コード例 #1
 function open()
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     try {
         $this->server = TeamSpeak3::factory('serverquery://' . $config->queryLogin . ':' . $config->queryPassword . '@' . $config->queryHost . ':' . $config->queryPort . '/?server_port=' . $config->voicePort . '&blocking=0#no_query_clients');
         $this->server->execute('instanceedit', array('serverinstance_serverquery_flood_commands' => 20, 'serverinstance_serverquery_flood_time' => 1, 'serverinstance_serverquery_flood_ban_time' => 1));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->server = null;
     // Threading is really useful for this plugin !!!
     $this->processHandler = ThreadHandler::getInstance();
     $this->processId = $this->processHandler->launchThread();
     // Enable events (from ML and from TS)
     Dispatcher::register(AppEvent::getClass(), $this, AppEvent::ON_PRE_LOOP);
     Dispatcher::register(TickEvent::getClass(), $this);
     // Find players group id or create a new group for privilege keys
     foreach ($this->server->serverGroupList() as $group) {
         if ($group['name'] == 'ManiaPlanet Player') {
             $this->playersGroupId = $group['sgid'];
     if (!$this->playersGroupId) {
         $this->playersGroupId = $this->server->serverGroupCreate('ManiaPlanet Player');
         foreach ($config->groupPermissions as $permission => $value) {
             $this->server->serverGroupPermAssign($this->playersGroupId, $permission, $value);
     } else {
         // Find existing tokens to avoid duplicates
         try {
             foreach ($this->server->privilegeKeyList() as $token => $tokenInfo) {
                 if (!$tokenInfo['token_type'] && $tokenInfo['token_id1'] == $this->playersGroupId && preg_match('/`([a-z\\._-]{1,25})`$/', $tokenInfo['token_description'], $matches)) {
                     $this->privilegeKeys[$matches[1]] = $token;
         } catch (\ManiaLivePlugins\Standard\TeamSpeak\TeamSpeak3\Adapter\ServerQuery\Exception $e) {
             /* thanks for launching exception instead of just returning an empty array... */
     // Populate
     foreach ($this->server->channelList() as $channel) {
         new Channel($channel, $this->getChannelPermissionList($channel));
     foreach ($this->server->clientList() as $client) {
         new Client($client, $this->getCustomInfo($client));
     // Handle default channels
コード例 #2
 protected function init()
     new \ManiaLive\Features\Tick\Ticker();
     $config = \ManiaLive\DedicatedApi\Config::getInstance();
     $this->connection = Connection::factory($config->host, $config->port, $config->timeout, $config->user, $config->password);
     Dispatcher::dispatch(new Event(Event::ON_INIT));
コード例 #3
ファイル: OverviewTab.php プロジェクト: ketsuekiro/manialive
 function onDraw()
     // statistics for memory usage
     $memory = memory_get_usage();
     $text = '$oPHP Memory$z' . "\n" . 'Current Memory Usage: ' . round($memory / 1024) . " kb\n" . 'Total Peak Memory: ' . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024) . " kb\n" . 'PHP Memory Limit: ' . round($this->memoryLimit / 1024) . " kb\n" . 'Amount Used: ' . round(100 * $memory / $this->memoryLimit, 2) . "%\n" . '$oPHP Speed$z' . "\n";
     if (empty($this->cpuStats)) {
         $text .= '$iRetrieving information...$z' . "\n";
     } else {
         $text .= 'Current Cycles per Second: ' . end($this->cpuStats) . "\n" . 'Avg Reaction Time: ' . round(1000 * count($this->cpuStats) / (array_sum($this->cpuStats) ?: 1)) . " msecs\n";
     // manialive specific stats
     $text .= '$oManiaLive$z' . "\n";
     // runtime
     $diff = time() - \ManiaLive\Application\AbstractApplication::$startTime;
     $seconds = $diff % 60;
     $minutes = floor($diff % 3600 / 60);
     $hours = floor($diff % 86400 / 3600);
     $days = floor($diff / 86400);
     $text .= "ManiaLive Uptime:\n{$days} days and {$hours} hours\n{$minutes} min and {$seconds} seconds\n";
     // threading
     $text .= '$oThreading$z' . "\n";
     $processHandler = ThreadHandler::getInstance();
     if ($processHandler->isEnabled()) {
         $text .= 'Enabled; Running:' . $processHandler->countThreads() . '; Restarted:' . $processHandler->countRestartedThreads() . "\n" . $processHandler->countFinishedCommands() . ' commands finished at avg ' . round($processHandler->getAverageResponseTime(), 3) . ' ms';
     } else {
         $text .= "Disabled\n";
     // update left side of the page
     // database
     $text = '$oDatabase$z' . "\n";
     $times = Connection::getMeasuredAverageTimes();
     if (count($times)) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($times as $time) {
             $text .= 'Connection #' . ++$i . ":\n" . 'Avg Query Time: ' . round($time, 3) . ' sec' . "\n";
     } else {
         $text .= "No Database connections running.\n";
     // network
     $text .= '$oNetwork$z' . "\n" . 'Total Bytes Sent: ' . round(Client::$sent / 1024) . "kb\n" . 'Total Bytes Received: ' . round(Client::$received / 1024) . "kb\n" . '$oInterface Drawing$z' . "\n" . 'Avg Drawing Time: ' . round(GuiHandler::getInstance()->getAverageSendingTimes() * 1000) . " msec\n" . '$oPlugins$z' . "\n" . 'Currently loaded: ' . count(PluginHandler::getInstance()->getLoadedPluginsList());
     // update right side of the page
コード例 #4
 function onUnload()
     if ($this->threadId) {