/** * Get the type and associated model * * @param ReflectionClass $class * @param array $scope * * @throws RestException * @throws \Exception * @return array * * @access protected */ protected static function getTypeAndModel(ReflectionClass $class, array $scope, $prefix = '', array $rules = array()) { $className = $class->getName(); $dataName = CommentParser::$embeddedDataName; if (isset(static::$models[$prefix . $className])) { return static::$models[$prefix . $className]; } $children = array(); try { if ($magic_properties = static::parseMagic($class, empty($prefix))) { foreach ($magic_properties as $prop) { if (!isset($prop['name'])) { throw new Exception('@property comment is not properly defined in ' . $className . ' class'); } if (!isset($prop[$dataName]['label'])) { $prop[$dataName]['label'] = Text::title($prop['name']); } if (isset(static::$fieldTypesByName[$prop['name']]) && $prop['type'] == 'string' && !isset($prop[$dataName]['type'])) { $prop[$dataName]['type'] = static::$fieldTypesByName[$prop['name']]; } $children[$prop['name']] = $prop; } } else { $props = $class->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC); foreach ($props as $prop) { $name = $prop->getName(); $child = array('name' => $name); if ($c = $prop->getDocComment()) { $child += Util::nestedValue(CommentParser::parse($c), 'var') ?: []; } else { $o = $class->newInstance(); $p = $prop->getValue($o); if (is_object($p)) { $child['type'] = get_class($p); } elseif (is_array($p)) { $child['type'] = 'array'; if (count($p)) { $pc = reset($p); if (is_object($pc)) { $child['contentType'] = get_class($pc); } } } } $child += array('type' => isset(static::$fieldTypesByName[$child['name']]) ? static::$fieldTypesByName[$child['name']] : 'string', 'label' => Text::title($child['name'])); isset($child[$dataName]) ? $child[$dataName] += array('required' => true) : ($child[$dataName]['required'] = true); if ($prop->class != $className && ($qualified = Scope::resolve($child['type'], $scope))) { list($child['type'], $child['children']) = static::getTypeAndModel(new ReflectionClass($qualified), $scope); } elseif (($contentType = Util::nestedValue($child, $dataName, 'type')) && ($qualified = Scope::resolve($contentType, $scope))) { list($child['contentType'], $child['children']) = static::getTypeAndModel(new ReflectionClass($qualified), $scope); } $children[$name] = $child; } } } catch (Exception $e) { if (Text::endsWith($e->getFile(), 'CommentParser.php')) { throw new RestException(500, "Error while parsing comments of `{$className}` class. " . $e->getMessage()); } throw $e; } if ($properties = Util::nestedValue($rules, 'properties')) { if (is_string($properties)) { $properties = array($properties); } $c = array(); foreach ($properties as $property) { if (isset($children[$property])) { $c[$property] = $children[$property]; } } $children = $c; } if ($required = Util::nestedValue($rules, 'required')) { //override required on children if (is_bool($required)) { // true means all are required false means none are required $required = $required ? array_keys($children) : array(); } elseif (is_string($required)) { $required = array($required); } $required = array_fill_keys($required, true); foreach ($children as $name => $child) { $children[$name][$dataName]['required'] = isset($required[$name]); } } static::$models[$prefix . $className] = array($className, $children, $prefix . $className); return static::$models[$prefix . $className]; }
public static function build(array $r) { $p =& static::$tree; $parts = $r['parts']; $last = count($parts) - 1; foreach ($parts as $i => $part) { if ($i == $last) { $p[$part]['text'] = $r['label']; $p[$part]['href'] = $r['url']; $p[$part]['class'] = Text::slug($part); /* dynamically do it at run time instead if ($r['path'] == static::$activeTrail) $p[$part]['active'] = true; */ } elseif (!isset($p[$part])) { $p[$part] = array(); $p[$part]['text'] = Text::title($part); $p[$part]['href'] = '#'; $p[$part]['children'] = array(); } $p =& $p[$part]['children']; } }