static function makeHtml($notification = null) { if ($notification == null) { return ""; } $eventId = json_decode($notification->info); $changesSize = Change::find()->where(['sync_event_id' => $eventId])->count(); $pendingChangesSize = Change::find()->where(['sync_event_id' => $eventId])->andWhere(['in', 'status', [Change::STATUS_PENDING, Change::STATUS_FAILED]])->count(); $appliedChangesSize = Change::find()->where(['sync_event_id' => $eventId, 'status' => Change::STATUS_APPLIED])->count(); $changes = Change::find()->where(['sync_event_id' => $eventId])->asArray()->groupBy(['domain'])->select(['domain'])->all(); $title = Yii::t("notify", 'Topology change'); if (count($changes) > 1) { $msg = Yii::t("notify", 'The topologies of') . " <b>" . count($changes) . "</b> " . Yii::t("notify", 'domains has been updated.') . " <b>" . $appliedChangesSize . "</b> " . Yii::t("notify", 'changes were applied.') . ' ' . ($pendingChangesSize > 0 ? " <b>" . $pendingChangesSize . "</b> " . Yii::t("notify", 'are pending.') : ''); } else { if (count($changes) == 1) { $msg = Yii::t("notify", 'The') . " <b>" . $changes[0]['domain'] . "</b> " . Yii::t("notify", 'topology has been updated.') . " <b>" . $appliedChangesSize . "</b> " . Yii::t("notify", 'changes were applied.') . ' ' . ($pendingChangesSize > 0 ? " <b>" . $pendingChangesSize . "</b> " . Yii::t("notify", 'are pending.') : ''); } else { return ""; } } $date = Yii::$app->formatter->asDatetime($notification->date); $link = '/topology/change/applied?eventId=' . $eventId; $text = '<span><h1>' . $title . '</h1><h2>' . $msg . '</h2><h3>' . $date . '</h3></span>'; $html = Notification::makeHtml('topology.png', $text); if ($notification->viewed == true) { return '<li>' . Html::a($html, array($link)) . '</li>'; } return '<li class="new">' . Html::a($html, array($link)) . '</li>'; }
public function actionGetAll() { if (isset($_POST['date'])) { echo json_encode(Notification::getNotifications($_POST['date'])); } else { echo json_encode(Notification::getNotifications(null)); } }
<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2016 RNP * @license */ use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\grid\GridView; use yii\i18n\Formatter; use meican\notify\models\Notification; ?> <?php echo Html::csrfMetaTags(); ?> <?php echo GridView::widget(['options' => ['class' => 'list'], 'dataProvider' => $data, 'formatter' => new Formatter(['nullDisplay' => '']), 'id' => 'gridRequest', 'layout' => "{items}{pager}", 'rowOptions' => function ($model, $key, $index, $grid) { }, 'columns' => array(['format' => 'raw', 'value' => function ($noti) { return Notification::makeHtmlNotificationAuth($noti); }])]); ?>
static function clearAuthorizations($userId) { //Limpa as notificações de autorização que ja foram respondidas $notAuth = Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $userId, 'type' => Notification::TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, 'viewed' => false])->all(); foreach ($notAuth as $not) { //Confere todas notificações do tipo autorização $auth = ConnectionAuth::findOne($not->info); if ($auth) { $connection = Connection::findOne($auth->connection_id); if ($connection) { $connections = Connection::find()->where(['reservation_id' => $connection->reservation_id])->all(); $answered = true; foreach ($connections as $conn) { //Confere todas conexões da reserva conferindo se alguma ainda esta pendente $auths = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['domain' => $auth->domain, 'connection_id' => $conn->id])->all(); foreach ($auths as $a) { //Confere as autorizaçòes daquela conexão if ($a->type != ConnectionAuth::TYPE_WORKFLOW && $a->status == Connection::AUTH_STATUS_PENDING) { $answered = false; break; } } if ($answered == false) { break; } } if ($answered) { //Se ja foi respondida modifica notificação para visualizada $not->viewed = true; $not->save(); } } } } }
static function create($connection_id) { $connection = Connection::findOne($connection_id); if (!$connection) { return; } $reservation = Reservation::findOne($connection->reservation_id); if (!$reservation) { return; } if ($reservation->type == Reservation::TYPE_TEST) { return; } $user_id = $reservation->request_user_id; //Confere se já foi feita uma notificação de algum circuito desta reserva, se sim, reutiliza a mesma notificação $not = null; $notifications = Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $reservation->request_user_id, 'type' => Notification::TYPE_RESERVATION])->all(); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { if ($notification->info == $reservation->id) { $not = $notification; break; } } if ($not) { //Se já existe, atualiza e coloca nova data //Pequena maquipulação do horário para que nunca existam duas notificações com o mesmo horário $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone("UTC")); $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); while (Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $user_id, 'date' => $dateAux])->one()) { $date->modify('-1 second'); $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $not->date = $dateAux; $not->viewed = 0; $not->save(); } else { //Se for nova, cria notificação $not = new Notification(); $not->user_id = $reservation->request_user_id; //Pequena maquipulação do horário para que nunca existam duas notificações com o mesmo horário $date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone("UTC")); $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); while (Notification::find()->where(['user_id' => $user_id, 'date' => $dateAux])->one()) { $date->modify('-1 second'); $dateAux = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $not->date = $dateAux; $not->type = Notification::TYPE_RESERVATION; $not->viewed = 0; $not->info = (string) $reservation->id; $not->save(); } }
<ul id="not_body" class="dropdown-menu"> <li class="header"><?php echo Yii::t("notify", "You have {number} notifications", ['number' => Notification::getNumberNotifications()]); ?> </li> <li id="not_content_li"> <?php echo Html::img('@web' . '/images/ajax-loader.gif', ['id' => "not_loader", 'style' => 'padding: 10px;']); ?> <!-- Inner Menu: contains the notifications --> <ul id="not_content" class="menu"> </ul> </li> <!-- <li class="footer"><a href="#">View All</a></li> --> <li class="footer"><?php echo Html::a(Yii::t("notify", "View Authorizations") . " (<span id='authN'>" . Notification::getNumberAuthorizations() . "</span>)", array('/circuits/authorization/index')); ?> </li> </ul> </li> <?php } ?> <li><?php echo Html::a(Yii::t("home", "About"), array('/home/support/about')); ?> </li> <li><?php echo Html::a(Yii::t("home", "Help"), array('/home/support/help')); ?>
static function deleteNotificationsGroup($user_id, $group, $domain) { $user = User::findOne($user_id); if ($user && $group) { Yii::trace("Remover notificações do grupo " . $group->name . " para usuário " . $user->name); //Busca todas autorizações do grupo //Se tem domínio, procura só as relacionadas ao domínio do papel if ($domain) { $auths = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['domain' => $domain, 'type' => ConnectionAuth::TYPE_GROUP, 'manager_group_id' => $group->id])->all(); } else { $auths = ConnectionAuth::find()->where(['type' => ConnectionAuth::TYPE_GROUP, 'manager_group_id' => $group->id])->all(); } //Passa por todas deletando uma notificação foreach ($auths as $auth) { $notification = Notification::findOne(['user_id' => $user_id, 'type' => Notification::TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, 'info' => $auth->id]); if ($notification) { $notification->delete(); } } } }
/** * CREATE TOPOLOGY NOTIFICAION * @param string $msg (A tag no caso) * @param string $date * Cria notificação de mudança na topologia. VERSÃO BETA */ public static function createTopologyNotification($msg, $date = null) { $users = User::find()->all(); foreach ($users as $user) { $not = Notification::findOne(['user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => self::TYPE_TOPOLOGY, 'info' => $msg]); if ($not) { //Pode receber uma data por parametro, neste caso, utiliza essa data como a data da criação da notificação if ($date) { $not->date = $date; } else { $not->date = DateUtils::now(); } $not->viewed = 0; $not->save(); } else { $not = new Notification(); $not->user_id = $user->id; //Pode receber uma data por parametro, neste caso, utiliza essa data como a data da criação da notificação if ($date) { $not->date = $date; } else { $not->date = DateUtils::now(); } $not->type = self::TYPE_TOPOLOGY; $not->viewed = 0; $not->info = $msg; $not->save(); } } }