コード例 #1
  * Assertion that tier prices are displayed correctly
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, Browser $browser, FixtureInterface $product)
     // TODO fix initialization url for frontend page
     //Open product view page
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     //Process assertions
     $this->assertPrice($product, $catalogProductView);
コード例 #2
  * Assert that displayed product data on product page(front-end) equals passed from fixture:
  * 1. Product Name
  * 2. Price
  * 3. Special price
  * 4. SKU
  * 5. Description
  * 6. Short Description
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(Browser $browser, CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, FixtureInterface $product)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $this->product = $product;
     $this->productView = $catalogProductView->getViewBlock();
     $errors = $this->verify();
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($errors, "\nFound the following errors:\n" . implode(" \n", $errors));
コード例 #3
  * Assertion that the product is correctly displayed in cart
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     // Add product to cart
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     // Check price
     $this->assertOnShoppingCart($product, $checkoutCart);
コード例 #4
  * Assertion that tier prices are displayed correctly
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser)
     //Open product view page
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $viewBlock = $catalogProductView->getViewBlock();
     //Process assertions
     $this->assertPrice($product, $catalogProductView);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AssertProductPage.php プロジェクト: aiesh/magento2
  * Assertion that the product page is displayed correctly
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, Browser $browser, FixtureInterface $product)
     $this->product = $product;
     // TODO fix initialization url for frontend page
     //Open product view page
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $data = $this->prepareData($catalogProductView);
     $badValues = array_diff($data['onPage'], $data['fixture']);
     $errors = array_intersect_key($this->errorsMessages, array_keys($badValues));
     $errors += $this->verifySpecialPrice($catalogProductView);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($errors, PHP_EOL . 'Found the following errors:' . PHP_EOL . implode(' ' . PHP_EOL, $this->errorsMessages));
  * Assertion that commodity options are displayed correctly
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $actualPrice = null;
     if ($this->isPrice) {
         $prices = $catalogProductView->getViewBlock()->getPriceBlock()->getPrice();
         $actualPrice = isset($prices['price_special_price']) ? $prices['price_special_price'] : $prices['price_regular_price'];
     $fixtureCustomOptions = $this->prepareOptions($product, $actualPrice);
     $formCustomOptions = $catalogProductView->getViewBlock()->getOptions($product)['custom_options'];
     $error = $this->verifyData($fixtureCustomOptions, $formCustomOptions);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($error, $error);
コード例 #7
  * Assert that product review available on product page
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param ReviewInjectable $review
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param AdminCache $cachePage
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, ReviewInjectable $review, FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser, AdminCache $cachePage)
     $errors = [];
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $reviewBlock = $catalogProductView->getCustomerReviewBlock();
     foreach ($review->getData() as $name => $value) {
         $reviewValue = $reviewBlock->getFieldValue($name);
         if ($reviewValue !== null && 0 !== strcasecmp($value, trim($reviewValue))) {
             $errors[] = '- field "' . $name . '" is not equals submitted one, error value "' . $value . '"';
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty($errors, 'The Review contains the following errors:' . PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $errors));
コード例 #8
  * Assertion that the product is correctly displayed in cart
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param CheckoutCart $checkoutCart
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser, CheckoutCart $checkoutCart)
     // Add product to cart
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $productOptions = $product->getCustomOptions();
     if ($productOptions) {
         $customOption = $catalogProductView->getCustomOptionsBlock();
         $options = $customOption->getOptions();
         $key = $productOptions[0]['title'];
     // Check price
     $this->assertOnShoppingCart($product, $checkoutCart);
コード例 #9
  * Assert that In Stock status is displayed on product page
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, Browser $browser, FixtureInterface $product)
     // TODO fix initialization url for frontend page
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(self::STOCK_AVAILABILITY, $catalogProductView->getViewBlock()->stockAvailability(), 'Control \'' . self::STOCK_AVAILABILITY . '\' is not visible.');
コード例 #10
  * Open product view page
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @return void
 protected function openProductPage(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
コード例 #11
  * Assert that displayed special price on product page equals passed from fixture
  * @param CatalogProductView $catalogProductView
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(CatalogProductView $catalogProductView, Browser $browser, FixtureInterface $product)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     //Process assertions
     $this->assertPrice($product, $catalogProductView);
  * Verify product displaying on frontend
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @return array
 protected function isNotDisplayingOnFrontendAssert(FixtureInterface $product)
     $errors = [];
     // Check the product page is not available
     // TODO fix initialization url for frontend page
     $this->browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');
     $titleBlock = $this->catalogProductView->getTitleBlock();
     if ($titleBlock->getTitle() !== self::NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) {
         $errors[] = '- the headline on the page does not match, the text should be -> "' . self::NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE . '".';
     if ($this->catalogSearchResult->getListProductBlock()->isProductVisible($product->getName())) {
         $errors[] = '- successful product search.';
     $categoryName = $product->hasData('category_ids') ? $product->getCategoryIds()[0] : $this->category->getName();
     $isProductVisible = $this->catalogCategoryView->getListProductBlock()->isProductVisible($product->getName());
     while (!$isProductVisible && $this->catalogCategoryView->getBottomToolbar()->nextPage()) {
         $isProductVisible = $this->catalogCategoryView->getListProductBlock()->isProductVisible($product->getName());
     if ($isProductVisible) {
         $errors[] = '- product with name "{$product->getName()}" is found in this category.';
     return $errors;
コード例 #13
  * Page initialization
  * @param FixtureInterface $fixture
  * @return void
 public function init(FixtureInterface $fixture)
     $this->_url = $_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $fixture->getUrlKey() . '.html';
コード例 #14
  * Open product view page
  * @param FixtureInterface $product
  * @param Browser $browser
  * @return void
 protected function openProductPage(FixtureInterface $product, Browser $browser)
     $browser->open($_ENV['app_frontend_url'] . $product->getUrlKey() . '.html');