コード例 #1
  * Recursively generates option rows for a forum and each subforum of this forum.
  * @param \Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Forum $forum
  *                                                         The forum for which to generate the option row.
  * @param boolean                             $isRoot     TRUE, if the forum is a root category, otherwise
  *                                                         FALSE.
  * @return array               An option row for the specified forum.
 protected function getForumOptionRow(\Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Forum $forum, $isRoot = FALSE)
     $result = array('name' => $forum->getTitle(), 'uid' => $forum->getUid(), '_isRoot' => $isRoot, '_children' => array());
     foreach ($forum->getChildren() as $childForum) {
         $result['_children'][] = $this->getForumOptionRow($childForum, FALSE);
     return $result;
コード例 #2
  * Generates a data array that will be passed to the typoscript object for
  * rendering the icon.
  * @param \Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Forum $forum
  *                             The topic for which the icon is to be displayed.
  * @return array               The data array for the typoscript object.
 protected function getDataArray(\Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Forum $forum = NULL)
     if ($forum === NULL) {
         return array();
     } else {
         $user =& $this->frontendUserRepository->findCurrent();
         return array('new' => !$forum->hasBeenReadByUser($user), 'closed' => !$forum->checkNewPostAccess($user));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Forum.php プロジェクト: steffmeister/typo3-forum
  * Returns all parent forums in hiearchical order as a flat list (optionally
  * with or without this forum itself).
  * @param boolean $withSelf TRUE to include this forum into the rootline, otherwise FALSE.
  * @return array<\Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Forum>
 public function getRootline($withSelf = TRUE)
     $rootline = $this->forum === NULL ? [] : $this->forum->getRootline(TRUE);
     if ($withSelf === TRUE) {
         $rootline[] = $this;
     return $rootline;
コード例 #4
  * Mark a whole forum as read
  * @param Forum $forum
  * @throws NotLoggedInException
  * @return void
 public function markReadAction(Forum $forum)
     $user = $this->getCurrentUser();
     if ($user->isAnonymous()) {
         throw new NotLoggedInException("You need to be logged in.", 1288084981);
     $forumStorage = array();
     $forumStorage[] = $forum;
     foreach ($forum->getChildren() as $children) {
         $forumStorage[] = $children;
     foreach ($forumStorage as $checkForum) {
         /** @var Forum $checkForum */
         foreach ($checkForum->getTopics() as $topic) {
             /** @var Topic $topic */
     $this->redirect('show', 'Forum', NULL, array('forum' => $forum));
コード例 #5
  * Moves a topic from one forum to another. This method will create a shadow
  * topic in the original place that will point to the new location of the
  * topic.
  * @param Topic $topic       The topic that is to be moved.
  * @param Forum $targetForum The target forum. The topic will be moved to this location.
  * @throws InvalidClassException
 public function moveTopic(Topic $topic, Forum $targetForum)
     if ($topic instanceof ShadowTopic) {
         throw new InvalidClassException("Topic is already a shadow topic", 1288702422);
     $shadowTopic = $this->createShadowTopic($topic);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Topic.php プロジェクト: steffmeister/typo3-forum
  * Removes a Post.
  * @param Post $post The Post to be removed
  * @return void
  * @throws \Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Exception\InvalidOperationException
 public function removePost(\Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Post $post)
     if ($this->postCount === 1) {
         throw new \Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Exception\InvalidOperationException('You cannot delete the last post of a topic without deleting the topic itself (use \\Mittwald\\Typo3Forum\\Domain\\Factory\\Forum\\TopicFactory::deleteTopic for that).', 1334603895);
     if ($this->lastPost == $post) {
         $postsArray = $this->posts->toArray();
     if ($this->forum !== NULL) {
         if ($this->forum->getLastPost() === $post) {
コード例 #7
     * @param Forum $forum
     * @param FrontendUser $user
     * @return array
    public function getUnreadTopics(Forum $forum, FrontendUser $user)
        $sql = 'SELECT t.uid
			   FROM tx_typo3forum_domain_model_forum_topic AS t
			   LEFT JOIN tx_typo3forum_domain_model_user_readtopic AS rt
					   ON rt.uid_foreign = t.uid AND rt.uid_local = ' . (int) $user->getUid() . '
			   WHERE rt.uid_local IS NULL AND t.forum=' . (int) $forum->getUid();
        /** @var Query $query */
        $query = $this->createQuery();
        return $query->execute()->toArray();