/** * Generate the CRUD controller. * * @param BundleInterface $bundle A bundle object * @param string $entity The entity relative class name * @param ClassMetadataInfo $metadata The entity class metadata * @param string $format The configuration format (xml, yaml, annotation) * @param string $routePrefix The route name prefix * @param array $needWriteActions Wether or not to generate write actions * * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function generate(BundleInterface $bundle, $entity, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata, $format, $routePrefix, $needWriteActions, $forceOverwrite) { $this->namingArray = Helper\NamingHelper::getNamingArray($bundle); $this->routePrefix = $routePrefix; $this->routeNamePrefix = $this->namingArray['vendor'] . '_' . $this->namingArray['bundle'] . '_' . strtolower($entity) . '_'; $this->actions = $needWriteActions ? array('home', 'add', 'modify', 'see', 'delete') : array('home', 'see'); if (count($metadata->identifier) > 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('The CRUD generator does not support entity classes with multiple primary keys.'); } if (!in_array('id', $metadata->identifier)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The CRUD generator expects the entity object has a primary key field named "id" with a getId() method.'); } $this->entity = $entity; $this->bundle = $bundle; $this->metadata = $metadata; $this->format = $format; $this->generateControllerClass($forceOverwrite); $dir = sprintf('%s/Resources/views/%s', $this->bundle->getPath(), str_replace('\\', '/', $this->entity)); if (!file_exists($dir)) { $this->filesystem->mkdir($dir, 0777); } $this->generateHomeView($dir); $this->generateSeeView($dir); $this->generateAddView($dir); $this->generateModifyView($dir); $this->generateSeeEmbedView($dir); $this->generateTestClass(); $this->generateMenuBuilderClass(); // $this->generateConfiguration(); }
public function generate(BundleInterface $bundle, $entity, $format, array $fields, $withRepository) { // configure the bundle (needed if the bundle does not contain any Entities yet) $config = $this->registry->getManager(null)->getConfiguration(); $config->setEntityNamespaces(array_merge(array($bundle->getName() => $bundle->getNamespace() . '\\Entity'), $config->getEntityNamespaces())); $entityClass = $this->registry->getAliasNamespace($bundle->getName()) . '\\' . $entity; $entityPath = $bundle->getPath() . '/Entity/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $entity) . '.php'; if (file_exists($entityPath)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Entity "%s" already exists.', $entityClass)); } $class = new ClassMetadataInfo($entityClass); $namingArray = Helper\NamingHelper::getNamingArray($bundle); $class->table['name'] = $namingArray['vendor'] . '__' . $namingArray['bundle'] . '__' . strtolower($entity); if ($withRepository) { $class->customRepositoryClassName = $entityClass . 'Repository'; } $class->mapField(array('fieldName' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer', 'id' => true)); $class->setIdGeneratorType(ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO); foreach ($fields as $field) { $class->mapField($field); } $entityGenerator = $this->getEntityGenerator(); if ('annotation' === $format) { $entityGenerator->setGenerateAnnotations(true); $entityCode = $entityGenerator->generateEntityClass($class); $mappingPath = $mappingCode = false; } else { $cme = new ClassMetadataExporter(); $exporter = $cme->getExporter('yml' == $format ? 'yaml' : $format); $mappingPath = $bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/doctrine/' . str_replace('\\', '.', $entity) . '.orm.' . $format; if (file_exists($mappingPath)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot generate entity when mapping "%s" already exists.', $mappingPath)); } $mappingCode = $exporter->exportClassMetadata($class); $entityGenerator->setGenerateAnnotations(false); $entityCode = $entityGenerator->generateEntityClass($class); } $this->filesystem->mkdir(dirname($entityPath)); file_put_contents($entityPath, $entityCode); if ($mappingPath) { $this->filesystem->mkdir(dirname($mappingPath)); file_put_contents($mappingPath, $mappingCode); } if ($withRepository) { $path = $bundle->getPath() . str_repeat('/..', substr_count(get_class($bundle), '\\')); $this->getRepositoryGenerator()->writeEntityRepositoryClass($class->customRepositoryClassName, $path); } }