows->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $busyPlayers[] = $value; } } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT FROM bus_player p LEFT JOIN bus_tournament_player tp ON tp.player_id = WHERE = 1 AND p.user_id = 0 AND (tp.player_id IS NULL OR tp.player_id NOT IN (?)) ORDER BY p.tour_ranking'; $players = $db->select($sql, [implode(',', $busyPlayers)]); if (count($players) == 0) { Util\Log::log(Util\Code::CRON, 'Not enough CPU, tournamentId: ' . $tournament->getId() . ', 0 / ' . $need, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $players = $players->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($players) < $need) { Util\Log::log(Util\Code::CRON, 'Not enough CPU, tournamentId: ' . $tournament->getId() . ', ' . count($players) . ' / ' . $need, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $playerIds = Engine::findCPU($players, $need, $tournament->getClassification()); if (count($playerIds) < $need) { Util\Log::log(Util\Code::CRON, 'Not enough CPU found, tournamentId: ' . $tournament->getId() . ', ' . count($playerIds) . ' / ' . $need, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id']); $options['where'][] = ' IN (' . implode(',', $playerIds) . ')'; $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); foreach ($players as $player) { $tp = new \Own\Bus\TournamentPlayer\Model(); $tp->setTournamentId($tournament->getId()); $tp->setPlayerId($player->getId()); $tp->save(); } } return true; }
public function register() { $userGadget = new \Own\App\User\Gadget($this->app); $register = $userGadget->register(); $this->signedUser = $this->app->user(); if ($this->signedUser->getId() != 0) { $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadById($this->signedUser->getId()); if ($player == null) { $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Service::create($this->signedUser); } } return $this->response('tpl-default', ['title' => Util\Lang::lang('profile')], 'layout-home', ['column1' => $register]); }
public static function loadRanking($type, $page) { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = Data::getList(['id', 'user_id', 'country', 'experience', 'username', 'tour_ranking', 'tour_point', 'tour_diff', 'race_ranking', 'race_point', 'race_diff']); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'avatar_id'], 'player_user'); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\Media\Data::getList([], 'player_user_avatar'); $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_user player_user ON = player.user_id'; $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_media player_user_avatar ON = player_user.avatar_id'; $options['where'][] = ' = 1'; $options['order'][] = 'player.' . $type . '_ranking, player.created_date'; $options['limit'][] = $page * 20 . ', 20'; return \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); }
public function player() { Util\Auth::isAdminAuthorized($this->signedUser, 'member', true, '/'); $playerId = Util\Converter::toInt('id'); if (!isset($playerId)) { Util\Session::adminError('item.not.found', [Util\Lang::lang('player'), $playerId], '/own'); } $user = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::loadById($playerId, true); $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadById($playerId, true); $userForm = new \Rebond\Core\User\Form($user); $playerForm = new \Own\Bus\Player\Form($player); // action $save = Util\Converter::toString('save', 'post'); $membershipIds = Util\Converter::toArray('membership', 'post'); if (isset($save)) { if ($user->getId() == 0) { $user->setUsername($user->getEmail()); $user->setPassword(Util\Security::encryptPassword($user->getPassword())); } if ($userForm->setFromPost()->validate()->isValid()) { if ($playerForm->setFromPost()->validate()->isValid()) { \Own\Bus\PlayerMembership\Data::deleteByPlayerId($player->getId()); $newMemberships = []; if (isset($membershipIds)) { foreach ($membershipIds as $membershipId) { $playerMembership = new \Own\Bus\PlayerMembership\Model(); $playerMembership->setPlayerId($player->getId()); $playerMembership->setMembershipId($membershipId); $newMemberships[] = $playerMembership; } } \Own\Bus\PlayerMembership\Data::saveAll($newMemberships); $user->save(); $player->save(); Util\Session::adminSuccess('saved', '/own/player?id=' . $user->getId()); } else { Util\Session::set('adminError', $playerForm->getValidation()->getMessage()); } } else { Util\Session::set('adminError', $userForm->getValidation()->getMessage()); } } $tplEditor = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['admin']); $tplEditor->set('user', $userForm); $tplEditor->set('player', $playerForm); $tplInfo = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['admin']); $tplInfo->set('user', $user); return $this->response('tpl-default', ['title' => Util\Lang::lang('own'), 'jsLauncher' => 'own'], 'layout-2-col', ['column1' => $tplEditor->render('player-editor'), 'column2' => $tplInfo->render('player-info')]); }
public function __construct(\Rebond\App $app) { if ($app->site()->getStatus() == \Rebond\Core\StatusType::INACTIVE) { Util\Session::redirect('/error/maintenance'); } parent::__construct($app); if ($this->signedUser->getId() != 0) { $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadByUserId($this->signedUser->getId()); if ($this->player == null) { $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Service::create($this->signedUser); } } else { $this->player = new \Own\Bus\Player\Model(); } }
public static function renderCalendar($player = null) { $maxBooking = 0; $playerLevel = \Own\Bus\Level::value(0); $players = []; if (isset($player)) { $maxBooking = $player->getMaxBooking(); $playerLevel = $player->getLevelValue(); $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadPartners($player->getId()); } $tplCalendar = new Util\Template(Util\Template::MODULE, ['bus', 'book']); $tplCalendar->set('maxBooking', $maxBooking); $tplCalendar->set('playerLevel', $playerLevel); $tplCalendar->set('players', $players); return $tplCalendar->render('booking-placeholder'); }
public function ranking() { $id = Converter::toInt('id', 'get', $this->player->getLeagueId()); $league = \Own\Bus\League\Data::loadById($id); if (!isset($league)) { $league = $this->player->getLeague(); } // player not logged in if (!isset($league)) { Session::redirect('/league'); } // view $this->setTpl(); $cacheTime = $this->app->site()->getCacheTime(); $cache = \Rebond\Util\Cache::getCache('league-ranking', $league->getId(), $cacheTime); if (isset($cache)) { // layout $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $cache); } else { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'user_id', 'country', 'experience', 'username', 'league_ranking', 'league_point', 'league_diff']); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'avatar_id'], 'player_user'); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\Media\Data::getList([], 'player_user_avatar'); $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_user player_user ON = player.user_id'; $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_media player_user_avatar ON = player_user.avatar_id'; $options['where'][] = ' = 1'; $options['where'][] = 'player.league_id = ' . $league->getId(); $options['order'][] = 'player.league_ranking, player.created_date'; $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); // main $tplMain = new Template(Template::SITE, ['www']); $tplMain->set('league', $league); $tplMain->set('player', $this->player); $tplMain->set('players', $players); // layout $cache = $tplMain->render('league-ranking'); $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $cache); // cache \Rebond\Util\Cache::saveCache('league-ranking', $league->getId(), $cacheTime, $cache); } // template $this->tplMaster->set('layout', $this->tplLayout->render('layout-center')); return $this->tplMaster->render('tpl-default'); }
public function players_add() { Util\Auth::isAdminAuthorized($this->signedUser, null, false, '/'); $start = Util\Converter::toInt('start', 'get', 0); $batch = 100; $today = new Util\DateTime(); $message = []; $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::count(); if ($players != $batch * $start + 2) { $message[] = 'Players already added (' . $players . ')'; } else { $message[] = $this->addPlayers($this->getPlayers(), $start, $batch); } // main $tpl = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['admin']); $tpl->set('today', $today->format('Y-m-d')); $tpl->set('message', implode($message, '<br>')); return $this->response('tpl-default', ['title' => Util\Lang::lang('own'), 'jsLauncher' => 'integration'], 'layout-1-col', ['column1' => $tpl->render('integration')]); }
public function __construct(\Rebond\App $app) { if ($app->site()->getStatus() == \Rebond\Core\StatusType::INACTIVE) { if ($app->ajax()) { return ['result' => ResultType::ERROR, 'message' => Lang::lang('error.maintenance')]; } else { Util\Session::redirect('/error/maintenance'); } } parent::__construct($app); if ($this->signedUser->getId() != 0) { $options = ['where' => [['id = ?', $this->signedUser->getId()]]]; $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::load($options); if ($this->player == null) { $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Service::create($this->signedUser); } } else { $this->player = new \Own\Bus\Player\Model(); } }
public static function createForAll($title, $info = null) { $db = new Util\Data(); $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'race_ranking', 'race_point']); $options['where'][] = 'user_id != 0'; $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); foreach ($players as $player) { $info = $title == 'endRanking' ? [['endRanking', $player->getRaceRanking(), $player->getRacePoint()]] : $info; $sql = 'SELECT id FROM bus_notification WHERE player_id = ? AND match_id = 0 AND title = ?'; $exists = $db->selectOne($sql, [$player->getId(), $title]); if (isset($exists)) { if ($title == 'endRanking') { continue; } break; } self::create($player->getId(), 0, $title, $info); } }
public function player() { $json = []; $json['result'] = \Rebond\Core\ResultType::ERROR; $matchView = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::loadRecentByPlayerId($this->player->getId()); if (isset($matchView)) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('matchView'); return json_encode($json); } // check $id = Util\Converter::toInt('id', 'post'); // cache $cacheTime = $this->app->site()->getCacheTime(); $cache = Util\Cache::getCache('profile', $this->signedUser->getId() . '_' . $id, $cacheTime); if (isset($cache)) { $json['html'] = $cache; $json['result'] = \Rebond\Core\ResultType::SUCCESS; return json_encode($json); } $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadById($id); if (!isset($player)) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('playerNotFound'); return json_encode($json); } $self = $player->getId() == $this->player->getId(); $stats = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::loadStatsByPlayerId($player->getId(), $self); $options = []; $options['where'][] = 'winner_id = ' . $player->getId(); $titles = \Own\Bus\Tournament\Data::count($options); $faceToFace = null; if (!$self) { $faceToFace = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::loadFaceToFace($this->player->getId(), $player->getId()); } // main $tplMain = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['www']); $tplMain->set('self', $self); $tplMain->set('player', $player); $tplMain->set('stats', $stats); $tplMain->set('titles', $titles); $tplMain->set('faceToFace', $faceToFace); $tplMain->set('ajax', true); // layout $cache = $tplMain->render('profile'); Util\Cache::saveCache('profile', $this->signedUser->getId() . '_' . $id, $cacheTime, $cache); $json['title'] = $player->getUsername(); $json['html'] = $cache; $json['result'] = \Rebond\Core\ResultType::SUCCESS; return json_encode($json); }
public function bookCourt() { $isAllowed = Util\Auth::isAuthorized($this->signedUser, 'member'); $json = []; $json['result'] = \Rebond\Core\ResultType::ERROR; if (!$isAllowed) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('accessNonAuthorized'); return json_encode($json); } $courtId = Util\Converter::toInt('courtId', 'post'); $dateTime = Util\Converter::toString('dateTime', 'post'); $bookingType = Util\Converter::toInt('bookingType', 'post'); $playerId = Util\Converter::toInt('playerId', 'post'); $pay = Util\Converter::toInt('pay', 'post'); $guest = Util\Converter::toString('guest', 'post'); if (!isset($courtId, $dateTime, $bookingType, $playerId, $pay, $guest) || !array_key_exists($bookingType, \Own\Bus\BookingType::toArray())) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('error.invalid.parameters'); return json_encode($json); } $dateTime = new Util\DateTime($dateTime); if ($dateTime < new \DateTime()) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('error.invalid.time'); return json_encode($json); } switch ($bookingType) { case \Own\Bus\BookingType::PARTNER: $guest = ''; break; case \Own\Bus\BookingType::GUEST: $pay = \Own\Bus\Pay::PLAYER_1; $playerId = 0; break; case \Own\Bus\BookingType::CAROUSSEL: $pay = \Own\Bus\Pay::BOTH; $playerId = 0; $guest = ''; break; default: } // check player $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadById($playerId); if (!isset($player) || $player->getIdItem()->getStatus() != 1) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('playerNotFound'); return json_encode($json); } if ($pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::BOTH && $this->player->getCredits() < 1 || $pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::PLAYER_1 && $this->player->getCredits() < 2) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('notEnoughCredits'); return json_encode($json); } // check credits if ($pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::BOTH && $player->getCredits() < 1 || $pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::PLAYER_2 && $player->getCredits() < 2) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('partnerNotEnoughCredits'); return json_encode($json); } // check membership $memberships = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::hasMembership($courtId, [$this->player->getId(), $playerId]); if ($memberships != 2 || $memberships != 1 && $bookingType != \Own\Bus\BookingType::PARTNER) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('noMembership'); return json_encode($json); } // check court time $options = []; $options['where'][] = ['id = ?', $courtId]; $court = \Own\Bus\Court\Data::load($options); if (!isset($court)) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('error.invalid.parameters'); return json_encode($json); } $rule = \Own\Bus\Rule\Data::loadById(1, true); $timeLength = $rule->getTimeLength(); $askedTime = (int) $dateTime->format('H') * 60 + (int) $dateTime->format('i'); $possibleTime = (int) $court->getStartTime()->format('H') * 60 + (int) $court->getStartTime()->format('i'); $limitTime = (int) $court->getEndTime()->format('H') * 60 + (int) $court->getEndTime()->format('i'); if ($askedTime < $possibleTime || $askedTime > $limitTime || $askedTime % $timeLength != 0) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('error.invalid.time'); return json_encode($json); } // check for court already booked $options = []; $options['where'][] = ['court_id = ?', $courtId]; $options['where'][] = ['booking_date = ?', $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:00')]; $booking = Book\Data::load($options); if (isset($booking)) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('alreadyBookedTime'); return json_encode($json); } // check for same hour $options = []; $options['where'][] = ['player1_id = ? OR player2_id = ?', $this->player->getId(), $this->player->getId()]; $options['where'][] = ['booking_date BETWEEN ? AND ?', $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:00:00'), $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:59:00')]; $booking = Book\Data::load($options); if (isset($booking)) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('alreadyBookedTime'); return json_encode($json); } // check for max booking $maxBooking = $this->player->getMaxBooking(); if ($maxBooking > 0) { $options = []; $options['where'][] = ['player1_id = ? OR player2_id = ?', $this->player->getId(), $this->player->getId()]; $options['where'][] = 'booking_date > NOW()'; $futureBookings = Book\Data::count($options); if ($futureBookings >= $maxBooking) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('maxBookingReachedByYou'); return json_encode($json); } } $options = []; $options['where'][] = ['player1_id = ? OR player2_id = ?', $playerId, $playerId]; $options['where'][] = 'booking_date > NOW()'; $futureBookings = Book\Data::count($options); if ($futureBookings >= $player->getMaxBooking()) { $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('maxBookingReached', [$player->getIdItem()->getFullName()]); return json_encode($json); } // add booking if ($pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::BOTH) { $this->player->addCredits(-1); $this->player->save(); $player->addCredits(-1); $player->save(); } else { if ($pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::PLAYER_1) { $this->player->addCredits(-2); $this->player->save(); } else { if ($pay == \Own\Bus\Pay::PLAYER_2) { $player->addCredits(-2); $player->save(); } } } $book = new Book\Model(); $book->setType($bookingType); $book->setPlayer1Id($this->player->getId()); $book->setPlayer2Id($playerId); $book->setCourtId($courtId); $book->setBookingDate($dateTime); $book->setPay($pay); $book->setGuest($guest); $book->save(); $json['result'] = \Rebond\Core\ResultType::SUCCESS; $json['message'] = Util\Lang::lang('courtBooked'); return json_encode($json); }
public static function updatePlayerPoints($playerIds, $createdDate) { // tour $db = new Util\Data(); $sql = 'SELECT player_id, SUM(tp.points) as points, COUNT(player_id) as total FROM bus_tournament_player tp JOIN bus_tournament t ON = tp.tournament_id WHERE t.start_date > NOW() - INTERVAL ' . Engine::DAY * 336 . ' HOUR AND tp.points > 0 AND player_id IN (' . implode(',', $playerIds) . ') GROUP BY player_id ORDER BY points DESC'; $result = $db->select($sql); if (count($result) == 0) { return; } while ($row = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($row['total'] <= 18) { \Own\Bus\Player\Data::updateTourPointsByPlayerId($row['player_id'], $row['points']); continue; } $sql = 'SELECT SUM(points) as points FROM ( SELECT points FROM bus_tournament_player tp JOIN bus_tournament t ON = tp.tournament_id WHERE player_id = ? AND t.start_date > NOW() - INTERVAL ? HOUR ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 18 ) AS subquery'; $subRow = $db->selectOne($sql, [$row['player_id'], Engine::DAY * 336]); if (isset($subRow)) { \Own\Bus\Player\Data::updateTourPointsByPlayerId($row['player_id'], $subRow['points']); } } // race $startYearDate = \Own\Bus\Engine::getStartYearDate($createdDate); $sql = 'SELECT player_id, SUM(tp.points) as points, COUNT(player_id) as total FROM bus_tournament_player tp JOIN bus_tournament t ON = tp.tournament_id WHERE t.start_date > \'' . $startYearDate . '\' AND tp.points > 0 AND player_id IN (' . implode(',', $playerIds) . ') GROUP BY player_id ORDER BY points DESC'; $result = $db->execute($sql); if (count($result) == 0) { return; } while ($row = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($row['total'] <= 18) { \Own\Bus\Player\Data::updateRacePointsByPlayerId($row['player_id'], $row['points']); continue; } $sql = 'SELECT SUM(points) as points FROM ( SELECT points FROM bus_tournament_player tp JOIN bus_tournament t ON = tp.tournament_id WHERE player_id = ? AND t.start_date > ? ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 18 ) AS subquery'; $subRow = $db->selectOne($sql, [$row['player_id'], $startYearDate]); if (isset($subRow)) { \Own\Bus\Player\Data::updateRacePointsByPlayerId($row['player_id'], $subRow['points']); } } }
private function rankingLeague() { // league ranking if (count($this->leagueIds) > 0) { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'league_id', 'league_ranking', 'league_diff']); $options['where'][] = ' = 1'; $options['where'][] = ['player.league_id IN (?)', array_unique($this->leagueIds)]; $options['order'][] = 'player.league_id, player.league_point DESC,'; $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); $count = count($players); $rank = 1; $leagueId = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($leagueId != $players[$i]->getLeagueId()) { $leagueId = $players[$i]->getLeagueId(); $rank = 1; } $players[$i]->setLeagueDiff($players[$i]->getLeagueDiff() + $players[$i]->getLeagueRanking() - $rank); $players[$i]->setLeagueRanking($rank); $players[$i]->save(); $rank++; } $this->log('ranking (league): ' . $count); } }
public function register() { $userGadget = new \Own\App\User\Gadget($this->app); $register = $userGadget->register(); $this->signedUser = $this->app->user(); if ($this->signedUser->getId() != 0) { $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadByUserId($this->signedUser->getId()); if ($player == null) { $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Service::create($this->signedUser); } $player->setActive(true); $player->save(); } $email = Util\Converter::toString('email', 'post'); if (isset($email)) { $user = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::loadByEmail($email); } // view $this->setTpl(); // layout $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $register); // template $this->tplMaster->set('layout', $this->tplLayout->render('layout-center')); return $this->tplMaster->render('tpl-default'); }
public static function removeAndAddPlayer() { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'username']); $options['where'][] = 'player.user_id = 0'; $options['where'][] = ' = 1'; $players = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadAll($options); if (count($players) > 0) { $db = new Util\Data(); $pick = \Own\Bus\Engine::dice(0, count($players) - 1); $remove = 'UPDATE bus_player SET active = 0 WHERE id = ' . $players[$pick]->getId(); $db->execute($remove); Util\Log::log(Util\Code::CRON, 'player retired: ' . $players[$pick]->getUsername() . ' (' . $players[$pick]->getId() . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $leagues = \Own\Bus\League\Data::loadAll(); $player = new \Own\Bus\Player\Model(); $player->setRandom(1); $player->setActive(true); if (count($leagues) > 0) { $player->setLeagueId(\Own\Bus\Engine::findLeague($leagues, 1)); } $player->save(); Util\Log::log(Util\Code::CRON, 'new player: ' . $player->getUsername() . ' (' . $player->getId() . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); } }
public function history() { // check $type = Util\Converter::toString('type', 'get', 'own'); $page = Util\Converter::toInt('page', 'get', 1); $id = Util\Converter::toInt('id', 'get', 0); $url = '/match/history?'; $title = ''; if (!in_array($type, ['own', 'all', 'f2f'])) { $type = 'own'; } if ($type == 'all') { $count = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::countFinished($this->player->getId()); $matches = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::loadAllFinished($this->player->getId(), true, $page - 1); $title = '(' . Util\Lang::lower('all') . ')'; $url .= 'type=all&'; } else { if ($type == 'f2f' && $id != 0) { $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadById($id); if (!isset($player)) { $type = 'own'; } else { $count = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::countFace2Face($player->getId(), $this->player->getId()); $matches = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::loadAllFace2Face($player->getId(), $this->player->getId(), $page - 1); $title = '(' . Util\Lang::lower('faceToFace') . ')'; $url .= 'type=f2f&id=' . $id . '&'; } } } if ($type == 'own') { if ($id == 0) { $player = $this->player; } else { $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadById($id); if (!isset($player)) { $player = $this->player; } $title = ''; $url .= 'id=' . $id . '&'; } $count = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::countFinishedByPlayerId($player->getId(), $this->player->getId() == $player->getId()); $matches = \Own\Bus\Match\Data::loadAllFinishedByPlayerId($player->getId(), $this->player->getId() == $player->getId(), $page - 1); } // view $this->setTpl(); // filter $tplFilter = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['www']); $tplFilter->set('current', $page); $tplFilter->set('count', $count); $tplFilter->set('type', $type); $tplFilter->set('title', $title); $tplFilter->set('url', $url . 'page='); // main $tplMain = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['www']); $tplMain->set('matches', $matches); if ($type != 'all') { $tplMain->set('playerId', 0); $tplMain->set('username', $player->getUsername()); } else { $tplMain->set('playerId', $this->player->getId()); } $tplMain->set('type', $type); // layout $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $tplFilter->render('match-history-filter')); $this->tplLayout->add('column1', $tplMain->render('match-history')); // template $this->tplMaster->set('layout', $this->tplLayout->render('layout-center')); return $this->tplMaster->render('tpl-default'); }
public function past() { $page = Converter::toInt('page', 'get', 1); $options = []; $options['where'][] = 'tournament.status IN (3,4)'; $options['where'][] = 'tournament.start_date < NOW()'; $count = \Own\Bus\Tournament\Data::count($options); $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Tournament\Data::getList(['id', 'title', 'size', 'classification', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'surface', 'winner_id']); $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'username', 'user_id', 'country', 'experience'], 'tournament_winner'); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'avatar_id'], 'tournament_winner_user'); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\Media\Data::getList([], 'tournament_winner_user_avatar'); $options['join'][] = 'bus_player tournament_winner ON = tournament.winner_id'; $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_user tournament_winner_user ON = tournament_winner.user_id'; $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_media tournament_winner_user_avatar ON = tournament_winner_user.avatar_id'; $options['order'][] = 'tournament.start_date DESC'; $options['limit'][] = ($page - 1) * 20 . ', 20'; $past = \Own\Bus\Tournament\Data::loadAll($options); $registeredIds = \Own\Bus\TournamentPlayer\Data::loadRegistered($this->player->getId()); // view $this->setTpl(); // filter $tplFilter = new Template(Template::SITE, ['www']); $tplFilter->set('current', $page); $tplFilter->set('count', $count); $tplFilter->set('url', '/tournament/past?page='); // main $tplMain = new Template(Template::SITE, ['www']); $tplMain->set('past', $past); $tplMain->set('registeredIds', $registeredIds); // layout $this->tplLayout->set('column1', $tplFilter->render('tour-past-filter')); $this->tplLayout->add('column1', $tplMain->render('tour-past')); // template $this->tplMaster->set('layout', $this->tplLayout->render('layout-center')); return $this->tplMaster->render('tpl-default'); }
private static function link($linkTournament = false, $linkLeague = false, $players = false, $needBothPlayers = true) { $join = 'join'; if (!$needBothPlayers) { $join = 'leftJoin'; } $option = []; $option['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = self::getList(['id', 'player_match1_id', 'player_match2_id', 'surface', 'current_set', 'best_of_sets', 'type', 'winner_id', 'position', 'tournament_id', 'league_id', 'status', 'scheduled']); $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\PlayerMatch\Data::getList(['id', 'player_id', 'seed', 'has_viewed', 'set1', 'set2', 'set3', 'set4', 'set5', 'points', 'level'], 'match_player_match1'); $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\PlayerMatch\Data::getList(['id', 'player_id', 'seed', 'has_viewed', 'set1', 'set2', 'set3', 'set4', 'set5', 'points', 'level'], 'match_player_match2'); $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'username', 'user_id', 'country', 'experience'], 'match_player_match1_player'); if ($players) { $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'avatar_id'], 'match_player_match1_player_user'); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\Media\Data::getList([], 'match_player_match1_player_user_avatar'); } $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'username', 'user_id', 'country', 'experience'], 'match_player_match2_player'); if ($players) { $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'avatar_id'], 'match_player_match2_player_user'); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\Media\Data::getList([], 'match_player_match2_player_user_avatar'); } if ($linkTournament) { $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Tournament\Data::getList(['id', 'title', 'size', 'classification'], 'match_tournament'); } if ($linkLeague) { $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\League\Data::getList(['id', 'title'], 'match_league'); } $options[$join][] = 'bus_player_match match_player_match1 ON = match.player_match1_id'; $options[$join][] = 'bus_player_match match_player_match2 ON = match.player_match2_id'; $options[$join][] = 'bus_player match_player_match1_player ON = match_player_match1.player_id'; if ($players) { $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_user match_player_match1_player_user ON = match_player_match1_player.user_id'; $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_media match_player_match1_player_user_avatar ON = match_player_match1_player_user.avatar_id'; } $options[$join][] = 'bus_player match_player_match2_player ON = match_player_match2.player_id'; if ($players) { $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_user match_player_match2_player_user ON = match_player_match2_player.user_id'; $options['leftJoin'][] = 'core_media match_player_match2_player_user_avatar ON = match_player_match2_player_user.avatar_id'; } if ($linkTournament) { $options['leftJoin'][] = 'bus_tournament match_tournament ON = match.tournament_id'; } if ($linkLeague) { $options['leftJoin'][] = 'bus_league match_league ON = match.league_id'; } return $options; }