function register() { if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { //stocke les valeurs $email = strtolower($_POST["txtMail"]); $firstName = $_POST["txtFirstName"]; $lastName = $_POST["txtLastName"]; $phone = $_POST["txtPhone"]; $pass = $_POST["txtPassword"]; $passCheck = $_POST["txtPasswordConfirm"]; if (!empty($_POST["txtMail"]) and !empty($_POST["txtFirstName"]) and !empty($_POST["txtLastName"]) and !empty($_POST["txtPhone"]) and !empty($_POST["txtPassword"])) { //modifier le numéro de téléphone afin de correspondre à la BD $phone = self::normalizePhoneNumber($phone); //vérifier si informations valides (email + pass) if (Users::getUserIdByName($email) == -1 && $pass == $passCheck) { $salt = self::generateSalt(); $crypt = crypt($pass, $salt); $userId = Users::addFamilyOwner($email, $phone, $firstName, $lastName, $crypt, $salt); $owner = $userId; $name = "Contenant principal"; $parent = null; $value = 0; $initValue = 0; $warranty = ""; $infos = ""; $summary = "Contenant de départ"; $public = 1; $quantity = 1; Objects::addObject($name, $owner, $parent, $value, $initValue, $warranty, $infos, $summary, $public, $quantity); header(CONNECTION_HEADER . '/registration'); if (isset($userId)) { $user = Users::getUser($userId); $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n"; $to = ""; $recipients = Users::getAllAdminMail(); foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $to .= $recipient . ', '; } substr($to, 0, -2); $subject = "Nouvelle demande de patrimoine"; $data = array('path' => SERVER_ABSOLUTE_PATH . "/sysadmin", 'user' => $user["UserName"], 'img' => PUBLIC_ABSOLUTE_PATH . "/assets/logo_petit.png"); $mustache = new Mustache_Engine(); mail($to, $subject, $mustache->render(file_get_contents('public/html/mailtemplateregistration.html'), $data), $headers . "From: " . SENDING_EMAIL); } } else { $data = array("SERVER_ABSOLUTE_PATH" => SERVER_ABSOLUTE_PATH, "PUBLIC_ABSOLUTE_PATH" => PUBLIC_ABSOLUTE_PATH, "Error" => true, "ErrorMSG" => Users::getUserIdByName($email) != -1 ? "Adresse courriel déjà en utilisation" : "Vous devez saisir le même mot de passe", "FirstName" => $firstName, "LastName" => $lastName, "Phone" => $phone, "Email" => $email); $this->renderTemplate(file_get_contents(REGISTRATION_PAGE), $data); } } else { $data = array("SERVER_ABSOLUTE_PATH" => SERVER_ABSOLUTE_PATH, "PUBLIC_ABSOLUTE_PATH" => PUBLIC_ABSOLUTE_PATH, "Error" => true, "ErrorMSG" => "Informations manquantes", "FirstName" => $firstName, "LastName" => $lastName, "Phone" => $phone, "Email" => $email); $this->renderTemplate(file_get_contents(REGISTRATION_PAGE), $data); } } }
function addGps() { if (isset($_POST["ObjectId"]) && isset($_POST["Location"])) { Objects::updateGPS($_POST["ObjectId"], $_POST["Location"]); } }
function moveItem() { $item = $_POST["item"]; $target = $_POST["target"]; Resources::deleteZonesFromObjets($item); Objects::updateContainer($item, $target); }
/** * Ajoute un administrateur de patrimoine * * TODO: Message d'erreur si l'opération échoue (transmis par un callback au client qui a envoyé la requête) */ function addFamilyAdmin() { if (isset($_POST["UserName"]) && isset($_POST["UserPass"]) && isset($_POST["UserInfoTel"]) && isset($_POST["UserInfoFirstName"]) && isset($_POST["UserInfoLastName"])) { if (Users::isUserExistByMail($_POST["UserName"])) { echo json_encode(array("errors" => array("L'adresse de courriel que vous avez fournie est déjà utilisé"))); } else { $salt = Registration::generateSalt(); $crypt = crypt($_POST["UserPass"], $salt); $phone = Registration::normalizePhoneNumber($_POST["UserInfoTel"]); $owner = Users::addFamilyOwner($_POST["UserName"], $phone, $_POST["UserInfoFirstName"], $_POST["UserInfoLastName"], $crypt, $salt); $name = "Contenant principal"; $parent = null; $value = 0; $initValue = 0; $warranty = ""; $infos = ""; $summary = "Contenant de départ"; $public = 1; $quantity = 1; Objects::addObject($name, $owner, $parent, $value, $initValue, $warranty, $infos, $summary, $public, $quantity); } } }