コード例 #1
  * Load xml namespaces into the item model
 protected function loadNamespaces()
     $namespaces = [];
     foreach ($this->queryXPath('namespace::*') as $node) {
         $name = preg_replace('/xmlns(:)?/', '', $node->nodeName);
         if ($name !== 'xml') {
             //always removed the implicit xml namespace
             $namespaces[$name] = $node->nodeValue;
     foreach ($namespaces as $name => $uri) {
         $this->item->addNamespace($name, $uri);
コード例 #2
  * Build a QTI_Item from a DOMElement, the root tag of which is root assessmentItem
  * @param DOMElement $data
  * @return oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\Item
  * @throws oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\exception\ParsingException
 protected function buildItem(DOMElement $data)
     //check on the root tag.
     $itemId = (string) $data->getAttribute('identifier');
     common_Logger::i('Started parsing of QTI item' . (isset($itemId) ? ' ' . $itemId : ''), array('TAOITEMS'));
     //create the item instance
     $this->item = new Item($this->extractAttributes($data));
     foreach ($this->queryXPath('namespace::*') as $node) {
         $name = preg_replace('/xmlns(:)?/', '', $node->nodeName);
         $this->item->addNamespace($name, $node->nodeValue);
     $nsQti = $this->item->getNamespace('http://www.imsglobal.org/xsd/imsqti_v2p1');
     $this->qtiPrefix = $nsQti ? $nsQti . ':' : '';
     $styleSheetNodes = $this->queryXPath("*[name(.) = 'stylesheet']", $data);
     foreach ($styleSheetNodes as $styleSheetNode) {
         $styleSheet = $this->buildStylesheet($styleSheetNode);
     //extract the responses
     $responseNodes = $this->queryXPath("*[name(.) = 'responseDeclaration']", $data);
     foreach ($responseNodes as $responseNode) {
         $response = $this->buildResponseDeclaration($responseNode);
         if (!is_null($response)) {
     //extract outcome variables
     $outcomes = array();
     $outComeNodes = $this->queryXPath("*[name(.) = 'outcomeDeclaration']", $data);
     foreach ($outComeNodes as $outComeNode) {
         $outcome = $this->buildOutcomeDeclaration($outComeNode);
         if (!is_null($outcome)) {
             $outcomes[] = $outcome;
     if (count($outcomes) > 0) {
     //extract modal feedbacks
     $feedbackNodes = $this->queryXPath("*[name(.) = 'modalFeedback']", $data);
     foreach ($feedbackNodes as $feedbackNode) {
         $modalFeedback = $this->buildFeedback($feedbackNode);
         if (!is_null($modalFeedback)) {
     //extract the item structure to separate the structural/style content to the item content
     $itemBodies = $this->queryXPath("*[name(.) = 'itemBody']", $data);
     // array with 1 or zero bodies
     if ($itemBodies === false) {
         $errors = libxml_get_errors();
         if (count($errors) > 0) {
             $error = array_shift($errors);
             $errormsg = $error->message;
         } else {
             $errormsg = "without errormessage";
         throw new ParsingException('XML error(' . $errormsg . ') on itemBody read' . (isset($itemId) ? ' for item ' . $itemId : ''));
     } elseif ($itemBodies->length) {
         $this->parseContainerItemBody($itemBodies->item(0), $this->item->getBody());
     //warning: extract the response processing at the latest to make oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\response\TemplatesDriven::takeOverFrom() work
     $rpNodes = $this->queryXPath("*[name(.) = 'responseProcessing']", $data);
     if ($rpNodes->length === 0) {
         common_Logger::i('No responseProcessing found for QTI Item, setting empty custom', array('QTI', 'TAOITEMS'));
         $customrp = new Custom(array(), '<responseProcessing/>');
     } else {
         $rpNode = $rpNodes->item(0);
         //the node should be alone
         $rProcessing = $this->buildResponseProcessing($rpNode, $this->item);
         if (!is_null($rProcessing)) {
     return $this->item;