public function testDolog() { global $_log_fh; $tmpfile = tempnam('/tmp', 'LTS'); if (file_exists($tmpfile)) { unlink($tmpfile); } $config = null; if (is_object(Config::$inst)) { $config = clone Config::$inst; } Config::set('log', 'file', $tmpfile); Config::set('log', 'level', LOG_INFO); Config::set('log', 'date_format', 'mdY'); Config::set('log', 'format', '[%s] %s - %s'); dolog('test info', LOG_INFO); _closelog(); $log = file_get_contents($tmpfile); $this->assertEquals(18, strpos($log, 'test info')); unlink($tmpfile); //restore original config if (is_object($config)) { Config::$inst = $config; } $_log_fh = false; }
public static function receive($payload, $crypt = null) { $stream = self::_get(); if (!is_object($crypt)) { $stream->setCrypt(Crypt::_get(Config::get('xport', 'crypt.key'), Config::get('xport', 'crypt.iv'))); } else { $stream->setCrypt($crypt); } $stream->setup($payload); return $stream; }
public static function auth($params) { if (is_null(Config::get('xport', 'auth_key'))) { throw new Exception('Cannot auth request, no auth key defined'); } if (!isset($params['xport_auth_key'])) { throw new Exception('No auth key present for authenticated request'); } if ($params['xport_auth_key'] != Config::get('xport', 'auth_key')) { throw new Exception('Invalid auth key passed with request'); } return true; }
public static function load() { //get our crypt instance $crypt = Crypt::_get(Config::get('vidcache', 'crypt_key'), Config::get('vidcache', 'crypt_iv')); //load up xport and the environment $obj = static::_get('localhost', Config::get('vidcache', 'server_port'), Config::get('vidcache', 'server_scheme'), Log::DEBUG); $obj->setEncoding(Xport::ENC_SERIALIZE); $obj->stream->setCrypt($crypt); $obj->block_stream->setCrypt($crypt); $obj->vc = SDK::load(); $obj->vc->connect(Config::get('vidcache', 'api_key')); return $obj; }
function dolog($msg, $level = LOG_INFO) { global $_log_fh; if ($level > Config::get('log', 'level')) { return null; } if (!$_log_fh) { $file = Config::get('log', 'file'); if ($file === false) { return null; } //assume logging is off $_log_fh = fopen($file, 'a'); if (!$_log_fh) { throw new Exception('Could not open log: ' . $file); } register_shutdown_function('_closelog'); } switch ($level) { case LOG_DEBUG: $lword = 'DEBUG'; break; case LOG_INFO: $lword = 'INFO'; break; case LOG_NOTICE: $lword = 'NOTICE'; break; case LOG_WARN: $lword = 'WARNING'; break; case LOG_ERROR: $lword = 'ERROR'; break; default: $lword = 'UNKNOWN'; break; } $date = date(Config::get('log', 'date_format')); //we dont want newlines in output, let the output wrap naturally //$msg = str_replace("\n",' ',$msg); $fmtd_msg = sprintf(Config::get('log', 'format'), $lword, $date, $msg) . PHP_EOL; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && !defined('LOG_QUIET')) { if (strlen($fmtd_msg) < 1024) { echo $fmtd_msg; } else { echo substr($fmtd_msg, 0, 1024) . "<SNIP>\n"; } } return fwrite($_log_fh, $fmtd_msg); }
public function connect($api_key) { //check if we have a token in a session if (isset($_SESSION[$api_key])) { self::$token = $_SESSION[$api_key]; $this->connected = true; return self::$token; } //make the connect call $rv = $this->call($this->buildURI('/index.php?act=connect&client_id=' . Config::get('vidcache', 'client_id')), array('api_key' => $api_key)); //check for token if (!isset($rv['token'])) { throw new Exception('Couldnt connect, failed to receive token'); } self::$token = $rv['token']; $_SESSION[$api_key] = self::$token; $this->connected = true; return self::$token; }
* GNU Lesser General Public License along with OpenLSS. * If not, see <>. */ use LSS\Account\Client; use LSS\Account\ClientSession; use LSS\Config; use LSS\Url; if (session_id() != '') { //check for session try { if (ClientSession::checkLogin()) { //register session $token = ClientSession::fetchByToken(ClientSession::getTokenFromSession()); $session = array_merge(Client::fetch($token['staff_id']), $token); ClientSession::storeSession($session); unset($session, $token); //set tpl globals (if Tpl is available) if (is_callable(array('Tpl', '_get'))) { Tpl::_get()->set(array('client_name' => ClientSession::get('name'), 'client_lastlogin' => date(Config::get(''), ClientSession::get('last_login')))); } } else { if (server('REQUEST_URI') != Url::login()) { redirect(Url::login()); } } } catch (Exception $e) { ClientSession::tokenDestroy(ClientSession::getTokenFromSession()); ClientSession::destroySession(); redirect(Url::login()); } }
public function testConnect() { $this->vc->connect(Config::get('vidcache', 'api_key')); $this->assertTrue($this->vc->isConnected()); }
protected static final function addMacroFields($c) { if (!is_array($c)) { return false; } //inject some value-added calculated pseudofields (rather than dupe this logic in multiple controllers) //add account_id for legacy purposes and generic purposes $c['account_id'] = $c[static::$account_key]; //check if this contact has a account_id (is an account) $c['__is_account'] = is_numeric(mda_get($c, 'account_id')) ? true : false; //generate standard displayed contact and account_id $c['contact_id_display'] = sprintf('%08d', mda_get($c, 'contact_id')); $c['account_id_display'] = mda_get($c, '__is_account') ? sprintf('%08d', mda_get($c, 'account_id')) : '(none)'; //generate standard displayed dates $c['created_display'] = date(Config::get(''), mda_get($c, 'created')); $c['contact_created_display'] = date(Config::get(''), mda_get($c, 'contact_created')); $c['last_login_display'] = mda_get($c, 'last_login') > 0 ? date(Config::get(''), mda_get($c, 'last_login')) : '(never)'; $c['contact_last_login_display'] = mda_get($c, 'contact_last_login') > 0 ? date(Config::get(''), mda_get($c, 'contact_last_login')) : '(never)'; $c['header_last_login'] = mda_get($c, 'contact_last_login_display'); if (mda_get($c, '__auth') & 2) { $c['header_last_login'] = mda_get($c, 'last_login_display'); } return array_merge($c); }
<?php /** * OpenLSS - Lighter Smarter Simpler * * This file is part of OpenLSS. * * OpenLSS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenLSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the * GNU Lesser General Public License along with OpenLSS. * If not, see <>. */ //db $config['db']['driver'] = 'mysql'; $config['db']['host'] = 'localhost'; $config['db']['port'] = ''; $config['db']['user'] = '******'; $config['db']['password'] = ''; $config['db']['database'] = 'lss'; \LSS\Config::setDefaults($config); unset($config);
public static function _prep() { return Config::get('url', 'url'); }
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenLSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the * GNU Lesser General Public License along with OpenLSS. * If not, see <>. */ use LSS\Config; use LSS\Tpl; //load tpl $theme = Config::get('theme', 'name') ? Config::get('theme', 'name') : 'default'; Tpl::_get()->setPath(ROOT_GROUP . '/theme/' . $theme); Tpl::_get()->setUri('/theme/' . $theme . '/'); Tpl::_get()->set(array('lss_version' => LSS_VERSION, 'version' => VERSION, 'site_name' => Config::get('site_name'), 'site_title' => Config::get('site_name'), 'uri' => Config::get('url', 'uri'), 'url' => Config::get('url', 'url'), 'theme_path' => Tpl::_get()->uri, 'copyright' => '© ' . date('Y') . ' ' . Config::get('site_name'))); //set delayed alerts if (session('delayed_alert')) { $alert = Tpl::_get()->get('alert'); if (!is_array($alert)) { $alert = array(); } $alert = array_merge($alert, session('delayed_alert')); Tpl::_get()->set('alert', $alert); session('delayed_alert', ''); } //cleanup unset($theme);
function __boot_pre() { define('START', microtime(true)); //load config if (is_dir(ROOT . '/conf')) { __init_load_files(ROOT . '/conf', '__export_config', array(&$config)); } if (defined('ROOT_GROUP') && is_dir(ROOT_GROUP . '/conf')) { __init_load_files(ROOT_GROUP . '/conf', '__export_config', array(&$config)); } if (file_exists(ROOT . '/config.php')) { include ROOT . '/config.php'; } if (defined('ROOT_GROUP') && file_exists(ROOT_GROUP . '/config.php')) { include ROOT_GROUP . '/config.php'; } //set the config if we can if (class_exists('\\LSS\\Config') && is_callable(array(\LSS\Config::_get(), 'setConfig'))) { \LSS\Config::_get()->setConfig($config); } //set timezone if (isset($config['timezone'])) { date_default_timezone_set($config['timezone']); } unset($config); }
public function testSetLongPath() { Config::set('does', '', true); $this->assertTrue(Config::get('does', '')); }
public function output($file, $tags = array(), $echo = true) { //if there is anything in the buffer, move it to debug if (($content = ob_get_contents()) !== '') { $this->addDebug('<pre>' . $content . '</pre>'); } //init template handler $stub_overrides = $this->stub; //backup before initTheme or requested stubs get stomped $this->initTheme(); //start up template engine $tpl = new PHPTAL($this->getTplFile($file)); //init the tpl (load overrides) $this->initTpl($tpl, $file); //merge stub defaults with the overrides from earlier $tpl->stub = $this->stub; //setup env for template engine $this->setupEnv($tpl); //add tags to context if (is_array($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $name => $val) { //dont add invalid vars if (strpos($name, '_') === 0) { continue; } if (strpos($name, ' ') !== false) { continue; } $tpl->{$name} = $val; } } //execute template call try { $out = $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { //before we throw this upstream we want to restore // the buffer and get more verbose output ob_clean(); echo $content; throw $e; } //if we dont have the tidy extension lets just output now if (!extension_loaded('tidy')) { //print output to browser / terminal if ($echo) { $this->reset(); ob_end_clean(); echo $out; return true; } else { $this->add($out); return $out; } //we do have tidy so lets do some cleanup } else { //cleanup the output $tidy = new tidy(); $tidy->parseString($out, Config::get('theme', 'tidy'), 'utf8'); $tidy->cleanRepair(); if ($echo) { ob_end_clean(); echo $tidy; return true; } else { $this->add($tidy); return $tidy; } } }
public static function tokenCreate($id, $remote_ip, $user_agent) { //try to reuse an existing token $token = self::findToken($id, $remote_ip, $user_agent); if ($token) { return $token['token']; } //create a new token $token = gen_guid(); $expires = time() + Config::get(static::$config_name, 'token_life'); Db::_get()->insert(static::$session_table, array('token' => $token, self::$user_primary_key => $id, 'remote_ip' => $remote_ip, 'user_agent' => $user_agent, 'expires' => $expires, 'is_active' => 1)); return $token; }