/** * Add the content to a given message. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Message $message * @param string $view * @param string $plain * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function addContent($message, $view, $plain, $data) { if (isset($view)) { $viewContent = $this->getView($view, $data); $result = MailParser::parse($viewContent); $message->setBody($result['html'], 'text/html'); if ($result['text']) { $message->addPart($result['text'], 'text/plain'); } if ($subject = array_get($result['settings'], 'subject')) { $message->subject($subject); } } if (isset($plain)) { $message->addPart($this->getView($plain, $data), 'text/plain'); } }
/** * Add the content to a given message. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Message $message * @param string $view * @param string $plain * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function addContent($message, $view, $plain, $raw, $data) { /* * Extensibility */ if ($this->fireEvent('mailer.beforeAddContent', [$message, $view, $data], true) === false || Event::fire('mailer.beforeAddContent', [$this, $message, $view, $data], true) === false) { return; } $html = null; $text = null; if (isset($view)) { $viewContent = $this->getView($view, $data); $result = MailParser::parse($viewContent); $html = $result['html']; if ($result['text']) { $text = $result['text']; } /* * Subject */ $customSubject = $message->getSwiftMessage()->getSubject(); if (empty($customSubject) && ($subject = array_get($result['settings'], 'subject'))) { $message->subject($subject); } } if (isset($plain)) { $text = $this->getView($plain, $data); } if (isset($raw)) { $text = $raw; } $this->addContentRaw($message, $html, $text); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireEvent('mailer.addContent', [$message, $view, $data]); Event::fire('mailer.addContent', [$this, $message, $view, $data]); }
protected static function getTemplateSections($code) { return MailParser::parse(File::get(View::make($code)->getPath())); }
/** * Add the content to a given message. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Message $message * @param string $view * @param string $plain * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function addContent($message, $view, $plain, $raw, $data) { /* * Extensbility */ if ($this->fireEvent('mailer.beforeAddContent', [$message, $view, $data], true) === false || Event::fire('mailer.beforeAddContent', [$this, $message, $view, $data], true) === false) { return; } if (isset($view)) { $viewContent = $this->getView($view, $data); $result = MailParser::parse($viewContent); $message->setBody($result['html'], 'text/html'); if ($result['text']) { $message->addPart($result['text'], 'text/plain'); } if ($subject = array_get($result['settings'], 'subject')) { $message->subject($subject); } } if (isset($plain)) { $message->addPart($this->getView($plain, $data), 'text/plain'); } if (isset($raw)) { $message->addPart($raw, 'text/plain'); } /* * Extensbility */ $this->fireEvent('mailer.addContent', [$message, $view, $data]); Event::fire('mailer.addContent', [$this, $message, $view, $data]); }