コード例 #1
  * Gets a template file content
  * @param string $template_path
  * @return mixed|string
  * @throws \MarkdownExtended\Exception\FileSystemException if the template can not be found or is not readable
 public function getTemplate($template_path)
     if (true === $template_path) {
         $template_path = Kernel::getConfig('output_format_options.' . Kernel::getConfig('output_format') . '.default_template');
         if (empty($template_path)) {
             return Kernel::getConfig('template_options.inline_template');
     if (!file_exists($template_path)) {
         $local_path = Kernel::getResourcePath($template_path, Kernel::RESOURCE_TEMPLATE);
         if (empty($local_path) || !file_exists($local_path)) {
             throw new FileSystemException(sprintf('Template "%s" not found', $template_path));
         $template_path = $local_path;
     if (!$this->cache->isCached($template_path)) {
         if (!is_readable($template_path)) {
             throw new FileSystemException(sprintf('Template "%s" is not readable', $template_path));
         $tpl_content = Helper::readFile($template_path);
         $this->cache->setCache($template_path, $tpl_content);
     } else {
         $tpl_content = $this->cache->getCache($template_path);
     return $tpl_content;
コード例 #2
  * Process each inclusion, errors are written as comments
  * @param   array   $matches    One set of results form the `transform()` function
  * @return  string              The result of the inclusion parsed if so
 protected function _callback($matches)
     $filename = $matches[1];
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         $base_path = Kernel::getConfig('base_path');
         if (!is_array($base_path)) {
             $base_path = array($base_path);
         foreach ($base_path as $path) {
             $file = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
             if (file_exists($file)) {
                 $filename = $file;
     $content_collection = Kernel::get('ContentCollection');
     $index = $content_collection->key();
     try {
         $parsed_content = Kernel::get('Parser')->transformSource($filename, false);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $parsed_content = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('comment', "ERROR while parsing {$filename} : '{$e->getMessage()}'");
     return $parsed_content;
コード例 #3
     * Form HTML tables.
     * Find tables with leading pipe:
     *    | Header 1 | Header 2
     *    | -------- | --------
     *    | Cell 1   | Cell 2
     *    | Cell 3   | Cell 4
     * Or without:
     *    Header 1 | Header 2
     *    -------- | --------
     *    Cell 1   | Cell 2
     *    Cell 3   | Cell 4
     * @param   string  $text
     * @return  string
    public function transform($text)
        $less_than_tab = Kernel::getConfig('less_than_tab');
        // Find tables with leading pipe.
        $text = preg_replace_callback('
                ^                                   # Start of a line
                (                                   # A caption between brackets (optional)
                    [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}
                    \\[.*?\\][ \\t]*\\n
                [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}           # Allowed whitespace.
                        [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}   # Allowed whitespace.
                        [|]                         # Optional leading pipe (present)
                        .* [|] .* \\n
                )                                   # $1: Header rows (at least one pipe)

                [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}           # Allowed whitespace.
                [|] ([ ]*[-:]+[-| :]*) \\n           # $2: Header underline

                (                                   # $3: Cells
                        [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}   # Allowed whitespace.
                        [|] .* \\n                   # Row content
                (?=\\n|\\Z)                           # Stop at final double newline.
            }xm', array($this, '_callback'), $text);
        // Find tables without leading pipe.
        $text = preg_replace_callback('
                ^                                   # Start of a line
                (                                   # A caption between brackets (optional)
                    [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}
                    \\[.*?\\][ \\t]*\\n
                [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}           # Allowed whitespace.
                        [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}   # Allowed whitespace.
                        \\S .* [|] .* \\n
                )                                   # $1: Header rows (at least one pipe)

                ^[ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}          # Allowed whitespace at the beginning
                ([-:]+[ ]*[|][-| :]*) \\n            # $2: Header underline

                (                                   # $3: Cells
                        [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}   # Allowed whitespace.
                         .* [|] .* \\n               # Row content
                (?=\\n|\\Z)                           # Stop at final double newline.
            }xm', array($this, '_callback'), $text);
        return $text;
コード例 #4
  * Gets a gamuts' array by name
  * @param string $name
  * @return null|array
  * @throws \MarkdownExtended\Exception\UnexpectedValueException if `$name` seems malformed or can not be found
 public function getGamutStack($name)
     if (!$this->isGamutStackName($name)) {
         throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('A gamut stack name must follow a form like "%%_gamut", "%s" given', $name));
     $stack = Kernel::getConfig($name);
     if (empty($stack)) {
         throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Unknown gamut stack "%s"', $name));
     return $stack;
コード例 #5
  *  Process Markdown `<pre><code>` blocks.
  * @param   string  $text
  * @return  string
 public function transform($text)
     return preg_replace_callback('{
             (                                                     # $1 = the code block -- one or more lines, starting with a space/tab
                 [ ]{' . Kernel::getConfig('tab_width') . '} # Lines must start with a tab or a tab-width of spaces
             ((?=^[ ]{0,' . Kernel::getConfig('tab_width') . '}\\S)|\\Z) # Lookahead for non-space at line-start, or end of doc
         }xm', array($this, '_callback'), $text);
コード例 #6
  * Form HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.
  * @param   string  $text
  * @return  string
 public function transform($text)
     $markers_relist = array(self::$marker_ul_re => self::$marker_ol_re, self::$marker_ol_re => self::$marker_ul_re);
     foreach ($markers_relist as $marker_re => $other_marker_re) {
         // Re-usable pattern to match any entirel ul or ol list:
         $whole_list_re = '
             (                                   # $1 = whole list
               (                                 # $2
                 ([ ]{0,' . Kernel::getConfig('less_than_tab') . '})   # $3 = number of spaces
                 (' . $marker_re . ')                # $4 = first list item marker
                 [ ]+
               (                                 # $5
                   (?!                           # Negative lookahead for another list item marker
                     [ ]*
                     ' . $marker_re . '[ ]+
                   (?=                           # Lookahead for another kind of list
                     \\3                          # Must have the same indentation
                     ' . $other_marker_re . '[ ]+
         // mx
         // We use a different prefix before nested lists than top-level lists.
         // See extended comment in `self::transformItems()`.
         if (self::$list_level) {
             $text = preg_replace_callback('{
                     ' . $whole_list_re . '
                 }mx', array($this, '_callback'), $text);
         } else {
             $text = preg_replace_callback('{
                     (?:(?<=\\n)\\n|\\A\\n?) # Must eat the newline
                     ' . $whole_list_re . '
                 }mx', array($this, '_callback'), $text);
     return $text;
コード例 #7
  * Take the string $str and parse it into tokens, hashing embedded HTML,
  * escaped characters and handling code and maths spans.
  * @param   string  $str
  * @return  string
 public function transform($str)
     $output = '';
     $span_re = '{
                 \\\\' . Kernel::getConfig('escaped_characters_re') . '
                 `+                        # code span marker
                 \\ \\(                     # inline math
         ' . (Kernel::getConfig('no_markup') === true ? '' : '
                 <!--    .*?     -->       # comment
                 <\\?.*?\\?> | <%.*?%>       # processing instruction
                 <[/!$]?[-a-zA-Z0-9:_]+    # regular tags
         ') . '
     while (1) {
         // Each loop iteration search for either the next tag, the next
         // opening code span marker, or the next escaped character.
         // Each token is then passed to handleSpanToken.
         $parts = preg_split($span_re, $str, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         // Create token from text preceding tag.
         if ($parts[0] !== '') {
             $output .= $parts[0];
         // Check if we reach the end.
         if (isset($parts[1])) {
             $output .= self::handleSpanToken($parts[1], $parts[2]);
             $str = $parts[2];
         } else {
     return $output;
コード例 #8
  * Process tabs replacement
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `detab()` function
  * @return  string              The line rebuilt
 protected function _callback($matches)
     $line = $matches[0];
     $strlen = $this->utf8_strlen;
     // strlen function for UTF-8.
     // Split in blocks.
     $blocks = explode("\t", $line);
     // Add each blocks to the line.
     $line = $blocks[0];
     // Do not add first block twice.
     foreach ($blocks as $block) {
         // Calculate amount of space, insert spaces, insert block.
         $amount = Kernel::getConfig('tab_width') - $strlen($line, 'UTF-8') % Kernel::getConfig('tab_width');
         $line .= str_repeat(" ", $amount) . $block;
     return $line;
コード例 #9
  * Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in hash references
  * @param   string  $text
  * @return  string
  * @todo    Manage attributes (not working for now)
 public function strip($text)
     return preg_replace_callback('{
             ^[ ]{0,' . Kernel::getConfig('less_than_tab') . '}\\[(.+)\\][ ]?:   # id = $1
               [ ]*
               \\n?                   # maybe *one* newline
               [ ]*
               <(.+?)>               # url = $2
               (\\S+?)                # url = $3
               [ ]*
               \\n?                   # maybe one newline
               [ ]*
                 (?<=\\s)             # lookbehind for whitespace
                 (.*?)               # title = $4
                 [ ]*
             )?                      # title is optional
               [ ]*
               \\n?                   # maybe one newline
               [ ]*
             (?:                     # Attributes = $5
                 (?<=\\s)             # lookbehind for whitespace
                     ([ ]*\\n)?
               [ ]*
             )?                      # attributes are optional
         }xm', array($this, '_strip_callback'), $text);
コード例 #10
  * Append footnote and glossary list to text.
  * @param   array   $matches
  * @return  string
 protected function _append_callback($matches)
     $note_id = $matches[1];
     $note_num = $note_ref = null;
     // Create footnote marker only if it has a corresponding footnote *and*
     // the footnote hasn't been used by another marker.
     $node_id = Kernel::getConfig('footnote_id_prefix') . $note_id;
     $footnotes = Kernel::getConfig('footnotes');
     if (isset($footnotes[$node_id])) {
         $type_info = $this->getTypeInfo(self::FOOTNOTE_DEFAULT);
         // Transfer footnote content to the ordered list.
         self::$notes_ordered[$node_id] = $footnotes[$node_id];
         $note_num = array_key_exists($node_id, self::$written_notes) ? self::$written_notes[$node_id] : self::$footnote_counter++;
         $note_ref = $node_id;
     // Create glossary marker only if it has a corresponding note *and*
     // the glossary hasn't been used by another marker.
     $glossary_node_id = Kernel::getConfig('glossarynote_id_prefix') . $note_id;
     $glossaries = Kernel::getConfig('glossaries');
     if (isset($glossaries[$glossary_node_id])) {
         $type_info = $this->getTypeInfo(self::FOOTNOTE_GLOSSARY);
         // Transfer footnote content to the ordered list.
         self::$notes_ordered[$glossary_node_id] = $glossaries[$glossary_node_id];
         $note_num = array_key_exists($note_id, self::$written_notes) ? self::$written_notes[$note_id] : self::$footnote_counter++;
         $note_ref = $glossary_node_id;
     // Create bibliography marker only if it has a corresponding note *and*
     // the glossary hasn't been used by another marker.
     $bibliography_node_id = Kernel::getConfig('bibliographynote_id_prefix') . $note_id;
     $bibliographies = Kernel::getConfig('bibliographies');
     if (isset($bibliographies[$bibliography_node_id])) {
         $type_info = $this->getTypeInfo(self::FOOTNOTE_BIBLIOGRAPHY);
         // Transfer footnote content to the ordered list.
         self::$notes_ordered[$bibliography_node_id] = $bibliographies[$bibliography_node_id];
         $note_num = array_key_exists($note_id, self::$written_notes) ? self::$written_notes[$note_id] : self::$footnote_counter++;
         $note_ref = $bibliography_node_id;
     if (isset($type_info) && !empty($note_id) && !empty($note_num) && !empty($note_ref)) {
         $backlink_id = Kernel::get('DomId')->get($type_info['prefix'] . 'ref:' . $note_ref);
         $footlink_id = Kernel::get('DomId')->get($type_info['prefix'] . ':' . $note_ref);
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['rel'] = $type_info['name'];
         $attributes['href'] = '#' . $footlink_id;
         $attributes['counter'] = $note_num;
         $attributes['backlink_id'] = $backlink_id;
         return Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag($type_info['outputformat_methods']['link'], $note_num, $attributes);
     return '[^' . $matches[1] . ']';
コード例 #11
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _reference_callback($matches)
     $whole_match = $matches[1];
     $link_text = $matches[2];
     $link_id =& $matches[3];
     // for shortcut links like [this][] or [this]
     if (empty($link_id)) {
         $link_id = $link_text;
     // lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
     $link_id = preg_replace('{[ ]?\\n}', ' ', strtolower($link_id));
     $urls = Kernel::getConfig('urls');
     $titles = Kernel::getConfig('titles');
     $predef_attributes = Kernel::getConfig('attributes');
     if (isset($urls[$link_id])) {
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['href'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $urls[$link_id]);
         if (!empty($titles[$link_id])) {
             $attributes['title'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $titles[$link_id]);
         if (!empty($predef_attributes[$link_id])) {
             $attributes = array_merge(Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':ExtractAttributes', $predef_attributes[$link_id]), $attributes);
         $block = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('link', Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', $link_text), $attributes);
         $result = parent::hashPart($block);
     } else {
         $result = $whole_match;
     return $result;
コード例 #12
  * Parse HTML, calling _HashHTMLBlocks_InMarkdown for block tags.
  * *   Calls $hash_method to convert any blocks.
  * *   Stops when the first opening tag closes.
  * *   $md_attr indicate if the use of the `markdown="1"` attribute is allowed.
  *     (it is not inside clean tags)
  * Returns an array of that form: ( processed text , remaining text )
  * @param   string  $text           The text to be parsed
  * @param   string  $hash_method    The method to execute
  * @param   string  $md_attr        The attributes to add
  * @return  array                   ( processed text , remaining text )
 protected function _hashBlocks_inHTML($text, $hash_method, $md_attr)
     if ($text === '') {
         return array('', '');
     // Regex to match `markdown` attribute inside of a tag.
     $markdown_attr_re = '
             \\s*           # Eat whitespace before the `markdown` attribute
                 (["\'])        # $1: quote delimiter
                 (.*?)          # $2: attribute value
                 \\1             # matching delimiter
                 ([^\\s>]*)      # $3: unquoted attribute value
             ()                 # $4: make $3 always defined (avoid warnings)
     // Regex to match any tag.
     $tag_re = '{
             (                               # $2: Capture hole tag.
                 </?                         # Any opening or closing tag.
                     [\\w:$]+                 # Tag name.
                         (?=[\\s"\'/a-zA-Z0-9])   # Allowed characters after tag name.
                             ".*?"       |       # Double quotes (can contain `>`)
                             \'.*?\'     |       # Single quotes (can contain `>`)
                             .+?                 # Anything but quotes and `>`.
                 >                               # End of tag.
                 <!--    .*?     -->             # HTML Comment
                 <\\?.*?\\?> | <%.*?%>             # Processing instruction
                 <!\\[CDATA\\[.*?\\]\\]>             # CData Block
     $original_text = $text;
     // Save original text in case of faliure.
     $depth = 0;
     // Current depth inside the tag tree.
     $block_text = "";
     // Temporary text holder for current text.
     $parsed = "";
     // Parsed text that will be returned.
     // Get the name of the starting tag.
     // (This pattern makes $base_tag_name_re safe without quoting.)
     $base_tag_name_re = '';
     if (preg_match('/^<([\\w:$]*)\\b/', $text, $matches)) {
         $base_tag_name_re = $matches[1];
     // Loop through every tag until we find the corresponding closing tag.
     do {
         // Split the text using the first $tag_match pattern found.
         // Text before  pattern will be first in the array, text after
         // pattern will be at the end, and between will be any catches made
         // by the pattern.
         $parts = preg_split($tag_re, $text, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         if (count($parts) < 3) {
             // End of $text reached with unbalenced tag(s).
             // In that case, we return original text unchanged and pass the
             // first character as filtered to prevent an infinite loop in the
             // parent function.
             return array($original_text[0], substr($original_text, 1));
         $block_text .= $parts[0];
         // Text before current tag.
         $tag = $parts[1];
         // Tag to handle.
         $text = $parts[2];
         // Remaining text after current tag.
         // Check for: Auto-close tag (like <hr/>) Comments and Processing Instructions.
         if (preg_match('{^</?(?:' . $this->auto_close_tags_re . ')\\b}', $tag) || $tag[1] == '!' || $tag[1] == '?') {
             // Just add the tag to the block as if it was text.
             $block_text .= $tag;
         } else {
             // Increase/decrease nested tag count. Only do so if
             // the tag's name match base tag's.
             if (preg_match('{^</?' . $base_tag_name_re . '\\b}', $tag)) {
                 if ($tag[1] == '/') {
                 } elseif ($tag[strlen($tag) - 2] != '/') {
             // Check for `markdown="1"` attribute and handle it.
             if ($md_attr && preg_match($markdown_attr_re, $tag, $attr_m) && preg_match('/^1|block|span$/', $attr_m[2] . $attr_m[3])) {
                 // Remove `markdown` attribute from opening tag.
                 $tag = preg_replace($markdown_attr_re, '', $tag);
                 // Check if text inside this tag must be parsed in span mode.
                 $mode = $attr_m[2] . $attr_m[3];
                 $span_mode = $mode == 'span' || $mode != 'block' && preg_match('{^<(?:' . $this->contain_span_tags_re . ')\\b}', $tag);
                 // Calculate indent before tag.
                 if (preg_match('/(?:^|\\n)( *?)(?! ).*?$/', $block_text, $matches)) {
                     /* @var callable $strlen */
                     $strlen = Kernel::getConfig('utf8_strlen');
                     $indent = $strlen($matches[1], 'UTF-8');
                 } else {
                     $indent = 0;
                 // End preceding block with this tag.
                 $block_text .= $tag;
                 $parsed .= $this->{$hash_method}($block_text);
                 // Get enclosing tag name for the ParseMarkdown function.
                 // (This pattern makes $tag_name_re safe without quoting.)
                 preg_match('/^<([\\w:$]*)\\b/', $tag, $matches);
                 $tag_name_re = $matches[1];
                 // Parse the content using the HTML-in-Markdown parser.
                 list($block_text, $text) = self::_hashBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent, $tag_name_re, $span_mode);
                 // Outdent markdown text.
                 if ($indent > 0) {
                     $block_text = preg_replace("/^[ ]{1,{$indent}}/m", "", $block_text);
                 // Append tag content to parsed text.
                 if (!$span_mode) {
                     $parsed .= "\n\n{$block_text}\n\n";
                 } else {
                     $parsed .= "{$block_text}";
                 // Start over a new block.
                 $block_text = "";
             } else {
                 $block_text .= $tag;
     } while ($depth > 0);
     // Hash last block text that wasn't processed inside the loop.
     $parsed .= $this->{$hash_method}($block_text);
     return array($parsed, $text);
コード例 #13
  * Get the configuration 'empty_element_suffix'
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = Kernel::getConfig('output_format_options.html');
     $this->empty_element_suffix = $this->getConfig('html_empty_element_suffix');
コード例 #14
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _reference_callback($matches)
     $whole_match = $matches[1];
     $alt_text = $matches[2];
     $link_id = strtolower($matches[3]);
     if ($link_id == "") {
         $link_id = strtolower($alt_text);
         // for shortcut links like ![this][].
     $urls = Kernel::getConfig('urls');
     $titles = Kernel::getConfig('titles');
     $predef_attributes = Kernel::getConfig('attributes');
     $alt_text = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $alt_text);
     if (isset($urls[$link_id])) {
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['alt'] = $alt_text;
         $attributes['id'] = Helper::header2Label($link_id);
         $attributes['src'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $urls[$link_id]);
         if (!empty($titles[$link_id])) {
             $attributes['title'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $titles[$link_id]);
         if (!empty($predef_attributes[$link_id])) {
             $attributes = array_merge(Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':ExtractAttributes', $predef_attributes[$link_id]), $attributes);
         $block = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('image', null, $attributes);
         $result = parent::hashPart($block);
     } else {
         // If there's no such link ID, leave intact
         $result = $whole_match;
     return $result;
コード例 #15
  * Process the contents of a single definition list, splitting it
  * into individual term and definition list items.
  * @param   string  $list_str   The result string form the `_callback()` function
  * @return  string
 public function transformItems($list_str)
     $less_than_tab = Kernel::getConfig('less_than_tab');
     // trim trailing blank lines:
     $list_str = preg_replace("/\n{2,}\\z/", "\n", $list_str);
     // Process definition terms.
     $list_str = preg_replace_callback('{
         (?>\\A\\n?|\\n\\n+)                     # leading line
         (                                   # definition term = $1
             [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}       # leading whitespace
             (?![:][ ]|[ ])                  # negative lookahead for a definition mark (colon) or more whitespace.
             (?> \\S.* \\n)+?                  # actual term (not whitespace).
         (?=\\n?[ ]{0,3}:[ ])                 # lookahead for following line feed with a definition mark.
         }xm', array($this, '_item_callback_dt'), $list_str);
     // Process actual definitions.
     $list_str = preg_replace_callback('{
         \\n(\\n+)?                            # leading line = $1
         (                                   # marker space = $2
             [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '}       # whitespace before colon
             [:][ ]+                         # definition mark (colon)
         ((?s:.+?))                          # definition text = $3
         (?= \\n+                             # stop at next definition mark,
             (?:                             # next term or end of text
                 [ ]{0,' . $less_than_tab . '} [:][ ]    |
                 <!--dt--> | \\z
         }xm', array($this, '_item_callback_dd'), $list_str);
     return $list_str;
コード例 #16
  * Gets the metadata list as string
  * @param   array $metadata
  * @param   \MarkdownExtended\API\ContentInterface $content
  * @return string
 public function getMetadataToString(array $metadata, ContentInterface $content)
     $specials = Kernel::getConfig('special_metadata');
     $data = array();
     foreach ($metadata as $var => $val) {
         if (!in_array($var, $specials)) {
             $data[] = $this->buildTag('meta_data', null, array('name' => $var, 'content' => $val));
     return implode(PHP_EOL, $data);
コード例 #17
  * Build meta data strings
 public function append($text)
     $metadata = Kernel::getConfig('metadata');
     if (!empty($metadata)) {
         foreach ($metadata as $meta_name => $meta_value) {
             if (!empty($meta_name) && is_string($meta_name)) {
                 if (in_array($meta_name, $this->special_metadata)) {
                     Kernel::setConfig($meta_name, $meta_value);
                 } elseif ($meta_name == 'title') {
     return $text;
コード例 #18
 private function _clearHashes()
     Kernel::setConfig('html_hashes', array());
     Kernel::setConfig('cross_references', array());
     Kernel::setConfig('urls', Kernel::getConfig('predefined_urls', array()));
     Kernel::setConfig('titles', Kernel::getConfig('predefined_titles', array()));
     Kernel::setConfig('attributes', Kernel::getConfig('predefined_attributes', array()));
     Kernel::setConfig('predefined_abbr', Kernel::getConfig('predefined_abbr', array()));
コード例 #19
  * Remove one level of line-leading tabs or spaces
  * @param   string  $text   The text to be parsed
  * @return  string          The text parsed
 public function Outdent($text)
     return preg_replace('/^(\\t|[ ]{1,' . Kernel::getConfig('tab_width') . '})/m', '', $text);
コード例 #20
  * Rebase a header level according to the `baseheaderlevel` config value
 protected function _getRebasedHeaderLevel()
     $base_level = Kernel::getConfig('baseheaderlevel');
     return !empty($base_level) ? $base_level - 1 : 0;
コード例 #21
  * Strips abbreviations from text, stores titles in hash references.
  * @param   array   $matches    Results from the `strip()` function
  * @return  string              The replacement text
 protected function _strip_callback($matches)
     Kernel::addConfig('abbr_word_re', (Kernel::getConfig('abbr_word_re') ? '|' : '') . preg_quote($matches[1]));
     Kernel::addConfig('abbr_desciptions', array($matches[1] => trim($matches[2])));
     return '';