コード例 #1
ファイル: ValidatorTest.php プロジェクト: EHER/chegamos
  * Tests static method call routing to enable patterns defined in Validator::$_rules to be
  * called as methods.
  * @return void
 public function testCustomMethodDispatching()
     $this->assertTrue(Validator::isUrl('google.com', 'loose'));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Request.php プロジェクト: Nys/lithium
  * Provides a simple syntax for making assertions about the properties of a request.
  * By default, the `Request` object is configured with several different types of assertions,
  * which are individually known as _detectors_. Detectors are invoked by calling the `is()` and
  * passing the name of the detector flag, i.e. `$request->is('<name>')`, which returns `true` or
  * `false`, depending on whether or not the the properties (usually headers or data) contained
  * in the request match the detector. The default detectors include the following:
  * - `'mobile'`: Uses a regular expression to match common mobile browser user agents.
  * - `'ajax'`: Checks to see if the `X-Requested-With` header is present, and matches the value
  *    `'XMLHttpRequest'`.
  * - `'flash'`: Checks to see if the user agent is `'Shockwave Flash'`.
  * - `'ssl'`: Verifies that the request is SSL-secured.
  * - `'get'` / `'post'` / `'put'` / `'delete'` / `'head'` / `'options'`: Checks that the HTTP
  *   request method matches the one specified.
  * In addition to the above, this method also accepts media type names (see `Media::type()`) to
  * make assertions against the format of the request body (for POST or PUT requests), i.e.
  * `$request->is('json')`. This will return `true` if the client has made a POST request with
  * JSON data.
  * For information about adding custom detectors or overriding the ones in the core, see the
  * `detect()` method.
  * While these detectors are useful in controllers or other similar contexts, they're also
  * useful when performing _content negotiation_, which is the process of modifying the response
  * format to suit the client (see the `'conditions'` field of the `$options` parameter in
  * `Media::type()`).
  * @see lithium\action\Request::detect()
  * @see lithium\net\http\Media::type()
  * @param string $flag The name of the flag to check, which should be the name of a valid
  *               detector (that is either built-in or defined with `detect()`).
  * @return boolean Returns `true` if the detector check succeeds (see the details for the
  *         built-in detectors above, or `detect()`), otherwise `false`.
 public function is($flag)
     $media = $this->_classes['media'];
     if (!isset($this->_detectors[$flag])) {
         if (!in_array($flag, $media::types())) {
             return false;
         return $this->type() == $flag;
     $detector = $this->_detectors[$flag];
     if (!is_array($detector) && is_callable($detector)) {
         return $detector($this);
     if (!is_array($detector)) {
         return (bool) $this->env($detector);
     list($key, $check) = $detector + array('', '');
     if (is_array($check)) {
         $check = '/' . join('|', $check) . '/i';
     if (Validator::isRegex($check)) {
         return (bool) preg_match($check, $this->env($key));
     return $this->env($key) == $check;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Unit.php プロジェクト: unionofrad/lithium
  * Convert an exception object to an exception result array for test reporting.
  * @param array $exception The exception data to report on. Statistics are gathered and
  *               added to the reporting stack contained in `Unit::$_results`.
  * @param string $lineFlag
  * @return void
  * @todo Refactor so that reporters handle trace formatting.
 protected function _reportException($exception, $lineFlag = null)
     $message = $exception['message'];
     $isExpected = ($exp = end($this->_expected)) && ($exp === true || $exp === $message || Validator::isRegex($exp) && preg_match($exp, $message));
     if ($isExpected) {
         return array_pop($this->_expected);
     $initFrame = current($exception['trace']) + array('class' => '-', 'function' => '-');
     foreach ($exception['trace'] as $frame) {
         if (isset($scopedFrame)) {
         if (!class_exists('lithium\\analysis\\Inspector')) {
         if (isset($frame['class']) && in_array($frame['class'], Inspector::parents($this))) {
             $scopedFrame = $frame;
     if (class_exists('lithium\\analysis\\Debugger')) {
         $exception['trace'] = Debugger::trace(array('trace' => $exception['trace'], 'format' => '{:functionRef}, line {:line}', 'includeScope' => false, 'scope' => array_filter(array('functionRef' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\\{closure}', 'line' => $lineFlag))));
     $this->_result('exception', $exception + array('class' => $initFrame['class'], 'method' => $initFrame['function']));
コード例 #4
ファイル: ValidatorTest.php プロジェクト: nilamdoc/KYCGlobal
  * Tests the regular expression validation for various regex delimiters
  * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.delimiters.php Regex Delimiters
 public function testIsRegex()
コード例 #5
ファイル: Resources.php プロジェクト: atelierdisko/li3_access
 protected static function _normalizeResource($resource)
     if (is_callable($resource)) {
         return $resource;
     if (is_array($resource)) {
         if ($resource === array('*')) {
             return true;
         return $resource;
     if (!is_string($resource)) {
         throw new Exception('Unsupported resource definition: ' . var_export($resource, true));
     if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9_\\*\\\\]+)::([a-z0-9_\\*]+)$/i', $resource, $matches)) {
         return array('controller' => $matches[1], 'action' => $matches[2]);
     if (Validator::isRegex($resource)) {
         return function ($params) use($resource) {
             return (bool) preg_match($resource, $params['request']->url);
     if ($resource === '*') {
         return true;
     return function ($params) use($resource) {
         return $resource === $params['request']->url;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Unit.php プロジェクト: kdambekalns/framework-benchs
  * Normalizes `Exception` objects and PHP error data into a single array format, and checks
  * each error against the list of expected errors (set using `expectException()`).  If a match
  * is found, the expectation is removed from the stack and the error is ignored.  If no match
  * is found, then the error data is logged to the test results.
  * @param mixed $exception An `Exception` object instance, or an array containing the following
  *              keys: `'message'`, `'file'`, `'line'`, `'trace'` (in `debug_backtrace()`
  *              format) and optionally `'code'` (error code number) and `'context'` (an array
  *              of variables relevant to the scope of where the error occurred).
  * @param integer $lineFlag A flag used for determining the relevant scope of the call stack.
  *                Set to the line number where test methods are called.
  * @return void
  * @see lithium\test\Unit::expectException()
  * @see lithium\test\Unit::_reportException()
 protected function _handleException($exception, $lineFlag = null)
     if (is_object($exception)) {
         $data = array();
         foreach (array('message', 'file', 'line', 'trace') as $key) {
             $method = 'get' . ucfirst($key);
             $data[$key] = $exception->{$method}();
         $ref = $exception->getTrace();
         $ref = $ref[0] + array('class' => null);
         if ($ref['class'] == __CLASS__ && $ref['function'] == 'skipIf') {
             return $this->_result('skip', $data);
         $exception = $data;
     $message = $exception['message'];
     $isExpected = ($exp = end($this->_expected)) && ($exp === true || $exp == $message || Validator::isRegex($exp) && preg_match($exp, $message));
     if ($isExpected) {
         return array_pop($this->_expected);
     $this->_reportException($exception, $lineFlag);
コード例 #7
  * Detects properties of the request and returns a boolean response.
  * @see lithium\action\Request::detect()
  * @todo Remove $content and refer to Media class instead
  * @param string $flag
  * @return boolean
 public function is($flag)
     $flag = strtolower($flag);
     if (!empty($this->_detectors[$flag])) {
         $detector = $this->_detectors[$flag];
         if (is_array($detector)) {
             list($key, $check) = $detector + array('', '');
             if (is_array($check)) {
                 $check = '/' . join('|', $check) . '/i';
             if (Validator::isRegex($check)) {
                 return (bool) preg_match($check, $this->env($key));
             return $this->env($key) == $check;
         if (is_callable($detector)) {
             return $detector($this);
         return (bool) $this->env($detector);
     return false;