コード例 #1
ファイル: TableMigration.php プロジェクト: natronite/caribou
 private function drop(array $array1, array $array2, $tableName, $dropType)
     //$drop = $this->arrayDiffNamed($array1, $array2);
     $drop = $this->arrayDiffSql($array1, $array2);
     if (!empty($drop)) {
         // Prepare sql statement
         $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $tableName . "`\n\t";
         /** @var Descriptor $d */
         $statements = [];
         foreach ($drop as $d) {
             $statements[] = "DROP {$dropType} `" . $d->getName() . "`";
         $query .= implode(",\n\t", $statements);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Caribou.php プロジェクト: natronite/caribou
 public function run(array &$output = null)
     if (isset($output)) {
         $output[] = "Running Caribou MySQL migration";
     //create db_migration table if it doesn't exist
     $result = Connection::query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `db_migration`\n          ( `db_migration_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `from` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL ,\n          `to` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL , `status` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ,\n          `timestamp_created` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , `timestamp_edited` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL ,\n          PRIMARY KEY (`db_migration_id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin");
     if ($result === false) {
         return $this->exit("Couldn't create db migration table.", $output);
     //get current version of the database
     $result = Connection::query("SELECT * FROM `db_migration` WHERE 1 ORDER BY `db_migration_id` DESC LIMIT 1");
     if ($result->num_rows == 0) {
         $currentVersion = '0.0.0';
     } else {
         $lastMigration = $result->fetch_assoc();
         $currentVersion = $lastMigration['to'];
         if ($lastMigration['status'] !== 'migrated') {
             return $this->exit("The last db_migration isn't finished migrating!", $output);
     if (!is_dir($this->migrationsDir)) {
         $message = "MigrationsDir is not a directory: " . var_export($this->migrationsDir, true);
         return $this->exit($message, $output);
     // apply migrations one after the other
     $content = scandir($this->migrationsDir, SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING);
     $from = $currentVersion;
     $to = current(array_slice($content, -1));
     if ($from === $to) {
         return $this->exit("Nothing to migrate", $output);
     //insert current db migration into db_migration table within the database
     $result = Connection::query("INSERT INTO `db_migration`(`from`, `to`, `status`)\n        VALUES ('" . $from . "', '" . $to . "', 'migrating')");
     if ($result === false) {
         return $this->exit("Couldn't insert db migration into db_migration table", $output);
     $dbMigrationId = Connection::getInsertId();
     //cycle trough migrating and migrate database.
     $version = $currentVersion;
     foreach ($content as $c) {
         $versionDir = $this->migrationsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $c;
         if (is_dir($versionDir) && $c != "." && $c != ".." && strnatcmp($currentVersion, $c) < 0) {
             if (isset($output)) {
                 if ($version != "") {
                     $output[] = "{$version} -> {$c}";
                     echo "{$version} -> {$c}\n";
                 } else {
                     echo "{$c}\n";
                     $output[] = "{$c}";
             $migration = new Migration($c);
             $version = $c;
     if (isset($output)) {
         $m = "Migrated";
         $m .= " from " . $from;
         $m .= " to {$to}";
         $output[] = $m;
     //update status to migrated
     $result = Connection::query("UPDATE `db_migration`\n          SET `status` = 'migrated', `timestamp_edited` = now() WHERE `db_migration_id` = '" . $dbMigrationId . "'");
     if ($result === false) {
         return $this->exit("Couldn't update db_migration entry", $output);