コード例 #1
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return FormAnnotationResolver self Object
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only laoded if is typeof WorkAnnotation
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationForm) {
          * Once loaded Annotation info, we just instanced Service name
         $annotationValue = $annotation->getClass();
          * Get FormType object given a service name
         $type = class_exists($annotationValue) ? new $annotationValue() : $this->formRegistry->getType($annotationValue)->getInnerType();
          * Get the parameter name. If not defined, is set as $form
         $parameterName = $annotation->getName() ?: $this->defaultName;
         $parameterClass = $this->getParameterType($method, $parameterName, 'Symfony\\Component\\Form\\FormInterface');
          * Requiring result with calling getBuiltObject(), set as request
          * attribute desired element
         $request->attributes->set($parameterName, $this->getBuiltObject($request, $this->formFactory, $annotation, $parameterClass, $type));
     return $this;
コード例 #2
  * Tests field name
  * @param string $name       Name
  * @param string $resultName Result name
  * @dataProvider dataName
 public function testName($name, $resultName)
     $this->attributes->expects($this->once())->method('set')->with($this->equalTo($resultName), $this->isInstanceOf('Mmoreram\\ControllerExtraBundle\\Tests\\FakeBundle\\Entity\\Fake'));
     $this->entityAnnotationResolver->evaluateAnnotation($this->request, $this->annotation, $this->reflectionMethod);
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return EntityAnnotationResolver self Object
  * @throws EntityNotFoundException
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only laoded if is typeof AnnotationEntity
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationObjectManager) {
          * Creating new instance of desired entity
         $entity = $this->entityProvider->provide($annotation->getClass());
         $objectManager = $this->doctrine->getManagerForClass(get_class($entity));
          * Get the parameter name. If not defined, is set as defined in
          * parameters
         $parameterName = $annotation->getName() ?: $this->defaultName;
         $request->attributes->set($parameterName, $objectManager);
     return $this;
コード例 #4
  * Tests execute setting in evaluateAnnotation method
  * @param string $defaultExecute Default execute
  * @param string $execute        Execute
  * @param string $resultExecute  Result execute
  * @dataProvider dataEvaluateAnnotationExecute
 public function testEvaluateAnnotationExecute($defaultExecute, $execute, $resultExecute)
      * @var LogAnnotationResolver $logAnnotationResolver
     $logAnnotationResolver = $this->getMockBuilder('Mmoreram\\ControllerExtraBundle\\Resolver\\LogAnnotationResolver')->disableOriginalConstructor()->setMethods(array('getDefaultExecute', 'logMessage', 'getLogger'))->getMock();
     $logger = $this->getMockBuilder('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $logAnnotationResolver->evaluateAnnotation($this->request, $this->annotation, $this->reflectionMethod);
     $this->assertEquals($logAnnotationResolver->getExecute(), $resultExecute);
コード例 #5
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * This method must be implemented in every single EventListener
  * with specific logic
  * All method code will executed only if specific active flag is true
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return AnnotationResolverInterface self Object
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only loaded if is typeof AnnotationEntity
     if ($annotation instanceof Post) {
         $param = $request->request->get($annotation->getPath(), $annotation->getDefault(), $annotation->isDeep());
         $annotationParameterName = $annotation->getName();
         $parameterName = is_null($annotationParameterName) ? $annotation->getPath() : $annotationParameterName;
         $request->attributes->set($parameterName, $param);
コード例 #6
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return LogAnnotationResolver self Object
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only laoded if is typeof AnnotationLog
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationLog) {
         $this->level = $annotation->getLevel() ? $annotation->getLevel() : $this->getDefaultLevel();
         $this->execute = $annotation->getExecute() ? $annotation->getExecute() : $this->getDefaultExecute();
         $this->mustLog = true;
         $this->value = $annotation->getValue();
          * Only logs before controller execution if EXEC_PRE or EXEC_BOTH
         if (in_array($this->getExecute(), array(AnnotationLog::EXEC_PRE, AnnotationLog::EXEC_BOTH))) {
             $this->logMessage($this->getLogger(), $this->getLevel(), $this->getValue());
     return $this;
コード例 #7
  * Specific annotation evaluation
  * All method code will executed only if specific active flag is true
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return AnnotationResolverInterface|string self Object or dql
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only loaded if is type-of AnnotationEntity
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationPaginator) {
          * Creating new instance of desired entity
         $entity = $this->entityProvider->provide($annotation->getClass());
          * We create a basic query builder
         $queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder($entity);
          * Every paginator evaluator is evaluated in this code.
          * Every evaluated is defined using a Dependency Injection tag,
          * and accumulated in a Collector.
          * This collector evaluator, evaluates each one injected previously
          * by the DI Component
         $this->paginatorEvaluatorCollector->evaluate($queryBuilder, $annotation);
         $paginator = new Paginator($queryBuilder, true);
          * Calculating limit of elements per page. Value can be evaluated
          * using as reference a Request attribute value
         $limitPerPage = (int) $this->requestParameterProvider->getParameterValue($annotation->getLimit() ?: $this->defaultLimitPerPage);
          * Calculating page to fetch. Value can be evaluated using as
          * reference a Request attribute value
         $page = (int) $this->requestParameterProvider->getParameterValue($annotation->getPage() ?: $this->defaultPage);
          * If attributes is not null, this bundle will place in the method
          * parameter named as defined a new PaginatorAttributes Value Object
          * with all needed data
         $this->evaluateAttributes($request, $annotation, $paginator, $limitPerPage, $page);
          * Calculating offset, given number per pageand page
         $offset = $limitPerPage * ($page - 1);
          * Retrieving the Paginator iterator
          * Get the parameter name. If not defined, is set as defined in
          * parameters
         $parameterName = $annotation->getName() ?: $this->defaultName;
         $parameterType = $this->getParameterType($method, $parameterName);
         $dql = $paginator->getQuery()->getDQL();
         $paginator = $this->decidePaginatorFormat($paginator, $parameterType, $limitPerPage, $page);
         $request->attributes->set($parameterName, $paginator);
         return $dql;
     return $this;
コード例 #8
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return EntityAnnotationResolver self Object
  * @throws EntityNotFoundException
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only loaded if is typeof AnnotationEntity
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationEntity) {
          * Creating new instance of desired entity
         $entity = $this->entityProvider->provide($annotation->getClass());
          * Tries to get a mapped instance of this entity.
          * If not mapped, just return old new created
         $entity = $this->evaluateMapping($annotation, $entity);
          * Persists entity if defined
         $this->resolvePersist($annotation, $entity);
          * If is decided this entity has to be persisted into manager
         $this->evaluateSetters($request->attributes, $entity, $annotation->getSetters());
          * Get the parameter name. If not defined, is set as defined in
          * parameters
         $parameterName = $annotation->getName() ?: $this->defaultName;
         $request->attributes->set($parameterName, $entity);
     return $this;
コード例 #9
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return FlushAnnotationResolver self Object
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only laoded if is typeof AnnotationFlush
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationFlush) {
         $managerName = $annotation->getManager() ?: $this->getDefaultManager();
          * Loading locally desired Doctrine manager
         $this->manager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager($managerName);
          * Set locally entities to flush. If null, flush all
         $this->entities = new ArrayCollection();
         $entity = $annotation->getEntity();
         $entities = is_array($entity) ? $entity : array($entity);
          * For every entity defined, we try to get it from Request Attributes
         foreach ($entities as $entityName) {
             if ($request->attributes->has($entityName)) {
                 $this->entities[] = $request->attributes->get($entityName);
          * If we have not found any entity to flush, or any has been defined.
          * In this case, flush all
         if ($this->entities->isEmpty()) {
             $this->entities = null;
          * In this case, manager must be flushed after controller logic
         $this->mustFlush = true;
     return $this;
コード例 #10
  * Specific annotation evaluation.
  * @param Request          $request    Request
  * @param Annotation       $annotation Annotation
  * @param ReflectionMethod $method     Method
  * @return JsonResponseAnnotationResolver self Object
 public function evaluateAnnotation(Request $request, Annotation $annotation, ReflectionMethod $method)
      * Annotation is only laoded if is typeof WorkAnnotation
     if ($annotation instanceof AnnotationJsonResponse) {
          * If JsonResponse annotation, set to true for future events
          * Also saves all needed info from annotation
         $this->returnJson = true;
         $this->status = $annotation->getStatus() ?: $this->getDefaultStatus();
         $this->headers = $annotation->getHeaders() ?: $this->getDefaultHeaders();
     return $this;