コード例 #1
ファイル: SignedRequest.php プロジェクト: vboss/facebook
 private static function dump($struct)
     if (class_exists('Nette\\Diagnostics\\Dumper')) {
         return Nette\Diagnostics\Dumper::toText($struct);
     return Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::textDump($struct);
コード例 #2
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: hosiplan/project
 * Function prints from where were method/function called
 * @author Filip Procházka <*****@*****.**>
 * @param int $level
 * @param bool $return
 * @param bool $fullTrace
function wc($level = 1, $return = FALSE, $fullTrace = FALSE)
    if (Debugger::$productionMode) {
    $o = function ($t) {
        return (isset($t->class) ? htmlspecialchars($t->class) . "->" : NULL) . htmlspecialchars($t->function) . '()';
    $f = function ($t) {
        return isset($t->file) ? '(' . Helpers::editorLink($t->file, $t->line) . ')' : NULL;
    $trace = debug_backtrace();
    $target = (object) $trace[$level];
    $caller = (object) $trace[$level + 1];
    $message = NULL;
    if ($fullTrace) {
        foreach ($trace as $call) {
            $message .= $o((object) $call) . " \n";
    } else {
        $message = $o($target) . " called from " . $o($caller) . $f($caller);
    if ($return) {
        return strip_tags($message);
    echo "<pre class='nette-dump'>" . nl2br($message) . "</pre>";
コード例 #3
ファイル: OutputDebugger.php プロジェクト: pdostal/nette-blog
 private function renderHtml()
     $res = '<style>code, pre {white-space:nowrap} a {text-decoration:none} pre {color:gray;display:inline} big {color:red}</style><code>';
     foreach ($this->list as $item) {
         $res .= Helpers::editorLink($item[0], $item[1]) . ' ' . str_replace(self::BOM, '<big>BOM</big>', Dumper::toHtml($item[2])) . "<br>\n";
     return $res . '</code>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: RoutingPanel.php プロジェクト: bazo/Tatami
 public static function initialize(Nette\Application\Application $application, Nette\Http\IRequest $httpRequest)
     Debugger::$bar->addPanel(new self($application->getRouter(), $httpRequest));
     Debugger::$blueScreen->addPanel(function ($e) use($application) {
         if ($e === NULL) {
             return array('tab' => 'Nette Application', 'panel' => '<h3>Requests</h3>' . Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($application->getRequests()) . '<h3>Presenter</h3>' . Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($application->getPresenter()));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Panel.php プロジェクト: bauer01/fake-login
 public function getPanel()
     $template = parent::getTemplate();
     $template->setFile(__DIR__ . '/templates/panel.latte');
     $template->identity = $this->identity;
     $template->user = $this->user;
     $template->dumper = function ($variable, $collapsed = false) {
         if (class_exists('Nette\\Diagnostics\\Dumper')) {
             return Dumper::toHtml($variable, [Dumper::COLLAPSE => $collapsed]);
         // Nette 2.0 back compatibility
         return \Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($variable, $collapsed);
     if ($this->parent) {
     return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #6
ファイル: BlueScreen.php プロジェクト: kravco/nette
  * Returns syntax highlighted source code.
  * @param  string
  * @param  int
  * @param  int
  * @return string
 public static function highlightPhp($source, $line, $lines = 15, $vars = array())
     if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
         ini_set('highlight.comment', '#998; font-style: italic');
         ini_set('highlight.default', '#000');
         ini_set('highlight.html', '#06B');
         ini_set('highlight.keyword', '#D24; font-weight: bold');
         ini_set('highlight.string', '#080');
     $source = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $source);
     $source = explode("\n", highlight_string($source, TRUE));
     $spans = 1;
     $out = $source[0];
     // <code><span color=highlight.html>
     $source = explode('<br />', $source[1]);
     array_unshift($source, NULL);
     $start = $i = max(1, $line - floor($lines * 2 / 3));
     while (--$i >= 1) {
         // find last highlighted block
         if (preg_match('#.*(</?span[^>]*>)#', $source[$i], $m)) {
             if ($m[1] !== '</span>') {
                 $out .= $m[1];
     $source = array_slice($source, $start, $lines, TRUE);
     $numWidth = strlen((string) key($source));
     foreach ($source as $n => $s) {
         $spans += substr_count($s, '<span') - substr_count($s, '</span');
         $s = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), $s);
         preg_match_all('#<[^>]+>#', $s, $tags);
         if ($n == $line) {
             $out .= sprintf("<span class='highlight'>%{$numWidth}s:    %s\n</span>%s", $n, strip_tags($s), implode('', $tags[0]));
         } else {
             $out .= sprintf("<span class='line'>%{$numWidth}s:</span>    %s\n", $n, $s);
     $out .= str_repeat('</span>', $spans) . '</code>';
     $out = preg_replace_callback('#">\\$(\\w+)(&nbsp;)?</span>#', function ($m) use($vars) {
         return isset($vars[$m[1]]) ? '" title="' . str_replace('"', '&quot;', strip_tags(Helpers::htmlDump($vars[$m[1]]))) . $m[0] : $m[0];
     }, $out);
     return "<pre><div>{$out}</div></pre>";
コード例 #7
ファイル: ConnectionPanel.php プロジェクト: hleumas/databaza
    public function getPanel()
        $this->disabled = TRUE;
        $s = '';
        $h = 'htmlSpecialChars';
        foreach ($this->queries as $i => $query) {
            list($sql, $params, $time, $rows, $connection, $source) = $query;
            $explain = NULL;
            // EXPLAIN is called here to work SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
            if ($this->explain && preg_match('#\\s*SELECT\\s#iA', $sql)) {
                try {
                    $explain = $connection->queryArgs('EXPLAIN ' . $sql, $params)->fetchAll();
                } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            $s .= '<tr><td>' . sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);
            if ($explain) {
                static $counter;
                $s .= "<br /><a href='#' class='nette-toggler' rel='#nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}'>explain&nbsp;&#x25ba;</a>";
            $s .= '</td><td class="nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql">' . Connection::highlightSql(Nette\Utils\Strings::truncate($sql, self::$maxLength));
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<table id='nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
                foreach ($explain[0] as $col => $foo) {
                    $s .= "<th>{$h($col)}</th>";
                $s .= "</tr>";
                foreach ($explain as $row) {
                    $s .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $s .= "<td>{$h($col)}</td>";
                    $s .= "</tr>";
                $s .= "</table>";
            if ($source) {
                $s .= Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::editorLink($source[0], $source[1])->class('nette-DbConnectionPanel-source');
            $s .= '</td><td>';
            foreach ($params as $param) {
                $s .= Debugger::dump($param, TRUE);
            $s .= '</td><td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
        return empty($this->queries) ? '' : '<style> #nette-debug td.nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql { background: white !important }
			#nette-debug .nette-DbConnectionPanel-source { color: #BBB !important }
			#nette-debug nette-DbConnectionPanel tr table { margin: 8px 0; max-height: 150px; overflow:auto } </style>
			<h1>Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ($this->totalTime ? ', time: ' . sprintf('%0.3f', $this->totalTime * 1000) . ' ms' : '') . '</h1>
			<div class="nette-inner nette-DbConnectionPanel">
				<tr><th>Time&nbsp;ms</th><th>SQL Statement</th><th>Params</th><th>Rows</th></tr>' . $s . '
コード例 #8
ファイル: Debugger.php プロジェクト: cujan/atlashornin
  * Handler to catch warnings and notices.
  * @param  int    level of the error raised
  * @param  string error message
  * @param  string file that the error was raised in
  * @param  int    line number the error was raised at
  * @param  array  an array of variables that existed in the scope the error was triggered in
  * @return bool   FALSE to call normal error handler, NULL otherwise
  * @throws ErrorException
  * @internal
 public static function _errorHandler($severity, $message, $file, $line, $context)
     if (self::$scream) {
         error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     if (self::$lastError !== FALSE && ($severity & error_reporting()) === $severity) {
         // tryError mode
         self::$lastError = new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
         return NULL;
     if ($severity === E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR || $severity === E_USER_ERROR) {
         if (Helpers::findTrace(debug_backtrace(PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50306 ? DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS : FALSE), '*::__toString')) {
             $previous = isset($context['e']) && $context['e'] instanceof \Exception ? $context['e'] : NULL;
             $e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line, $previous);
             $e->context = $context;
         $e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
         $e->context = $context;
         throw $e;
     } elseif (($severity & error_reporting()) !== $severity) {
         return FALSE;
         // calls normal error handler to fill-in error_get_last()
     } elseif (!self::$productionMode && (is_bool(self::$strictMode) ? self::$strictMode : (self::$strictMode & $severity) === $severity)) {
         $e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
         $e->context = $context;
     $message = 'PHP ' . (isset(self::$errorTypes[$severity]) ? self::$errorTypes[$severity] : 'Unknown error') . ": {$message}";
     $count =& self::getBar()->getPanel(__CLASS__ . ':errors')->data["{$file}|{$line}|{$message}"];
     if ($count++) {
         // repeated error
         return NULL;
     } elseif (self::$productionMode) {
         self::log("{$message} in {$file}:{$line}", self::ERROR);
         return NULL;
     } else {
         self::fireLog(new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line));
         return self::isHtmlMode() ? NULL : FALSE;
         // FALSE calls normal error handler
コード例 #9
ファイル: RoutingPanel.php プロジェクト: svobodni/web
 public static function initializePanel(Nette\Application\Application $application)
     Debugger::$blueScreen->addPanel(function ($e) use($application) {
         return $e ? NULL : array('tab' => 'Nette Application', 'panel' => '<h3>Requests</h3>' . Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($application->getRequests()) . '<h3>Presenter</h3>' . Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($application->getPresenter()));
コード例 #10
ファイル: nette.min.php プロジェクト: rotten77/xcv
        function getPanel()
<style class="nette-debug">#nette-debug .nette-UserPanel pre{background:#FDF5CE;padding:.4em .7em;border:1px dotted silver;overflow:auto}</style>

<div class="nette-UserPanel">
            if ($this->user->isLoggedIn()) {
Logged in<?php 
            } else {

            if ($this->user->getIdentity()) {
                echo Helpers::clickableDump($this->user->getIdentity());
            } else {
<p>no identity</p><?php 
            return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #11
        function getPanel()
            $data = $this->data;
            if ($this->id === 'dumps') {
<style>#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel h2{font:11pt/1.5 sans-serif;margin:0;padding:2px 8px;background:#3484d2;color:white}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel table{width:100%}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel a{color:#333;background:transparent}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel a abbr{font-family:sans-serif;color:#999}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel pre .php-array,#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel pre .php-object{color:#c16549}</style>

<h1>Dumped variables</h1>

<div class="nette-inner nette-DumpPanel">
                foreach ($data as $item) {
                    if ($item['title']) {
                        echo htmlspecialchars($item['title']);

                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ($item['dump'] as $key => $dump) {
	<tr class="<?php 
                        echo $i++ % 2 ? 'nette-alt' : '';
                        echo htmlspecialchars($key);
                        echo $dump;
            } elseif ($this->id === 'errors') {

<div class="nette-inner">
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($data as $item => $count) {
                    list($message, $file, $line) = explode('|', $item);
<tr class="<?php 
                    echo $i++ % 2 ? 'nette-alt' : '';
	<td class="nette-right"><?php 
                    echo $count ? "{$count}×" : '';
                    echo htmlspecialchars($message), ' in ', Helpers::editorLink($file, $line), ':', $line;
            return ob_get_clean();
コード例 #12
ファイル: ConnectionPanel.php プロジェクト: janmarek/doctrine
  * @param array
  * @return string
 protected function processQuery(array $query)
     $s = '<tr>';
     $s .= '<td>' . sprintf('%0.3f', $query[self::TIME] * 1000);
     if ($this->doExplains && isset($query[self::EXPLAIN])) {
         static $counter;
         $s .= "<br /><a href='#' class='nette-toggler' rel='#nette-Doctrine2Panel-row-{$counter}'>explain&nbsp;&#x25ba;</a>";
     $s .= '</td>';
     $s .= '<td class="nette-Doctrine2Panel-sql" style="min-width: 400px">' . Helpers::dumpSql($query[self::SQL]);
     if ($this->doExplains && isset($query[self::EXPLAIN])) {
         $s .= "<table id='nette-Doctrine2Panel-row-{$counter}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
         foreach ($query[self::EXPLAIN][0] as $col => $foo) {
             $s .= '<th>' . htmlSpecialChars($col) . '</th>';
         $s .= '</tr>';
         foreach ($query[self::EXPLAIN] as $row) {
             $s .= '<tr>';
             foreach ($row as $col) {
                 $s .= '<td>' . htmlSpecialChars($col) . '</td>';
             $s .= '</tr>';
         $s .= '</table>';
     $s .= '</td>';
     $s .= '<td>' . \Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($query[self::PARAMS], TRUE) . '</td>';
     $s .= '</tr>';
     return $s;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Extension.php プロジェクト: bauer01/unimapper-nette
 public static function dump($variable, $collapsed = false)
     if (class_exists('Nette\\Diagnostics\\Dumper')) {
         return \Nette\Diagnostics\Dumper::toHtml($variable, [\Nette\Diagnostics\Dumper::COLLAPSE => $collapsed]);
     // Nette 2.0 back compatibility
     return \Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($variable, $collapsed);
コード例 #14
ファイル: ConnectionPanel.php プロジェクト: icaine/flunorette
    public function getPanel()
        $this->disabled = TRUE;
        $s = '';
        $h = 'htmlSpecialChars';
        $counts = array();
        $transactionTime = null;
        foreach ($this->queries as $i => $query) {
            list($sql, $params, $time, $rows, $connection, $source) = $query;
            $command = '';
            if (preg_match('#^\\s*(\\w+)#', $sql, $m)) {
                $command = strtoupper($m[1]);
            if ($sql == 'TRANSACTION BEGIN') {
                $transactionTime = 0;
            } elseif (preg_match('#TRANSACTION (COMMIT|ROLLBACK)#', $sql)) {
                $time = $transactionTime;
                $transactionTime = null;
            } elseif ($transactionTime !== null) {
                $transactionTime += $time;
            foreach ((array) $params as $param) {
                if (!is_numeric($param)) {
                    $param = str_replace("'", "\\'", $param);
                $sql = preg_replace('#\\?#', "'{$param}'", $sql, 1);
            $explain = NULL;
            // EXPLAIN is called here to work SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
            if ($this->explain && preg_match('#\\s*\\(?\\s*SELECT\\s#iA', $sql)) {
                try {
                    $cmd = is_string($this->explain) ? $this->explain : 'EXPLAIN';
                    $explain = $connection->queryArgs("{$cmd} {$sql}", $params)->fetchAll();
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $s .= "<tr class='nette-DbConnectionPanel-type-{$command}'><td>" . sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);
            if ($explain) {
                static $counter;
                $s .= "<br /><a href='#' class='nette-toggle-collapsed' data-ref='#nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}'>explain&nbsp;</a>";
            $s .= '</td><td class="nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql">' . Helpers::dumpSql(self::$maxLength ? Nette\Utils\Strings::truncate($sql, self::$maxLength) : $sql);
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<table id='nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
                foreach ($explain[0] as $col => $foo) {
                    $s .= "<th>{$h($col)}</th>";
                $s .= "</tr>";
                foreach ($explain as $row) {
                    $s .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $s .= "<td>{$h($col)}</td>";
                    $s .= "</tr>";
                $s .= "</table>";
            if ($source) {
                $s .= Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::editorLink($source[0], $source[1])->class('nette-DbConnectionPanel-source');
            $s .= '</td>';
            $s .= '<td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
        $c = '';
        foreach ($counts as $command => $count) {
            $c .= "<tr><th>{$command}</th><td>{$count}</td><td><input type='checkbox' class='nette-DbConnectionPanel-type-switcher' name='{$command}' id='nette-DbConnectionPanel-type-{$command}' checked='checked' /></td></tr>";
        return empty($this->queries) ? '' : '<style> #nette-debug td.nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql { background: white !important }
			#nette-debug .nette-DbConnectionPanel-source { color: #BBB !important } </style>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				(function() {
					var FW = typeof Tracy !== "undefined" ? Tracy : Nette;
					var $ = typeof FW.Q !== "undefined" ? FW.Q.factory : FW.Query.factory;
					$(".nette-DbConnectionPanel-type-switcher").bind("click", function(e) {
						var name = this.name;
						if (this.checked) {
							$(".nette-DbConnectionPanel-type-" + name).show();
						} else {
							$(".nette-DbConnectionPanel-type-" + name).hide();
			<h1>Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ($this->totalTime ? ', time: ' . sprintf('%0.3f', $this->totalTime * 1000) . ' ms' : '') . '</h1>
			<div class="nette-inner nette-DbConnectionPanel">
				<tr><th>Type</th><th>Count</th><th>Filter</th></tr>' . $c . '
			<br />
				<tr><th>Time&nbsp;ms</th><th>SQL Statement</th><th>Rows</th></tr>' . $s . '
コード例 #15
ファイル: RequestsPanel.php プロジェクト: jasir/RequestsPanel
  * @param $presenter Presenter
  * @param $response PresenterResponse
  * @internal
 public function onShutdown($presenter, $response)
     $this->response = $response;
     $application = Environment::getApplication();
     $presenter = $application->getPresenter();
     $request = $presenter->getRequest();
     $httpRequest = Environment::getHttpRequest();
     $entry = array();
     if ($signal = $presenter->getSignal()) {
         $receiver = empty($signal[0]) ? $presenter->name : $signal[0];
         $signal = $receiver . " :: " . $signal[1];
     if ($response !== NULL) {
         $rInfo = get_class($response);
         if ($response->getReflection()->hasMethod('getCode')) {
             $rInfo .= ' (' . $response->code . ')';
     $entry['info']['presenter'] = $presenter->backlink();
     $entry['info']['response'] = $response === NULL ? 'NO RESPONSE' : $rInfo;
     $entry['info']['uri'] = $httpRequest->getUrl();
     $entry['info']['uriPath'] = $httpRequest->getUrl()->path;
     $entry['info']['request'] = $request->getMethod();
     $entry['info']['signal'] = $signal;
     $entry['info']['time'] = number_format((microtime(TRUE) - Debugger::$time) * 1000, 1, '.', ' ');
     $entry['dumps']['HttpRequest'] = Helpers::clickableDump($httpRequest);
     $entry['dumps']['PresenterRequest'] = Helpers::clickableDump($request);
     $entry['dumps']['Presenter'] = Helpers::clickableDump($presenter);
     $entry['dumps']['PresenterResponse'] = Helpers::clickableDump($response);
     foreach (self::$dumps as $key => $dump) {
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
             $entry['dumps'][] = $dump;
         } else {
             $entry['dumps'][$key] = $dump;
     $session = Environment::getSession('debug/RequestsPanel');
     if (!isset($session->logs)) {
         $session->logs = array();
     $session->logs[] = $entry;
コード例 #16
ファイル: ConnectionPanel.php プロジェクト: cujan/atlashornin
    public function getPanel()
        $this->disabled = TRUE;
        $s = '';
        foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
            list($connection, $sql, $params, $source, $time, $rows, $error) = $query;
            $explain = NULL;
            // EXPLAIN is called here to work SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
            if (!$error && $this->explain && preg_match('#\\s*\\(?\\s*SELECT\\s#iA', $sql)) {
                try {
                    $cmd = is_string($this->explain) ? $this->explain : 'EXPLAIN';
                    $explain = $connection->queryArgs("{$cmd} {$sql}", $params)->fetchAll();
                } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            $s .= '<tr><td>';
            if ($error) {
                $s .= '<span title="' . htmlSpecialChars($error, ENT_IGNORE | ENT_QUOTES) . '">ERROR</span>';
            } elseif ($time !== NULL) {
                $s .= sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);
            if ($explain) {
                static $counter;
                $s .= "<br /><a class='nette-toggle-collapsed' href='#nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}'>explain</a>";
            $s .= '</td><td class="nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql">' . Helpers::dumpSql($sql, $params);
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<table id='nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
                foreach ($explain[0] as $col => $foo) {
                    $s .= '<th>' . htmlSpecialChars($col) . '</th>';
                $s .= "</tr>";
                foreach ($explain as $row) {
                    $s .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $s .= '<td>' . htmlSpecialChars($col) . '</td>';
                    $s .= "</tr>";
                $s .= "</table>";
            if ($source) {
                $s .= Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::editorLink($source[0], $source[1])->class('nette-DbConnectionPanel-source');
            $s .= '</td><td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
        return $this->count ? '<style class="nette-debug"> #nette-debug td.nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql { background: white !important }
			#nette-debug .nette-DbConnectionPanel-source { color: #BBB !important } </style>
			<h1 title="' . htmlSpecialChars($connection->getDsn()) . '">Queries: ' . $this->count . ($this->totalTime ? ', time: ' . sprintf('%0.3f', $this->totalTime * 1000) . ' ms' : '') . ', ' . htmlSpecialChars($this->name) . '</h1>
			<div class="nette-inner nette-DbConnectionPanel">
				<tr><th>Time&nbsp;ms</th><th>SQL Query</th><th>Rows</th></tr>' . $s . '
			</table>' . (count($this->queries) < $this->count ? '<p>...and more</p>' : '') . '</div>' : '';
コード例 #17
ファイル: Panel.php プロジェクト: Hajneej/PayPalExpress
  * @param \Exception $e
  * @return array
 public static function renderException($e)
     if ($e instanceof PayPal\ErrorResponseException) {
         return array('tab' => 'PayPalRequest', 'panel' => '<p><b>Request:</b></p>' . Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($e->getData(), TRUE) . '<p><b>Response:</b></p>' . Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($e->getResponse(), TRUE));
コード例 #18
  * Dumps information about a variable in Nette Debug Bar.
  * @param  mixed  variable to dump
  * @param  string optional title
  * @return mixed  variable itself
 public static function barDump($var, $title = NULL)
     if (!self::$productionMode) {
         $dump = array();
         foreach (is_array($var) ? $var : array('' => $var) as $key => $val) {
             $dump[$key] = Helpers::clickableDump($val);
         self::$dumpPanel->data[] = array('title' => $title, 'dump' => $dump);
     return $var;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Panel.php プロジェクト: norbe/framework
	 * @param array
	 * @return string
	protected function processQuery(array $query)
		$s = '';
		$h = 'htmlSpecialChars';
		list($sql, $params, $time, $rows, $connection, $source) = $query;

		$s .= '<tr><td>' . sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);

		$s .= '</td><td class="nette-Doctrine2Panel-sql">' . Connection::highlightSql($sql);
		if ($source) {
			list($file, $line) = $source;
			if (Debugger::$editor) {
				$s .= \Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::editorLink($file, $line);
			} else {
				$s .= "<span class='nette-Doctrine2Panel-source' title='{$h($file)}:$line'>"
					. $h(basename(dirname($file)) . '/' . basename($file)) . ":" . $line . "</span>";

		$s .= '</td><td>';
		$s .= \Nette\Diagnostics\Helpers::clickableDump($params, TRUE);
		$s .= '</td><td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
		return $s;