public function render() { $model = $this->getModel(); $module = $model->getRow(); if ($this->getLayout() == 'modal') { $this->menus = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.menus')->sort('title')->getRowset(); $this->pages = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.pages')->application('site')->getRowset(); $this->modules = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.modules')->application('site')->getRowset(); } if ($this->getModel()->getState()->isUnique()) { if ($module->isNew()) { $module->application = $model->application; $module->name = $model->name; } $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication($module->application); JFactory::getLanguage()->load(substr($module->extension_name, 4), $module->name, $path); } // Build path to module config file $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('site'); $path .= '/component/' . substr($module->extension_name, 4) . '/module/' . substr($module->name, 4) . '/config.xml'; $params = new \JParameter(null, $path); $params->loadArray($module->params->toArray()); $this->params = $params; return parent::render(); }
public function __get($name) { if ($name == 'params' && !$this->_data['params'] instanceof JParameter) { $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('admin'); $file = $path . '/component/' . $this->option . '/resources/config/settings.xml'; $this->_data['params'] = new JParameter($this->_data['params'], $file, 'component'); } return parent::__get($name); }
public function render() { //Load language files for each module if ($this->getLayout() == 'list') { foreach ($this->getModel()->getRowset() as $module) { $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication($module->application); JFactory::getLanguage()->load($module->getIdentifier()->package, $module->name, $path); } } return parent::render(); }
public function applications($config = array()) { $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config); $config->append(array('name' => 'application', 'deselect' => true, 'prompt' => '- Select -')); $options = array(); if ($config->deselect) { $options[] = $this->option(array('text' => \JText::_($config->prompt))); } foreach (Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplications() as $application => $path) { $options[] = $this->option(array('text' => $application, 'value' => $application)); } $config->options = $options; return $this->optionlist($config); }
public function getRowset() { if (!isset($this->_rowset)) { $table = $this->getObject('com:extensions.database.table.extensions'); $query = $this->getObject('')->order('name'); $extensions = $table->select($query); // Iterate through the extensions. foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication($this->getState()->application); $path .= '/component/' . substr($extension->name, 4) . '/view'; if (!is_dir($path)) { continue; } // Iterator through the views. $views = array(); foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($path) as $view) { $xml_path = $path . '/' . $view . '/metadata.xml'; if (!$view->isDir() || substr($view, 0, 1) == '.' || !file_exists($xml_path)) { continue; } $xml_view = simplexml_load_file($xml_path); if (strtolower($xml_view->view->attributes()->hidden) !== 'true') { // Iterate through the layouts. $layouts = array(); if (is_dir($path . '/' . $view . '/templates')) { foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($path . '/' . $view . '/templates') as $layout) { if (!$layout->isFile() || substr($layout, 0, 1) == '.' || $layout->getExtension() != 'xml') { continue; } $xml_layout = simplexml_load_file($path . '/' . $view . '/templates/' . $layout); if (!$xml_layout->layout) { continue; } if (strtolower($xml_layout->layout->attributes()->hidden) !== 'true') { $layouts[$layout->getBasename('.xml')] = (object) array('name' => $layout->getBasename('.xml'), 'title' => trim($xml_layout->layout->attributes()->title), 'description' => trim($xml_layout->layout->message)); } } } $views[$view->getFilename()] = (object) array('name' => $view->getFilename(), 'title' => trim($xml_view->view->attributes()->title), 'layouts' => $layouts); } } $extension->views = $views; } $this->_rowset = $extensions; } return $this->_rowset; }
public function positions($config = array()) { $config = new Library\ObjectConfig($config); $config->append(array('name' => 'position')); $options = array(); $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('site'); $path = $path . '/public/theme/' . $this->getObject('application')->getCfg('theme') . '/config.xml'; if (file_exists($path)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($path); if (isset($xml->positions)) { foreach ($xml->positions->children() as $position) { $options[] = $this->option(array('text' => (string) $position, 'value' => (string) $position)); } } } $config->options = $options; return $this->optionlist($config); }
public function getRowset() { if (!isset($this->_rowset)) { $rowset = $this->getObject('com:extensions.database.rowset.settings'); //Insert the system configuration settings $rowset->insert($this->getObject('com:extensions.database.row.setting_system')); //Insert the component configuration settings $extensions = $this->getObject('com:extensions.model.extensions')->enabled(1)->getRowset(); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('admin'); $path .= '/component/' . substr($extension->name, 4) . '/resources/config/settings.xml'; if (file_exists($path)) { $config = array('name' => strtolower(substr($extension->name, 4)), 'path' => file_exists($path) ? $path : '', 'id' => $extension->id, 'data' => $extension->params->toArray()); $row = $this->getObject('com:extensions.database.row.setting_extension', $config); $rowset->insert($row); } } $this->_rowset = $rowset; } return $this->_rowset; }
public function render() { $database = $this->getObject('com:debug.event.subscriber.database'); $profiler = $this->getObject('com:debug.event.profiler'); $language = \JFactory::getLanguage(); //Remove the template includes $includes = get_included_files(); foreach ($includes as $key => $value) { //Find the real file path if ($alias = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getAlias($value)) { $includes[$key] = $alias; } } $this->memory = $profiler->getMemory(); $this->events = (array) $profiler->getEvents(); $this->queries = (array) $database->getQueries(); $this->languages = (array) $language->getPaths(); $this->includes = (array) $includes; $this->strings = (array) $language->getOrphans(); return parent::render(); }
/** * Get a list of items * * If the installed state is TRUE this function will return a list of the installed modules. * * @return Library\DatabaseRowsetInterface */ public function getRowset() { if (!isset($this->_rowset)) { $state = $this->getState(); if ($state->installed) { $table = $this->getObject('com:extensions.database.table.extensions'); $query = $this->getObject('')->order('name'); $extension = $table->select($query); // Iterate through the extension $modules = array(); foreach ($extension as $extension) { $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('site'); $path .= '/component/' . substr($extension->name, 4) . '/modules'; if (!is_dir($path)) { continue; } foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($path) as $folder) { if ($folder->isDir()) { if (file_exists($folder->getRealPath() . '/' . $folder->getFilename() . '.xml')) { $modules[] = array('id' => $folder->getFilename(), 'name' => 'mod_' . $folder->getFilename(), 'application' => 'site', 'extensions_extension_id' => $extension->id, 'title' => null); } } } } //Set the total $this->_total = count($modules); //Apply limit and offset if ($this->getState()->limit) { $modules = array_slice($modules, $state->offset, $state->limit ? $state->limit : $this->_total); } //Apply direction if (strtolower($state->direction) == 'desc') { $modules = array_reverse($modules); } $this->_rowset = $this->getTable()->getRowset()->addRow($modules); } else { $this->_rowset = parent::getRowset(); } } return $this->_rowset; }
public function __construct(Library\ObjectConfig $config) { parent::__construct($config); //@TODO Remove when PHP 5.5 becomes a requirement. Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->loadFile(JPATH_ROOT . '/application/admin/component/users/legacy/password.php'); }
/** * Framework loader * * @author Johan Janssens <> */ use Nooku\Library; //Installation check if (!file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/config/config.php') || filesize(JPATH_ROOT . '/config/config.php') < 10) { echo 'No configuration file found. Exciting...'; exit; } // Joomla : setup require_once JPATH_VENDOR . '/joomla/import.php'; jimport('joomla.environment.uri'); jimport('joomla.html.html'); jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); jimport('joomla.utilities.utility'); jimport('joomla.language.language'); // Koowa : setup require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/config/config.php'; $config = new JConfig(); require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/library/nooku.php'; \Nooku::getInstance(array('cache_prefix' => md5($config->secret) . '-cache-koowa', 'cache_enabled' => $config->caching)); unset($config); //Setup the component locator Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getLocator('com')->registerNamespaces(array('\\' => JPATH_APPLICATION . '/component', 'Nooku\\Component' => JPATH_ROOT . '/component')); //Add the different applications Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->addApplication('site', JPATH_ROOT . '/application/site'); Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->addApplication('admin', JPATH_ROOT . '/application/admin'); //Bootstrap the components Library\ObjectManager::getInstance()->getObject('lib:bootstrapper.application', array('directory' => JPATH_APPLICATION . '/component'))->bootstrap();
public function render() { $this->applications = array_keys(Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplications()); $this->menus = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.menus')->getRowset(); return parent::render(); }
protected function _getPageXml() { $xml = \JFactory::getXMLParser('simple'); $type = $this->getType(); $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('site') . '/component/' . substr($type['option'], 4) . '/view/' . $type['view'] . '/templates/' . $type['layout'] . '.xml'; if (file_exists($path)) { $xml->loadFile($path); } return $xml; }
public function render() { $this->applications = array_keys(Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplications()); return parent::render(); }