コード例 #1
  * Delete selected posts
  * @access	private
 private function delete()
     if ((VRequest::action() == 'delete' && VRequest::id() || VPost::delete(false) || VPost::empty_trash(false)) && $this->_user['delete_content']) {
         try {
             $post = new Post();
             if (VGet::action() == 'delete' && VGet::id()) {
                 $post->_id = VGet::id();
                 $this->_db->query('DELETE FROM `' . DB_PREFIX . 'comment` WHERE comment_rel_id = ' . VGet::id() . ' AND comment_rel_type = "post"');
                 $result = $post->_result_action;
             } elseif (VPost::delete(false)) {
                 foreach (VPost::post_id() as $id) {
                     $post->_id = $id;
                     $this->_db->query('DELETE FROM `' . DB_PREFIX . 'comment` WHERE comment_rel_id = ' . $id . ' AND comment_rel_type = "post"');
                 $result = $post->_result_action;
             } elseif (VPost::empty_trash(false)) {
                 $to_read['table'] = 'post';
                 $to_read['columns'] = array('POST_ID');
                 $to_read['condition_columns'][':s'] = 'post_status';
                 $to_read['condition_select_types'][':s'] = '=';
                 $to_read['condition_values'][':s'] = 'trash';
                 $to_read['value_types'][':s'] = 'str';
                 $posts = $this->_db->read($to_read);
                 foreach ($posts as $post) {
                     $this->_db->query('DELETE FROM `' . DB_PREFIX . 'comment` WHERE comment_rel_id = ' . $post['POST_ID'] . ' AND comment_rel_type = "post"');
                 $to_delete['table'] = 'post';
                 $to_delete['condition_columns'][':status'] = 'post_status';
                 $to_delete['condition_values'][':status'] = 'trash';
                 $to_delete['value_types'][':status'] = 'str';
                 $result = $this->_db->delete($to_delete);
             Session::monitor_activity('deleted post(s)');
             $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::deleted($result);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage());
     } elseif ((VRequest::action() == 'delete' && VRequest::id() || VPost::delete(false) || VPost::empty_trash(false)) && $this->_user['delete_content'] === false) {
         $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::action_no_perm();
コード例 #2
  * Retrieve some recent comments pending to be approved
  * @access	private
 private function get_recent_comments()
     if ($this->_user['comments']) {
         try {
             $to_read['table'] = 'comment';
             $to_read['columns'] = array('COMMENT_ID');
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':status'] = 'comment_status';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':status'] = '=';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':status'] = 'pending';
             $to_read['value_types'][':status'] = 'str';
             $to_read['order'] = array('comment_date', 'DESC');
             $to_read['limit'] = array(0, 3);
             $this->_comments = $this->_db->read($to_read);
             if (!empty($this->_comments)) {
                 foreach ($this->_comments as &$comment) {
                     $comment = new Comment($comment['COMMENT_ID']);
                     if ($comment->_rel_type == 'post') {
                         $post = new Post();
                         $post->_id = $comment->_rel_id;
                         $comment->_rel_title = $post->_title;
                         $comment->_rel_permalink = 'ctl=posts&news=' . $post->_permalink;
                     } elseif ($comment->_rel_type == 'media') {
                         $media = new Media();
                         $media->_id = $comment->_rel_id;
                         $comment->_rel_title = $media->_name;
                         $comment->_rel_permalink = 'ctl=albums&album=' . $media->_id;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage());
コード例 #3
  * Update an existing post
  * @access	private
 private function update()
     if ($this->check_post_data()) {
         try {
             $old = new Post();
             $old->_id = $this->_post->_id;
             //if post move from draft to published, creation date is updated
             if ($old->_status == 'draft' && $this->_post->_status == 'publish') {
                 $this->_post->_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $this->_post->update('_date', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_title', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_content', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_allow_comment', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_date', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_status', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_tags', 'str');
             $this->_post->update('_category', 'str');
             if ($this->_post->_status == 'publish') {
                 $this->_post->_updated = 'yes';
                 $this->_post->_update_author = $this->_user['user_id'];
                 $this->_post->update('_updated', 'str');
                 $this->_post->update('_update_author', 'int');
             $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::post_update(true);
             Session::monitor_activity('updated the post "' . $this->_post->_title . '" (status: ' . $this->_post->_status . ')');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::post_update(ucfirst($e->getMessage()));
     $this->_action = 'to_update';
コード例 #4
     * Create post table
     * @access	private
    private function create_post()
        $sql = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $this->_db_prefix . 'post` (
			  `POST_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
			  `post_title` tinytext NOT NULL,
			  `post_content` text NOT NULL,
			  `post_allow_comment` varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'closed\',
			  `post_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
			  `post_author` int(11) NOT NULL,
			  `post_status` varchar(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'draft\',
			  `post_category` varchar(29) NOT NULL,
			  `post_tags` tinytext NOT NULL,
			  `post_permalink` tinytext NOT NULL,
			  `post_updated` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'no\',
			  `post_update_author` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        $create = $this->_db->prepare($sql);
        if ($create->errorCode() != '00000') {
            throw new Exception('false create');
        } else {
            $post = new Post();
            $post->_title = 'Hello World!';
            $post->_content = "Welcome\n";
            $post->_content .= "\n";
            $post->_content .= "This is your first post on Lynxpress. You can edit or delete this one to start blogging.\n";
            $post->_content .= "\n";
            $post->_content .= "I hope you'll like this new CMS.";
            $post->_allow_comment = 'open';
            $post->_author = 1;
            $post->_status = 'publish';
            $post->_category = 1;
            $post->_tags = 'hello, world';
            $post->_permalink = 'hello-world';
コード例 #5
  * Retrieve wanted posts from the database
  * @access	private
 private function get_content()
     try {
         $to_read['table'] = $this->_sql_table;
         $to_read['columns'] = array('POST_ID');
         if (!empty($this->_search)) {
             foreach ($this->_words_to_find as $key => $word) {
                 $search = '%' . $word . '%';
                 $to_read['condition_types'][":title{$key}"] = 'OR';
                 $to_read['condition_columns']['group'][":title{$key}"] = 'post_title';
                 $to_read['condition_select_types'][":title{$key}"] = 'LIKE';
                 $to_read['condition_values'][":title{$key}"] = $search;
                 $to_read['value_types'][":title{$key}"] = 'str';
                 $to_read['condition_types'][":content{$key}"] = 'OR';
                 $to_read['condition_columns']['group'][":content{$key}"] = 'post_content';
                 $to_read['condition_select_types'][":content{$key}"] = 'LIKE';
                 $to_read['condition_values'][":content{$key}"] = $search;
                 $to_read['value_types'][":content{$key}"] = 'str';
         } elseif (!empty($this->_tag)) {
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':tag'] = 'post_tags';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':tag'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':tag'] = '%' . $this->_tag . '%';
             $to_read['value_types'][':tag'] = 'str';
         } elseif (!empty($this->_cat)) {
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':cat'] = 'post_category';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':cat'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':cat'] = '%' . $this->_cat . '%';
             $to_read['value_types'][':cat'] = 'str';
         } elseif (!empty($this->_by_date)) {
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':date'] = 'post_date';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':date'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':date'] = $this->_by_date . '%';
             $to_read['value_types'][':date'] = 'str';
         $to_read['condition_types'][':status'] = 'AND';
         $to_read['condition_columns'][':status'] = 'post_status';
         $to_read['condition_select_types'][':status'] = '=';
         $to_read['condition_values'][':status'] = 'publish';
         $to_read['value_types'][':status'] = 'str';
         $to_read['limit'] = array($this->_limit_start, parent::ITEMS_PAGE);
         $to_read['order'] = array('post_date', 'DESC');
         $this->_content = $this->_db->read($to_read);
         if (!empty($this->_content)) {
             foreach ($this->_content as &$post) {
                 $post = new Post($post['POST_ID']);
                 $user = new User();
                 $user->_id = $post->_author;
                 $post->_author_name = $user->_publicname;
                 $updated = $post->__get('_updated');
                 if ($updated == 'yes') {
                     $user->_id = $post->_update_author;
                     $post->_update_author_name = $user->_publicname;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         @error_log($e->getMessage() . ' file: ' . __FILE__ . '; line: ' . __LINE__, 1, WS_EMAIL);
         header('Location: 404.php');
コード例 #6
  * Retrieve comments from database in function of the status, the type or via a search
  * @access	private
 private function get_comments()
     try {
         $to_read['table'] = 'comment';
         $to_read['columns'] = array('COMMENT_ID');
         if (VGet::action() == 'by_type' && VGet::id() && VGet::type() && VGet::comment_status()) {
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':id'] = 'comment_rel_ID';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':id'] = '=';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':id'] = VGet::id();
             $to_read['value_types'][':id'] = 'int';
             $to_read['condition_types'][':status'] = 'AND';
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':status'] = 'comment_status';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':status'] = '=';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':status'] = $this->_status;
             $to_read['value_types'][':status'] = 'str';
         } elseif (VPost::search_button(false) || VGet::search()) {
             $to_read['condition_columns']['group'][':content'] = 'comment_content';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':content'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':content'] = '%' . $this->_search . '%';
             $to_read['value_types'][':content'] = 'str';
             $to_read['condition_types'][':name'] = 'OR';
             $to_read['condition_columns']['group'][':name'] = 'comment_name';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':name'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':name'] = '%' . $this->_search . '%';
             $to_read['value_types'][':name'] = 'str';
             $to_read['condition_types'][':email'] = 'OR';
             $to_read['condition_columns']['group'][':email'] = 'comment_email';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':email'] = 'LIKE';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':email'] = '%' . $this->_search . '%';
             $to_read['value_types'][':email'] = 'str';
             $to_read['condition_types'][':status'] = 'AND';
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':status'] = 'comment_status';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':status'] = '=';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':status'] = $this->_status;
             $to_read['value_types'][':status'] = 'str';
         } elseif (VGet::action() == 'edit' && VGet::comment_id()) {
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':id'] = 'COMMENT_ID';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':id'] = '=';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':id'] = VGet::comment_id();
             $to_read['value_types'][':id'] = 'int';
         } else {
             $to_read['condition_columns'][':status'] = 'comment_status';
             $to_read['condition_select_types'][':status'] = '=';
             $to_read['condition_values'][':status'] = $this->_status;
             $to_read['value_types'][':status'] = 'str';
         //pass $to_read by parameter to have same conditions
         $to_read['order'] = array('comment_date', 'desc');
         $to_read['limit'] = array($this->_limit_start, parent::ITEMS);
         $this->_content = $this->_db->read($to_read);
         if (!empty($this->_content)) {
             foreach ($this->_content as &$comment) {
                 $comment = new Comment($comment['COMMENT_ID']);
                 if ($comment->_rel_type == 'post') {
                     $post = new Post();
                     $post->_id = $comment->_rel_id;
                     $comment->_rel_title = $post->_title;
                     $comment->_rel_permalink = $post->_permalink;
                 } elseif ($comment->_rel_type == 'media') {
                     $media = new Media();
                     $media->_id = $comment->_rel_id;
                     $comment->_rel_title = $media->_name;
                     $comment->_rel_permalink = $media->_id;
         } elseif (empty($this->_content) && VGet::action() == 'edit') {
             $this->_content[0] = new Comment();
             throw new Exception('Invalid comment!');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->_action_msg = ActionMessages::custom_wrong($e->getMessage());