コード例 #1

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 as AnetAPI;
use net\authorize\api\controller as AnetController;
define("AUTHORIZENET_LOG_FILE", "phplog");
// Common setup for API credentials
$merchantAuthentication = new AnetAPI\MerchantAuthenticationType();
$refId = 'ref' . time();
//Set profile ids of profile to be updated
$request = new AnetAPI\UpdateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest();
$controller = new AnetController\GetCustomerProfileController($request);
// We're updating the billing address but everything has to be passed in an update
// For card information you can pass exactly what comes back from an GetCustomerPaymentProfile
// if you don't need to update that info
$creditCard = new AnetAPI\CreditCardType();
$paymentCreditCard = new AnetAPI\PaymentType();
// Create the Bill To info for new payment type
$billto = new AnetAPI\CustomerAddressType();
$billto->setFirstName("Mrs Mary");
$billto->setAddress("1 New St.");
$billto->setCity("Brand New City");
コード例 #2
$billto->setCompany("My company");
$billto->setAddress("588 Willis Ct");
// Create a new Customer Payment Profile
$paymentprofile = new AnetAPI\CustomerPaymentProfileExType();
$paymentprofiles[] = $paymentprofile;
// Submit a UpdatePaymentProfileRequest to update an existing create a new Customer Payment Profile
$paymentprofilerequest = new AnetAPI\UpdateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest();
$controller = new AnetController\UpdateCustomerPaymentProfileController($request);
$response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment::SANDBOX);
if ($response != null && $response->getMessages()->getResultCode() == "Ok") {
    echo "Update Customer Payment Profile SUCCESS: " . "\n";
    $retrievedcustomerprofile = $response->getProfile();
} else {
    echo "Update Customer Payment Profile: ERROR Invalid response\n";
    echo "Response : " . $response->getMessages()->getMessage()[0]->getCode() . "  " . $response->getMessages()->getMessage()[0]->getText() . "\n";