コード例 #1
ファイル: Email.php プロジェクト: petak23/echo-msz
 /** Funkcia pre odoslanie emailu
  * @param array $params Parametre správy
  * @param string $subjekt Subjekt emailu
  * @return string Zoznam komu bol odoslany email
  * @throws SendException
 public function send($params, $subjekt)
     $templ = new Latte\Engine();
     $this->mail->setFrom($params["site_name"] . ' <' . $this->from . '>');
     $this->mail->setSubject($subjekt)->setHtmlBody($templ->renderToString($this->template, $params));
     try {
         $sendmail = new SendmailMailer();
         return $this->email_list;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new SendException('Došlo k chybe pri odosielaní e-mailu. Skúste neskôr znovu...' . $e->getMessage());
コード例 #2
ファイル: Mailer.php プロジェクト: JZechy/ZBox
  * Vytvoří novou zprávu jakožto objekt \Nette\Mail\Message.
  * @see \Nette\Mail\Message
  * @param string|array $to Příjemce zprávy. Víc příjemců může být předáno jako pole.
  * @param string $subject Předmět zprávy.
  * @param string $message Předmět zprávy, nastavuje se přes setHtmlBody, tudíž lze předat výstup šablony.
 public function createMessage($to, $subject, $message)
     $this->message = new \Nette\Mail\Message();
     if (is_array($to)) {
         foreach ($to as $recipient) {
     } else {
コード例 #3
  * Callback method, that is called once form is successfully submitted, without validation errors.
  * @param Form $form
  * @param Nette\Utils\ArrayHash $values
 public function formSucceeded(Form $form, $values)
     if (!($user = $this->userRepository->findOneBy(['email' => $values->email]))) {
         $form['email']->addError("User with given email doesn't exist");
     // this is not a very secure way of getting new password
     // but it's the same way the symfony app is doing it...
     $newPassword = $user->generateRandomPassword();
     try {
         $message = new Nette\Mail\Message();
         $message->setSubject('Notejam password');
         // !!! Never send passwords through email !!!
         // This is only for demonstration purposes of Notejam.
         // Ideally, you can create a unique link where user can change his password
         // himself for limited amount of time, and then send the link.
         $message->setBody("Your new password is {$newPassword}");
     } catch (Nette\Mail\SendException $e) {
         Debugger::log($e, 'email');
         $form->addError('Could not send email with new password');
コード例 #4
ファイル: EmailManager.php プロジェクト: venne/venne
  * @param string $user
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $action
  * @param mixed[] $templateArgs
 public function send($user, $name, $type, $action, array $templateArgs = array())
     $presenter = $this->createPresenter();
     $request = $this->getRequest($type, $action);
     $response = $presenter->run($request);
     $presenter->template->user = $user;
     $presenter->template->name = $name;
     foreach ($templateArgs as $key => $val) {
         $presenter->template->{$key} = $val;
     if (!$response instanceof TextResponse) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type \'%s\' does not exist.', $type));
     try {
         $data = (string) $response->getSource();
     } catch (\Nette\Application\BadRequestException $e) {
         if (Strings::startsWith($e->getMessage(), 'Page not found. Missing template')) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Type \'%s\' does not exist.', $type));
     $message = new Message();
     $message->setFrom($this->senderEmail, $this->senderName ?: null);
     $message->addTo($user, $name);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Mailer.php プロジェクト: trejjam/emailing
 public function sendMailConsumer(\PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage $message)
     $sendMail = json_decode($message->body);
     $latte = new Latte\Engine();
     $sendMail->templateArr->email = $sendMail->to;
     $sendMail->templateArr->subject = $sendMail->subject;
     if (!is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeLink)) {
         $sendMail->templateArr->unsubscribeLink = $sendMail->unsubscribeLink;
     $mail = new Nette\Mail\Message();
     $mail->setFrom($sendMail->from)->addTo($sendMail->to)->setHtmlBody($latte->renderToString($this->config["appDir"] . $this->config['mailer']['templateDir'] . (is_null($sendMail->template) ? $this->config['mailer']['defaultTemplate'] : $sendMail->template), (array) $sendMail->templateArr));
     if (!is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeEmail) || !is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeLink)) {
         $mail->setHeader('List-Unsubscribe', (!is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeEmail) ? '<mailto:' . $sendMail->unsubscribeEmail . '>' : '') . (!is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeEmail) && !is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeLink) ? ", " : "") . (!is_null($sendMail->unsubscribeLink) ? '<' . $sendMail->unsubscribeLink . '>' : ''), TRUE);
     try {
         $mailer = $this->emailFactory->getConnection($sendMail->connection);
         if ($sendMail->imapSave) {
             $this->saveToImap($mail->generateMessage(), is_null($sendMail->imapFolder) ? $this->config['imap']['sendFolder'] : $sendMail->imapFolder, $sendMail->imapConnection);
         return TRUE;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return FALSE;
コード例 #6
  * Callback for ForgottenPasswordForm onSuccess event.
  * @param Form      $form
  * @param ArrayHash $values
 public function formSucceeded(Form $form, $values)
     $user = $this->userManager->findByEmail($values->email);
     if (!$user) {
         $form->addError('No user with given email found');
     $password = Nette\Utils\Random::generate(10);
     $this->userManager->setNewPassword($user->id, $password);
     try {
         // !!! Never send passwords through email !!!
         // This is only for demonstration purposes of Notejam.
         // Ideally, you can create a unique link where user can change his password
         // himself for limited amount of time, and then send the link.
         $mail = new Nette\Mail\Message();
         $mail->setFrom('*****@*****.**', 'Notejamapp');
         $mail->setSubject('New notejam password');
         $mail->setBody(sprintf('Your new password: %s', $password));
     } catch (Nette\Mail\SendException $e) {
         Debugger::log($e, Debugger::EXCEPTION);
         $form->addError('Could not send email with new password');
コード例 #7
ファイル: Mailer.php プロジェクト: rukzuk/rukzuk
  * @param string $subject
 public function setSubject($subject)
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new MailerException($e->getMessage());
コード例 #8
ファイル: BaseAction.php プロジェクト: sky-L/task
  * 发送邮件
 public function mail()
     $mail = new Message();
     $mail->setSubject("hello world");
     $mailer = new \Nette\Mail\SmtpMailer(require BASE_PATH . "/config/mail.php");
コード例 #9
 public function generateMessage(Reciever $reciever, ContentConfig $contentConfig)
     $message = new Message();
     $message->setFrom($this->sender->getEmail(), $this->sender->getName());
     $message->addTo($reciever->getEmail(), $reciever->getFullName());
     foreach ($contentConfig->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
     return $message;
コード例 #10
 private function sendMail($values)
     $mail = new Message();
     $mail->setSubject('Nová zpráva z kontaktního formuláře');
     $mail->setFrom($values['email'], $values['name']);
     $mail->addTo('*****@*****.**', 'Feedback form');
     $template = $this->createTemplate();
     $template->setFile(__DIR__ . '/templates/Mail.phtml');
     $template->name = $values['name'];
     $template->email = $values['email'];
     $template->text = $values['text'];
     $mailer = new SendmailMailer();
コード例 #11
ファイル: MailDecorator.php プロジェクト: instante/utils
  * Send mail by calling a single method - as you often don't need more...
  * @param string|array $recipients
  * @param string $subject
  * @param string $body
  * @param string|NULL $sender
  * @return void
  * @throws SendException
 public function sendMail($recipients, $subject, $body, $sender = NULL)
     $mail = new Message();
     if ($sender !== NULL) {
     if (!is_array($recipients)) {
         $recipients = [$recipients];
     foreach ($recipients as $rcpt) {
     $mailer = $this->mailer;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Entity.php プロジェクト: zaxxx/zaxcms
  * @param array $templateParameters
  * @return Nette\Mail\Message
 public function toMessage($templateParameters = [])
     $latte = $this->latteFactory instanceof Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\ILatteFactory ? $this->latteFactory->create() : new Latte\Engine();
     $latte->setLoader(new Latte\Loaders\StringLoader());
     $htmlBody = $latte->renderToString($this->template, $templateParameters);
     $mail = new Nette\Mail\Message();
     if ($this->cc !== NULL) {
         foreach ($this->cc as $cc) {
     if ($this->bcc !== NULL) {
         foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) {
     return $mail;
コード例 #13
  * Notify an humean on email
  * @param $subject
  * @param $message
  * @param array $data
 public function mailNotify($subject, $message, $data = array())
     $table = "<table>\n";
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         try {
             $value = (string) $value;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $value = "<i>hodnota není text</i>";
         $table .= "<tr><th>{$key}</th><td>{$value}</td></tr>\n";
     $table .= "</table>\n";
     $message = "<p>{$message}</p>\n\n";
     if (count($data)) {
         $message .= "<p>Tabulka dat:</p>\n{$table}";
     $mail = new Nette\Mail\Message();
     $mailer = new Nette\Mail\SendmailMailer();
コード例 #14
 function setSubject($args)
コード例 #15
 private function sendTicket($ticket)
     $event = $ticket->event;
     $message = "<p>Děkujeme o Váš zájem, zde je Vaše vstupenka, můžete si ji vytisknout nebo připravit do mobilního telefonu.</p>\n" . "<img src=\"http://hudebnisos.cz/content/ticket/" . $event->id . ".jpg\" width=\"600\" />\n" . "<p>Vaše vstupenka má originální číslo <b>" . $ticket->id . "</b>.</p><br/><br/>\n" . "<p><a href=\"http://hudebnisos.cz/event/show/" . $event->id . "\">odkaz na akci " . $event->name . "</p>\n" . "<p><a href=\"http://hudebnisos.cz/\">www.hudebnisos.cz</a></p>\n";
     $mail = new Nette\Mail\Message();
     $mail->setSubject('SOS Vstupenka - ' . $event->name);
     $mailer = new Nette\Mail\SendmailMailer();
コード例 #16
ファイル: UsersModel.php プロジェクト: 4iz278/cviceni
  * Funkce pro odeslání potvrzovacího e-mailu po registraci uživatele
  * @param User $user
 public function sendRegistrationMail(User $user)
     $mail = new Message();
     //TODO tady by měla bát nějaká rozumná adresa
     $mail->setSubject('Registrace na webu...');
     $mail->setHtmlBody('<p>Byli jste úspěšně zaregistrováni, pro přihlášení využijte e-mail <strong>' . $user->email . '</strong></p>');
     $mailer = new SendmailMailer();
コード例 #17
ファイル: Mail.php プロジェクト: vsek/mailer
 public function setSubject($subject)
     $this->subject = $subject;
     return parent::setSubject($subject);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Messenger.php プロジェクト: Lavoaster/PVLive
  * Handle message delivery.
  * @return bool
 public static function sendMail()
     // Allow support for legacy argument style or new style.
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (func_num_args() == 1) {
         $options = $args[0];
     } else {
         $options = array_merge(array('to' => $args[0], 'subject' => $args[1], 'message' => $args[2], 'reply_to' => $args[3], 'delivery_date' => $args[4]), $args[5]);
     $di = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault();
     $config = $di->get('config');
     $mail_config = $config->application->mail->toArray();
     // Do not deliver mail on development environments.
     if (DF_APPLICATION_ENV == "development" && !defined('DF_FORCE_EMAIL')) {
         $email_to = $mail_config['from_addr'];
         if (!empty($email_to)) {
             $options['to'] = $email_to;
         } else {
             return false;
     if (isset($mail_config['use_smtp']) && $mail_config['use_smtp']) {
         $smtp_config = $config->apis->smtp->toArray();
         $smtp_config['host'] = $smtp_config['server'];
         $transport = new SmtpMailer($smtp_config);
     } else {
         $transport = new SendmailMailer();
     if (!is_array($options['to'])) {
         $options['to'] = array($options['to']);
     } else {
         $options['to'] = array_unique($options['to']);
     foreach ((array) $options['to'] as $mail_to_addr) {
         if (empty($mail_to_addr)) {
         $mail_to_addr = str_replace('mailto:', '', $mail_to_addr);
         $mail = new Message();
         $from_addr = isset($options['from']) ? $options['from'] : $mail_config['from_addr'];
         $from_name = isset($options['from_name']) ? $options['from_name'] : $mail_config['from_name'];
         $mail->setFrom($from_addr, $from_name);
         if (isset($mail_config['bounce_addr'])) {
         // Include a specific "Direct replies to" header if specified.
         if ($options['reply_to'] && $validator->isValid($options['reply_to']))
         else if (isset($mail_config['reply_to']) && $mail_config['reply_to'])
         // Change the type of the e-mail's body if specified in the options.
         if (isset($options['text_only']) && $options['text_only']) {
         } else {
             $mail->setHtmlBody($options['message'], false);
         // Add attachment if specified in options.
         if (isset($options['attachments'])) {
             foreach ((array) $options['attachments'] as $attachment) {
         // Modify the mail type if specified.
         if (isset($options['type']))
         // Catch invalid e-mails.
         try {
         } catch (\Nette\Utils\AssertionException $e) {
     return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Send.php プロジェクト: trejjam/email
 function send(Email $email)
     $data = $email->get();
     $mail = new Nette\Mail\Message();
     $mail->setFrom($data->from, $data->fromName)->addReplyTo($data->replyTo, $data->replyToName)->addTo($data->to, $data->toName)->setHtmlBody($data->content);
     foreach ($data->attachments as $v) {
         call_user_func_array([$mail, 'addAttachment'], $v);
     if (isset($data->unsubscribeEmail) || isset($data->unsubscribeLink)) {
         $mail->setHeader('List-Unsubscribe', (isset($data->unsubscribeEmail) ? '<mailto:' . $data->unsubscribeEmail . '>' : '') . (isset($data->unsubscribeEmail) && isset($data->unsubscribeLink) ? ", " : "") . (isset($data->unsubscribeLink) ? '<' . $data->unsubscribeLink . '>' : ''), TRUE);
     $mail->setSubject($this->subjectPrefix . $data->subject);