public function render(View $view) { switch ($this->getViewType()) { case Action::VIEW_HTML: $this->render = new \ORC\MVC\Response\HTML($this->controller); break; case Action::VIEW_JSON: $this->render = new \ORC\MVC\Response\JSON($this->controller); break; case Action::VIEW_RAW: $this->render = new \ORC\MVC\Response\RAW($this->controller); break; case Action::VIEW_REDIRECT: //redirect already be handled in controller, so here should not be this option //break; //redirect already be handled in controller, so here should not be this option //break; default: throw new ViewNotFoundException('unknown view type from action'); break; } ViewModel::getInstance()->registerAll(); //load all data from model $this->content = $view->render(); return $this->render->render(); }
public function getViewModel() { if (!isset($this->_viewModel)) { $this->_viewModel = \ORC\MVC\ViewModel::getInstance(); } return $this->_viewModel; }
public function render() { //add default raw js $viewModel = ViewModel::getInstance(); $js = 'function site_config(key) {return {"base_url":"' . Config::getInstance()->get('main_server') . '","window_id":' . mt_rand(1, 1000000) . '}[key.toLowerCase()];}'; $viewModel->addRawJs($js); $action = $this->_controller->getAction(); //find the correct template $template = TemplateManager::getInstance()->findTemplate($action); return $template->render(); }
protected function getViewModel() { return ViewModel::getInstance(); }