コード例 #1
ファイル: PostAccount.php プロジェクト: adem-team/advanced
  * save the post's account (*3)
 public function saveAccount()
     $this->invest_ids = [];
     $pcs = Terminvest::find()->where(['ID' => $this->INVES_ID])->all();
     if (is_array($this->invest_ids)) {
         foreach ($pcs as $key => $value) {
             $pc = new Termdetail();
             $pc->CUST_KD_PARENT = $this->cus_kd;
             $pc->TERM_ID = $this->term_id;
             $pc->INVES_ID = $value->ID;
コード例 #2
 public function searchbudgetdetailinves($params, $id)
     $query = Termdetail::find()->JoinWith('termhead', true, 'LEFT JOIN')->where(['t0000detail.TERM_ID' => $id])->andwhere(['like', 't0001header.KD_RIB', 'RI'])->andwhere(['like', 't0001header.KD_RIB', 'RID']);
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     $query->andFilterWhere(['ID' => $this->ID, 'BUDGET_PLAN' => $this->BUDGET_PLAN, 'BUDGET_ACTUAL' => $this->BUDGET_ACTUAL, 'PERIODE_END' => $this->PERIODE_END, 'STATUS' => $this->STATUS, 'CREATE_AT' => $this->CREATE_AT, 'UPDATE_AT' => $this->UPDATE_AT]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'CUST_KD_PARENT', $this->CUST_KD_PARENT])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'INVES_TYPE', $this->INVES_TYPE])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'BUDGET_SOURCE', $this->BUDGET_SOURCE])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'CREATE_BY', $this->CREATE_BY])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'UPDATE_BY', $this->UPDATE_BY]);
     return $dataProvider;
コード例 #3
 public function getTerm()
     return $this->hasOne(Termdetail::className(), ['TERM_ID' => 'TERM_ID']);
コード例 #4
 public function actionDeleteHeaderAcc($id, $id_invest, $cus_kd)
     $model = Termdetail::find()->where(['TERM_ID' => $id, 'INVES_ID' => $id_invest])->one();
     return $this->redirect(['review', 'id' => $id, 'cus_kd' => $cus_kd]);
コード例 #5
 public function actionAddNewInvest($kd, $term_id, $cust_kd)
     # code...
     $model = new Rtdetail();
     if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
         $model->TERM_ID = $term_id;
         $model->KD_RIB = $kd;
         $model->ID_INVEST = $model->INVESTASI_TYPE;
         if ($model->save()) {
             $cari_account = Termdetail::find()->where(['TERM_ID' => $model->TERM_ID, 'INVES_ID' => $model->ID_INVEST])->andwhere(['<>', 'STATUS', 2])->one();
             if (!$cari_account) {
                 $termdetail = new Termdetail();
                 $termdetail->CUST_KD_PARENT = $cust_kd;
                 $termdetail->INVES_ID = $model->INVESTASI_TYPE;
                 $termdetail->INVES_TYPE = $termdetail->INVES_ID;
                 $termdetail->TERM_ID = $model->TERM_ID;
                 $termdetail->CORP_ID = Yii::$app->getUserOpt->Profile_user()->emp->EMP_CORP_ID;
                 $termdetail->STATUS = 2;
                 $termdetail->CREATE_BY = Yii::$app->user->identity->username;
                 $termdetail->CREATE_AT = date('Y-m-d');
         return $this->redirect(['/purchasing/request-term/edit?kd=' . $model->KD_RIB]);
     } else {
         return $this->renderAjax('_new_invest', ['model' => $model]);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Rtdetail.php プロジェクト: adem-team/advanced
 public function getTermdet()
     return $this->hasOne(Termdetail::className(), ['INVES_ID' => 'INVESTASI_TYPE']);
コード例 #7
  * Prosess Edit RO | Change Colomn Row | Tambah Row
  * @param string $id
  * @author ptrnov  <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 1.1
 public function actionEdit($kd)
     /*inbox tab ||index*/
     $searchModel1 = new DetailListSearch();
     $dataProviderList = $searchModel1->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams, $kd);
      * Init Models
      * @author ptrnov  <*****@*****.**>
      * @since 1.1
     $roHeader = Requesttermheader::find()->where(['KD_RIB' => $kd])->one();
     if (count($roHeader['KD_RIB']) != 0) {
         $detro = $roHeader->detro;
         // print_r($detro);
         // die();
         $employ = $roHeader->employe;
         $dept = $roHeader->dept;
          * Convert $roHeader->detro to ArrayDataProvider | Identity 'key' => 'ID',
          * @author ptrnov  <*****@*****.**>
          * @since 1.1
         $detroProvider = new ArrayDataProvider(['key' => 'ID', 'allModels' => $detro, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 10]]);
          * Process Editable Row [Columm SQTY]
          * @author ptrnov  <*****@*****.**>
          * @since 1.1
         if (Yii::$app->request->post('hasEditable')) {
             $id = Yii::$app->request->post('editableKey');
             $model = Rtdetail::findOne($id);
             $termdetail = Termdetail::find()->where(['TERM_ID' => $model->TERM_ID, 'INVES_ID' => $model->ID_INVEST, 'STATUS' => 2])->one();
             $out = Json::encode(['output' => '', 'message' => '']);
             $post = [];
             $posted = current($_POST['Rtdetail']);
             $post['Rtdetail'] = $posted;
             if ($model->load($post)) {
                 $output = '';
                 if (isset($posted['RQTY'])) {
                     $output = $model->RQTY;
                 if (isset($posted['SQTY'])) {
                     $output = $model->SQTY;
                 if (isset($posted['HARGA'])) {
                     $output = Yii::$app->formatter->asDecimal($model->HARGA, 2);
                 if (isset($posted['INVESTASI_PROGRAM'])) {
                     // $output =  Yii::$app->formatter->asDecimal($model->EMP_NM, 2);
                     $output = $model->INVESTASI_PROGRAM;
                 if (isset($posted['NOMER_INVOCE'])) {
                     $output = $model->NOMER_INVOCE;
                 if (isset($posted['NOMER_FAKTURPAJAK'])) {
                     $output = $model->NOMER_FAKTURPAJAK;
                 if (isset($posted['PERIODE_START'])) {
                     $output = $model->PERIODE_START;
                 if (isset($posted['PERIODE_END'])) {
                     $output = $model->PERIODE_START;
                 if (isset($posted['PPN'])) {
                     $output = $model->PPN;
                     $termdetail->PPN = $model->PPN;
                 if (isset($posted['PPH23'])) {
                     $output = $model->PPH23;
                     $termdetail->PPH23 = $model->PPH23;
                 $out = Json::encode(['output' => $output, 'message' => '']);
             // return ajax json encoded response and exit
             echo $out;
          * Render Approved View
          * @author ptrnov  <*****@*****.**>
          * @since 1.1
         return $this->render('edit', ['roHeader' => $roHeader, 'detro' => $detro, 'employ' => $employ, 'dept' => $dept, 'dataProvider' => $detroProvider, 'dataProviderList' => $dataProviderList]);
     } else {
         return $this->redirect('index');