コード例 #1
 protected function setArgumentHandlers()
     parent::setArgumentHandlers()->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) !== 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-h', '--help'), null, $this->locale->_('Display this help'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $files) {
         if (sizeof($files) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         foreach ($files as $path) {
             try {
             } catch (includer\exception $exception) {
                 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Configuration file \'%s\' does not exist'), $path));
     }, array('-c', '--configurations'), '<file>...', $this->locale->_('Use all configuration files <file>'), PHP_INT_MAX);
     return $this;
コード例 #2
ファイル: generator.php プロジェクト: ronan-gloo/atoum
 public function help()
     $this->generate = false;
     return parent::help();
コード例 #3
ファイル: runner.php プロジェクト: ronan-gloo/atoum
 protected function setArgumentHandlers()
     parent::setArgumentHandlers()->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) !== 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-h', '--help'), null, $this->locale->_('Display this help'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) !== 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-v', '--version'), null, $this->locale->_('Display version'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $path) {
         if (sizeof($path) != 1) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-p', '--php'), '<path/to/php/binary>', $this->locale->_('Path to PHP binary which must be used to run tests'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $defaultReportTitle) {
         if (sizeof($defaultReportTitle) != 1) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-drt', '--default-report-title'), '<string>', $this->locale->_('Define default report title with <string>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $files) {
         if (sizeof($files) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         foreach ($files as $path) {
             try {
             } catch (includer\exception $exception) {
                 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Configuration file \'%s\' does not exist'), $path));
     }, array('-c', '--configurations'), '<file>...', $this->locale->_('Use all configuration files <file>'), 1)->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $file) {
         if (sizeof($file) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-sf', '--score-file'), '<file>', $this->locale->_('Save score in file <file>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $maxChildrenNumber) {
         if (sizeof($maxChildrenNumber) != 1) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-mcn', '--max-children-number'), '<integer>', $this->locale->_('Maximum number of sub-processus which will be run simultaneously'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $empty) {
         if ($empty) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-ncc', '--no-code-coverage'), null, $this->locale->_('Disable code coverage'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $directories) {
         if (sizeof($directories) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         foreach ($directories as $directory) {
     }, array('-nccid', '--no-code-coverage-in-directories'), '<directory>...', $this->locale->_('Disable code coverage in directories <directory>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $namespaces) {
         if (sizeof($namespaces) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
     }, array('-nccfns', '--no-code-coverage-for-namespaces'), '<namespace>...', $this->locale->_('Disable code coverage for namespaces <namespace>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $classes) {
         if (sizeof($classes) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
     }, array('-nccfc', '--no-code-coverage-for-classes'), '<class>...', $this->locale->_('Disable code coverage for classes <class>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $files) {
         if (sizeof($files) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         $runner = $script->getRunner();
         foreach ($files as $path) {
     }, array('-f', '--files'), '<file>...', $this->locale->_('Execute all unit test files <file>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $directories) {
         if (sizeof($directories) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         $runner = $script->getRunner();
         foreach ($directories as $directory) {
     }, array('-d', '--directories'), '<directory>...', $this->locale->_('Execute unit test files in all <directory>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $extensions) {
         if (sizeof($extensions) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-tfe', '--test-file-extensions'), '<extension>...', $this->locale->_('Execute unit test files with one of extensions <extension>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $patterns) {
         if (sizeof($patterns) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         $runner = $script->getRunner();
         foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
     }, array('-g', '--glob'), '<pattern>...', $this->locale->_('Execute unit test files which match <pattern>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $tags) {
         if (sizeof($tags) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-t', '--tags'), '<tag>...', $this->locale->_('Execute only unit test with tags <tag>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $methods) {
         if (sizeof($methods) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             $method = explode('::', $method);
             if (sizeof($method) != 2) {
                 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
             $script->testMethod($method[0], $method[1]);
     }, array('-m', '--methods'), '<class::method>...', $this->locale->_('Execute all <class::method>, * may be used as wildcard for class name or method name'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $namespaces) {
         if (sizeof($namespaces) <= 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-ns', '--namespaces'), '<namespace>...', $this->locale->_('Execute all classes in all namespaces <namespace>'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if ($values) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-l', '--loop'), null, $this->locale->_('Execute tests in an infinite loop'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) !== 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('--disable-loop-mode'), null, null, 3)->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) !== 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('--test-it'), null, $this->locale->_('Execute atoum unit tests'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) !== 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         $runner = $script->getRunner();
         foreach ($script->getTestAllDirectories() as $directory) {
     }, array('--test-all'), null, $this->locale->_('Execute unit tests in directories defined via $script->addTestAllDirectory(\'path/to/directory\') in a configuration file'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if ($values) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-ft', '--force-terminal'), null, $this->locale->_('Force output as in terminal'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) != 1) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('-bf', '--bootstrap-file'), '<file>', $this->locale->_('Include <file> before executing each test method'), 2)->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) != 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
         $report = new atoum\reports\realtime\cli\light();
     }, array('-ulr', '--use-light-report'), null, $this->locale->_('Use "light" CLI report'))->addArgumentHandler(function ($script, $argument, $values) {
         if (sizeof($values) != 0) {
             throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));
     }, array('--debug'), null, $this->locale->_('Enable debug mode'));
     return $this;
コード例 #4
ファイル: generator.php プロジェクト: eroluysal/atoum
 public function __construct($name, atoum\adapter $adapter = null)
     parent::__construct($name, $adapter);
コード例 #5
ファイル: builder.php プロジェクト: ronan-gloo/atoum
 public function run(array $arguments = array())
     $alreadyRun = false;
     $runFile = $this->getRunFile();
     $pid = trim(@$this->adapter->file_get_contents($runFile));
     if (is_numeric($pid) === false || $this->adapter->posix_kill($pid, 0) === false) {
         if ($this->pharCreationEnabled === true) {
             $runFileResource = @$this->adapter->fopen($runFile, 'w+');
             if ($runFileResource === false) {
                 throw new exceptions\runtime(sprintf($this->locale->_('Unable to open run file \'%s\''), $runFile));
             if ($this->adapter->flock($runFileResource, \LOCK_EX | \LOCK_NB) === false) {
                 throw new exceptions\runtime(sprintf($this->locale->_('Unable to get exclusive lock on run file \'%s\''), $runFile));
             $this->adapter->fwrite($runFileResource, $this->adapter->getmypid());
     return $this;
コード例 #6
ファイル: tagger.php プロジェクト: xihewang/atoum
 public function __construct($name, atoum\adapter $adapter = null)
     parent::__construct($name, $adapter);
コード例 #7
ファイル: tagger.php プロジェクト: ronan-gloo/atoum
 public function help()
     $this->tagVersion = false;
     return parent::help();