コード例 #1
ファイル: Drive.php プロジェクト: jurasm2/bubo
  * Vytvoreni nove galerie
  * @param type $values - name,editor_id,public[bool],start_public,stop_public
  * @return type 
 public function addGallery($files, $galleryName, $conf = NULL)
     if (!is_array($conf)) {
         $params = $this->context->getParameters();
         $driveConfigPath = $params['projectDir'] . '/config/drive.neon';
         if (!is_file($driveConfigPath)) {
             $driveConfigPath = __DIR__ . '/examples/gal.neon';
         $conf = \Nette\Utils\Neon::decode(file_get_contents($driveConfigPath));
         $conf = $conf['gallery'];
     $userId = 0;
     if ($this->presenter) {
         $userId = $this->presenter->user->isLoggedIn() ? $this->presenter->user->getId() : 0;
     $galPath = isset($conf['path']) && !empty($conf['path']) ? Strings::webalize($conf['path']) : '';
     $id = $this->createGallery($galleryName, $userId, $galPath, serialize($conf));
     $galleryFolder = $this->relativePath;
     $this->mkDir($this->getFullPath(TRUE) . '/thumbs', FALSE, TRUE);
     $this->mkDir($this->getFullPath(TRUE) . '/originals', FALSE, TRUE);
     $this->_addFilesToGallery($galleryFolder, $files, $userId, $id, $conf);
     if (isset($conf['preserveOriginals']) && !$conf['preserveOriginals']) {
         $this->rmDir($this->getFullPath(TRUE) . '/originals/');
     return $id;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Utils.php プロジェクト: clevis/se34
  * Helper for string to array conversion.
  * Here or ther I enable to use strings instead of arrays in parameters
  * of some methods. If you like the short array definition from PHP 5.4,
  * then you must like this, even better if you still have to rely on
  * PHP 5.3...
  * The format is basically the Neon format ({@link http://ne-on.org/}, just
  * the surrounding brackets are added. So `a = b, e: mc2` will translate to
  * `array('a' => 'b', 'e' => 'mc2')` et cetera.
  * @param array|string $value
  * @return array
 public static function strToArray($value)
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value = Neon::decode('[' . $value . ']');
     return $value;
コード例 #3
 private function parseConfig($path)
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         return (array) \Nette\Utils\Neon::decode(file_get_contents($path));
     } else {
         return array();
コード例 #4
  * Generates configuration in NEON format.
  * @param  array
  * @return string
 public function dump(array $data)
     $tmp = array();
     foreach ($data as $name => $secData) {
         if ($parent = Helpers::takeParent($secData)) {
             $name .= ' ' . self::INHERITING_SEPARATOR . ' ' . $parent;
         $tmp[$name] = $secData;
     return "# generated by Nette\n\n" . Neon::encode($tmp, Neon::BLOCK);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Menu.php プロジェクト: hleumas/design
  * Constructor
  * @param string $descriptionFile path to the file containing menu 
  *                                description
  * @param string $htmlClass       optional css class of the ul
 public function __construct($descriptionFile, $htmlId = null)
     if (!is_file($descriptionFile)) {
         throw new Nette\FileNotFoundException("File {$descriptionFile} does not exists!");
     $data = file_get_contents($descriptionFile);
     if ($data === false) {
         throw new Nette\FileNotFoundException("File {$descriptionFile} is not readable!");
     $this->_items = Neon::decode($data);
     $this->_htmlId = $htmlId;
コード例 #6
ファイル: BasePresenter.php プロジェクト: hleumas/databaza
 public function createComponentMenu()
     $file = APP_DIR . '/AdminModule/templates/menu.neon';
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         throw new \Nette\FileNotFoundException("File {$file} does not exists!");
     $data = file_get_contents($file);
     if ($data === false) {
         throw new \Nette\FileNotFoundException("File {$file} is not readable!");
     return new \Menu(Neon::decode($data), 'menu');
コード例 #7
 protected function getNames($lang)
     $neon = Neon::decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/simpleCalData.neon'));
     if (array_key_exists($lang, $neon)) {
         $wdays = $this->truncateWdays($neon[$lang]['wdays']);
         if ($this->firstDay === self::FIRST_MONDAY) {
             array_push($wdays, array_shift($wdays));
         return array('monthNames' => $neon[$lang]['monthNames'], 'wdays' => $wdays);
     } else {
         throw new \LogicException('Specified language is not supported.');
コード例 #8
ファイル: Translations.php プロジェクト: peterzadori/movi
  * @param LanguageEntity $language
 public function onSet(LanguageEntity $language)
     if ($this->cache->load($language->id) === NULL) {
         $file = sprintf('%s/%s.neon', $this->localeDir, $language->code);
         $translations = [];
         if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)) {
             $translations = Neon::decode(file_get_contents($file));
         $this->cache->save($language->id, $translations, [Cache::FILES => $file]);
     $this->translations = $this->cache->load($language->id);
コード例 #9
ファイル: BasePresenter.php プロジェクト: hleumas/databaza
 public function createComponentMenu()
     $file = APP_DIR . '/SubmitModule/templates/menu.neon';
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         throw new \Nette\FileNotFoundException("File {$file} does not exists!");
     $data = file_get_contents($file);
     if ($data === false) {
         throw new \Nette\FileNotFoundException("File {$file} is not readable!");
     $menuItems = Neon::decode($data);
     if ($this->user->isLoggedIn()) {
         $menuItems['Odhlásiť ' . $this->user->identity->data['login']] = 'Sign:out';
     } else {
         $menuItems['Prihlásiť'] = 'Sign:in';
     return new \Menu($menuItems, 'menu');
コード例 #10
ファイル: NeonFormFactory.php プロジェクト: hleumas/databaza
 public static function createForm($neonString, $form = null)
     $config = Neon::decode($neonString);
     $form = is_null($form) ? new Form() : $form;
     if (is_null($config)) {
         return $form;
     foreach (self::$properties as $atr) {
         if (isset($config[$atr])) {
             $form->{$atr} = $config[$atr];
     if (isset($config['renderer'])) {
         $renderer = new $config['renderer']['class']();
         $form->renderer = $renderer;
     self::addControls($form, $config);
     return $form;
コード例 #11
 public static function createGrid($model, $neonString)
     $settings = Neon::decode($neonString);
     /** Create Grid and set the model */
     $grid = new Grid();
     /** Add columns */
     foreach ($settings['columns'] as $key => $column) {
         $grid->addColumn($key, null, $column);
     /** Create buttons */
     foreach ($settings['buttons'] as $key => $button) {
         $call = empty($button['toolbar']) ? 'add' : 'addToolbar';
         $call .= empty($button['window']) ? '' : 'Window';
         $call .= empty($button['check']) ? 'Button' : 'CheckButton';
         call_user_func(array($grid, $call), $key, null, $button);
     return $grid;
コード例 #12
 private function decode($file)
     $ext = \pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     switch ($ext) {
         case 'ini':
             $ini = \parse_ini_file('safe://' . $file, true, \INI_SCANNER_RAW);
             foreach ($ini as $key => $scope) {
                 foreach ($scope as $key2 => $val) {
                     $m = vBuilder\Parsers\ScalarParser::parseBool($val, $val);
                     if (\is_numeric($m)) {
                         $m = \intval($m);
                     $ini[$key][$key2] = $m;
             return $ini;
         case 'neon':
             return Nette\Utils\Neon::decode(file_get_contents('safe://' . $file));
コード例 #13
ファイル: NeonAdapter.php プロジェクト: norbe/nette
	 * Write NEON file.
	 * @param  mixed
	 * @param  string  file
	 * @return void
	public static function save($config, $file)
		if (!file_put_contents($file, "# generated by Nette\n\n" . Neon::encode($config, Neon::BLOCK))) {
			throw new Nette\IOException("Cannot write file '$file'.");
コード例 #14
ファイル: Parser.php プロジェクト: bazo/nette-translation
 public function parse($file)
     $input = file_get_contents($file);
     return Neon::decode($input);
コード例 #15
ファイル: SystemConfigModel.php プロジェクト: VNovotna/MP2014
 public function __destruct()
     file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../' . $this->neonPath, Utils\Neon::encode($this->neon, Utils\Neon::BLOCK));
コード例 #16
  * Prepares configuration.
  * @return \ApiGen\Config
  * @throws \ApiGen\ConfigException If something in configuration is wrong.
 public function prepare()
     // Command line options
     $cli = array();
     $translator = array();
     foreach ($this->options as $option => $value) {
         $converted = preg_replace_callback('~-([a-z])~', function ($matches) {
             return strtoupper($matches[1]);
         }, $option);
         $cli[$converted] = $value;
         $translator[$converted] = $option;
     $unknownOptions = array_keys(array_diff_key($cli, self::$defaultConfig));
     if (!empty($unknownOptions)) {
         $originalOptions = array_map(function ($option) {
             return (1 === strlen($option) ? '-' : '--') . $option;
         }, array_values(array_diff_key($translator, self::$defaultConfig)));
         $message = count($unknownOptions) > 1 ? sprintf('Unknown command line options "%s"', implode('", "', $originalOptions)) : sprintf('Unknown command line option "%s"', $originalOptions[0]);
         throw new ConfigException($message);
     // Config file
     $neon = array();
     if (empty($this->options) && $this->defaultConfigExists()) {
         $this->options['config'] = $this->getDefaultConfigPath();
     if (isset($this->options['config']) && is_file($this->options['config'])) {
         $neon = Neon::decode(file_get_contents($this->options['config']));
         foreach (self::$pathOptions as $option) {
             if (!empty($neon[$option])) {
                 if (is_array($neon[$option])) {
                     foreach ($neon[$option] as $key => $value) {
                         $neon[$option][$key] = $this->getAbsolutePath($value);
                 } else {
                     $neon[$option] = $this->getAbsolutePath($neon[$option]);
         $unknownOptions = array_keys(array_diff_key($neon, self::$defaultConfig));
         if (!empty($unknownOptions)) {
             $message = count($unknownOptions) > 1 ? sprintf('Unknown config file options "%s"', implode('", "', $unknownOptions)) : sprintf('Unknown config file option "%s"', $unknownOptions[0]);
             throw new ConfigException($message);
     // Merge options
     $this->config = array_merge(self::$defaultConfig, $neon, $cli);
     // Compatibility with old option name "undocumented"
     if (!isset($this->config['report']) && isset($this->config['undocumented'])) {
         $this->config['report'] = $this->config['undocumented'];
     foreach (self::$defaultConfig as $option => $valueDefinition) {
         if (is_array($this->config[$option]) && !is_array($valueDefinition)) {
             throw new ConfigException(sprintf('Option "%s" must be set only once', $option));
         if (is_bool($this->config[$option]) && !is_bool($valueDefinition)) {
             throw new ConfigException(sprintf('Option "%s" expects value', $option));
         if (is_bool($valueDefinition) && !is_bool($this->config[$option])) {
             // Boolean option
             $value = strtolower($this->config[$option]);
             if ('on' === $value || 'yes' === $value || 'true' === $value || '' === $value) {
                 $value = true;
             } elseif ('off' === $value || 'no' === $value || 'false' === $value) {
                 $value = false;
             $this->config[$option] = (bool) $value;
         } elseif (is_array($valueDefinition)) {
             // Array option
             $this->config[$option] = array_unique((array) $this->config[$option]);
             foreach ($this->config[$option] as $key => $value) {
                 $value = explode(',', $value);
                 while (count($value) > 1) {
                     array_push($this->config[$option], array_shift($value));
                 $this->config[$option][$key] = array_shift($value);
             $this->config[$option] = array_filter($this->config[$option]);
         // Check posssible values
         if (!empty(self::$possibleOptionsValues[$option])) {
             $values = self::$possibleOptionsValues[$option];
             if (is_array($valueDefinition)) {
                 $this->config[$option] = array_filter($this->config[$option], function ($value) use($values) {
                     return in_array($value, $values);
             } elseif (!in_array($this->config[$option], $values)) {
                 $this->config[$option] = '';
     // Unify character sets
     $this->config['charset'] = array_map('strtoupper', $this->config['charset']);
     // Process options that specify a filesystem path
     foreach (self::$pathOptions as $option) {
         if (is_array($this->config[$option])) {
             array_walk($this->config[$option], function (&$value) {
                 if (file_exists($value)) {
                     $value = realpath($value);
             usort($this->config[$option], 'strcasecmp');
         } else {
             if (file_exists($this->config[$option])) {
                 $this->config[$option] = realpath($this->config[$option]);
     // Unify directory separators
     foreach (array('exclude', 'skipDocPath') as $option) {
         $this->config[$option] = array_map(function ($mask) {
             return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $mask);
         }, $this->config[$option]);
         usort($this->config[$option], 'strcasecmp');
     // Unify prefixes
     $this->config['skipDocPrefix'] = array_map(function ($prefix) {
         return ltrim($prefix, '\\');
     }, $this->config['skipDocPrefix']);
     usort($this->config['skipDocPrefix'], 'strcasecmp');
     // Base url without slash at the end
     $this->config['baseUrl'] = rtrim($this->config['baseUrl'], '/');
     // No progressbar in quiet mode
     if ($this->config['quiet']) {
         $this->config['progressbar'] = false;
     // Check
     // Default template config
     $this->config['template'] = array('require' => array(), 'resources' => array(), 'templates' => array('common' => array(), 'optional' => array()));
     // Merge template config
     $this->config = array_merge_recursive($this->config, array('template' => Neon::decode(file_get_contents($fileName = $this->config['templateConfig']))));
     $this->config['template']['config'] = realpath($fileName);
     // Check template
     return $this;
コード例 #17
ファイル: loader.php プロジェクト: JanTvrdik/NetteExtras
as$name=>$secData){if($parent=Helpers::takeParent($secData)){$name.=' '.self::INHERITING_SEPARATOR.' '.$parent;}$tmp[$name]=$secData;}return"# generated by Nette\n\n".Neon::encode($tmp,Neon::BLOCK);}}class