/** * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired */ public function index() { $key = Helper::post('key'); $data = Helper::post('data', false); $pid = Helper::post('pid'); $uid = Helper::post('uid'); if (method_exists($this, $key)) { return $this->{$key}($data); } else { return new DataResponse(); } }
/** * @param $data * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement|int */ public function insertWithId($data) { $task['id'] = $data['id']; $task['is_project'] = $data['is_project']; $task['type'] = $data['type'] ? $data['type'] : 'task'; $task['text'] = $data['text']; $task['users'] = $data['users']; $task['start_date'] = Helper::toTimeFormat($data['start_date']); $task['end_date'] = Helper::toTimeFormat($data['end_date']); $task['duration'] = $data['duration'] ? $data['duration'] : 0; $task['order'] = $data['order'] ? $data['order'] : 0; $task['progress'] = $data['progress'] ? $data['progress'] : 0; $task['sortorder'] = $data['sortorder'] ? $data['sortorder'] : 0; $task['parent'] = $data['parent'] ? $data['parent'] : 1; $result = $this->connect->db->insertIfNotExist($this->tableName, $task); if ($result) { return $this->connect->db->lastInsertId(); } return $result; }
public function logoBaseEncode() { $data = Helper::post('data', false); $src = $data['logo_src']; $params = ['src' => Helper::prevImg($src), 'error' => null, 'errorinfo' => '']; return new DataResponse($params); }
/** * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired */ public function index() { // mostly for the home storage's free space //$dirInfo = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo('/', false); //$storageInfo = \OC_Helper::getStorageInfo('/', $dirInfo); //$dirCont = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getMountManager()->getAll(); //getDirectoryContent('/'); //$dir = \OCA\Files\Helper::getFiles('/'); //$files = \OCA\Files\Helper::populateTags($dir); // $files = \OCA\Files\Helper::getFiles('/'); // foreach($files as $file){ // var_dump(\OCA\Files\Helper::formatFileInfo($file)); // } //$navItems = \OCA\Files\App::getNavigationManager()->getAll(); //var_dump($navItems); //var_dump($dir); //var_dump($files); //die; $result = $this->connect->project()->get(); if (!$result) { $result = []; } $statistic = []; $statistic['tasks_finished'] = $this->connect->task()->getCountFinishedTasks(); $statistic['all_tasks'] = $this->connect->task()->getCountAllTasks(); $talks = $this->connect->talks->get(); $partTalks = 0; function rec_search($this_id, &$arr_subscribers, $talks) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($talks); $j++) { if ($talks[$j]['rid'] == $this_id) { $arr_subscribers = array_merge($arr_subscribers, explode(",", $talks[$j]['subscribers'])); array_push($arr_subscribers, $talks[$j]['author']); rec_search($talks[$j]['id'], $arr_subscribers, $talks); } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($talks); $i++) { if ($talks[$i]['rid'] == 0) { $arr_subscribers = []; $this_id = $talks[$i]['id']; $arr_subscribers = array_merge($arr_subscribers, explode(",", $talks[$i]['subscribers'])); array_push($arr_subscribers, $talks[$i]['author']); rec_search($this_id, $arr_subscribers, $talks); if (in_array($this->userId, $arr_subscribers)) { $partTalks++; } } } $statistic['participating_talks'] = $partTalks; $statistic['all_talks'] = count($this->connect->talks->getAllTalks()); $statistic['users'] = count($this->connect->users->getAllUsers()); $allActivity = $this->connect->activity->get(); $countCreatedFiles = 0; $countDeletedFiles = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($allActivity); $i++) { if ($allActivity[$i]['type'] == "file_created" && $allActivity[$i]['app'] == "files" && $allActivity[$i]['subject'] == "created_self" && !empty($allActivity[$i]['subjectparams']) && $allActivity[$i]['object_type'] == "files") { $countCreatedFiles++; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($allActivity); $i++) { if ($allActivity[$i]['type'] == "file_deleted" && $allActivity[$i]['app'] == "files" && $allActivity[$i]['subject'] == "deleted_self" && !empty($allActivity[$i]['subjectparams']) && $allActivity[$i]['object_type'] == "files") { $countDeletedFiles++; } } $statistic['all_files'] = $countCreatedFiles - $countDeletedFiles; $statistic['all_groups'] = count($this->connect->groups->get()); $statistic['tasks_progress'] = 100 * $statistic['tasks_finished'] / $statistic['all_tasks']; $statistic['talks_progress'] = 100 * $statistic['participating_talks'] / $statistic['all_talks']; $projectName = $this->connect->task()->getById(1); $result['logo_src'] = Helper::prevImg($result['logo']); $params = ['sub_url' => '', 'body_url' => '', 'current_user' => $this->userId, 'current_val' => $result, 'statistic' => $statistic, 'projectName' => $projectName['text']]; $params['sub_url'] = urldecode("Help me working in my project " . $projectName['text']); $params['body_url'] = urldecode("Hi there, currently I am working on the project " . $projectName['text'] . " and I will need some help with it. Please let me know, if you have resources to join the project."); return new TemplateResponse($this->appName, 'main', $params); }
$container->query('OCP\\INavigationManager')->add(function () use($container, $appName) { $urlGenerator = $container->query('OCP\\IURLGenerator'); $l10n = $container->query('OCP\\IL10N'); return ['id' => $appName, 'order' => 10, 'href' => $urlGenerator->linkToRoute($appName . '.main.index'), 'icon' => $urlGenerator->imagePath($appName, 'app.svg'), 'name' => $l10n->t('DashBoard')]; }); /** * Loading translations * The string has to match the app's folder name */ Util::addTranslations($appName); /** * Application styles and scripts */ if (Helper::isApp($appName)) { Util::addStyle($appName, 'main'); Util::addStyle($appName, 'media'); Util::addStyle($appName, 'jquery-ui-timepicker'); // Util::addStyle($appName, 'jquery.custom-scrollbar'); // Util::addScript($appName,'jquery-ui-timepicker'); // Util::addScript($appName, 'jquery.custom-scrollbar'); Util::addScript($appName, 'libs/jquery-ui-timepicker'); Util::addScript($appName, 'libs/an.script_1.0.2'); Util::addScript($appName, 'libs/ns.application'); Util::addScript($appName, 'init'); } /** * Detect and appoints styles and scripts for particular app page */ $currentUri = Helper::getCurrentUri($appName); if ($currentUri == '/') { }