public function get() { // Load mailing list preferences. $all_lists = Subscription::getLists(); $mailing_lists = Subscription::getUserLists(ClientUser::getInstance()->id); Template::getInstance()->set('all_lists', $all_lists); Template::getInstance()->set('mailing_lists', $mailing_lists); }
/** * Show the main page. */ public function get() { $template = Template::getInstance(); $template->set('admin_stats', false); $db = Database::getInstance(); $template->set('roles', $db->selectAll(array('from' => 'role'))); $template->set('permissions', $db->selectAll(array('from' => 'permission'))); }
/** * The main page with options to send emails or tests. */ public function get() { $message_id = Request::get('id', 'int'); if (!$message_id || !($message = Database::getInstance()->selectRow('message', array('message_id' => $message_id)))) { Messenger::error('Message not found.'); return; } $template = Template::getInstance(); $template->set('content', 'mailing_send'); $template->set('message', $message); JS::set('message_id', $message['message_id']); JS::addSessionToken(); }
public function __construct() { ClientUser::requireAdmin(); $list_id = Request::get('list', 'int'); if ($list_id === 0) { Template::getInstance()->set('title', 'Users not on any mailing list.'); $this->accessTableCondition = array('message_list_id' => array('IS NULL')); } elseif ($list_id > 0) { $list = Database::getInstance()->selectField('name', 'message_list', array('message_list_id' => $list_id)); Template::getInstance()->set('title', "Users on list {$list}."); $this->accessTableCondition = array('message_list_id' => $list_id); } else { Template::getInstance()->set('title', 'All users on all lists.'); } parent::__construct(); }
/** * Render the like and share links. */ public static function renderLinks() { $settings = Configuration::get('social.facebook'); if (!empty($settings['share']) || !empty($settings['like'])) { JS::startup("!function(d, s, id) {\n var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];\n if (d.getElementById(id)) return;\n js = d.createElement(s); = id;\n js.src = '//';\n fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);\n}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk');"); Template::getInstance()->addFooter('<div id="fb-root"></div>'); $output = ''; if (!empty($settings['share'])) { $output .= '<div class="fb-share-button" data-layout="button"></div>'; } if (!empty($settings['like']) && !empty($settings['page'])) { $output .= '<div class="fb-like" data-href="' . $settings['page'] . '" data-layout="button" data-action="like" data-show-faces="false" data-share="false"></div>'; } return $output; } }
/** * Prepare the output and tell the template to render. */ public function output() { // Send globals to the template. $template = Template::getInstance(); if (!empty($this->page)) { $template->set('content', $this->page); } $template->set('google_analytics_id', Configuration::get('google_analytics_id')); // TODO: These should be called directly from the template. $template->set('errors', Messenger::getErrors()); $template->set('messages', Messenger::getMessages()); $template->set('site_name', Configuration::get('')); $template->set('blog', Blog::getInstance()); JS::set('active_nav', $this->nav); $template->render($this->template); }
public function get() { ClientUser::requireAdmin(); $template = Template::getInstance(); $config_files = Config::getConfigurations(); $config_data = array(); foreach ($config_files as $source => $file) { $config_data[$source] = Config::getConfigurationData($file); } foreach ($config_data as $source => &$config) { array_walk_recursive($config, function (&$val) use($source) { if (!is_array($val)) { $val = array('#source' => array($source), '#value' => array($val)); } }); } $config_data = call_user_func_array('array_merge_recursive', $config_data); $output = '<ul>' . $this->processSettingsForm($config_data) . '</ul>'; $template->set('rendered_content', $output); }
public function get() { Template::getInstance()->set('content', 'landing'); }
/** * @todo this method needs to be updated. */ public function postChangePass() { $template = Template::getInstance(); $user = ClientUser::getInstance(); $template->set('content', 'user_reset'); if ($_POST['new_pass'] == $_POST['new_pass_conf']) { if (isset($_POST['new_pass'])) { if ($user->change_temp_pass($_POST['email'], $_POST['new_pass'], $_POST['code'])) { $template->set("password_changed", true); } } else { $template->set("change_password", true); } } else { Messenger::error('Your password is not secure. Please pick a more secure password.'); $template->set("change_password", true); } }
public function getNew() { // Prepare the template for a new page. $template = Template::getInstance(); $template->set('action', 'new'); $this->new = true; // Prepare the form. $this->get(); }
public static function notFound() { Messenger::error('Not Found'); header('HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND'); if(static::isJSONRequest()) { static::json(static::ERROR); } else { Template::getInstance()->render(''); } exit; }
public function execute() { // Setup the template. $template = Template::getInstance(); $template->set('table', $this); $template->set('content', 'table'); // Call the appropriate execution handler. parent::execute(); }
public function get() { Template::getInstance()->set('chart', $this); }
public function get() { $blog_id = Request::get('id', 'int') | Request::get('blog_id', 'int'); $path = explode('/', Request::getLocation()); $blog = BlogModel::getInstance(); if (preg_match('/.*\\.htm/', $path[0])) { $blog->loadContentByURL($path[0]); } elseif ($blog_id) { $blog->loadContentById($blog_id); } elseif (array_shift($path) == 'blog') { if (!empty($path)) { $blog->page = is_numeric($path[count($path) - 1]) ? $path[count($path) - 1] : 1; if ($path[0] == 'category') { // Load category roll $blog->loadList($blog->page, 'category', $path[1]); } elseif ($path[0] == 'author') { // Load an author roll. $blog->loadList($blog->page, 'author', $path[1]); } elseif (!empty($blog->page)) { $blog->loadList(); } else { // Try to load a specific blog. $blog->loadContentByURL($path[0]); } } } if (empty($blog->posts)) { // Fall back, load blogroll $blog->loadList(1); } $template = Template::getInstance(); if (count($blog->posts) == 1) { $template->set('page_section', 'blog'); } else { // If there is more than one, we show a list with short bodies. $blog->shorten_body = true; } if (count($blog->posts) == 1) { foreach (array('title', 'keywords', 'description', 'author') as $meta_data) { switch ($meta_data) { case 'title': $value = $blog->posts[0]['title'] . ' | ' . Configuration::get('meta_data.title') . ' | ' . Scrub::toHTML($blog->body($blog->posts[0]['author_name'], true)); break; case 'description': $value = Scrub::toHTML($blog->body($blog->posts[0]['body'], true)); break; case 'author': $value = Scrub::toHTML($blog->body($blog->posts[0]['author_name'], true)); break; default: $value = Scrub::toHTML($blog->body($blog->posts[0][$meta_data], true)); } $template->set('page_' . $meta_data, $value); } } //meta facebook image if (count($blog->posts) == 1 && !empty($blog->posts[0]['header_image'])) { $template->set('og_image', Configuration::get('web_root') . $blog->posts[0]['header_image']); } elseif ($default_image = Configuration::get('blog.default_image')) { $template->set('og_image', Configuration::get('web_root') . $default_image); } }