public function init() { $this->setTitle('Users'); $this->addBreadcrumb('Users', '/user'); $this->userStore = Store::get('User'); $this->permissionStore = Store::get('Permission'); }
/** * Handles user login (form and processing) */ public function login() { if (file_exists(APP_PATH . 'public/assets/images/cms-logo.png')) { $this->view->siteLogo = true; } $_SESSION['auth'] = 'login'; $this->view->emailFieldLabel = 'Email Address'; $this->userStoreName = 'User'; $this->userGetMethod = 'getByEmail'; Event::trigger('beforeLogin', $this); if ($this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') { $ugMethod = $this->userGetMethod; $user = Store::get($this->userStoreName)->{$ugMethod}($this->getParam('email')); if ($user && password_verify($this->getParam('password', ''), $user->getHash())) { $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->getId(); $url = $this->config->get('site.full_admin_url'); if (isset($_SESSION['previous_url'])) { $url = $_SESSION['previous_url']; } header('Location: ' . $url); die; } else { Event::trigger('loginFailed', $this->view); $label = strtolower($this->view->emailFieldLabel); $this->view->errorMessage = 'Your ' . $label . ' or password were wrong.'; } } }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { unset($input); $items = glob(CMS_PATH . '*/Model/*.php'); foreach ($items as $item) { $model = str_replace([CMS_BASE_PATH, '/', '.php'], ['', '\\', ''], $item); $systemModels[] = $model; } foreach (glob(APP_PATH . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $path) { $items = glob($path . '/*/Model/*.php'); foreach ($items as $item) { $model = str_replace([APP_PATH, '/', '.php'], ['', '\\', ''], $item); $systemModels[] = $model; } } foreach ($systemModels as $model) { $myModel = new $model(); if (method_exists($myModel, 'getIndexableContent')) { $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($myModel); $myStore = Store::get($reflect->getShortName()); $modelsToIndex = $myStore->getModelsToIndex(); $output->write('Indexing: ' . $reflect->getShortName()); $count = 0; foreach ($modelsToIndex as $newModel) { $count++; $content = $newModel->getIndexableContent(); $data = ['model' => $newModel, 'content_id' => $newModel->getId(), 'content' => $content]; Event::trigger('ContentPublished', $data); } $output->writeln(' (' . $count . ' items)'); } } }
protected function updateUploads($scope) { $logStore = Store::get('Log'); $fileStore = Store::get('File'); $last = $logStore->getLastEntry($scope); $date = new \DateTime('-1 day'); if (!is_null($last)) { $date = $last->getLogDate(); } $items = $fileStore->getAllForScopeSince($scope, $date); $itemCount = 0; $message = []; $user = null; foreach ($items as $item) { if (++$itemCount > 3) { break; } if (empty($user)) { $user = $item->getUser(); } $message[] = ['title' => $item->getTitle(), 'id' => $item->getId()]; } if (count($message)) { $log = Log::create(Log::TYPE_CREATE, $scope, json_encode($message)); $log->setUser($user); $log->save(); } }
/** * Get tweets for the currently authenticated twitter user */ public static function getUser() { $tweetStore = Store::get('Tweet'); $consumerKey = Setting::get('twitter', 'consumer_key'); $consumerSecret = Setting::get('twitter', 'consumer_secret'); $accessToken = Setting::get('twitter', 'access_token'); $accessTokenSecret = Setting::get('twitter', 'access_token_secret'); $twitter = new Twitter($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $accessToken, $accessTokenSecret); if (self::canCallAPI()) { self::updateLastAPICall(); $statuses = $twitter->load(Twitter::ME); foreach ($statuses as $s) { if (!$tweetStore->getByTwitterIdForScope($s->id, 'user')) { $t = new Tweet(); $t->setTwitterId($s->id); $t->setText($s->text); $t->setHtmlText(Twitter::clickable($s)); $t->setScreenname($s->user->screen_name); $t->setPosted($s->created_at); $t->setCreatedDate(new \DateTime()); $t->setScope('user'); $tweetStore->saveByInsert($t); } } } }
public function run() { /** @var \Octo\System\Store\JobStore $jobStore */ $jobStore = Store::get('Job'); /** @var \Octo\System\Store\ScheduledJobStore $scheduleStore */ $scheduleStore = Store::get('ScheduledJob'); // Clean up existing Scheduler jobs from the database: $jobs = $jobStore->getByType('Octo.System.Scheduler'); foreach ($jobs as $job) { if ($job->getId() != $this->job->getId()) { Manager::delete($job); } } // Create the next Scheduler job: Manager::create($this->job, Job::PRIORITY_HIGH, 5); // Schedule other jobs: $jobs = $scheduleStore->getJobsToSchedule(); foreach ($jobs as $item) { $job = new Job(); $job->setType($item->getType()); $data = json_decode($item->getData(), true); if (!empty($data) && is_array($data)) { $job->setData($data); } $job = Manager::create($job); $item->setCurrentJob($job); $scheduleStore->save($item); } return true; }
public function addToSearchIndex(&$data) { $this->searchStore = Store::get('SearchIndex'); $class = get_class($data['model']); $class = explode('\\', $class); $class = end($class); $this->searchStore->updateSearchIndex($class, $data['content_id'], $data['content']); return true; }
public function getWidget(&$widgets) { // Recently active users: /** @var \Octo\System\Store\UserStore $store */ $store = Store::get('User'); $view = new Template('Dashboard/recent-users', 'admin'); $view->users = $store->getRecentUsers(); $widgets[] = ['order' => 1, 'html' => $view->render()]; }
public function getStatistics(&$stats) { /** @var \Octo\System\Model\User $user */ $user = $_SESSION['user']; if ($user->canAccess('/contact')) { $contactStore = Store::get('Contact'); $total = $contactStore->getTotal(); $stats[] = ['title' => $total == 1 ? 'Contact' : 'Contacts', 'count' => number_format($total), 'icon' => 'person-stalker', 'color' => 'aqua', 'link' => '/contact', 'link_title' => 'View Contacts']; } }
public function init() { $this->store = Store::get('Contact'); if (!empty($_SESSION[$this->getSessionKey()])) { $member = $this->store->getById($_SESSION[$this->getSessionKey()]); if (!empty($member)) { $this->active = $member; } } }
public static function getAllAsArray() { /** @var \Octo\System\Store\SettingStore $settingStore */ $settingStore = Store::get('Setting'); $settings = $settingStore->all(); $rtn = []; foreach ($settings as $setting) { $rtn[$setting->getScope() . '_' . $setting->getKey()] = $setting->getValue(); } return $rtn; }
public function index() { $this->searchStore = Store::get('SearchIndex'); $query = $this->getParam('q', ''); $this->setTitle($query, 'Search ' . $this->config->get('')); $this->addBreadcrumb('Search', '/search?q=' . $query); $results = $this->searchStore->search($query); $results = array_map([$this, 'render'], $results); $this->view->query = $query; $this->view->results = $results; }
public function autocomplete() { $contacts = Store::get('Contact')->search($this->getParam('q', '')); $rtn = ['results' => [], 'more' => false]; foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $name = $contact->getFirstName() . ' ' . $contact->getLastName(); if ($contact->getCompany()) { $name .= ' (' . $contact->getCompany() . ')'; } $rtn['results'][] = ['id' => $contact->getId(), 'text' => $name]; } die(json_encode($rtn)); }
public function run() { $this->store = Store::get('SystemJob'); $job = $this->store->getNextJob(); if (!is_null($job)) { $runDate = $job->getRunDate(); $runDate->add(new \DateInterval($job->getFrequency())); $job->setRunDate($runDate); $this->store->save($job); chdir(APP_PATH); exec('nohup /usr/bin/php vendor/bin/octocmd ' . $job->getCommand() . ' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &'); } die('OK'); }
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->setTitle('Jobs'); $this->addBreadcrumb('Jobs', '/job'); $this->jobStore = Store::get('Job'); $this->scheduleStore = Store::get('ScheduledJob'); // Get job handlers: $registeredHandlers = []; Event::trigger('RegisterJobHandlers', $registeredHandlers); $this->handlers = []; foreach ($registeredHandlers as $handler) { $func = [$handler, 'getJobTypes']; if (class_exists($handler) && method_exists($handler, 'getJobTypes')) { foreach (call_user_func($func) as $jobType => $jobName) { $this->handlers[$jobType] = ['name' => $jobName, 'handler' => $handler]; } } } }
public function canAccess($uri) { $canAccess = null; $callbackData = [$this, $uri, $canAccess]; Event::trigger('canAccess', $callbackData); $uri = $callbackData[1]; $canAccess = $callbackData[2]; if (!is_null($canAccess)) { return $canAccess; } if ($this->getIsAdmin()) { return true; } if (!isset($this->permissionsArray)) { $this->permissionsArray = Store::get('Permission')->getPermissionsArray($this); } if (array_key_exists($uri, $this->permissionsArray) && $this->permissionsArray[$uri]) { return true; } return false; }
public function resetPassword($memberId) { $view = new Template('Member/forgot-password'); $member = Store::get('Contact')->getById($memberId); $key = $this->getParam('k', null); if (is_null($member) || $key != $this->getResetKey($member)) { $this->response->setResponseCode(401); $view->errorMessage = 'Invalid password reset request.'; return $view->render(); } $view->text = '<strong>Please enter a new password below.</strong><br><br>'; $view->form = $this->resetPasswordForm($memberId, $key); if ($this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') { $member->setPasswordHash(password_hash($this->getParam('password'), PASSWORD_DEFAULT)); Store::get('Contact')->save($member); Member::getInstance()->login($member); $this->response->setResponseCode(302); $this->response->setHeader('Location', $this->config->get('site.url')); return; } return $view->render(); }
public function search($string) { $database = Database::getConnection('read'); $words = $this->extractWords($string); $words = '\'' . implode('\', \'', array_keys($words)) . '\''; $query = 'SELECT model, content_id FROM search_index WHERE word IN (' . $words . ') GROUP BY model, content_id ORDER BY SUM(instances) DESC LIMIT 20;'; $stmt = $database->prepare($query); $rtn = []; if ($stmt->execute()) { $res = $stmt->fetchAll(Database::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($res as $item) { $store = StoreFactory::get($item['model']); if ($store) { $rtn[] = $store->getByPrimaryKey($item['content_id']); } } } return $rtn; }
public function auth() { $email = $this->getParam('email', ''); $token = $this->getParam('token', ''); $client = new \Google_Client(); $client->setClientId(Setting::get('google-identity', 'client_id')); $client->setClientSecret(Setting::get('google-identity', 'client_secret')); $client->setRedirectUri($this->config->get('site.full_admin_url') . '/google-identity/auth'); $client->setScopes('email'); $data = $client->verifyIdToken($token)->getAttributes(); if (empty($data['payload']['email']) || $data['payload']['email'] != $email) { return $this->redirect('/session/login?logout=1')->error('There was a problem signing you in, please try again.'); } $userStore = Store::get('User'); $user = $userStore->getByEmail($email); if (is_null($user)) { $authDomains = Setting::get('google-identity', 'login_auto_create'); $authDomains = explode(',', $authDomains); $parts = explode('@', $email, 2); if (!in_array($parts[1], $authDomains)) { return $this->redirect('/session/login?logout=1')->error('You do not have permission to sign in.'); } $user = new User(); $user->setActive(1); $user->setIsAdmin(1); $user->setDateAdded(new \DateTime()); $user->setEmail($email); $user->setName($data['payload']['name']); $user = $userStore->save($user); } $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->getId(); if (isset($_SESSION['previous_url'])) { return $this->redirect($_SESSION['previous_url']); } return $this->redirect('/'); }
protected function loadTimeline() { $logStore = Store::get('Log'); $items = $logStore->getTimeline(); $timeline = []; $lastDate = new \DateTime('1970-01-01'); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item->getLogDate()->format('Y-m-d') != $lastDate->format('Y-m-d')) { $date = $item->getLogDate()->format('M j Y'); $timeline[] = "<li class=\"time-label\">\n <span class=\"bg-blue\">\n {$date}\n </span>\n </li>"; $lastDate = $item->getLogDate(); } $keyDate = $item->getLogDate()->format('Y-m-d'); $key = md5($keyDate . $item->getScope() . '.' . $item->getType() . '.' . $item->getScopeId()); if (array_key_exists($key, $timeline)) { continue; } $template = 'Dashboard/Timeline/' . $item->getScope(); if (!Template::exists($template)) { $template = 'Dashboard/Timeline/default'; } $template = Template::getAdminTemplate($template); $template->icon = 'info'; $template->item = $item; $template->decoded = @json_decode($item->getMessage(), true); switch ($item->getType()) { case 2: $template->color = 'green'; $template->verb = 'created'; break; case 4: $template->color = 'red'; $template->verb = 'deleted'; break; case 8: $template->color = 'blue'; $template->verb = 'edited'; break; case 128: $template->color = 'blue'; $template->verb = 'published'; break; } switch ($item->getScope()) { case 'user': $template->icon = 'user'; break; case 'page': $template->icon = 'file-text'; break; case 'file': $template->icon = 'image'; break; case 'info': $template->icon = 'user'; break; } $timeline[$key] = $template->render(); if (count($timeline) >= 20) { break; } } return $timeline; }
$moduleManager->setConfig($config); $moduleManager->enable('Octo', 'System'); // Set up config: if (is_file(APP_PATH . 'siteconfig.php')) { require_once APP_PATH . 'siteconfig.php'; } $_SETTINGS['site']['full_admin_url'] = $_SETTINGS['site']['url'] . '/' . $_SETTINGS['site']['admin_uri']; $_SETTINGS['Octo']['AssetManager'] = new \Octo\AssetManager(); $config->setArray($_SETTINGS); $moduleManager->initialiseModules(); $host = $config->get('b8.database.servers.write'); $user = $config->get('b8.database.username'); $pass = $config->get('b8.database.password'); $name = $config->get(''); \Block8\Database\Connection::setConfig($host, $user, $pass, $name); \Octo\Store::setNamespaces($config->get('app.namespaces')); $templatePath = realpath(APP_PATH . $_SETTINGS['site']['namespace'] . '/Template'); define('SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH', $templatePath); if (is_dir($templatePath)) { $settings = $config->get('Octo'); $settings['paths']['templates'][] = $templatePath . '/'; $config->set('Octo', $settings); } //set up ADMIN_URI constant, throws exception if the config value isn't set. if (!defined('ADMIN_URI')) { if ($config->get('site.admin_uri') === null) { throw new Exception('site.admin_uri has not been set in the siteconfig'); } else { define('ADMIN_URI', $config->get('site.admin_uri')); } }
public function init() { $this->contactStore = Store::get('Contact'); }
public function ScheduledJobs() { return Store::get('ScheduledJob')->where('current_job_id', $this->data['id']); }
public function Permissions() { return Store::get('Permission')->where('user_id', $this->data['id']); }
public function init() { $this->searchStore = Store::get('SearchIndex'); }
/** * Get the User model for this by Id. * * @uses \Octo\System\Store\UserStore::getById() * @uses \Octo\System\Model\User * @return \Octo\System\Model\User */ public function getUser() { $key = $this->getUserId(); if (empty($key)) { return null; } return Store::get('User')->getById($key); }
public function __construct() { $this->searchStore = Store::get('SearchIndex'); }
public function save() { Store::get('Log')->save($this); }
/** * @return JobStore */ protected static function getStore() { return Store::get('Job'); }
public function PageVersions() { return Store::get('PageVersion')->where('content_item_id', $this->data['id']); }